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蓝蓝 《中国信用卡》2008,(20):67-67
根据保监会出台的新规定,保险公司在交强险和商业车险上实施“见费出单”制度,即保险公司收到保费后,实时确认并打出有效保单,实现“一手交钱,一手交单”。这项规定使得POS刷卡成为缴纳保费最便捷的方式。针对这种情况,福建联迪商用设备有限公司凭借十多年的银行、保险系统开发经验,结合保险业“见费出单”的具体需求,  相似文献   

刷卡支付渐成消费习惯,但随之而来的POS终端管理却令收单行颇为“闹心”。不过,这种状况有望改变。日前,在中国银联2011年度POS收单接入平台TMS“选秀”中,联迪商用TMS凭借开放、灵活、简便的优势顺利闯关。  相似文献   

据悉,2010年联迪商用销量突破50万台,成为当之无愧的金融POS销售冠军。这是继2009年销售28万台、实现销量倍增后,联迪商用又一次刷新了记录。连续儿年的跨越式发展,联迪商用作为国内POS领军企业的地位进一步稳固。  相似文献   

随着刷卡消费渐成习惯,作为银行卡使用的必备硬件,金融POS产业步入了快速健康发展的“黄金期”。日前,记者从国内电子支付领域的领军企业联迪商用处获悉,在刚刚结束的2009年中国银行第二次金融POS采购项目中,联迪商用金融POS全线入围,再度入主中国银行。  相似文献   

近期,在中国IT界最具权威性和影响力的年度盛会——2012中国IT市场年会上,电子支付领军厂商联迪商用一举摘取了“2011-2012中国金融POS机市场年度成功企业”桂冠,成为唯一获此殊荣的POS厂商。据悉,与联迪商用一起荣登金榜的还有浪潮、紫光、用友、甲骨文(中国)等知名企业。  相似文献   

刷卡支付渐成消费习惯,但随之而来的POS终端管理却令收单行颇为闹心。不过,这种状况有望改变。日前,在中国银联2011年度POS收单接入平台TMS“选秀”中,联迪商用TMS以开放、灵活、简便的优势打动中国银联,顺利闯关。据悉,此次参与TMS“选秀”的还有百富、新国都、新大陆等国内知名电子支付厂商。  相似文献   

春寒料峭,喜讯频传。国内电子支付领军企业联迪商用设备有限公司近日宣布,在银联商务有限公司2014年度POS设备集中采购招标中7包全中,中标包数排名第一。好事成双,而后全线入围通联支付网络服务股份有限公司2014年度POS设备集中采购项目,为2014年迎来开门红。  相似文献   

近期,河南等地的消费者看到:在各大消费场所, POS刷卡消费可以使用电子签名!可以说,这是中国自2005年4月国家颁布实施电子签名法以来,电子签名技术真正开始大规模飞入寻常百姓家。  相似文献   

电子支付产品及解决方案知名厂商联迪商用设备有限公司宣布,其有线一体机成功入围中国建设银行POS设备采购项目。这是联迪商用自成立以来首次入围建行,标志着其在各大商业银行领域全面开花。  相似文献   

近日,在“金卡工程”推出十五周年之际,联迪商用荣获了国家金卡工程办公室(以下简称“金卡办”)颁发的中国智能卡行业权威奖项“2008国家金卡工程金蚂蚁奖”之最佳配套产品奖。  相似文献   

近年来,我国银行卡产业规模迅速增长,用卡环境明显改善,越来越多的消费者习惯于刷卡消费方式。但总的看来,我国银行卡产业还处于初级阶段,受理市场规模不足,尤其是批发市场、二级城市、个人家庭、企事业单位及一些中小商户因成本原因没有布放金融POS,从而导致在这些场所无法便利地刷卡支付和理财,这直接影响了持卡人的用卡积极性,并已成为银行卡产业发展的瓶颈。  相似文献   

