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公共物品供给中存在着"政府失灵"、"市场失灵",为公共物品的自愿供给机制发挥作用提供了必要.就我国现实情况而言,公共物品自愿供给机制存在很多问题.应建立有效的自愿供给机制,实现政府、市场、自愿供给三方机制协调发展.  相似文献   

完善的农村公共服务体系是农村公共服务有效供给的重要条件。在新的经济社会条件下,农村公共服务体系建设呈现出供给主体多元化、需求主体享受基本公共服务的均等化、供给内容的全面与多层次化、供给方式的多主体互动化,以及决策监督的民主化等新趋向。成都作为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,在农村公共服务体系建设中把握住了这一趋向性.对推进我国其他地区农村公共服务体系建设的路径选择具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国农村公共服务供给的现状分析及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农村基础设施建设、教育、医疗卫生、社会保障等公共服务供给相对不足,与农村居民日益增长的需求日益矛盾。导致农村公共服务供给相对不足的主要原因在于农村比不上城市的集约经济、城乡二元结构和农村公共服务投入不足,供给决策机制不完善也在一定程度上影响了农村公共服务供给的数量和质量。本文认为应通过新农村建设、完善公共财政体制、健全决策机制等途径,增加对农村公共服务的有效供给。  相似文献   

本文阐述有偿供给,在公平偏好基础上建立有偿供给模型,通过博弈分析供给者的行动策略,得出激励供给者自愿提供高供给的方法,经研究表明当高供给者和低供给者的收益差满足一定条件时,就可以实现有偿供给的良性循环,此研究为被供给者决策提供了有效的依据,具有理论价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

农村市场信息供给失衡问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从供给主体和需求主体的行为入手,分析了导致我国农村市场信息供给失衡的逻辑机理,从而得出我国自上而下的供给决策机制,导致的需求主体话语权缺失,需求评判机制失灵,供给主体动力不足,才是问题的根源。以此为逻辑起点,提出创立供求有效互动的服务模式,发挥需求评判的作用,真正建立起地方政府的内生动力,自觉地改善服务质量,从而促进农村市场信息供给失衡问题的有效解决。  相似文献   

借助多元力量提供部分公共安全产品与服务是应对我国公共安全产品与服务有效供给不足的理性选择。为保证公共安全产品与服务多元化供给机制的有效运作,必须合理界定政府、市场、社会在公共安全产品与服务供给机制中的职能;健全制度设计,以规范多元化供给机制中各主体行为;探索科学的公共安全产品与服务多元化供给主体间的合作流程。同时,多元行动者的合作意识问题、政府在多元化供给机制中的地位作用问题、基本公共安全产品与服务均等化问题也是必须关注的。  相似文献   

本文以第七次人口普查为依据,以南京地区为例,分析该地区的养老供给与需求情况,并在此基础上提出"区域辐射式"的养老模式,旨在为系统构建养老服务体系提供参考,以更好有效解决当前养老服务供给和需求失衡的矛盾.  相似文献   

赵海艳 《北方经贸》2013,(11):37-37,39
党的十八大指出要“改进政府提供公共服务方式,加强基层社会管理和服务体系建设”.黑龙江省公共服务供给机制创新是贯彻落实党的十八大精神的需要,也是黑龙江省农业农村发展的需要.现阶段黑龙江省还面临着诸多问题.农村公共服务供给机制滞后是造成这一现状的深层次原因.创新黑龙江省农村公共服务供给机制需要建立以农民需求为主导的供给决策机制、建立多元协同的供给参与机制、建立全面有效的供给评价机制.  相似文献   

周长军 《财贸经济》1990,(9):34-37,41
为了发展社会主义有计划商品经济,必须通过市场交换来实现商品从生产领域向消费领域转移,以实现商品价值。这样,就形成了市场上由生产经营一方供给消费者购买的商品,即商品供给;与商品供给相对应的是消费者要在市场上购买商品,即商品需求。在服务商品市场上存在着服务企业或服务人员提供出售的服务商品供给和消费者准备购买服务商品的需求。服务商品供给和需求从表面上看,是消费者用货币购买服务企业的服务商品,实质上这种货币与  相似文献   

完善黑龙江省农村公共服务供给机制的对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村公共服务供给机制是由供给资金筹措机制、需求表达机制以及监督激励机制构成的系统工程。黑龙江省是农业大省,当前黑龙江省农村公共服务供给机制存在着筹资机制不健全、需求表达机制不通畅、监督激励机制太薄弱等一系列问题,导致黑龙江省农村公共服务供给总量不足、供需无法对接、利用效率低下,农村公共服务无法满足农村日益增长的物质文化需要。我们应逐步完善农村公共服务供给机制,通过整合政府、社会、市场、农民资源拓展筹资渠道;通过人大及网络信息平台畅通需求表达机制;通过完善监督和激励机制提高公共服务供给效率,为黑龙江省新农村建设创造和谐的发展氛围。  相似文献   

戚艳霞  赵建勇 《财贸研究》2007,18(3):111-116
政府会计信息的需求机制是一项客观的要求,影响到会计信息披露的范围和质量要求;而会计信息的供给机制则存在一定的主观性,并且受到技术和规范上的限制。我国现行的预算会计在信息供求层面上,呈现出明显的信息披露不足,存在着“信息赤字”问题。分析经济、政治、社会环境以及国际新公共管理运动的要求,改革预算会计体系,建立政府会计体系已经成为必然的趋势,这是减少信息赤字、有效地评价政府和进行决策的前提和基础。  相似文献   

