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在控制农户家庭生计资本、经营结构和外部环境变量的基础上,基于四川省典型山区随机抽样农户调查数据,利用分位数回归探究农村公共品投资规模、综合效率和村落自筹资金比例对农户农业收入和非农收入的影响。结果表明:农户的生计资本和经营结构会显著影响其农业收入和非农收入;在其它条件不变的情况下,农村公共品投资规模对农户农业收入和非农收入影响均不显著;村落自筹资金比例对农户农业收入存在显著负向影响;农村公共品投资效率对农户农业收入影响显著(投资效率越高,农户农业收入越高),而对农户非农收入影响不显著。这给我们的启示是政府部门在加大贫困地区农村公共品投资规模的同时,要注重农户的实际需求,通过提高农村公共品投资资金的综合效率来带动农户收入的提升。  相似文献   

产业扶贫对民族地区贫困农户生计策略和收入水平的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘卫柏  于晓媛  袁鹏举 《经济地理》2019,39(11):175-182
文章利用贵州省3个民族自治贫困县341户贫困农户调研数据,采用Probit计量分析模型和广义精确匹配方法研究产业扶贫对民族地区贫困农户生计策略和收入水平的影响。研究发现:产业扶贫使民族地区贫困农户参与特色农产品种植、特色畜禽养殖生计模式的占比分别提升了13%和15%,但产业扶贫对民族地区贫困农户外出从事非农务工和经商活动影响并不明显;与此同时,产业扶贫项目实施显著提升了民族地区贫困农户的特色农产品种植收入、特色畜禽养殖收入和总收入水平,降低了外出从事非农务工活动收入,但产业扶贫对经商活动收入和贫困农户人均收入影响并不明显。因此,产业扶贫项目实施在提升民族地区贫困农户增收能力,实现脱贫致富目标的效果较为明显,民族地区贫困农户在产业扶贫项目引导下有更多的时间和精力分配给特色农产品种植、特色畜禽养殖等农业生产活动,并降低外出从事非农务工活动的时间,实现民族地区贫困农户生计模式向特色农业生产转移。  相似文献   

2008年下半年以来,国际金融危机对中国的影响日渐加深,危机之下贫困地区农户的收入和生活受到怎样的影响?通过对中西部贫困地区六省12县的入户调查,分析贫困地区农村劳动力流动、非农就业、农业生产、农户消费等方面的变化,调研发现:贫困地区劳动力流动受到明显影响,2009年农户的各项收入比上年有一定程度下降,不过日常生活消费未受明显影响.研究建议加强贫困地区劳动力技能培训、扶持本地创业的举措,积极探索农产品价格保护、推广农业保险等稳定农业收入的政策.  相似文献   

江苏省农业生产过程中碳减排潜力的理论与实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于农户非农就业的视角,从理论和实证两个方面,结合江苏省的时序数据,运用最小二乘估计、格兰杰因果关系检验等分析方法,验证了农户非农就业有助于农业生产过程中碳减排的假说。研究发现:农户人均非农收入与农业收入之差每扩大1%,将会使得农业生产中碳排放减少约2.79%;农户人均非农收入与农业收入之差和亩均化肥投入之间确实存在长期负向的协整关系;而且农户人均非农收入与农业收入之差的扩大是导致亩均化肥投入量减少的格兰杰原因。表明农户人均非农收入相对于其农业收入越高,越有利于农业生产过程中的碳减排。针对以上分析结论,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

蒋小兴 《经济师》2006,(12):73-74
毫无疑问,农业产业结构调整能够有效地提高农户务农收入。但是,在苏南很多地区的农户并没有改变其耕种结构,很多农户依然维持原先的耕种结构。文章建立一个模型旨在解释农户为何没有改变其耕种结构,其根本原因在于农户从事的农业生产活动和非农业生产活动在时间投入上的竞争关系。  相似文献   

为了解我国新农业补贴制度的作用机理和政策效果,笔者构建农户行为模型进行分析。结果表明,农业生产与农户要素配置密切相关,而农户要素配置取决于农业比较利益;农业投入补贴和农产品价格补贴促进农业生产,而收入补贴并无生产效应;在政策效果上,价格补贴具有稳定的产出效果,而投入补贴的产出效果与农业要素价格和农户非农经营利润率有关;此外,投入补贴和价格补贴都具有积极的收入效应。我国当前农业补贴采取的直补模式使补贴的重心落入收入范畴,对农业生产的促进作用甚小。我国农业补贴的理性目标应该是生产导向而非收入导向,补贴结构和方式应据此改变。  相似文献   

本文基于收入相对剥夺理论,利用山东、河北、河南3省粮食种植户的抽样调查数据,运用中介效应模型和工具变量分位数模型分析本地非农就业与外出务工两种劳动力转移类型对农户收入不平等的影响,并在此基础上讨论了农业技术选择的中介机制。研究表明:劳动力本地非农就业、外出务工两种劳动力转移类型均显著降低了农户收入不平等状况;从作用逻辑来看,本地非农就业降低收入不平等的作用对低收入相对剥夺农户更为显著,外出务工对高收入不平等农户收入相对剥夺的改善效果更加明显;本地非农就业可以通过采用农业节水技术进而缩小农户收入不平等,而节水技术选择在外出务工和农户收入不平等之间起到遮掩效应,部分抑制了外出务工对收入不平等的改善效果。因此,降低本地非农就业的进入门槛,引导本地就业劳动力采用先进农业生产技术,继续鼓励劳动力外出务工是改善农户收入不平等的关键。  相似文献   

