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在阐述大西高速铁路长大坡道分相设置情况的基础上,分析动车组列车过分相时的阻力、司机操纵方式与初速度的关系,提出不同情况下相应的司机操纵方式。结合大西高速铁路线路动态联调联试测试数据,对动车组列车通过大西高速铁路3处关键分相点时的惰行距离和司机操纵方式进行验证,提出动车组列车在不同速度下通过分相时司机操纵方式的建议。  相似文献   

扩展DMIS系统功能防止列车侧向过岔超速   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
列车侧向过岔超速的主要原因是司机对进路道岔情况不明。为防止列车侧向过岔超速,提出对现有DMIS进行功能扩展,借助计算机系统的自动化功能,根据列车所经道岔情况,自动向司机预报限速要求,有效防止列车侧向过岔超速,确保铁路行车安全。  相似文献   

我国高速铁路运行环境复杂,人员及异物入侵等危险情况严重威胁高速列车的运营安全。列车运行速度快,司机目视范围有限,难以通过目视保证行车安全。利用5G网络大带宽低时延特性,将列车运行前方、司机可视范围外的线路环境视频快速传送至动车组司机室,可有效提高司机应急处置的及时性。调研分析多种动车组定位方式,从定位精度、时效性和实施难度等方面进行综合比选,确定从列控设备动态监测系统(DMS)获取动车组位置信息。研究提出一种超视距信息推送策略,综合考虑列车速度等级、制动距离、信息传输时延,提出超视距距离设置原则,并设计开发一种高效低耗的车地关联算法。通过京张高速铁路列车超视距应用技术实车实线试验,验证了列车超视距信息推送策略与关联算法的准确性、高效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

当司机有超速、超载、疲劳驾驶、酒后驾驶等违法行为时,每一名乘客都有责任、有义务对司机进行善意的劝说,即“善劝”。  相似文献   

为增加高速铁路干线的输送能力,有效利用夜间线路能力,开行多样化运输产品,对高速铁路夜行列车的合理开行距离进行研究。以旅客的综合出行费用最小为目标,从直接费用、旅客时间损失费用和疲劳恢复时间费用3方面构建优化模型,采用定量分析法求解,分别对250km/h和300km/h的夜行列车、日间列车和航空客运产品进行比较分析,提出不同线路情况下高速铁路夜行列车的合理开行距离,为高速铁路夜行列车合理开行提供研究支撑。  相似文献   

为降低城市轨道交通的牵引能耗,结合列车牵引特性、速度限制和坡道阻力等影响,确定一条速度曲线使列车站间运行的牵引能耗最小。以位置为自变量、牵引力/制动力的系数为控制变量构建列车节能速度曲线优化模型,根据线路条件将位置进行离散化,把速度曲线优化问题转换为多阶段决策过程,并利用状态空间缩减策略对其缩减,利用离散动态规划求解得到列车站间最优速度曲线和最优控制输入。仿真验证表明:动态规划且状态空间缩减方案可以显著提高搜索效率,有效降低列车的牵引能耗,为列车司机节能驾驶提供参考。  相似文献   

开发模拟精准、界面真实、评价合理的铁路车站接发列车实训系统,有利于加快提升车站人员的专业技能。根据铁路车站接发列车工作流程,设计接发列车实训系统的功能模块和逻辑架构,基于故障注入、协同仿真、多制式融合、综合评估等关键技术,开发铁路车站接发列车实训系统。按照岗位技术要求,采用综合考评算法,依据技术规范对操作人员作业过程进行合理量化评估。最后,经过济南局集团公司对车站接发列车实训系统的测试和试用,拟合结果表明,实训考评得分呈现出均值提升、方差减小的非经典分布方式,体现出车站接发列车实训系统的有效性。  相似文献   

为确保行车安全,提出一种基于成功似然指数法(SLIM)与贝叶斯网络(BN)结合的非正常条件下铁路接发列车人因可靠性分析评价方法。在阐述SLIM、BN和熵权计算法原理,以及基于SLIM-BN的人因可靠性分析步骤的基础上,通过分析非正常条件下铁路接发列车作业人员可靠性影响因素,筛选行为形成因子,构建非正常条件下接发列车作业人因SLIM-BN模型。最后以某车站在非正常条件下接发列车人因失误数据统计为例,应用上述方法进行人因可靠性概率量化分析。结果表明,"培训与应急演练""疲劳程度""经验"和"完成任务的可用时间"敏感度较高,对人因可靠性影响也较大。  相似文献   

高速铁路夕发朝至列车需求对于制订夕发朝至列车开行方案至关重要。以旅客出行关心的直接费用、时间损失、疲劳恢复等因素构建计算模型,通过有效时间价值和低效时间价值将时间损失和疲劳恢复转化为直接费用,并对有效时间价值和低效时间价值进行不同取值,得到综合费用。结果表明,在1 500~3 000 km的范围内,随着时间价值的提高,旅客选择高速铁路夕发朝至列车的可能性逐渐缩小;高速铁路夕发朝至列车主要的服务客户应为时间价值在50元/h以下并且距离不宜超过2 400 km的客流;高速铁路夕发朝至"D"字头列车较"G"字头列车对旅客而言具有更大的吸引力。  相似文献   

