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Public policy seeks an equitable balance between the rights and duties of both employers and employees in creating a workplace free of sexual harassment. This goal is particularly difficult to achieve when supervisors create a hostile work environment. The U.S. Supreme Courts decisions in Ellerth and Faragher created an affirmative defense against vicarious liability for employers, but subsequent applications of these rulings have been inconsistent and problematic. Courts and legislators need to (1) choose the appropriate standard of employer liability for sexual harassment committed by supervisors, and (2) decide what, if any, defenses are available to employers when employees bring claims of sexual harassment. We conclude that holding employers strictly liable while allowing for the limitation of damages based on avoidable consequences, as recently adopted by the California Supreme Court in McGinnis, is preferable to other liability standards and defenses.  相似文献   

A multivariate measurement error model AXB is considered. The errors in [A,B] are rowwise independent, but within each row the errors may be correlated. Some of the columns are observed without errors, and in addition the error covariance matrices may differ from row to row. The total covariance structure of the errors is supposed to be known up to a scalar factor. The fully weighted total least squares estimator of X is studied, which in the case of normal errors coincides with the maximum likelihood estimator. We give mild conditions for weak and strong consistency of the estimator, when the number of rows in A increases. The results generalize the conditions of Gallo given for a univariate homoscedastic model (where B is a vector), and extend the conditions of Gleser given for the multivariate homoscedastic model. We derive the objective function for the estimator and propose an iteratively reweighted numerical procedure.Acknowledgements.A. Kukush is supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship of the Belgian office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, promoting Scientific and Technical Collaboration with Central and Eastern Europe. S. Van Huffel is a full professor with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. This paper presents research results of the Belgian Programme on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction (IUAP Phase V-22), initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Ministers Office-Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, of the Concerted Research Action (GOA) projects of the Flemish Government MEFISTO-666 (Mathematical Engineering for Information and Communication Systems Technology), of the IDO/99/03 project (K.U. Leuven) Predictive computer models for medical classification problems using patient data and expert knowledge, of the FWO projects G.0200.00, G.0078.01 and G.0270.02. The scientific responsibility is assumed by its authors. The authors would like to thank Maria Luisa Rastello and Amedeo Premoli for bringing the EW-TLS problem to their attention. The authors are grateful to two anonymous referees for the valuable comments.  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper, we focus on the following problem: given a financial market, modelled by a process , and a family of probability measures on , with N a positive integer and the time space, we search for financially meaningful conditions which are equivalent to the existence and uniqueness of an equivalent (local) martingale measure (EMM) Q such that the price process S has under Q the pre-specified finite-dimensional distributions of order N (N-dds) . We call these two equivalent properties, respectively, N -mixed no free lunch and market N -completeness. They are based on a classification of contingent claims with respect to their path-dependence on S and on the related notion of N-mixed strategy. Finally, we apply this approach to the Black-Scholes model with jumps, by showing a uniqueness result for its equivalent martingale measures set. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 60G48, 91B28 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G12, D52  相似文献   

Summary In an extension of the two decision approach [Bauer, Scheiber andWohlzogen, 1975] a Bayes solution is aimed at for the three decisiony>y o,yy o or no classification on the basic of the measurement of a positively correlated random variableX, which can be measured more easily and/or with smaller expense. Assuming a bivariate normal distribution forX andY optimal decision regions for the measuredx are derived in the case of constant or exponentially increasing losses.
Zusammenfassung In Erweiterung des Zwei-Entscheidungsproblems [Bauer, Scheiber undWohlzogen, 1975] wird eine Bayes-Lösung für die drei Entscheidungeny>y 0,yy 0 oder keine Zuordnung aufgrund der Messung einer mitY positiv korrelierten, einfacher und/oder billiger zugänglichen ZufallsvariablenX angestrebt. Optimale Entscheidungsbereiche für die Messungenx werden bei Voraussetzung einer bivariaten Normalverteilung fürX undY unter der Annahme konstanter oder exponentiell wachsender Verluste bestimmt.