农户根据家庭净收益最大化来优化配置劳动力,该优化配置决定了劳动力剩余状态;家庭净收益最大化使得兼业家庭偏好把劳动力投向非农行业,导致农业生产的中间要素和劳动投入相对不足。农业家庭根据净收益最大化来配置劳动力之后仍存在劳动力剩余。贫困地区非农工作机会少,加之农户受教育程度低,且多为少数民族,找到非农工作的机会渺茫,这就解释了我国城市"民工荒"与贫困地区劳动力剩余并存的现象,但劳动力剩余规模并不大。  相似文献   

文章基于2020年中国乡村振兴综合调查(CRRS)数据,从家庭收入和幸福感两个层面,考察农业生产托管对农民共同富裕的影响、作用机制及异质性差异。研究发现,农业生产托管对农民共同富裕的实现产生了积极作用,在处理了其内生性问题后研究结论依然稳定。异质性分析表明,农业生产托管对高收入组农户的共同富裕促进效应要强于低收入组;对高人力资本组农户的共同富裕具有显著促进作用,而对低人力资本组的作用并不显著;对小农户家庭的共同富裕产生了显著正向影响,而对规模户的影响并不显著,发挥着促进“共享”的分配效应。作用机制检验发现,农业生产托管主要通过提升农作物产量、降低种植生产成本、扩大耕地经营规模及促进非农就业转移来提升农户的收入水平,并凭借提高农民对未来收入的预期和选择与行动的自由来提升家庭幸福感,收入及幸福感的双重提升促进了农民共同富裕的实现。研究结论对于助力农业生产托管政策顺利实施、促进农民共同富裕水平的持续提升具有重要的理论和现实意义,也为农业生产托管与农民共同富裕关系的研究提供了新证据。  相似文献   

经济作物种植和非农生产活动均为农户用于获取经济收入的重要途径。通过对河南省柘城县辣椒种植业及非农生产活动的调查分析,发现经济作物种植与非农生产活动空间分布呈现一定的对应关系:以县城为中心,随着距离的增加,二者分别呈现"低—高—低"和"高—低—高"的空间分布特征;以各自所属乡镇行政中心所在地为中心,随着距离的增加,二者分别呈现"低—高—低—高"和"高—低—高—低"的空间分布特征。建立理论模型,并给出了形成以上现象的可能性原因。找出特定农作物与非农生产活动空间分布特征,对鉴别农业专业化生产区域、优化农区空间结构、提高土地产出率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

利用对山东寿光和河北定州308个蔬菜种植农户的调研数据,基于双变量相关分析和加权最小二乘回归模型,对农户家庭人口学特征对绿色农产品生产的影响进行实证分析。结果表明:户主性别、户主年龄、投入到绿色农产品生产的劳动力数量以及农产品生产收入对农产品质量安全水平有显著性作用,而户主的受教育程度、家庭人口数、农业劳动力、家庭总收入、是否有外出务工劳动力对绿色农产品生产没有明显影响。  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that farm households in developing countries maintain a portfolio of income-generating activities. Concerns have been raised that household income diversification to include nonfarm activities will stifle farm works, and thus reduce agricultural productivity. On the contrary, some evidence of complementarity between the farm and nonfarm activities in rural areas has been found. This paper uses data from the fourth and the fifth waves of Tanzania's National Panel Surveys to examine whether there exists complementarity or substitutability between farm and nonfarm activities in rural Tanzania. The findings show that participation in off-farm work and nonfarm business activities has no clear relationship to the adoption and use of improved agricultural practices, namely, irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Participation in off-farm work and nonfarm business activities does not also seem to directly influence agricultural investments, production, and productivity nor overall household income. These results suggest that the complementary and substitution effects of nonfarm activities offset each other in Tanzania, implying that proper policies are required to unleash the potential impact of nonfarm activities on agriculture.  相似文献   