为满足新时代女性多层次、个性化出行的需求,改善女性旅客乘坐高铁动卧列车的乘车体验,通过对高铁动卧列车女性包房进行研究,分析设立女性包房后旅客需求的影响因素。首先针对女性旅客旅行需求,从购票方式、旅行时间、车厢环境、服务设施、服务态度、增设项目6个维度设计问卷,通过信度效度检验后,采用Kano模型对旅客需求的属性类别划分为4类;其次利用Better-Worse满意度指数分析法确定用户需求重要度排序,认为女性包房需要满足购票方式、车厢环境、服务设施与增设服务4项需求;最后根据需求分析结果细化为8项具体功能,并在上海至广州的3对动卧列车上进行为期3周的试点,对旅客需求与列车功能的匹配度进行验证。研究结果可为探索高铁动卧列车女性旅客个性化服务提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Fatigue is one of the most important issues since it is considered to be a potential risk factor for human error. Most research related to human fatigue in the aviation industry targets pilots, yet air traffic controllers also experience elevated levels of fatigue that affects aviation safety. Despite this, fatigue is often ignored in literature, as it is a mental and physical status that is difficult to measure. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) announced the concept of the Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) in Annex 6 in 2011, which provides suggestions to reduce aircrew fatigue. In 2016, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), ICAO, and the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA) published the Fatigue Management Guide for Air Traffic Service Providers and for the first time proposed recommendations for air traffic controllers (ATCs) to address this issue. Based on the management guide, this research used the Samn-Perelli fatigue scale to measure air traffic controllers' fatigue levels in an international aerodrome control tower in Taiwan. The results indicated that there were significant differences between day/night shifts, time periods (shift start time, before break time, after break time, and shift end time), and various work schedules. The results also revealed the importance of the timing of the breaks and time on task when arranging work schedules. This research contributes to aviation safety by investigating ATCs' fatigue levels in current work shifts, thereby helping related units to improve and adjust shift schedules in order to reduce the risks related to fatigue.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2001,8(2):115-124
The paper estimates drivers’ behaviour for changing an already chosen parking location and the thresholds of current parking fare increases that would make them shift to another mode from the currently used private car. The models are calibrated with data from the Central Business Area of Athens employing revealed and stated preference methods. They can be employed to estimate the impacts of a specific transport policy related to parking fares, and as such they are useful policy tools providing the means to estimate changes in car usage and parking locations utilisation.  相似文献   

A more sustainable transport system requires effective alternatives to private cars. Despite more than 40 years of declining use, buses are still the main form of local public transport outside central London. Government policy focuses upon Bus Quality Partnerships—agreements between highway authorities and bus operators to give bus priority access and invest in better quality buses—to reverse this decline and also attract car drivers to change modes and ease urban traffic congestion.This paper assesses the potential for Quality Partnerships to provide a more attractive bus service with the ability to achieve modal shift using a Greater Manchester case study. Preliminary results are presented from a comparative study of two Quality Bus Corridors (QBCs), one arterial route into Manchester’s Central Business District and one transverse from Leigh to Bolton. The research uses bus user interview surveys and in-depth interviews, which focus upon non-bus users.Results of this research show that Bus Quality Partnerships when introduced as a stand-alone policy struggle to achieve significant modal shift and traffic decongestion. Most bus passengers and car users remain unaware of Bus Quality Partnerships.  相似文献   

‘Hazard perception’ has become an integral part of novice driver education and training. Cyclists are often identified as one of many ‘hazards’ to look out for. We speculate that constituting cyclists as ‘hazards’, something that presents a danger or threat, may foster negative attitudes toward cyclists. Rather than accepting cyclists as ‘hazards’, our study examined the conditions that have made it possible to identify cyclists as ‘hazards’ in novice driver preparation. Informed by Michel Foucault's work on discursive practices, the analysis focused on the ‘road safety’ literature (1900–2017), the changing context in which road safety knowledge has been produced and the implications for the production of road space. This literature is important given the authority of scientific knowledge in western societies and its role in managing and governing populations. We found a shift in the middle of the twentieth century from drivers being identified as ‘hazards’ to drivers being identified as perceivers of ‘hazards’. At this time, researchers began studying drivers for their ability to recognise hazards: cyclists were routinely listed among the ‘hazards’ drivers should perceive. Out of 200 articles published on drivers' ‘hazard perception’ since the 1960s, one third categorised cyclists as ‘hazards’. Such research has informed the development and implementation of ‘hazard perception’ tests and, following Foucault, it participates in producing road space and shaping how drivers can think about themselves and other road users. While ‘scientific’ studies constitute cyclists as potential threats or sources of harm they lend authority to negative views of cyclists. We suggest ‘traffic participation’ as a more inclusive approach to driver education and training.  相似文献   

