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The superiority and disciplining role of independent analysts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We show that although forecasts of independent analysts are less accurate ex post, they yield forecast errors that are more strongly associated with abnormal stock returns. This suggests that forecasts of independent analysts are superior to those of nonindependent analysts in representing ex ante market expectations. We also show that forecasts of nonindependent analysts become more accurate and less biased, and produce forecast errors more strongly associated with abnormal stock returns when independent analysts are following the same firms than when they are not. This suggests that the presence of independent analysts disciplines the behavior of nonindependent analysts.  相似文献   

We examine whether firms that capitalize a higher proportion of their underlying intangible assets have higher analyst following, lower dispersion of analysts’ earnings forecasts and more accurate earnings forecasts relative to firms that capitalize a lower proportion. Under Australian generally accepted accounting principles, capitalization of intangible assets has become increasingly ‘routine’ since the late 1980s. It is predicted that this experience leads Australian analysts to expect firms with relatively more certain intangible investments to signal this fact by capitalizing intangible assets. Our results are consistent with this. We find that capitalization of intangible assets is associated with higher analyst following and lower absolute earnings forecast error for firms with a stock of underlying intangible assets. Our tests suggest a weaker association between capitalization and lower earnings forecast dispersion. We conclude that there are benefits for analysts, for management to have the option to capitalize intangible assets. These findings suggest that IAS 38 Intangible Assets and AASB 138 Intangible Assets reduce the usefulness of financial statements.  相似文献   

Analysts with above-median risk-adjusted performance in the estimation period persistently outperform those with below-median performance in the subsequent holdout period. The annualized risk-adjusted returns of trading strategies based on performance persistence are statistically and economically significant, with a magnitude around 10% even after adjusting for transaction costs and trading delays. This stems mostly from past above-median performers and is not simply a decomposition of previously documented post-event return drift. The results support the hypotheses that more information is contained in above-median performers’ recommendations and that investor reaction to these recommendations is incomplete during the event periods.  相似文献   

We present evidence on the trading and performance impact of buy-side analysts. Using data provided by a large global asset manager, we relate buy-side analysts’ recommendations to fund transactions on a daily basis. We show that buy-side analysts significantly influence trading decisions: Fund managers strongly follow recent recommendation revisions, even after controlling for other trading determinants. Positive abnormal returns to buy-side analysts’ revisions are also reflected in the performance of mutual fund trades: Trades triggered by buy-side recommendations have higher returns than other trades. Overall, the impact of buy-side analysts is more pronounced than that of sell-side analysts.  相似文献   

Advisors and asset prices: A model of the origins of bubbles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a model of asset price bubbles based on the communication process between advisors and investors. Advisors are well-intentioned and want to maximize the welfare of their advisees (like a parent treats a child). But only some advisors understand the new technology (the tech-savvies); others do not and can only make a downward-biased recommendation (the old-fogies). While smart investors recognize the heterogeneity in advisors, naive ones mistakenly take whatever is said at face value. Tech-savvies inflate their forecasts to signal that they are not old-fogies, since more accurate information about their type improves the welfare of investors in the future. A bubble arises for a wide range of parameters, and its size is maximized when there is a mix of smart and naive investors in the economy. Our model suggests an alternative source for stock over-valuation in addition to investor overreaction to news and sell-side bias.  相似文献   

声誉机制与证券分析师的利益冲突行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理论界关于声誉机制对证券分析师利益冲突行为的影响存在两种截然不同的观点,本文通过构建证券分析师不同情况下的收益矩阵,求解其最大化的期望收益,得出了声誉机制会引发证券分析师的利益冲突行为,而且证券分析师是否选择跟风主要取决于不同情况下的收益的结论.本文认为,可通过建立声誉回报机制来影响证券分析师的收益,促使证券分析师发布独立且公正的投资建议,以消除证券分析师的利益冲突行为.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the dynamic process of price discovery in a competitive securities market where investors are equally informed about the fundamental determinants of an asset's end-of-period value but, because they do not know each other's wealth positions, do not know the equilibrium price of shares at the start of a current trading session. Because a large number of participants is assumed, issues concerning market impact and market manipulation are avoided. As trading progresses, participants update their expectations of an asset's equilibrium value. As they do so, price can either converge to a new level or, following a run, revert back to a previous level. This implies that, in clusters of adjacent prices, price changes are more apt to be predominantly of like sign (positive or negative) than would be the case under random walk with a bid-ask spread. Moreover, reversals, when they do occur, should be larger than continuations. An examination of 1988 transactions data for the 30 Dow Jones Industrial stocks shows that this is indeed the case. With the effect of the bid-ask spread removed, first-order autocorrelation coefficients are found to be positive.  相似文献   

