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本文基于熵值法构建渔业经济韧性综合指标体系,研究2012-2022年沿海11个省份渔业经济韧性的时空演变规律。结果表明:(1)从时间格局上,研究期内沿海省份渔业经济韧性总体呈现平稳与增长交替的总体趋势,沿海省份渔业经济韧性之间的差异先增大后减小;(2)从总体空间格局上,渔业经济韧性表现出明显的区域差异性,但差异呈现降低趋势;(3)从分维度空间格局上,大部分省份的抵抗与恢复能力有所提高,调整与适应能力有所降低,创新与转型能力保持平稳。为此,各省份应充分发挥比较优势以提升全局性渔业经济韧性,并依据现实情况因地制宜地制定渔业经济政策。  相似文献   

增长方式转变是当前现代农业建设的重要任务,转变渔业增长方式必须加强渔业经济与政策研究。本文从准确把握现代农业建设的时代背景,明确当前渔业经济政策研究的重点领域,深刻认识政策和科技支撑渔业发展的重大作用等三个方面,阐述了加强渔业经济与政策研究的着眼点,以便为推动我国渔业增长方式转变提供具体的途径。  相似文献   

基于灰色理论的渔业经济发展因素影响力评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵昕  宋玉 《中国渔业经济》2011,29(4):128-134
论文运用灰色关联和GM(1,1)预测模型,以福建省渔业经济发展为例,建立了渔业经济发展因素影响力评价模型。研究表明:2002~2009年间,福建省渔业经济快速发展的重要促进因素有资本投入、科技水平、水产品生产情况、劳动力数量投入;环境污染和自然灾害的负面作用对渔业经济发展的阻碍效应不明显;在现有发展基础上,福建省渔业经济发展将呈现平稳上升的变化趋势。根据研究结论,论文认为应该在资金投入、科研引进、环境保护和名优品种养殖等方面重点投入,逐步实现形成渔业经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于近十年国家社会科学基金选题指南和立项项目,剖析土地科学领域研究方向、立项格局、研究热点和发展趋势。研究方法:综合分析法,文献研究法。研究结果:(1)近十年土地科学领域选题有463项,占国家社会科学基金选题总量的2.16%,其研究方向可划分为法律法规、制度政策、经济市场、产权权益、调查评价、空间规划和修复保护7个方向。(2)近十年土地科学领域立项项目有1 350项,占国家社会科学基金立项总数的2.66%,选题平均立项数目(2.92)高于国家社会科学基金平均水平(2.38);立项学科侧重应用经济(34.75%)、管理学(17.92%)、法学(13.44%)和理论经济(11.87%);研究方向侧重制度政策(22.59%)和经济市场类(22.67%),研究热点聚焦在土地法制、三权分置、土地流转、自然资源、国土空间等。(3)展望未来,国家社会科学基金中土地科学领域将持续秉持响应国家战略需求、解决现实难题的要求,更加关注学科交叉融合、构建学科自主知识体系、提升国家治理体系和治理能力现代化水平和立足国际前沿参与全球治理等相关研究。研究结论:近十年来,国家社会科学基金中土地科学研究领域的...  相似文献   

苑霞 《中国渔业经济》2007,(1):I0003-I0003,F0003
图1:农业部范小建副部长讲话。其指出,转变渔业增长方式必须加强渔业经济与政策研究。渔业经济与政策研究工作要准确把握现代农业建设的时代背景,把握当前渔业经济政策研究的重点领域,深刻认识政策和科技支撑渔业发展的重大作用。  相似文献   

图1:农业部范小建副部长讲话。其指出,转变渔业增长方式必须加强渔业经济与政策研究。渔业经济与政策研究工作要准确把握现代农业建设的时代背景,把握当前渔业经济政策研究的重点领域,深刻认识政策和科技支撑渔业发展的重大作用。图2:全国人大农业与农村委员会万宝瑞副主任委员讲话。其指出,要加快渔业增长方式的  相似文献   

[本刊讯]受农业部渔业局委托,由中国水产科学研究院、中国水产(集团)总公司、中国林牧渔业经济学会(全国渔业经济研究会)联合主办的“全国渔业经济研讨会”,定于今年10月在烟台召开。这次会议是本世纪最后一次全国渔业经济发展战略研讨会。为贯彻中央可持续发展的战略方针,深化渔业经济体制改革,本次会议特邀水产界有关领导、专家学者、企业家以及从事渔业经济研究的科研教学人员参加。会议宗旨:总结回顾我国改革开放20年来的经验与教训;探讨21世纪我国渔业经济发展的战略;研究加入“WTO”后中国渔业经济面临的形势与…  相似文献   

