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高校校园网与办公自动化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先简要回顾了办公自动化的发展概况,接着重点讨论了利用高校校园网加强办公自动化的方法和措施,最后指出了高校在办公自动化、网络化时应注意的相关问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, the power rates and distributional properties of the Outfit, Infit, Lz, ECI2z and ECI4z statistics when they are used in tests with biased or differential item functioning (DIF) were explored. In this study, different conditions of sample size, sample size ratio focal and reference group, impact between groups, DIF effect size, and percentage of DIF items were manipulated. In addition, examinee responses were generated to simulate uniform DIF. Results suggest that item fit statistics generally detected medium percents of DIF in large samples (1000/500 or 1000/1000) only when DIF effect size was relatively high and when the mean of focal and reference group was different. Moreover, when groups had equal mean, low correct identification rates were found in the five item-fit indices. In general, the results showed adequate control of false positive rates. These findings lead to the conclusion that all indices used in this study are partially adequate fit measures for detecting biased items, mainly when impact between groups is present and sample size is large.  相似文献   

A limited number of studies in Africa have reconciled human resource management (HRM) programs with cultural diversity as represented by Hofstede's cultural dimensions. The objective of this study is to examine how Western-based HRM can be modified to embrace cultural diversity in an African context. A mixed methodology employed a survey, as well as a case study in Mozambique. The results indicate high levels of power distance, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and feminism that are very similar to Kenya. These dimensions differed across a spectrum of employee levels illustrating cultural hybridization at firm level in a multinational operating in Africa. The results also illustrate the importance of a range of health, family, and societal beliefs in the workplace. Finally, a series of HRM recommendations were developed in an African context with respect to the selection, training, performance measurement, and management programs of the company.  相似文献   

Hospitals need disaster response plannings and temporary shelters to rescue victims in disasters. In Taiwan, there are 82 emergency medical service (EMS) hospitals are requested to possess guildlines of preparedness and responses to mitigation the damage and recovery the pre-event status in a disaster. A measurement chart including three major factors??facility, manpower, and disaster plan and drill mode??was created to evaluate the performance of disaster management of these EMS hospitals. Based on the expert opinions, some hospitals were selected as a reference set prior to the accreditation. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is applied to classify each of the remaining hospitals into qualified or unqualified classes. Then, each unqualified hospital was recommended to improve its practice of disaster preparedness and responses into the qualified level. We also find that, on average, private hospitals perform better than public hospitals and medical centers perform better than the regional hospitals. But, the differences are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

This study aims to scrutinize the antecedents that force the evolution of Taiwanese higher education from an elite to a universal system in the past two decades. From policy perspective, this study looks at how Taiwanese government encouraged educational reform in a way that has led to the massive expansion of both the numbers of colleges and universities and the increasing enrollment rate in higher education. This study also discusses the governmental policies that emphasized the quality enhancement and identified the lack of mechanism of quality assurance in Taiwan’s early educational reformation and how government reacted to the concerns associate with quality assurance that has been brought by the public after the educational reform. Taiwan’s case illustrated in this paper reveals a possible dilemma and lesson that developing countries may encounter when seeking to expand higher education for human capital by imposing incongruous policies that on the one hand promote the growth of higher education institutions, especially the private ones, and on the other depress their existence for the sake of quality assurance.  相似文献   

Elder care is an important issue in many developed countries such as U.S., Japan, and Taiwan. With the advent of population aging throughout the world, the development of long-term care facilities has become a very vital topic. In actuality, long-term care systems involve government oversight agencies as well as interaction between factors such as laws, social environment, culture, long-term care facilities, residents, and the families of residents, forming a complex and dynamic system. This paper uses system dynamics methodology to model the developmental structure of Taiwanese long-term care facilities to explore its system behaviors. The developmental structure of long-term care facilities in Taiwan is primarily composed of the four levels: overall satisfaction, overall service quality, the skill of administrative and medical care personnel and facility hardware resources. Time delay, complex, and dynamic relationships are present in the overall structure. The overall service quality of facilities is one of the most important factors in facilities’ development and that the skills of administrative and medical care personnel is the main critical factor in improving overall service quality. Finally, some suggestions are discussed relevant strategies for the government and the industry.  相似文献   