Context : Different from general agriculture, tobacco agriculture in China adopts the production mode of farmers’ cooperatives to instruct farmers to engage in tobacco agricultural production under a policy of tobacco control. In addition to providing convenience for industry technical standardization, the policy goal aims to cope with the impact of production risk shocks and ultimately ensure the modernization and transformation of the tobacco industry and the stability of income of farmers. Objective : This study intends to explore the influence mechanism of the different degrees of cooperation and participation in cooperatives on the income of tobacco farmers from the perspective of risk shocks. Methods : Through the quantitative methods of the OLS regression model, hierarchical regression model and moderation model, this paper analyzes the data of 393 farmers engaged in tobacco agricultural production in Shaanxi Province obtained from survey and empirically analyzes the relationship between the degree of cooperation and participation in cooperatives and income. Interaction terms between risk shocks and cooperation are introduced to verify the regulatory effect of participation in tobacco farmers’ professional cooperatives on mitigating risk shocks and improving agricultural income. Results and conclusions : The results show that while risk shocks, including natural risks, market risks and policy risks, negatively affect the income of tobacco farmers, the degree of cooperation and participation has a significant positive effect on the income of tobacco farmers, and the degree of peasant households’ participation in the professional cooperative of tobacco farmers as a moderator variable has a regulatory effect on mitigating the impact of risk shocks on the income of tobacco farmers. The mechanism of action is that tobacco farmers participate in cooperatives to a higher degree, which can further promote the association of farmers and jointly resist risk shocks by reducing production costs, improving the technical level, and strengthening risk prevention and other measures to improve the income level. Significance : It would be helpful to encourage tobacco farmers to take the initiative to participate in the daily management-related affairs and decisions of cooperatives, strengthen technical training, obey cooperative management, and actively respond to cooperative policies to effectively resist risk shocks and stabilize farmers’ income level and family welfare.  相似文献   

占小军 《经济地理》2012,(8):131-135
加入农业合作组织将在一定程度上减少农户生产经营活动的盲目性,提升其生产经营活动的组织性和计划性,进而增强分散农户抗衡市场风险的能力。以江西省289个农户为研究对象,实证分析了粮食主产区农户加入农业合作组织的意愿,结果表明:30.8%的农户愿意加入农业合作组织,显著影响农户加入农业合作组织意愿的因素是户主年龄、户主文化程度、户主对风险的偏好、家庭种植面积、获取交易信息难易程度、交易过程顺畅程度以及是否参加过农业技术培训。  相似文献   

农业保险需求不足是困扰中国农业保险发展的重要问题,也是政策性农业保险的重要理论根据之一。文章基于河北省11个地市的实地调查数据,运用Logistic模型对农业保险需求可能存在的影响因素进行分析,得出农民年收入、农民对农业保险的了解程度、农业生产是否划算以及是否必要购买保险等对农业保险需求存在显著影响的结论,提出应当通过提高农民收入、扩大宣传、加大政府政策支持力度以及扩大试点地区范围等措施来提高农业保险的有效需求,促进农业保险的发展。  相似文献   

Information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role in rural livelihoods and household well-being. Therefore, this study examines the impact of ICT adoption on farmers' decisions to access credit and the joint effects of ICT adoption and access to credit on household income using 2016 China Labour-force Dynamics Survey data. Both recursive bivariate probit model and a selectivity-corrected ordinary least square regression model are employed for the analysis. The results show that ICT adoption increases the probability of access to credit by 12.8% in rural China and empowers rural women and farm households in relatively less-developed regions to access credit. ICT adoption and access to credit affect household income differently. ICT adoption significantly increases household income, while access to credit significantly reduces it, primarily because farmers do not use the acquired credit to invest in income-generating farm and off-farm business activities. ICT adoption has the largest positive impact on household income at the highest 90th quantile. Our findings suggest that improving rural ICT infrastructure to enhance farmers' ICT adoption and developing ICT-based financial products to enable households to access sufficient funds can improve rural household welfare.  相似文献   

Farming households that differ in their ability or willingness to take on risks are likely to allocate resources and effort among income producing activities differently with consequences for productivity. In this paper we measure voluntary and involuntary departures from efficiency for rice producing households in the Bicol region of the Philippines. We take advantage of a panel of observations on households from 1978, 1983 and 1994. Available monthly weather data and survey information on planting times allows us to create household specific measures of weather shocks, which we use in our analysis. We find evidence that diversification and input choices do affect efficiency outcomes among farmers, although these effects are not dominant; accumulated wealth, past decisions to invest, favorable market conditions, and propitious weather are also important determinants of efficiency outcomes among Bicol rice farmers. Our findings suggest that the costs of incomplete formal and informal insurance markets are higher for poorer farmers.  相似文献   

Many factors besides profit maximization, such as nonmarket ecological and social benefits, influence smallholder households to adopt a specific agricultural production system or sell in a particular market. Thus, different analytical techniques are needed that take into consideration more than monetary income to fully capture these additional benefits to better understand the production decisions of smallholder farmers. We build on previous work on the household model and shadow wage estimation to develop a shadow wage for Ecuadorian cacao producers that includes these nonmarket benefits. We found that the shadow wage correctly indicated that, on average, these households would prefer to use an agroforestry production system instead of the more profitable modern system because of the nonmarket benefits received from the former system.  相似文献   

李学清  刘雨 《经济问题》2012,(4):121-125
自耕农所有制是日本农地制度的基础,它所赋予的农民对土地的充分权利调动了他们的积极性,有效地提高了农业生产率,保证了日本粮食和各种农产品的充裕的供给;同时增加了农民的农业收入。日本工业,尤其是农村工业的迅速发展,促进了农民非农兼业收入的较快增长。农业收入和兼业收入的相互补充使日本农家收入在20世纪70年代以后达到或略超过城市家庭,实现了城乡收入均衡。在我国致力于缩小城乡收入差距、建设和谐社会的今天,日本经验值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

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