The standard textbook analysis shows that drivers as a group lose from congestion charges. However, it omits taste heterogeneity, shorter travel times far out in the larger network arising from less blocking back of upstream links and the possibility for drivers to reschedule. Taking account of these factors, using a dynamic scheduling model with heterogeneous users we find that all three add significantly to the benefit of the Stockholm congestion charges and that drivers as a group benefit from these charges even without recycling of revenues. This paper also provides an update on the consumer benefits of the Stockholm charges.  相似文献   

This paper provides a restatement of the case for speed limits. The paper argues that driver speed choice cannot be granted any normative status (i.e. be regarded as optimal from a societal point of view) unless it is “objectively” rational, even if it can be reasonably interpreted as “subjectively” rational. A distinction between “subjective” and “objective” rationality is very rarely made in modern analyses relying on the theory of rational choice, but it makes sense with respect to the choice of speed. Studies that have assessed which impacts of speed drivers consider, whether drivers correctly assess these impacts, and how drivers coordinate their choice of speed with other drivers are reviewed. It is concluded that driver speed choice is not “objectively” rational. It is concluded that the lack of rationality in driver speed choice implies that this choice needs to be regulated by means of speed limits.  相似文献   

While mobility and safety of older drivers are challenged by age-related cognitive changes, the increasingly complex road environment has placed a higher demand on their adaptability. Older drivers experience difficulties in regulating their operational level behaviors which rely on the second-to-second decision-making, e.g., using the visuospatial information to guide their steering. The roundabout maneuver is one of the critical scenarios for older drivers which requires efficient visual and motor coordination. Understanding older drivers’ visual-motor coordination at roundabouts will provide insights into the mobility and safety of older driver population, which is important yet to be explored. This paper contributes to new measurements in driving behavior through quantitative examinations on driver–vehicle–environment interactions. The drivers’ visual-motor coordination is conceptualized as a sequence of eye fixations coupling with the vehicle trajectory in a space–time path. The experimental data were from 38 older adults’ on-road driving recorded using context and location-aware enabled eye tracking and precise vehicle movement tracking. A visual-motor coordination composite indicator (VMCCI) was developed to measure the efficiency of visual-motor coordination in GIS based on the aggregate multiple parameters of visual and motor behaviors at entry, circulating and exit stage of a roundabout. The results show that the VMCCI is a sensitive indicator for identifying risky drivers, problematic road sections, problematic behaviors. Older drivers’ VMCCI was associated with the angle of deviation at roundabouts, particularly at the entry stage. Findings of this study have implications for actual roundabout designing practice, which will contribute to improve the safety of older drivers behind the wheel.  相似文献   

This article investigates how young individuals access the regime of automobility. Instead of looking at the systemic nature of automobility, the article concentrates on its human component. Access to cars by young people in the greater Reykjavík area, and the shift in modal choice that occurs when they start driving, was investigated with a survey among high school students that yielded 553 answers. The results show that young residents in the capital area are fully aware of the costs of car-based automobility. Their near-universal move to cars when they enter driving age reflects the conditions of this regime. Yet they are also ambivalent about their position within the regime. While most previous studies of novice drivers have centred on road safety issues, this study shows the need to consider the cultural and social aspects of young people driving. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the modal shift that perpetuates car-based automobility, which is an important issue for transport planning.  相似文献   

Identifying flight fatigue factors: An econometric modeling approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The paper looks at responses of crewmembers of six Taiwan air carriers who were asked to report their levels of fatigue before takeoff and after landing. Ordinal probit models are employed to estimate three fatigue models for different flight operations and serve as vehicles to investigate flight fatigue factors and identify their relative significance. The top three factors for long haul flights are found to be sleep quality at home, sleep quality on aircraft and “nod-off “experiences; for regional flights, age, extra non-flying tasks on the ground, and experiences of fatigue during flight operations are important; and for domestic flights poor cockpit environment, age, and experiences of fatigue during flight operations are relevant.  相似文献   

‘Petty capitalism’ refers to the informal self-employment engaged in by the unskilled poor in order to earn or augment their income. In the tourism industry, they work as unlicensed souvenir vendors, street-food hawkers, drivers, prostitutes, etc. The pedicab drivers of Macao belong to this category of petty capitalists. Drawing on thematic interviews supplemented by observational data, this article documents how the pedicab drivers of Macao survive and keep a sense of self-worth after the near annihilation of their industry as a result of urbanization, and how tourism has been, in addition to government support, a positive social change agent that allowed them to survive. The small literature on pedicabs either documents the marginal lifestyle and poverty of their drivers as informal tourism workers, often in the developing world, or look at pedicab as a sustainable activity in the tourism sector. The findings of this article address two gaps, namely, (1) a lack of documentation on the working life of the pedicab drivers as petty capitalists in a highly urbanized environment and on their degree of self-worth (2) a comparative lack of testimonials on how tourism can be a powerful agent in the ‘worldmaking’ that is in the creation of change.  相似文献   

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