The present work proposes a definition of dominance (dominance in the strict sense), which is weaker than first order stochastic dominance, stating precisely that the r.v.Y dominatesX (XY) if Pr(YX)=1.Such a dominance in the strict sense is then compared with first and second order stochastic dominance and with dominance between descisions of the same decision problem summarised in a table of results, arriving at certain general remarks about decision problems and the choice between r.v.'s. Indications are also given about how it is possible to obtain simple and useful bounds for Pr(YX).
Riassunto Nel presente lavoro si propone una definizione di dominanza (dominanza in senso stretto) più debole della dominanza stocastica del prim'ordine, precisamente dicendo che la v.a.Y dominaX (XY) se Pr(YX)=1.Si confronta poi tale dominanza in senso stretto con le dominanze stocastiche del primo e del secondo ordine e con la dominanza tra decisioni di uno stesso problema di decisione sintetizzato in una tabella dei risultati giungendo ad alcune precisazioni generali sui problemi di decisione e di scelta tra v.a. Si danno anche indicazioni su come sia possibile ottenere limitazioni per la Pr(YX).

Dr. N. Henze 《Metrika》1984,31(1):259-273
Summary For independents-variate samplesX 1, ...,X m i.i.d.f. (.),Y 1, ...,Y n i.i.d. g. (.), where the densitiesf (.),g (.) are assumed to be continuous on their respective sets of positivity, consider the numberT m,n of pointsZ of the pooled sample (which are either of typeX or of typeY) such that the nearest neighbor ofZ is of the same type asZ. We show that, as , independently of (.). An omnibus test for the two sample problem f(.)g(.) orf(.)g(.)? may be obtained by rejecting the hypothesisf(.)g(.) for large values ofT m,n.  相似文献   

Summary For a random variableX and >0 letU n (X)–X, wheren (x)=nZ iffx(n–/2,n+/2]. Random variables of this type are important in the theory of measurement errors. We derive formulas for the distribution ofU and apply them to the case XN(,2). General conditions for the unimodality ofU are given. The correlation of the measurement errorsXE (X) andU (X) is seen to beO (j) withj depending on the smoothness and asymptotic behavior of the density ofX. This gives a precise sense to the assertion that scale errors upwards and downwards are averagely well-balanced. In the normal case the density ofU is shown to be constant up to , as 0.  相似文献   

Dietmar Ferger 《Metrika》1994,41(1):277-292
We consider a sequenceX 1n,..., Xnn, n N, of independent random elements. Suppose there exists a [0, 1) such thatX 1n,...,X (n),n have the distribution v1 andX [n]+1.n ,...,X nn have the distribution v2v1. We construct consistent level- tests forH 0:=0 versusH 1:(0, 1), which are based on certainU-statistic type processes. A detailed investigation of the power function is also provided.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird eine optimale Strategie im Sinne des minimalen erwarteten Verlustes für die beiden Entscheidungeny>y o undyy o aufgrund der Messungen einer mitY positiv korrelierten, einfacher und/oder billiger zugänglichen ZufallsvariablenX abgeleitet. Dabei wird angenommen, daßX undY nach einer bivariaten Normalverteilung mit bekannten Parametern verteilt sind und die Entscheidungyy o getroffen wird, wennx größer ist als ein zu bestimmendesx o, und die Entscheidungy>y o, wennx gleich oder kleiner als diesesx o ist. Für die Bestimmung des optimalenx o werden zunächst die Kosten für die beiden Fehlentscheidungen jeweils als konstant vorausgesetzt, in einem weiteren Ansatz wird jedoch für die Mißklassifikationyy o eine mity exponentiell wachsende Risikofunktion angenommen. Um die relative Häufigkeit der zu erwartenden Fehlklassifikationen abschätzen zu können, wird schließlich die bedingte WahrscheinlichkeitP(x>x o,y) errechnet.
Summary An optimal strategy, with minimum expected risk, for the decisionsy>y o oryy o is constructed on the basis of the measurement of a variableX, which is positively correlated withY and can be measured more easily and/or with smaller expense. A bivariate normal distribution with known parameters is assumed forX andY. For the observationsx a limitx o is aimed at, so that the decisionsy>y o oryy o are taken ifx>x orxx o respectively. Optimal values ofx o are first calculated under the assumption of constant losses for the two misclassifications (x>x o ifyy o andxx o ify>y o). In a further approach the loss for a wrong decisionyy o is assumed to increase exponentially withy. Finally the conditional probabilityP (x>x o\y) is calculated to get an assessment of the relative frequencies of wrong decisions to be expected.