While many third‐party organizations are practically evaluating corporate environmental performance (CEP), few academic studies have paid attention to third‐party environmental performance evaluation (EPE). To answer the question of what should be measured for third‐party EPE, we develop an environmental performance measurement (EPM) model consisting of environmental management performance (EMP) and environmental operational performance (EOP), and hypothesize that EMP be measured by four management performance indicators (MPIs: organizational system, stakeholder relations, operational countermeasures and environmental tracking) and EOP be measured by two operational performance indicators (OPIs: inputs and outputs). Further, to answer the question of how to enable third‐party EPE comparable across companies from different (sub‐)sectors, we propose to use the environmental intensity change index (EICI) as a measure of OPIs. Empirical tests confirm that the EICI and the evaluation based on it are comparable across companies from different sub‐sectors. Empirical tests also support the existence of the MPIs and OPIs and the two‐dimensioned constructs of CEP. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Leaders with global skills are in demand by MNCs. Global management skills depend on the applicability of management practices across cultures. Using data from managers in 50 countries, this study examines the interaction effect of cultural values and managerial skills on two outcomes, employees' attitudes and workgroup effectiveness. Our results indicate that cultural values tend to have a greater effect when a manager is less skilled than when the manager is highly skilled. When the manager is highly skilled, the interaction effects of culture tend to disappear. The practical and research implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizational acculturation refers to changes in the work values of host-country employees in foreign subsidiaries. Although many multinational corporations practise cultural control of global operations, organizational acculturation has attracted very little academic research. In the present study, the subjects are Hong Kong Chinese managers employed in subsidiaries of multinational corporations from a European country. Longitudinal research was conducted over three years among an 'acculturation' panel, a control panel and a benchmark panel. The findings showed that organizational acculturation may have occurred in some of the work values measured. Implications of these findings for international firms are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This study explores how the Chinese values (Integrations, Confucian Work Dynamism, Human-heartedness and Moral Discipline) impact employees' satisfaction (ES). Employees who work in mainland China for companies whose parent companies are based in Taiwan were surveyed. The results can be summarized as the following: ‘Integration’, ‘Confucian Work Dynamism’ and ‘Human-heartedness’ are significantly different between Taiwanese and Chinese employees, while ‘Moral discipline’ is not; Taiwanese employees have higher ES than Chinese employees; Taiwanese employees view ‘career planning’ is the most important, while Chinese employees think ‘management system’ is most important; For Taiwanese employees, ‘Salary and benefit’, ‘Working load’ and ‘Management system’ have effects on ES; Age and Education have effects on Chinese employees.  相似文献   

Telehealth services provide a means of monitoring a patient’s vital signs through the use of equipment or mobile devices and have the potential to extend clinical outreach to more patients regardless of geographical locations. However, patient acceptance is essentially important for the success of telehealth implementations. Thus, it is of interest to evaluate patients’ attitudes and perceptions toward the use of telehealth services. This study combines service quality model and importance-performance analysis to evaluate telehealth services provided by a case hospital. The results show that six items belong to major weaknesses, which should be addressed immediately in order to reduce patients’ complaints. In contrast to major weaknesses, there are seven items classified as major strengths, which should be maintained to provide telehealth service excellence in order to establish better and longer relationships with patients in the long-term perspectives.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between industrial relations climate and the employee attitudes towards participatory management in Chinese-, Japanese- and US-invested electronics firms in Taiwan. Among the findings, Chinese firms tended to have a higher level of participatory management and more effective participatory management than US-invested firms in Taiwan. It was also confirmed that the harmony and openness aspects of industrial relations climate had a positive and significant correlation with the effectiveness of participatory management, including the personnel, operational and social matters. It was concluded that multinational corporations (MNCs) which need centralized control of their overseas operations will be less willing to encourage participatory management in their local operations. Finally, it was revealed that the effectiveness rather than the level of participatory management could better predict industrial relations climate.  相似文献   

