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Journal of Productivity Analysis - This study employs the recently developed conditional nonparametric frontier approach to assess the impact of environmental expenditures associated with...  相似文献   

Occurrences of financial distress (FD) are not readily obvious yet can span several periods. This paper examines episodes of FD using industry‐relative (IR) firm‐/ accounting‐, market‐ and macro‐level information. Mixed logit regressions reveal that firm‐ and market‐based measures, as well as macro‐level variables explain the likelihood of FD in 263 publicly listed non‐banking firms in the Philippines during the period 1995 to 2018. Rates of identification of firms in financial distressed states of close to 69 percent are obtained at a cutoff probability of 0.30 in the model with time‐varying intercept and slope. This study shows the importance of recognizing heterogeneous firm behavior. The ability to more accurately predict the probability of FD and to determine the financial health of firms can help financial institutions in allocating funds and policy makers in predicting crises episodes.  相似文献   

本文以我国中小盘上市公司为样本,采用多元回归分析方法,研究公司治理变量与盈利能力之间的关系.研究发现:资本结构、第一大股东持股比例、"补丁"、诚信水平、法治指数、市场化指数和流通股比例与业绩存在显著的负相关关系;高管持股量和高管薪酬与业绩显著正相关.内部治理结构变量(董事会规模、独立董事比例、独立董事参加会议比例和专业委员会设置)与盈利能力不存在显著关系.本文认为,对于已经上市或准备上市的企业,应该完善公司治理结构,发挥独立董事和专业委员会的作用,同时建立有效的激励机制.政府应致力于建立良好的市场环境,培育有效的控制权竞争市场.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to investigate the implications of the ownership structure and control transfers in the Japanese corporate market, which are attributed mainly to the government’s liberalization policies during 1990s. It appears that institutional shareholdings—either financial or non-financial corporations—are associated with poor performance, whereas the foreign and domestic private ownerships lead to an improvement in the performance of the firms. We observe that unwinding the cross-shareholding between banks and corporations and mutual transfers among non-financial institutions allows for efficiency gain. Furthermore, the ownership transfer to private and foreign individuals is consistently associated with high market value, which implies that individuals’ transfers lead to an increase in efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how two distinctive features of the German corporate governance system—concentrated ownership structure and representation of employees on firm supervisory boards—influence the sensitivity of managerial pay to firm profitability. There is a positive, though very small, link between pay and profitability for widely held firms. The presence of a largest owner seems hardly to affect this link in any economically significant way. However, the link between pay and profitability is smaller and indeed not significantly different from zero in firms whose largest owner is a German financial institution. This suggests that large owners tend to act as a substitute for rather than a complement to performance related pay in Germany. We thank Dennis Leech for allowing us to use his algorithms for computing voting power indices, and Brian Cheffins, Tim Guinnane, Andrew Harvey, Dennis Leech, Hamish Low, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Melvyn Weeks and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. The research reported in this paper was started during a joint visit to CES, University of Munich, and completed during visits of Edwards and Weichenrieder to the University of Konstanz and the ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich. We thank the three institutions for their hospitality, especially Bernd Genser and Hans-Werner Sinn. A previous version of this paper was circulated under the title “The Measurement of Firm Ownership and its Effect on Managerial Pay”.  相似文献   

The recent debate on the onerous costs of compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act has primarily focused on small firms. I study the effects of SOX compliance on such firms by comparing the performance of Canadian small-cap firms that are subject to SOX provisions with those that are not, while: (a) taking into account firms’ internal and external governance mechanisms, including the market for corporate control, and (b) accounting for the simultaneous interactions between alternative governance mechanisms and firm performance. Firms subject to Sarbanes-Oxley experienced an incremental increase in market valuation ranging between 15.7% and 34% depending on the measure of board independence used in the estimation. Some sub-optimal deployment of the endogenous governance mechanisms is observed, while the market for corporate control serves as a positive disciplining factor.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the association between growth of the firm and ownership structure under conditions of information asymmetry. The objective is to show the effects of information asymmetry (favorable vs. adverse selection) on the choice of the ownership structure that helps firms grow. Our sample includes nonfinancial firms listed in the S&P500 over the period 2000 to 2016. The dependent variable is growth of the firm measured by growth in sales. The independent variables are proxies for changes in ownership structure, individual investors, investment managers, and brokerage firms. Observations are grouped according to level of information asymmetry (high or low) using three proxies for information asymmetry: beta of return on equity (ROE), probability of default of ROE, and q ratio. The results conclude that (a) changes in ownership structure affect growth of the firm positively and (b) the effect of ownership structure is more significant and consistent at low level of information asymmetry. The contribution of the paper is threefold. First, it extends the arguments of corporate governance by showing the impact of ownership structure on growth of the firm. Second, the paper offers robust evidence that growth of the firm is associated with low level of information asymmetry. Third, the paper shows that fundamental financial information can help lessen the level of information asymmetry and thus help firms grow.  相似文献   

