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简要的分析了我国物流市场的需求概况,介绍了上海商业储运有限公司基本设施以及目前物流业务运作现状,提出了公司发展目标,要做大做强物流业,积极融入百联集团的发展。  相似文献   

This paper is about aspects of an optimal relationship between 2 firms, a supplier and a retailer, in a 2‐party supply chain. The focus is on sharing private information when demand uncertainty exists so as to better coordinate the supply chain. It draws inspiration from a real case in Ireland of a new fish‐processing company, Oceanpath, and a supermarket chain, Superquinn, in which information was shared. The argument is that sharing the retailer's information increases supply chain profit, as well as benefiting consumers. Profit sharing will be needed to guarantee that both the retailer and the supplier gain when information is shared.  相似文献   

产业融合是信息化进程中呈现的一种产业新范式。产业间的关联性和对效益最大化的追求是产业融合发展的内在动力,在不同的产业领域内,产业融合以不同的方式演进。产业融合带来创新性优化效应、竞争性结构效应、组织性结构效应、竞争性能力效应、消费性能力效应及区域效应等。产业之间的渗透融合是21世纪产业发展的大趋势,我国政府应制定相应的措施来促进我国产业融合及产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the following two questions: (i) Is there any evidence that firms, like human beings, prefer to partner with alike? (ii) Is there any relationship between the ex ante technological and product relatedness of merging parties and the postmerger performances? Using data of patent holdings and product portfolios of big pharmaceutical companies, I find that (i) merger deals are more likely to be signed between firms with related technologies and drug portfolios, and (ii) product relatedness and technology relatedness are positively and negatively correlated with postmerger performances, respectively. The analysis suggests that the negative effect of technology relatedness might be driven by a large human capital depreciation following consolidations. The results have important implications for competition policy, which are discussed in the concluding section.  相似文献   

Research on the mechanisms for conducting business with suppliers has traditionally centred on the nature of arm’s length and embedded relational models. While such models provide a basis for understanding market and closely integrated approaches to supply chain management it has been recognised that a variety of hybrid models occur in practice. This paper identifies and examines a hybrid model of buyer–supplier relationships that forms part of a portfolio of relationships managed by a large Australian organisation. The hybrid model takes a local community perspective within a market based mechanism. The characteristics of the hybrid model are underpinned by the motivation to maintain goodwill in the supplier community and employ a global competitive electronic marketplace for procurement. Strategies to manage local suppliers and consideration of their role and standing in the local community are important factors that large organisations need to incorporate in hybrid procurement arrangements.  相似文献   

文章针对传统图文档管理系统在产品开发过程管理的不足,提出了融合项目开发过程的图文档管理软件系统。开发了系统的项目管理模块、工作流程管理模块、图文档管理模块、产品配置模块、编码管理模块、用户管理模块等功能模块,用于管理中小型企业分散存储的图文档技术资料,并管理项目开发的进程。应用结果表明,该系统可以有效地提高产品数据管理的效率。  相似文献   

文章针对传统图文档管理系统在产品开发过程管理的不足,提出了融合项目开发过程的图文档管理软件系统。开发了系统的项目管理模块、工作流程管理模块、图文档管理模块、产品配置模块、编码管理模块、用户管理模块等功能模块,用于管理中小型企业分散存储的图文档技术资料,并管理项目开发的进程。应用结果表明,该系统可以有效地提高产品数据管理的效率。  相似文献   

周力军 《经营者》2005,(8):103-104
<正>中国企业海外并购的趋势在2004年已初现端倪,如联想集团收购IBM个人电脑事业部、中海油在海外并购油气资源等。2005年,中国企业到海外并购资产的趋势加剧:大的有上汽集团并购韩国双龙、大宇,小的也有奇瑞在马来西亚、伊朗设厂生产。一向吸引外资的中国汽车行业突然大幅迈出海外并购的步伐,跻身到世界汽车的大潮之中。TCL先后收购施耐德、汤姆逊的彩电部门和阿尔卡特的手机部门,则是中国企业向世界级企业进军过程中通过跨国并购、迅速扩大规模的典范,开创了海外大规模并购的先河。海尔收购美国家电巨头模式美泰克更成为近期传媒关注的焦点。去年中国公司已在160多个国家和地区投资了330亿美元,中国将在今后四年成为全球第五大外国直接投资供应国。市场需求是中国公司全球并购行动的根本动因。世界经济一体化进程加快,收购技术先进的欧美企业是迅速拉近中国企业与国际先进水平差距的有效办法,快速做大最主要的方法之一就是通过并购迅速扩大规模。海外并购,其战略意义显而易见, 被收购的跨国公司拥有大量的知识产权,广大的海外渠道和知名的品牌,这些都是中国企业所缺乏的,加上中国企业的低成本优势,国际竞争力似乎指日可待。  相似文献   