实现农村公共品有效供给一直是三农问题关注的焦点,而且政府承担着主要的供给责任。对于具有需求偏好差异的农村区域性公共品而言,政府完全主导的供给模式却是导致效率损失的主要原因。正是基于这一点考虑,并结合浙江省村级公共品的调研,本文提出实现农村区域性公共品有效供给的新模式———政府诱导供给模式,即通过税收惠免、财政奖补等激励政策,诱导私人或村集体积极参与农村区域性公共品供给,弥补县级政府效率损失。  相似文献   

Previous studies on customer participation have mainly focused on its outcome benefits. The current study investigates the effect of various participation behaviors on both process and outcome value in human transformative services. Based on the data surveyed from health care and higher education services in Vietnam, the results show that active and relevant participation behaviors are crucial to co-create value. Information sharing, responsible behavior, and voluntary in-role feedback have different roles in process and outcome value. Voluntary in-role feedback is more important in health care service, while responsible behavior is critical in higher education. Moreover, distinction should be made between passive provision of information and voluntary feedback of customers to the firm.  相似文献   

A demand function of online shopping supply chain based on online-to-offline (O2O) fusion degree is proposed by considering the low-carbon awareness of online shoppers in view of the low-carbon decision making of supply chain in combination with the O2O operation background. On this basis, a low-carbon decision-making model based on online stores and their suppliers is established, and the application of the model is analyzed. Results show that the promotion of low-carbon operation is efficient when the consistency of online and offline operations of online stores and their suppliers is high. In addition, the decision making considering the cost of carbon information release is highly conducive to improving the low-carbon awareness of online shoppers if the low-carbon level of online shopping goods is lower than the low-carbon standard. Accordingly, the low-carbon operation of online shopping supply chain will be promoted.  相似文献   

农村公共产品供给与相关体制安排   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
孙开 《财贸经济》2005,(6):40-44
农村公共产品和服务的有效提供,对于改善农民的生产、生活环境,对于发展农业生产和增加农民收入具有重要作用.长期以来,从方式、范围和数量方面看,我国农村在各类公共产品的提供上存在着诸多矛盾,并在一定程度上制约着"三农"问题的解决.在构建农村公共财政框架体系的过程中,应适当增加各类农村公共产品的供给,处理好体制框架建设与公共产品供给之间的关系,为县乡基层财政逐步解困创造必要的条件.  相似文献   

Modem marketing strategies center on a proper mix of supply and demand side emphasis. High-technology goods and services may demand a very specialized variety of such a mix. In order to increase understanding of this area of marketing, the concept of high-technology goods and services was operationalized in terms of one variety of such goods and services, decision-supporting software. An instrument was designed to elicit information from marketers with respect to user requirements, design philosophy and design strategy. Three hundred and thirty eight questionnaires were mailed to subjects identified as software developers and marketers, with a resulting 23.4 percent response rate. Findings of the research tend to support the thesis of Shanklin and Ryans on supply side emphasis and demand side emphasis as dual approaches to marketing high technology.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current literature in the fields of consumer behaviour and the marketing of services in order to examine the main issues facing the consumer in purchasing services, as opposed to goods. Five distinguishing characteristics of services are discussed and the implications of these for the consumers are placed within the information processing model of consumer behaviour theory. The article suggests that there are particular problems for consumers in acquiring effective information regarding services, making comparisons on the basis of that information and subsequently evaluating the service encounter. It is our contention that unless consumer responses to the particular problems associated with services are clarified, service marketing may be in danger of pursuing provider‐orientated solutions rather than understanding the actual nature of the consumer decision process when purchasing services.  相似文献   

在综述国内外有关政府绩效评估的基础上,运用层次分析法构建公共产品政府供给绩效评估指标体系,借助绩效指数、绩效差异指数和绩效改善指数等评估工具,对安徽省17个市的公共产品政府供给绩效进行实证分析,结果表明:安徽省17个市公共产品政府供给绩效从"九五"期末到"十五"期末"呈现出"低位爬升"、地区差异性扩大以及与经济社会发展存在相对滞后性等特点,据此提出健全硬性的公共产品投资分担机制、完善省以下公共财政体制、加大对公共产品供给"塌陷区"扶持力度等建议。  相似文献   

Some strategies for mitigating ordering inefficiencies in supply chains advise sharing information among decision‐makers. However, there has been little consideration of how individual perceptions intervene in the use of available information in decision‐making processes. This article reports the results of an experiment in which participants were instructed to minimize inventory holding and backlog costs for their supply chains as a whole. The analysis suggests that additional information affects supply chain inventory management costs only when rational decision‐making processes are followed. Decreased costs are observed when rational decision‐making is applied with backlog information. In contrast, increased costs are observed when consumer demand information is available.  相似文献   

激励机制、信息反馈与供应链绩效的持续改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟祖昌  王洁 《中国市场》2008,(19):101-103
进入21世纪,企业与企业之间的竞争正在演变为供应链与供应链之间的竞争,供应链管理是一个动态的过程。本文对供应链绩效持续改进的内在机理进行了深入的分析,指出动态信息反馈是供应链绩效改进的基石,供应链绩效评价与供应链战略的匹配是供应链绩效改进的拓展空间。  相似文献   

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