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This paper examines 2 years of data from GEM Canada in order to develop new insights into the factors that contribute to the performance outcomes of female enterprises and how these factors are affected by the firm’s stage of development. The analysis encompasses both personal and organizational characteristics and assesses their association with selected performance measures at the early stage as well as at the established phase of development. The findings indicate that the greater propensity of men to pursue business growth and earnings can be attributed to marital status (live with a partner) and the expected depth of the ownership team. Moreover, the performance outcomes for male entrepreneurs are influenced by a relatively wide range of variables, with business demographics being more prominent than for the female enterprises. For both genders, the mix of relevant underlying factors varies as the venture progresses along the ‘nascent-new-established’ continuum.  相似文献   

引入"里昂惕夫"生产技术,建立一个超边际-新兴古典一般均衡模型,分析交易效率对最终品的迂回生产结构的影响,以揭示资本市场形成的微观机制.研究显示,随着资本品和最终品的综合交易效率相对于生产者自用资本品的效率的充分改进,资本市场将出现在分工结构中,并对最终品市场产生促进作用;而资本品和最终品的交易效率对经济增长具有交互的正效应.从模型中得出的一项政策含义是:经济增长有赖于更大程度地改进资本市场和产品市场的交易效率.  相似文献   

妇女缠足在中国持续了一千年左右,晚清时已发展到了中国绝大部分地区农村劳动阶级的妇女也普遍缠足的程度。除缠足外还有一系列的习俗束缚着妇女参与社会劳动,强化着农村家庭内两性间的性别分工。本文通过家庭经济学中的性别分工理论研究传统农家生产的性别分工和效率,以及缠足等习俗对经济效率的损失和对性别分工的强化作用。性别分工的强化不仅仅是强化了女性的被奴役地位,在经济上还强化了家庭农业和家庭手工业的结合,增强了农家的自给性质。在这种生产方式下,生产资料和劳动力没有分离,社会分工和专业化生产不发达,同时束缚了经济的变革。  相似文献   

彭玉婷  褚庆鑫 《价值工程》2009,28(10):140-142
基于分工和交易费用两难冲突,运用新兴古典经济学理论,解释了双边市场形成和演进的根本原因。双边市场是一种特殊的中间平台;它是交易效率改进到一定程度导致的专业化水平提高和分工深化的结果。双边市场的出现和发展也预示着市场经济演进到了更高的层次。  相似文献   

参照贝克尔的时间分配理论和海克曼的生命周期理论,运用动态世代交叠均衡模型,研究人口老龄化对劳动供给和人力资本投资时间分配的影响,并进一步考察人口老龄化对生产能力的间接影响。结果显示:在短期内,人口老龄化会导致人力资本投资时间的增加和劳动供给的减少,进而引发社会生产能力的下降,增加了人口老龄化的经济成本;在长期内,人口老龄化使得年轻人能够为社会提供更多的熟练劳动力,进而提高了社会劳动生产率,降低了人口老龄化的经济成本。  相似文献   

基于人力资本差异而形成的团队合作是国际服务外包的典型特征。运用简单的两国模型分析培训成本及人力资本水平对服务外包团队合作决策和收益的影响,研究结果表明:跨国团队的培训成本是国际外包决策的重要影响因素;团队协作成本不同的条件下,培训成本对发包方的收入影响不同;接包国的人力资本水平越高,发包国获得的收入越高,越有动力实施服务外包。  相似文献   

In this paper the researchers set out to explore the adoption, character and impact of strategic human resource management (SHRM) in two large metropolitan Vietnamese public hospitals using a multi-level qualitative research design. Data are analyzed from 21 interviews and 5 focus groups with key players from the hospitals and government authorities. Findings show that the State controls many of the core day-to-day HR functions of public hospitals, curtailing local autonomy and management innovation. This is compacted by inadequate government funding, poor training of medical staff, and inadequate management and business skills of hospital managers. Inhibiting greater experimentation with SHRM is the fear of developing management initiatives out of sync with the State. Consequently, many managers and clinicians held negative views of the HR department and their relevance for the day-to-day management of healthcare services. Respondents reported that they perceived these factors had a negative impact on the well-being of medical staff and the quality of patient care. The paper concludes with a discussion on the necessity for continued State reforms that can enable greater autonomy of the hospitals' HRM functions and greater investment in local HR capabilities to materialize the link between SHRM, employee well-being and quality of patient care.  相似文献   

刘彬 《城市问题》2020,(2):39-48
在传统菜市场日趋式微的背景下,基于消费者视角对城市传统菜市场给予观照,运用地方芭蕾和地方感理论,通过问卷调查和深入访谈,探讨消费者的日常菜市场行为特征与模式以及由此形塑的多元地方意义。研究发现,消费者将传统菜市场纳入到居家、工作、休闲等日常生活轨迹中,形成三种富有时空韵律的惯常模式;通过个体化的生活习惯和时空轨迹,形塑出丰富多样的"地方芭蕾";在人与菜市场空间的互动中,菜市场也被赋予多元价值和意义,生发出地方依赖、地方依恋和地方认同三个维度的地方感。据此进一步讨论了作为传统日常生活空间的菜市场在当代城市中的作用及其对城市未来发展的启示。  相似文献   

苏南模式开启了苏南小城镇城乡一体化发展的局面,但当前乡镇企业发展主导下的城乡混沌空间已开始阻碍社会经济的可持续发展。通过分析苏南小城镇当前空间发展的困境,提出城乡一体化空间规划应当从建立城乡空间新秩序、实现城乡空间与功能同步转型、积极融入区域发展及全面提升城乡空间品质等四个方面着手,引导城乡空间健康发展,以促进包容性增长。  相似文献   

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