Language and the Circuits of Power in a Merging Multinational Corporation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
abstract    We argue in this paper that corporate language policies have significant power implications that are easily overlooked. By drawing on previous work on power in organizations ( Clegg, 1989 ), we examine the complex power implications of language policy decisions by looking at three levels of analysis: episodic social interaction, identity/subjectivity construction, and reconstruction of structures of domination. In our empirical analysis, we focus on the power implications of the choice of Swedish as the corporate language in the case of the recent banking sector merger between the Finnish Merita and the Swedish Nordbanken. Our findings show how language skills become empowering or disempowering resources in organizational communication, how these skills are associated with professional competence, and how this leads to the creation of new social networks. The case also illustrates how language skills are an essential element in the construction of international confrontation, lead to a construction of superiority and inferiority, and also reproduce post-colonial identities in the merging bank. Finally, we also point out how such policies ultimately lead to the reification of post-colonial and neo-colonial structures of domination in multinational corporations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an examination of optimal revenue management of a monopoly auction house through which a seller sells goods via a second‐price auction. The house charges commissions to both the buyer and seller. Results demonstrate that a continuum of combinations of optimal buyer and seller commission rates exists, all of which yield the same expected profit of the house. Additionally, we discuss several possible factors that lead to the prevailing custom of zero buyer commission, such as commission aversion of buyers, the house's incentive to maximize the hammer price, and seller and buyer preferences for apparently lowered commission rates.  相似文献   

The ability to leverage social capital within strategic buyer–supplier relationships is increasingly cited as a key driver of value creation. Despite the importance of strategic partnerships, the process by which social capital accumulates within buyer–supplier relationships and contributes to buyer performance improvements is not well understood. Drawing on social capital theory, we develop a model linking positive relational capital, and its antecedents, supplier integration and supplier closeness, to buyer performance improvements. Further, we hypothesize that structural capital, as reflected in managerial communication and technical exchanges, is also positively related to buyer performance improvements. Using data provided by 111 procurement executives from the United Kingdom, we find support for our hypotheses. The study extends the supply chain management and social capital literature and suggests important implications for both research and practice.  相似文献   

周文军 《经营者》2005,(8):111-111
<正>中国企业,可以走出有自己特色的扩张路径。对那些希望获取技术的公司来说,更安全可靠的办法可能是成立合资公司,只有掌握了跨文化整合的方法和技巧,才有可能取得最终的成功。  相似文献   

现金并购意味着收购股权的支付方式有别于传统的现金支付方式,而现金并购中的关键环节是真实的反映被并购企业的价值。本文对并购企业价值的决定与相关因素及其使用方法进行了分析,认为完善现金收购中的定价体系,有助于资本市场的进一步发展,对并购定价体系给予科学的分析具有实际意义。  相似文献   

北京第一机床厂:后发国家技术追赶型跨国并购的范例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,跨国并购逐渐成为中国企业获得技术来源,提高创新能力的一种重要途径。本文以北京机床第一机床厂并购德国阿道夫·瓦德里希科堡有限两合公司的并购案为例,阐述了并购的过程及对北京第一机床厂创新能力提升的作用,总结了其成功的经验,以期对其他希望通过追赶型跨国并购提升创新能力的企业有所启示和帮助。  相似文献   

浅析联想并购的技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余博 《价值工程》2006,25(2):110-112
联想并购IBMPC业务后良好的市场表现表明了联想并购的初步成功。探析联想并购成功的原因,可以发现从并购前的聘请国际级中介机构到进行公关游说消除政治化责问,从设法留住管理层和员工队伍到提早实施文化整合,从吸引战略投资到采取灵活的并购策略都表现了联想高超的并购技巧,这些技巧可以为中国企业跨国并购提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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