加拿大渔业管理考察报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据我国外经贸部和加拿大国际开发署共同设置的“渔业政策与WTO知识培训”合作项目安排,以农业部渔业局王希华助理巡视员、中国水产科学研究院副院长司徒建通为正、副团长的中国渔业考察组,于2001年10月14日至28日赴加拿大就渔业管理政策及WTO有关问题进行了学习和考察。代表团先后走访了加拿大联邦政府渔业与海洋部、外交与国际贸易部和联邦渔业与海洋部属下的太平洋地区渔业总局、加拿大内陆水域中心,以及新斯科舍省农业与渔业局、不列颠哥伦比亚大学渔业中心、卡尔顿大学社会科学研究中心、太平洋渔业资源保护委员会等…  相似文献   

<正>《中国农村观察》(双月刊)由中国社会科学院主管、农村发展研究所主办,是研究中国“三农”问题的权威性学术期刊,在农村经济和社会等研究领域有着较高的社会影响力。自1980年创刊以来,本刊一直注重学术质量的提升,得到学界和社会的广泛认可,连续被“中文社会科学引文索引”(CSSCI)收录为来源期刊,被《中文核心期刊要目总览》《中国人文社会科学期刊评价报告》以及其他期刊评价体系收录为核心期刊。根据《中国学术期刊影响因子年报》(2021版),《中国农村观察》在农业经济类50种学术期刊中,影响因子名列第二;在487种经济学学术期刊中,综合影响因子排名第八;获评2021年度“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”。  相似文献   

一,机构性质 粮食经济研究所是原商业部于1988年4月特批成立的专门研究机构(部发(88)教字第七号),是我国高等院校中唯一一家以国内外粮食经济理论、政策与实践为其研究、咨询和培训为对象的经济研究所。专兼职人员30人,其中正副教授(研究员)21人,主要由南京财经大学经济管理领域的专兼职教学科研人员组成。  相似文献   

Since most agricultural programs employ two or more policy instruments simultaneously, it is notable thai little research has attempted to find optimal instrument combinations and no research exists which evaluates the social costs (unrealized benefits) of combining instruments suboptimally. In our paper we report a simple and feasible method to find optimal policy instrument combinations, and we provide the first general, formal approach to measuring the social costs of suboptimal policy instrument combinations. Our approach is illustrated in an analysis for live major U.S. crops (corn, feed grains, wheat, rice, cotton). The simple model we employ for the illustration suggests that except lor the feed grains program, the observed programs combined policy instruments quite suboptimally. We conclude that agricultural economics research now can and should begin placing increased emphasis on studying optimal policy instrument combinations.  相似文献   

This paper compares llie direct and indirect effects of rest-of-the-world (ROW) policy on welfare in country A: the direct effect due to the change in world price caused by (he policy in (he absence of research/promotion-induced shifts in supply/demand, and the additional (or indirect) effect of the policy on (he welfare gain to country A from its investment in research and promotion. The results showed that the reduction in aggregate economic benefits from research/promotion due to a world price-reducing policy in ROW could be in the range of 25-50% of the direct reduction in social welfare due to the ROW policy. In the case of Australian beef/veal, it is possible for the welfare impact of the ROW policy via research payoff in country A to exceed the direct welfare cost.  相似文献   

Environmental and conservation decisions are often complex, which results in complexity also in policy assessments. Conservation decisions have implications for different stakeholders and typically draw on multidisciplinary knowledge bases, incorporating natural, physical and social sciences, politics and ethics. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a potentially important tool for supporting conservation policy decisions. This article reports a spatially referenced MCDA of policy instrument scenarios for conserving forest biodiversity in Southwestern Finland. The effects of the realistic policy instruments designed in dialogue with stakeholders included voluntary permanent conservation, enforced spatially concentrated permanent conservation, voluntary permanent conservation with active nature management, and voluntary temporary conservation. These instruments were compared by combining forest-owner survey, MCDA and ex ante impact evaluation. The main objective was to find the forest biodiversity conservation instrument that would produce the highest total benefit. The effects of the different instruments were evaluated with ecological, economic, social, and institutional criteria after a 20-year time period. The results showed minor differences between the instruments, with voluntary permanent and voluntary temporary conservation producing the largest total benefit. Despite the small differences, the analysis was robust in showing that voluntary instruments were more favourable than enforced permanent conservation.  相似文献   