Ton Z 《Harvard business review》2012,90(1-2):124-31, 154
Too many retail managers believe that they must offer bad jobs to keep prices low. As a result, almost one-fifth of American workers suffer low wages, poor benefits, constantly changing schedules, and few opportunitie for advancement. The author's research reveals, however, that the presumed trade-off between investment in employees and low prices is false. To meet short-term performance targets, many retailers cut labor. The unmotivated and poorly trained employees who remain often cannot keep up with their tasks in a complex operating environment. The result is a vicious cycle, in which lower sales and profits tempt managers to cut even more employees. Retailers such as QuikTrip, Mercadona, Trader Joe's, and Costco instead create a virtuous cycle of investment in employees, stellar operational execution, higher sales and profits, and larger labor budgets. They also make work more efficient and fulfilling for employees, improve customer service, and boost sales and profits through four practices: simplify operations by offering fewer products and promotions, train employees to perform multiple tasks, eliminate waste in everything but staffing, and let employees make some decisions.  相似文献   

罗默的市场社会主义模式是二十世纪九十年代市场社会主义模式中具有代表性的一种,即利润最大化的经理治理模式,是一种票证式的证券的市场社会主义.1994年罗默发表了市场社会主义的代表作<社会主义的未来>,提出了他独具特色的市场社会主义模式.市场社会主义所构建的市场和社会主义相结合的模式和所进行的理论上的阐述,是对资本主义国家如何实现社会主义道路的重新探索,也是世界社会主义运动的一个新的亮点.正确地评价和借鉴市场社会主义的研究成果,对于我国正在进一步深化的改革实践具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

见费出单是指保险公司财务系统或业务系统,根据首期保费或全额保费入账收费信息实时确认并自动生成唯一有效指令后,业务系统方可生成有效保单并打印正式保单(批单)。在保单收费信息确认之前先生成保单(批单),但保单(批单)是无效状态,且系统自动控制不允许进行打印、批改、接报案等操作。  相似文献   

We focus on market-making costs by examining the daily bid–ask spreads for off-the-run, one-month Treasury bills around two liquidity-changing events. Event one, Salomon Brothers’ supply shock, results in a roughly 2.5-basis-point increase in the spread because of an increase in ask prices; and event two, the Long-Term Capital Management demand shock, results in a doubling of the spread because of a decrease in bid prices. Our results provide a benchmark for researchers examining bid–ask spreads of securities that include a liquidity premium, a risk premium, and an asymmetric information premium.  相似文献   

目前,综合业务处理系统在交通银行得到全面推广,极大地促进了业务的发展.作为实现数据大集中之前的一种过渡,交行南通分行将其综合业务处理系统的数据物理集中到所属的南京分行,并针对这种运行模式制定了新的数据备份方案.  相似文献   

In this model, a principal decides whether to produce one indivisible good and which characteristics it contains. Agents are differentiated along two substitutable dimensions: a vertical parameter that captures their valuation for the good, and a horizontal parameter that captures their disutility when the characteristics are distant from their preferred ones. When valuations are private information, the principal produces a good with characteristics more on the lines of the preferences of the agent with the lowest valuation. Under asymmetric information on the horizontal dimension, the principal biases the decision in favor of the agent who incurs the highest disutility.  相似文献   

We find an overall negative relation between CEO inside debt holdings and the cost of equity capital. Such a negative relation holds in an instrumental-variable analysis, a test using changes in variables due to CEO turnover events, a test using seasoned equity offering (SEO) underpricing as an alternate cost of equity measure, and a difference-in-differences test based on the implementation of Internal Revenue Code Section 409A Final Regulations. Additionally, the negative relation between inside debt and the cost of equity capital is nonlinear, suggesting the existence of optimal inside debt compensation that can minimize cost of capital. The negative relation is less pronounced in firms with pre-funded executive pension plans and in firms that provide executives with the pension lump-sum option. We also provide evidence that inside debt lowers the cost of equity more for excessively levered firms. Collectively, these findings suggest that shareholders value the beneficial role of CEO debt-like compensation in constraining excessive managerial risk taking.  相似文献   

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