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依托自主原则--APEC与亚洲区域货币合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈虹 《国际贸易》2001,(11):33-36
2001年10月22日,第9次APEC领导人非正式会议在上海落下帷幕.APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)上海会议主要讨论的问题是,分享全球化和新经济的利益、促进贸易和投资、促进地区持续的经济增长.有关促进贸易和投资的内容,将在修改《上海宪章》的基础上完成《上海共识》,成为本次领导人会议声明的重要附件.相信《上海共识》有可能成为指导APEC进程,促进APEC贸易投资自由化发展的重要文件,同时也必将为亚洲地区经济与金融领域的合作注入新的活力.  相似文献   

经济全球化和区域经济一体化的世界经济趋势对东亚货币合作提出了迫切要求,东亚国家在金融领域暴露出的金融体系脆弱性也要求加强东亚货币合作。在当今世界上三个最重要的区域经济集团中的两个已经形成了自己的区域货币体系的情况下,建立东亚货币区应该成为东亚货币体系改革的长远目标。本文首先介绍了最优货币区理论及其最新发展,进而指出目前世界上存在的三种区域货币合作模式,最后着重阐述东亚货币合作的模式及路径选择。  相似文献   

08年美国次贷危机演变为全球化的金融危机,美元疲软,人民币升值,同时11年日本大地震元气大伤,直接导致日圆国际支付能力的下降。伴随近年中国经济的发展,地区影响力增强,为中国谋求世界经济大国的地位,建立新的货币体系提供了机遇,因此建立以人民币为中心的世界货币体系,势在必行。  相似文献   

东亚货币合作:基于最优货币区指数的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在修正BE模型的基础上计算了东亚国家之间的最优货币区指数,认为东亚各国的最优货币区指数有减少的趋势,表明东亚货币合作存在可行性;截面数据的最优货币区指数显示在中国大陆、香港、台湾地区、韩国和日本这些次区域内先进行货币合作是较为可行的现实选择;另外与欧洲相比,东亚地区的最优货币区指数较大,表明东亚的货币合作将是一个长期渐进的过程。  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):77-99
The impact of currency reserve accumulation is controversially discussed since reserve accumulation potentially destabilises the international financial system and causes crises due to higher systemic risk. The main aim of this paper is to put the macroeconomic role of currency reserve accumulation for four Asian economies under closer scrutiny. The key question is whether accumulating currency reserves is beneficial from a long‐run perspective. Based on a vector error correction approach, we start by analysing long‐run steady‐state relationships between currency reserves, exchange rates against the US dollar, real GDP and interest rates. Our findings show that cumulated currency reserve shocks significantly affect real GDP . A likely explanation for our finding is that accumulation of reserves has supported growth through providing liquidity and supporting the development of the financial sector for the economies under observation.  相似文献   

由于东亚区域合作性得益的存在,基于贸易商品渠道和市场的区域共同篮子货币的协调性汇率稳定机制一旦形成,基础性的区域宏观货币政策协调机制能够推动东亚区域成员经济体之间非货币汇率竞争性政策的竞争经济的形成,这将在更大程度上推进东亚区域货币金融合作和货币一体化的实际进程.  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of currency invoicing in trade using import and export transactions data between Korea and its 30 major trading partners from 2000 to 2013. We find a noticeably different pattern of currency invoicing from advanced countries. For example, a large market share of Korean exporters in partner countries does not guarantee more use of the Korean won in currency invoicing. This might be attributed to a low degree of Korean won's internationalisation and the strong coalescing effect. We also observe that the higher the level of industry product differentiation, the weaker the coalescing motive. In addition, we verify that the share of invoicing in the currency of Korea's trading partner tends to be higher when the partner country has (i) a larger trade volume, (ii) higher level of financial development, (iii) lower inflation and lower price volatility and (iv) its own currency with lower transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper study the feasibility of a monetary union among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, by measuring the evolution of economic integration among them. Considering the critical role of crisis and shocks in the integration process within the region, we determine whether GCC countries are characterised by a common business cycle. We suggest a different empirical approach that, unlike previous studies, allows one to endogenously detect structural changes in the comovement process between outputs. We apply a new measure for this region that is based on the time‐varying coherence function. Such a measure not only detects comovement dynamics but also distinguishes these dynamics in terms of short‐ and long‐term cycles. Additionally, we can test whether certain countries tend to be more synchronised. The main finding of this study is that not all GCC countries share a common short‐term business cycle. However, in the long term, all country‐pairs indicate a medium‐level synchronisation in the most recent subperiods. The new role of the United Arab Emirates’ regional trade platform allows it to strengthen long‐term business cycle comovement, thus differentiating it from other GCC country‐pairs that have shown a decline in the last two subperiods.  相似文献   

Vehicle currency use in international trade   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We explore the major driving forces for currency invoicing in international trade with a simple model and a novel dataset covering 24 countries. We contrasts a “coalescing” effect, where exporters minimize the movements of their prices relative to their competitors', with incentives to hedge macroeconomic volatility and transaction costs. The key determinants of invoice currency choice are industry features and country size, with some role for foreign-exchange bid-ask spreads. The coalescing effect also goes a long way to explaining the well-known dominance of the dollar. Trade flows to the United States are predominantly invoiced in dollar, as foreign exporters face competition with U.S. firms. The use of the dollar in trade flows that do not involve the United States reflects trade in homogeneous products where firms need to keep their price in line with their competitors'.  相似文献   

We report survey results on the currency choice of a random sample of Swedish exporters. We find that for an overwhelming share of exports, the price, invoice and settlement currency is the same. The currency of the customer is the most used, with Swedish kronor and vehicle currencies accounting for approximately equal shares. Currency choice is similar for intra-firm and between-firm trade. We also find that negotiations are important for both the price and for the currency choice. A minority of firms use posted prices for their main exports — the median price adjustment for those firms is once per year.  相似文献   

人民币国际化的现实基石、主要障碍及推进路径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人民币国际化是人民币在国际范围内发挥货币功能,成为主要的贸易计价结算货币、金融交易货币以及国际储备货币的过程。中国20世纪90年代初的汇率改革开启了人民币国际化的萌芽和发展,现阶段中国快速增长的对外贸易、对外直接投资、区域影响力的提升等为人民币国际化提供了强大的驱动力。但由于对外贸易结构的不合理、人民币国际结算的失衡以及"霸权货币"的抵制,使人民币国际化面临不少困难。我们应完善和推广自由贸易区建设,形成本土离岸人民币金融中心和人民币回流机制;深化金融体制改革,完善金融市场机制,加快国际金融中心建设;协同推进渐进式的资本项目开放与利率市场化、汇率自由化;进一步扩大双边本币互换的范围和规模,以东亚货币合作为基础,推进国际货币合作。  相似文献   

刘卓凡 《商业研究》2005,(24):62-63
随着我国证券市场的发展以及企业经营形式的不断变化,企业之间,特别是上市公司之间进行的资产置换、股权置换等非货币性交易行为也越来越多。财政部于1999年重新颁发了修订后的《非货币性交易准则》意在控制上市公司利用非货币性交易操纵利润的现象。通过实际案例,对财会处理中的非货币性交易进行了简要分析,所得结论对新准则的理解和实践工作将具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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