This paper examines the price discovery processes before and during the 2007–2009 subprime and financial crisis, as well as the subsequent European sovereign crisis, for American and German stock and bond markets, as well as for U.S. Dollar/Euro FX. Based on 5-s intervals, we analyze how asset prices interact conditional on macroeconomic announcements from the USA and Germany. Our results show significant co-movement and spillover effects in returns and volatility, reflecting systematic information transmission mechanisms among asset markets. We document strong state dependence with a substantial increase in inter-asset spillovers and feedback effects during times of crisis.  相似文献   

Trading costs and price discovery   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The price discovery roles of a set of related markets or securities have been investigated in many different settings where trading costs effect is often commingled with other trading arrangement factors. In Hong Kong, regular futures and mini futures contracts as well as their underlying spot asset are all traded on a same electronic trading platform. The trading arrangements thus provide us with a unique setting where we can isolate the impacts of transaction costs on price discovery. Using Hasbrouck’s (J Finance 50:1175–1199, 1995) information share approach, it is found that in Hong Kong, the regular futures contracts market plays a dominant role in price discovery while the mini futures and cash index markets play minor roles. The results in this paper provide an unequivocal support to the trading costs hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study examines biases in stock prices and financial analysts' earnings forecasts. These biases take the form of systematic overweighting or underweighting of the persistence characteristics of cash versus accrual earnings components. Our evidence suggests that stock prices tend to overweight and financial analysts tend to underweight these persistence characteristics. Furthermore, we find that analysts' underweighting attenuates stock price overweighting. However, we find little evidence that the overweighting in stock prices attenuates analyst underweighting. This study brings a new perspective to the literature regarding the disciplining role of financial analysts in capital markets.  相似文献   

The speed of trading is an important factor in modern security markets, although relatively little is known about the effect of speed on liquidity and price discovery, two important aspects of market quality. On April 23, 2007, Deutsche Boerse made an important upgrade to their trading system. With the 8.0 release of Xetra, system latency was reduced from 50 ms to 10 ms. Subsequently, both quoted and effective spreads decreased, which are mainly concentrated in small- and medium-sized stocks. This increase in liquidity is due to dramatically lower adverse selection costs that were only partially translated into higher liquidity. We interpret this as a decrease in the competition between liquidity suppliers who are able to increase their revenues by more than 90 million euros. The contribution of quotes to price discovery doubles to 90% post upgrade, indicating that prices are more efficient.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Non-homogeneous and time-varying information flow that affects the price discovery processes within and across markets is a common occurrence in...  相似文献   

A sample of recommendation reports by equity analysts covering Mexican publicly traded firms in Mexico is studied. We propose a set of “most preferred” financial ratios from this sample. It is found that the most preferred ratios by equity analysts, a group of sophisticated users, are not those ratios typically covered in financial textbooks. Moreover, by using panel regression analysis, we test the relationship between financial ratios and leading stock returns during the 1995–2011 period. Overall, consistent with the efficient market hypothesis, the results show that estimates of financial ratios most preferred by equity analysts have predictive power on 1-year future stock returns. We find no evidence of predictive power on 2-year stock returns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct the information network of fund investors based on the theory of social relationship networks and examine its impact of fund information sharing with analysts on stock price crash risk. Our results show that private information sharing among institutional investors reduces crash risk. Further results show that fund information sharing can alleviate analyst optimism bias and improve analyst forecast accuracy, which further reduces stock price crash risk. Moreover, these identified effects are more pronounced in a bull market than a bear market. Our study contributes to the research on private information transmission in fund information networks, and provides a new perspective for recognizing the relationships among institutional investor behavior, analyst forecasting, and stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on stocks that experience major price changes. Using analyst reports as a proxy, I find that price events accompanied by information are followed by drift, while no-information ones result in reversals. One interpretation of these results is that investors underreact to news about fundamentals and overreact to other shocks that move stock prices. Consistent with this hypothesis, information-based price changes are more strongly correlated with future earnings surprises than no-information ones. Furthermore, drift exists only when the direction of the price move and of the change in analyst recommendations have the same sign. Finally, the ratio of no-information to information-based price shocks is strongly correlated with aggregate implied volatility and also forecasts momentum returns.  相似文献   

