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2014年2月我国中东部地区有1.43×106 km2雾霾笼罩,其中重度雾霾区更占总面积的一半以上,可见当前雾霾治理之迫切。长期以来雾霾治理往往强调行政手段,突出的矛盾是环境保护与经济发展相互冲突。从2013年底开始,我国许多城市为治理雾霾而开展排放权交易业务,而从国际法上讲,以排放权为核心的碳金融法律制度对雾霾的治理已有20余年历史,与行政手段相比其更加注重市场的价格机制,不仅效率更高而且避免了与经济发展之间的冲突。  相似文献   

京津冀雾霾治理的根本出路在于京津冀区域性产业结构的总体升级,淘汰落后产业,转移区域过剩产业,发展低碳及新兴产能.本文在对比京津冀各自及将京津冀当做一个整体区域的总体产业结构特征的基础上,分析产业结构调整的重点,为探索在雾霾治理的背景下产业结构优化及产业低碳化提供重要的思路.  相似文献   

雾霾及环境问题是我国深化市场体制改革过程中面临的一大问题,文章总结了英、美、德、日四个国家在如何治理雾霾方面的措施及经验,进而提出我国治理雾霾及环境问题的建议与对策。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和统计分析揭示公众对雾霾天气的关注程度、认知程度、所受影响及困扰和公众对雾霾天气的应对方法,并在调查分析的基础上提出公众应对雾霾天气的防范措施和治理建议。  相似文献   

雾霾影响下大气治理产业发展问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了雾霾影响下大气污染治理产业的发展现状和发展前景,从产业特征出发,针对企业自主创新能力不足、产业排污标准不全面、运营商的短视逐利行为、政府补贴制度不健全、产业运营模式选择低效、市场准入规范不严格等问题,分析其内在原因,并分别从产业内部路径和外部路径角度提出相应对策。  相似文献   

“为官不为”问题已成为阻碍我国经济改革与发展的一大障碍,如何引导官员适度有为甚为迫切。客观地说,过去官员的政治企业家身份是传统发展的主要推动力,也是当前雾霾蔓延的幕后推手之一。然而,官员过于积极的表现导致了雾霾,但现在随着晋升体制的变迁却又撒手不管,从一个极端到了另一个极端。督查与问责、环境资产审计和终身追责固然是引导官员治理雾霾的重要手段,但是如何引导官员“想干”、“敢干”、“会干”,适度有为,主动改革创新,才是治本之策。  相似文献   

在对我国2004—2017年期间雾霾污染与入境旅游规模空间分布特征分析的基础上,构建回归模型研究雾霾污染对我国入境旅游的影响以及区域差异,得出的主要结论包括:(1)雾霾污染与入境旅游的空间分布存在一定的高污染区域与入境旅游小规模区域以及低污染区域与入境旅游大规模区域重叠特征;(2)雾霾污染已经对我国入境旅游产生较为明显的负向影响,其中,PM_(10)的负向效应最显著,其次为NO_2,SO_2的影响相对较弱;(3)雾霾污染对我国入境旅游的影响存在地区差异,其中,对东中部地区的负向影响大于西部地区,对北方地区的负向影响明显于南方地区。最后,提出改善雾霾污染以提升我国入境旅游吸引力和促进入境旅游可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

雾霾污染、政府治理与经济高质量发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文使用2004—2013年中国286个地级及以上城市PM2.5浓度这一独特的雾霾数据,采用劳动生产率来度量经济发展质量,系统考察了雾霾污染对中国经济发展质量的影响及其传导机制,并创新性地选取能够控制雾霾污染空间溢出效应的空气流动系数以及能够全面度量地方政府环境政策和治理力度的政府环境治理指标作为减缓雾霾污染变量内生性的两个工具变量,在两阶段最小二乘的统一框架内估计了政府环境治理的减霾效果和对中国经济发展质量的影响。研究发现:雾霾污染显著降低了中国经济发展质量;城市化与人力资本是雾霾污染影响中国经济发展质量的两个重要传导渠道;政府环境治理能够有效降低雾霾污染从而促进经济发展质量的提升;雾霾污染对大中城市经济发展质量的负面影响显著高于小城市,且随时间推移雾霾污染的负面效应越来越显著。本文的政策启示是,经济发展质量的提高是经济发展方式转变的前提,政府治霾有助于提升大气环境和经济发展质量,助推中国经济的高质量发展。  相似文献   

Creating Markets for Air Pollution Control in Europe and the USA   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper surveys recent efforts to relax the rigid regulatory frameworks for air pollution control in Europe and the USA. European policies have mainly taken the form of bubbles and compensation or offset schemes. Emission trading has been limited to intra-firm solutions for various reasons: industry structure, absence of real scarcity, and too restrictive trading rules. Bubbles have been granted to homogenous sectors only and can be characterized as direct regulation for a group rather than tradable permit systems. By contrast, the sulphur allowance program in the USA has laid down the foundation for a pollution permit market with few formal restrictions. Problems that arise are mainly related to local environmental and public utility controls. Europe can learn from the USA that regular national permit markets could be installed, preferably for homogenous sectors. In designing the permit system, the differences between the USA and Europe in terms of ecosystem sensitivity, stringency of regulation and differentiation of regional environmental policy have to be taken into account.  相似文献   

通过分析、阐述日本治理人为大气污染源的具体做法和措施,以及介绍日本大气质量监测管理体系和信息发布睛况,可以了解到:日本政府坚持污染治理原则,严格执法,加强技术开发,推动全社会共同参与,实现了污染治理和经济增长的同步发展。日本治理大气污染的成功经验,值得借鉴和吸收。  相似文献   