The Korean housebuilding industry has been subject to structural changes since the 1980s. One of the key features is that housebuilding firms have become diversified into a range of businesses and as a result display multi-product structure. This paper examines the efficiency of the multi-product structure of Korean housebuilding firms. For the analysis, translog cost functions were estimated using data for 201 building firms for the 3 years 1993–1995. The empirical results indicate that medium-size building firms enjoy increasing returns to scale, whereas large firms experience constant returns to scale. Korean building firms exhibit significant economies of scope in their diversification activities. Large firms have the greatest economies of scope. These results are consistent with cost efficiency for the multi-product structure of Korean housebuilding firms. The estimated optimum scale suggests that many large firms should expand only through diversification.  相似文献   

Based on stakeholder theory and considering the conflicting performance interests of a wide range of stakeholders, this research investigates corporate performance patterns using a cluster analysis of financial, social, and environmental performance dimensions. An analysis of a Canadian sample of 771 company-year observations for the period 2014–2018 reveals three types of corporate performance: financially focused performance, balanced performance, and corporate social responsibility (CSR)-focused performance. Firms in the largest cluster, financially focused performance, deliver poor sustainable performance and prioritize financial performance over social and environmental performance. The CSR-focused performance cluster scores low for financial performance and high for environmental and social performance. The balanced-performance cluster also has higher levels of sustainable performance but is the smallest cluster, accounting for a quarter of the sample. Overall, this study presents a portrait of corporate performance balancing financial and CSR objectives and the evolution of this activity over the research period.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of corporate governance on firm performance and stock return behavior using panel data for Indian listed firms for 2006 to 2015. Our results suggest that corporate governance improves firm performance. However, corporate governance information fails to provide excess risk‐adjusted returns to investors, as governance information is well assimilated in prevailing stock prices. In addition to extending the scant literature focused on emerging markets, our findings will prove useful to investors, fund managers, and rating agencies in making investment decisions and regulators in assessing the impact of governance norms.  相似文献   

In this work, a sample of firms listed on China's Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) is employed to investigate the impact of human capital and equity concentration on firm performance. It shows that entrepreneurs' education level, industry experience and technical professional background have a positive impact on firm performance. Moreover, the higher the equity concentration, the better a firm's performance. Entrepreneurs with rich industry experience and a technical professional background tend to collect and condense equity, thereby increasing equity concentration. These findings reveal the relationship between entrepreneurial human capital and ownership concentration and enrich research on firm performance.  相似文献   

The nexus between corporate social responsibility and corporate performance is of fundamental importance to understand if the former can be a sustainable strategy in the competitive race. In this paper we test this relationship on a sample of firms observed in a 13-year interval by focusing on a performance indicator (productive efficiency) seldom explored in this literature with a novel approach (latent class stochastic frontiers). Our empirical findings show that firms included in the Domini 400 index (a CSR stock market index) do not appear to be more distant from the production frontier than firms in the control sample after controlling for the heterogeneity of production structure.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the important role of human resource management practices with a link between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. Data were collected from a survey of 124 firms operating in different industries in Turkey. The findings of this study indicated that human resource management (HRM) practices partially mediated the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. In other words, corporate entrepreneurship affects firm performance, both directly and through its effects on HRM practices. In addition to corporate entrepreneurship, it is found that HRM practices explain a significant level of additional variance (9 per cent) in firm performance. The theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