C. H. Kapadia  D. L. Weeks 《Metrika》1984,31(1):127-144
Summary In this paper, an Eisenmhart Model II with interaction for a GD-PBIB design withp replicates per cell is considered. Specifically the Model Yijl=µ+i+j+()ij+eijl is assumed, wherei=1, 2, ...,b; j=1, 2, ...,t andl=0, 1, 2, ...p s ij wheres ij=1, if treatmentj appears in blocki, 0, otherwise.If i, j, ()ij ande ijl are normally and independently distributed, then a minimal sufficient (Vector-valued) statistic for the class of densities for this model is found, together with the distribution of each component in the minimal sufficient statistic. It is also shown that the minimal sufficient statistic for this class densities is not complete. Hence the solution of the problem of finding minimum variance unbiased estimators of the variance components is not straightforward.  相似文献   

Suppose the observations (Xi, Yi) taking values in Rd×R, are -mixing. Compared with the i.i.d. case, some known strong uniform convergence results for the estimators of the regression function r(x)=E(Yi|Xi=x) need strong moment conditions under -mixing setting. We consider the following improved kernel estimators of r(x) suggested by Cheng (1983): Qian and Mammitzsch (2000) investigated the strong uniform convergence and convergence rate for to r(x) under weaker moment conditions than those of the others in the literature, and the optimal convergence rate can be attained under almost the same conditions as stated in Theorem 3.3.2 of Györfi et al. (1989). In this paper, under the similar conditions of Qian and Mammitzsch (2000), we study the strong uniform convergence and convergence rates for (j=2,3) to r(x), which have not been discussed by Qian and Mammitzsch (2000). In contrast to , our estimators and are recursive, which is highly desirable for practical computation.  相似文献   

Axel Tenbusch 《Metrika》1994,41(1):233-253
A Bernstein polynomial estimator for fnN(x, y) for an unknown probability density functionf(x, y) concentrated on the triangle ={(x, y): 0x, y<1,x+y<1} or on the square =(x, y):0 x, y 1 is developed. As a measure of quality the exact order of magnitude for the pointwise mean squared error is established. It is seen that the quality of these Bernstein polynomial estimators is comparable with the quality of the so-called kernel estimators. Further for such estimators uniform weak consistency results and central limit theorems are developed.  相似文献   

S. Dahel  N. Giri  Y. Lepage 《Metrika》1994,41(1):363-374
LetX be ap-normal random vector with unknown mean and unknown covariance matrix and letX be partitioned asX=(X (1) ,X (2) , ...,X (r) ) whereX (j) is a subvector of dimensionp j such that j=1 r p j =p. We show that the tests, obtained by Dahel (1988), are locally minimax. These tests have been derived to confront Ho: =0 versusH 1: 0 on the basis of sample of sizeN, X 1, ..., XN, drawn fromX andr additional samples of sizeN j, U i (j) , i=1, ..., Nj, drawn fromX (1), ...X (r) respectively. We assume that the (r+1) samples are independent and thatN j>p j forj=0, 1, ..., r (N oN andp op). Whenr=2 andp=2, a Monte Carlo study is performed to compare these tests with the likelihood ratio test (LRT) given by Srivastava (1985). We also show that no locally most powerful invariant test exists for this problem.  相似文献   

K. Takeuchi  M. Akahira 《Metrika》1986,33(1):217-222
Summary Assume thatX() is a continuous time simple Markov process with a parameter . The problem is to choose observation points 0 < 1 <...<T which provide with the maximum possible information on . Suppose that the observation points are equally spaced, that is, fort=1, ...,T, T, ;tt–1 is constant. Then the optimum value fors is obtained.  相似文献   