瑞士的环境质量在世界上堪称一流,这得益于瑞士严格执行政府1985年出台的《空气污染管制条例》,在控制PM10和PM2.5排放方面,要求明确,措施得当。瑞士PM10和PM2.5的最大排放源分别为农林和居住与商业。瑞士在道路交通、铁路、水运和航空运输、施工机械与设备、燃烧、工业设备与生产流程以及农业等领域均采取了一系列的减排措施,如,规定柴油的含硫量不得超过10mg/kg,各种车辆须加装可以过滤包括PM2.5的新型高效尾气排放过滤器等等。瑞士的经验表明,有效控制PM10和PM2.5的排放量,一是要细化规章制度,二是要有必要的技术手段。  相似文献   

欧洲历史上曾长期遭受大气颗粒物污染问题的困扰,比如,发生过1930年比利时马斯河谷事件及1952年伦敦烟雾事件。但最近几十年来,经过长期努力,欧洲对大气颗粒物的治理工作取得了显著成绩。目前,我国大气颗粒物来源情况与欧洲存在较大的差异,但欧洲通过在交通和能源等方面对污染源的治理有效减少大气颗粒物排放的经验,对我国治理“雾霾”具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This research assesses changes in the patterns of ozone and particulate concentrations and the associations of these pollutants with socioeconomic factors from 1990 to 1999 in the South Coast Air Basin of California. The results are somewhat different in 1999 than in 1990 and suggest that demographic changes, in concert with changes in emissions and resulting air pollution patterns, determine the pattern of air pollution exposure and how exposure changes over time. (JEL)  相似文献   

大气污染对人体健康影响的经济损失研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用修正人力资本法,分析大气污染对人体健康影响的经济损失的影响因素,估算大气污染引起的过早死亡人力资本损失和大气污染造成的慢性支气管炎发病人力资本损失,并以广东省为例,估算出大气污染对人体健康影响的经济损失约为112.1亿元。  相似文献   

During the last decade an increasing amount of studies have investigatedthe relationship between air pollution and human health effects. In thisstudy we investigate how these effects in turn induce reduced labourproductivity in terms of sick-leaves, which is an important factor inassessment of air pollution costs in urban areas. For this purpose weemploy a logit model along with data on sick-leaves from a large office inOslo and different air pollutants. Our results indicate that sick-leaves aresignificantly associated with particulate matter (PM10), while theassociations with SO2 and NO2, are more ambiguous. We also tryto estimate the induced social costs in terms of lost labour productivity andincreased governmental expenditures, although these estimates are moreuncertain.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been growing interest in cost-effectiveness analysis for environmental regulations using quality-adjusted life years as the measure of effectiveness. This paper explores the implications of the QALY approach for measuring the impacts of air pollution regulations, with an example using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Heavy Duty Engine/Diesel Fuel regulations. The paper also examines the issues surrounding the potential use of QALY measures in cost-benefit analysis for air pollution regulations. Key findings are that, compared with a cost-benefit approach, the QALY framework gives more weight to reductions in incidence of chronic disease relative to reductions in premature mortality risk, especially when the mortality risk reductions occur in older populations. In addition, use of monetized QALYs in cost-benefit analysis is not recommended, due to fundamental differences in the theoretical grounding of the different measures. However, application of monetized QALYs based on age-specific willingness to pay (WTP) for mortality risk reductions gives very similar results to typical cost-benefit analysis for mortality risk reductions, as opposed to using values for QALYs based on non-age specific WTP. The paper concludes that in cases where mortality provide the majority of a regulation’s impacts, QALY based cost-effectiveness analysis and WTP based cost-benefit analysis may not differ in their conclusions. However, in cases where morbidity or non-health outcomes are significant, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis may result in different evaulations of the efficiency of the regulation.  相似文献   

Health impacts make up asignificant portion of the damage costs fromair pollution. In lack of European valuationstudies on morbidity impacts, cost-benefitanalyses, transport and energy externalitystudies, and green accounting exercises inEurope have all used values from more than tenyear old US valuation studies. Results from anew Contingent Valuation study, using animproved version of the survey design of themost transferred US morbidity study, show thatrespiratory symptom days and asthma attacks arevalued lower in Norway than in the US.Correction were made for differences inpurchase power between the two countries, butthe US values are still expressed in 1986dollar values; indicating that the differencebetween the two estimates could be even higher.Thus, the practise of transferring US estimatesand only adjusting the values with the consumerprice index could lead to highly biased valuesin the Norwegian case. The difference betweenthe US and Norwegian values can be explained byimproved CV survey and sample design, differentpreferences in Norway compared to the US, anddifferent public health care systems. We do notknow if we can generalise the results from thisNorwegian study to the rest of Europe, but thestudy clearly illustrates the uncertainty intransferring results from one country toanother.  相似文献   

颗粒物空气污染是世界各国在快速城镇化过程中共同面临的严峻挑战。借助CNKI和Web of science,通过文献查阅整理城市空间在颗粒物污染方面的研究,系统性地总结该研究领域的整体特征与调节颗粒物污染的城市空间规划设计策略。结果显示:1)该研究属于一个新兴而前沿的学术领域,近年来呈持续上升趋势,相关文献主要来自中国、美国、英国与德国;2)绿色空间通过城市尺度的风道网络、绿地系统规划,街区尺度的公园绿地、湖泊湿地、道路绿带、城市森林对颗粒物污染产生消减作用;3)灰色空间通过城市尺度的城市形态优化、土地利用布局、街区尺度的街谷空间改造降低颗粒物污染;4)遥感反演与数值模拟技术(WRF、CFD)为规划设计策略提供技术支撑。最后对已有研究成果进行总结,并提出研究展望。  相似文献   

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