While scholars have long recognised the influence of firm decisions on aspects of compensation (e.g. pay level and pay mix), prior compensation studies offer an ambiguous understanding regarding their scope. Some studies argue that firms customise compensation decisions according to employee groups, whereas others assume that firm compensation decisions apply uniformly throughout a firm. To address this research gap, the current study analyses pay levels and pay mixes for R&D employees and administrative employees in US high‐technology firms. Our empirical analyses show that firms make distinct compensation decisions for these two job families, but these decisions are ultimately consistent. These findings highlight firms' intention to strike a balance between customising compensation systems according to employee groups and maintaining internal consistency. Our findings add interesting insights to the strategic HRM and talent management literatures, which claim that firms should differentiate among employees when designing HRM systems.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100976
The study examines the impact of institutional factors on working capital management for a sample of 5431 European listed firms over the period 2010–2018. Employing a weighted least squares (WLS) methodology, we provide empirical evidence on the role of institutional quality in shaping the working capital policies of European listed firms. The results indicate that firms located in countries with a stronger institutional framework maintain lower levels of working capital on average. The results are robust to different subsamples of firms. The study complements the extant literature by analyzing the effects of institutional quality on working capital management, across a large number of different institutional systems specific to developed and transition economies alike. The results are useful for practitioners and policy makers in understanding the relationship between institutional quality and short-term firm-level decisions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to expand the literature on the corporate governance of transition economies by analyzing the relationship between corporate governance and productive efficiency in China's publicly listed manufacturing industry firms. We use the principal component analysis and the hybrid meta-frontier DEA model, separating inputs into radial inputs that change proportionally and non-radial inputs that change non-proportionally to measure the technical efficiency and technology gap ratios of publicly listed Chinese firms in different manufacturing industries during 2010–2013. The input variables are the net value of fixed assets, staff number, and the characteristics of the corporate governance system, while the output variables are gross revenue and total profit. The empirical result shows that inefficiency due to corporate governance is the main reason for lower efficiency in most manufacturing firms. For the technology gap ratio (TGR), the metal and mineral and the machinery, equipment and instrument are the two highest efficient sectors, whereas the paper and allied products sub-industry has the lowest efficiency during 2010–2013. In addition, the ratio of state-owned firms whose inefficiency is mainly caused by corporate governance to total state-owned firms is greater than that of non-state-owned firms in each year. The TGR analysis shows that the efficiency performance of non-state-owned firms is greater than state-owned firms.  相似文献   

Managers are likely to withhold negative news to protect their own interests. When they can no longer withhold such news, extreme negative returns and a stock price crash (SPC) follow. This study explores whether a favorable corporate governance (CG) mechanism helps reduce SPC risk. The findings reveal that CG affects SPC risk. Moreover, the effects of institutional ownership, board size, and disclosure violation frequency are particularly significant in family-owned businesses. We also examine the effectiveness of CG evaluation (CGE) in Taiwan and discover that companies with high rankings are substantially less likely to encounter an SPC. This study verifies that CGE can be considered an indicator of SPC risk.  相似文献   

The majority of share buybacks in Vietnam involve the sole stated purpose of price stabilization. Using a sample of repurchases announced in 2008–2016 and control firms based on propensity score matching, we find the Vietnamese repurchases to be effective in stabilizing prices and enhancing liquidity. Utilizing the special disclosure features in Vietnam that allow clearly-defined sub-windows of pre-trading, trading, and post-trading, we further examine the different mechanisms of market reactions and actual firm buyback transactions in the buyback process. We document significantly higher abnormal returns over the pre-trading window driven by market reactions, and improved liquidity and reduced volatility over the firm’s actual transaction window for the buyback firms. We also report a significant moderating effect of target shares announced and actual shares repurchased depending on the sub-window under examination. We do not find any evidence of effectiveness in the post-trading window or over a longer-term beyond the buyback period.  相似文献   

Acquisition is one way entrepreneurial firms have to capture the assets needed to achieve their strategic objectives. We investigate shareholder value creation of Spanish listed firms in response to announcements of acquisitions over the period 1991–2006. Similar to foreign markets, bidders earn insignificant average abnormal returns regardless of the pricing model used in the estimation procedure. When we relate these results to company and transaction characteristics our evidence suggests that the listing status of the target firm is a critical key in the strategic decision to acquire a company. This listing status effect is mainly associated with the fact that unlisted firms tend to be smaller and lesser–known firms, and thus suffer from a lack of competition in the market for corporate control. Consequently, the payment of lower premiums and the possibility of diversifying shareholders’ portfolios lead to unlisted firm acquisitions being viewed as value–orientated transactions which have major implications for managers.  相似文献   

We examine if a gender gap persists in executive compensation and if the composition and the determinants of executive compensation for men versus women are the same for the S&P1500 listed firms during the period from 1992 to 2004. This analysis is also extended to high tech firms, where high scholarship is required both for male and female executives. The results reveal that the gender gap in executive compensation is reducing essentially after the year 2000. Also, the factors that explain the variation in executive compensation are not all the same for men and women. However, firms continue to pay women, who are considered more risk averse than men, a similar proportion of risky compensation components, such as stock options and restricted stocks, than they pay to men. In terms of technology firms, we find that the gender differences in total compensation are not statistically significant. Our study offers insight into recent data for executive compensation. The finding that the gender gap diminishes is a sign of a better functioning market for executives. Our findings could be potentially useful for compensation committees in order to develop compensation packages that take into consideration the degree of risk aversion in order to enhance performance. Compensation adjusted for risk aversion can produce a higher level of satisfaction for the employees and can lead to better performances. Future research should focus on international comparison of various dimensions of executive compensation.  相似文献   

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