Dr. C. C. Brown 《Metrika》1976,23(1):83-89
Summary The problem of testing the mean vector of the two dimensional circularly symmetrical normal distribution with unit variances, where the data consists of just one sample point inR 2, is examined for stability of -maximin criteria. If the null hypothesisH 0 is the one point set containing the origin and the alternative set equal to the whole ofR 2H 0, then the -maximin is not unique. If a zone of indifference I containingH 0 is introduced, then the problem of testingH 0 againstR 2 I can turn out to have a unique -maximin test. In the present paper we show a class of such I for which this is the case. We show further that, given any -maximin test for testingH 0 againstR 2H 0, there is a decreasing sequence of I , with intersection equal toH 0, for which the corresponding sequence of -maximin tests forH 0 againstR 2 I approaches a limit (in the usual weak star topology) which is not equivalent to .  相似文献   

Date due variabili aleatorie stocasticamente indipendentiX eY può accadere cheX dominiY secondo il criterio della dominanza stocastica FSD anche seP(X>Y)0. In questo lavoro l'autore propone un nuovo criterio di dominanzaH fondato sulla teoria dell'utilità SSB e lo applica al caso di due variabili aleatorie dipendenti.X può dominareY secondo il criterioH solo seP(X>Y)0,5. Nel caso di variabili aleatorie indipendenti il criterioH risulta essere un affinamento del criterio FSD.
Summary Given two independent random variablesX andY it can happen thatX dominatesY according to the usual stochastic dominance criterion FSD even thoughP(X>Y)0. In this paper, the author proposes a new criterionH involving the SSB utility theory (Fishburn 1982) and applies it to the case of dependent random variables. It happens thatX can dominateY according to the criterionH only ifP(X>Y)0,5.In the case of independent variables, the criterionH is finer than the usual one, i.e., ifX dominatesY according to FSD then the same is true with respect toH.

Let X (r, n, m, k), 1 r n, denote generalized order statistics based on an absolutely continuous distribution function F. We characterize all distribution functions F for which the following linearity of regression holds E(X(r+l,n,m,k) | X(r,n,m,k))=aX(r,n,m,k)+b.We show that only exponential, Pareto and power distributions satisfy this equation. Using this result one can obtain characterizations of exponential, Pareto and power distributions in terms of sequential order statistics, Pfeifers records and progressive type II censored order statistics. Received July 2001/Revised August 2002  相似文献   

In this paper we study the relationship between regression analysis and a multivariate dependency measure. If the general regression model Y=f() holds for some function f, where 1i1< i2<···im k, and X1,...,Xk is a set of possible explanatory random variables for Y. Then there exists a dependency relation between the random variable Y and the random vector (). Using the dependency statistic defined below, we can detect such dependency even if the function f is not linear. We present several examples with real and simulated data to illustrate this assertion. We also present a way to select the appropriate subset among the random variables X1,X2,...,Xk, which better explain Y.  相似文献   

In the linear model Y i = x i + e i, i=1,,n, with unknown (, ), {\open R}p, >0, and with i.i.d. errors e 1,,e n having a continuous distribution F, we test for the goodness-of-fit hypothesis H 0:F(e)F 0(e/), for a specified symmetric distribution F 0, not necessarily normal. Even the finite sample null distribution of the proposed test criterion is independent of unknown (,), and the asymptotic null distribution is normal, as well as the distribution under local (contiguous) alternatives. The proposed tests are consistent against a general class of (nonparametric) alternatives, including the case of F having heavier (or lighter) tails than F 0. A simulation study illustrates a good performance of the tests. Received July 2001  相似文献   

Summary Observing that the estimator for a finite population variance as recommended byLiu [1974a, b] can sometimes become negative, we suggest a few non-negative alternative estimators and note some of their properties. UnlikeLiu we follow the conventional Bayesian approach to get another estimator with an optimal property of uniform admissibility.This paper, however, was prepared when the author worked in the Department of Economic Statistics, University of Sydney.  相似文献   

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