In recent years, cultural intelligence (CQ, or the ability that an expatriate has to adapt across cultures), cultural effectiveness (the ability to interact and communicate with host nationals), and cultural adjustment are regarded as three of the most important factors for expatriate performance. However, the interrelationships between these variables have largely been ignored. Moreover, the role of previous international experiences on the above interrelationships has also not been determined. This study focuses on how CQ and expatriates' experience affects cultural adjustment, cultural effectiveness, and expatriates' performance. The results reveal that the positive effect of CQ needs to be mediated by cultural adjustment and cultural effectiveness before affecting expatriate performance. Furthermore, expatriates' prior international working and travel experiences moderate the effects of CQ on cultural adjustment and cultural effectiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper, the two-step generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach developed by Wang and Fitzmaurice (Biom J 2:302–318, 2006) is employed to handle income non-responses in the Panel Study of Family Dynamics survey conducted in Taiwan. In our analysis, we first construct a conditional logit model of the paid work equation by taking the missing patterns into account. We then use the estimation results to impute whether or not the nonresponses were working for pay. For those who were imputed or observed to work for pay, we adopt the two-step GEE method to estimate the income equation. Compared to simply deleting the missing cases, the two-step imputation procedure is found to improve the estimation results.  相似文献   

  • In 2000, the UK Prime Minister pledged that employers should be encouraged to release staff for 1 day a year to undertake volunteering activity. Many and varied programmes are being set up to assist employees to volunteer, whether during work hours or in their own time. This is called employer supported volunteering (ESV). This paper discusses the increasing use of ESV and aims to provide an understanding of the key concepts of this phenomenon. An E‐mail survey was completed of all 122 universities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. University websites linked to volunteering for staff and students were also examined. Responses were received from 65 institutions (a response rate of 53%). This initial research reveals that university commitment to ESV varies across the sector. Many universities support staff volunteering and informally encourage links with the local community through voluntary activity but only seven institutions had developed a formal policy allowing staff time off work to volunteer. From this initial research, three best practice universities have emerged and their activities are discussed. The next stage in this project is to research the areas identified and to explore the extent of volunteering by university staff and staff attitudes to volunteering with a view to provide a full picture of ESV in the UK university sector.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究开发费用化的困境及审计中的估价模型问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜兴强 《中国审计》2003,(11):45-48
市场经济中的企业为了获取竞争优势,往往伴随着巨额的研究开发(ResearchandDevelopment,R&D)支出。本文在分析传统会计审计模式下R&D费用化的理由及由此带来的信息扭曲的基础上,尝试分析对R&D进行审计的基本估价模型。通过分析现金流量贴现模型的缺陷,创新性地提出利用先进的期权模型对R&D企业进行审计的新方法。  相似文献   

Individual emotions are essential driving forces in strategic decision-making. Nevertheless, the current state of research on emotions and their effects on strategic decision-making is fragmented and inconsistent. Therefore, this paper presents a narrative literature review that aims to bring some structure into current research and to advance an agenda for a future research on emotions in the strategic decision-making context. Based on cognitive appraisal theory and affective events theory this review focuses on organizational and individual antecedents for the development of emotions in the strategic decision-making context as well as on the effects of emotions on the strategic decision-making process. The paper concludes with a conceptual framework that summarizes the findings of this review and indicates possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

The paper aims to determine whether the distribution of funds that prizes the best-performing institutions relatively more has the effect of replicating the Matthew effect within them in terms of personnel policies and allocating proportionally more resources to the best departments to strengthen their output considering the prospect of future assessments. Data from the Italian public university system between 2011 and 2016 as well as the outcomes of the national evaluation of research produced between 2004 and 2010 and between 2011 and 2014 in 14 disciplinary research areas are used. The empirical evidence shows that Italian universities have tended to increase their specialisation in the research areas in which they ranked below or slightly above the national mean, revealing that they chose to try to strengthen the weak sectors through both promotions and new recruitments. The results suggest the existence of a dual policy. When the Ministry of Education, University and Research tries to foster a Matthew effect mechanism, allocating more resources to the best-performing universities, the latter seem to opt to implement a beauty contest strategy to make their weak areas converge towards the national mean. When considering the effects of the recruiting strategies following the national evaluation of research, the results indicate the existence of some Matthew effects, showing that increasing specialisation is more fruitful for the best than for the worst universities.  相似文献   

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