There is very little research on the topic of buy-side analyst performance, and that which does exist yields mixed results. We use a large sample from both the buy-side and the sell-side and report several new results. First, while the contemporaneous returns to portfolios based on sell-side recommendations are positive, the returns for buy-side analysts, proxied by changes in institutional holdings, are negative. Second, the buy-side analysts' underperformance is accentuated when they trade against sell-side analysts' recommendations. Third, abnormal returns positively relate to both the portfolio size and the portfolio turnover of buy-side analysts' institutions, suggesting that large institutions employ superior analysts and that superior analysts frequently change their recommendations. Abnormal returns are also positively related to buy-side portfolios with stocks that have higher analyst coverage, greater institutional holding, and lower earnings forecast dispersion. Fourth, there is substantial persistence in buy-side performance, but even the top decile performs poorly. These findings suggest that sell-side analysts still outperform buy-side analysts despite the severe conflicts of interest documented in the literature.  相似文献   

Using firms from 20 non‐US countries, we investigate whether and how ownership structure, analyst following and country‐level institutions influence stock price informativeness (SPI). We find that stock price informativeness decreases with control‐ownership wedge (the detachment of voting rights from cash flows rights), and this SPI‐reducing effect of the wedge is attenuated for firms with high analyst following and in countries with strong country‐level institutions. We also find that stock price informativeness decreases with analyst following, but this SPI‐reducing effect of analyst following is attenuated in countries with strong country‐level institutions.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent econometric developments in the literature on price discovery and predictability. For both areas, we discuss traditional approaches to econometric modeling, limitations to these approaches, and recent developments designed to overcome them. We also discuss the state of the art and suggest future research. Three main conclusions are drawn. First, while many recent empirical applications in price discovery and price predictability are on the frontier of econometric methods, further developments are needed to increase relaxation of relevant assumptions and push the boundaries of applications. Second, future research in econometric modeling needs to combine/synthesize recent developments across multiple econometric issues, rather than proceeding in a piecemeal manner, for instance, by integrating developments in the time series literature into panel-based frameworks. Third, recent econometric literature is generating findings that challenge long-held beliefs about apparent empirical regularities in price discovery and price predictability, thus presenting opportunities to develop relevant theory.  相似文献   

IRENE KARAMANOU 《Abacus》2011,47(1):1-26
This paper examines whether the documented bias in analyst earnings forecasts is intentional by examining whether it is related to the market's ability to adjust for this bias. For intentional bias to exist it is not enough for analysts to face incentives but rather, analysts should also be willing to respond to these incentives. As the market's ability to adjust for the bias increases, its market effects decrease while analyst reputation costs increase reducing analyst willingness to bias their forecasts. The paper utilizes a firm‐specific design that allows for both the bias component of the forecast error and the market's ability to adjust for the bias to be computed at the firm level. Results suggest that even though forecast error is positive in the latter part of the period under review reflecting overall analyst pessimism, the bias embedded in the forecasts is optimistic throughout the period. More importantly, I find that analyst forecast bias is decreasing in the market's ability to adjust for it. This result provides further evidence that analysts knowingly bias their forecasts and provides support for the existence of reporting bias, in particular. Thus, the evidence provides justification for recent regulatory efforts to increase the objectivity of analyst research reports.  相似文献   

Because currency and deposits are not perfect substitutes in all transactions, there are simplified financial systems in which control of the supply of currency is sufficient to control the price level. Most important, in a currency supply approach, price level control does not imply control of financial intermediation. Thus, price level goals never have to be weighed against the availability of credit to finance real activity.  相似文献   

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