近年来,在社会科学的协作配合下,渔业治理取得了长足进步。而“参与治理”和强调管理责任由政府和通常位于基层层面的用户群共同承担的“共同管理制度”在渔业治理工作中尤其受到关注。随着两部借鉴了同一国际项目的著作——一部学术专著和一部应用者指南的出版,我们对渔业治理复杂性的认识向前迈进了一大步。我们需要认清三个彼此独立又相互联系的治理层面:一是日常管理事务的处理;二是制度安排;三是制定可持续发展渔业政策所需的概念、价值、原则和标准的构建。本文笔者的论点是决策制定者将太多精力放在政策过程的最终阶段,而忽视了原则改善,而这些原则恰恰是在面对通常情况下都十分困难的选择时能够做出科学决策的基础。这一领域的许多进步都得益于社会科学遵从的多学科研究方法。  相似文献   

陕西黄土高原生态重建理论体系探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土高原治理数十年来作为区域治理的重大项目,始终是我国自然科学和社会科学工作者进行深入研究和为之奋斗的科研攻关课题。本文着重就陕西黄土高原治理的社会战略地位、理论体系、生态重建趋向性进行阐述,探讨黄土高原生态重建的理论观点。  相似文献   

Nicaragua has implemented a community-oriented policing model in addition to providing a prison system that is based on the premise of prisoners’ re-education. Though these are part of the criminal justice system, they are also presented as social policies with the objective of social (re)insertion of marginalised urban youth particularly. On the premise that detention is temporary and beneficial, these policies claim to prevent (youth) criminality and to reform its perpetrators. Yet they mostly push these youths into a spiral of continued state interventions. Through an analysis of youth-oriented public policy and an examination of the expansion of criminal justice services, complemented by ethnographic research material collected with young (former) prisoners, this article demonstrates how and why social policy for youth is being carried out by the criminal justice system. This development is underpinned by the securitisation of social policy and a political culture of social conservatism that renders marginalised youth unworthy of social protection.  相似文献   

This paper considers the present state of applied economics and the difficulties of integrating its findings and insights with those of other social sciences. The philosophical basis of social science is re‐considered as a route to resolving these difficulties. Without a more integrated narrative about how our social systems work, applied economics, and all applied social sciences, run the substantial risk of being considered part of the world's problems, rather than offering serious routes to their solution. Some possible strands of a more coherent and integrated framework are outlined, which indicate some potentially fruitful avenues for further development. The paper concludes with illustrations of this outline for the food chain and land use agenda of the Research Councils' Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) initiative  相似文献   

During the last decades the European countryside has witnessed some major changes. This ‘rural restructuring’ implies a shift from an agricultural and manufacturing-based economy towards a service-centred economy in which the countryside is considered to be a place of consumption instead of a place of production. These major changes are accompanied by a shift in policy towards more engagement of stakeholders for the development and implementation of government objectives. However, making this shift from a steering government to a more enabling one does not come about naturally and authorities often lack adequate recourses, professional skills and equipment to take on this enabling role. In their search for the development of sound policy, policy makers are often confronted with a social interface to overcome. In line with Long (2003), we defined this social interface as “a critical point of intersection between different life worlds, social fields or levels of social organisation, where social discontinuities based upon discrepancies in values, interests, knowledge and power, are most likely to be located”. Making an (analytical) distinction between three main dimensions of the interface of policy making, namely the presence of a multitude of actors, the difficulty of integrating different knowledge systems and the need to reconcile different policy levels, enabled us to deal with the complexity of policy making processes. The objective of this paper is to investigate how this interface can be organised in such a way that a constructive collaboration allows a sound and widely accepted rural policy to develop. We describe three cases in Flanders (Belgium) for which new rural policy needed to be developed: agrarian architecture, the development of a landscape vision and the development of a policy strategy for castles, manors and their parks. Based on the comparative analysis of these cases, we were able to define five components that allow the organisation of the social interface: define common goals; identify the actors; integrate different knowledge systems; design the process; and guard transparency, fairness and procedural justice of the process.  相似文献   

Social inequalities induced by education accessibility are widespread and concern land use policy makers globally. Yet much of existing research heavily emphasizes on uncovering the spatial patterns of housing price in relation to education resources. This paper aims to renew our understanding of this classical topic by bringing the importance of temporal and institutional dynamics to the fore. Specifically, this research presents a detailed examination of the relationship between school quality and housing rental dynamics under the intervention of equitable housing policy, with special reference to Shanghai, the most developed megacity in China, also one of the first Chinese cities granting equal rights for renters to access schools within the catchment area. Based on time-series housing rental data collected from social media, the t-test discovers that school quality has a significant impact on housing rental prices after the introduction of this new housing policy. Moreover, housing rental prices within high-quality school districts are significantly higher than those within ordinary school districts. The hedonic model and variance partitioning further confirm that school quality is capitalized into housing rental prices, and its relative contribution varies with temporal periods. More specifically, how the relative contribution of school quality changes over time is consistent with the schedule of primary school enrollment and sensitive to policy intervention. The difference in difference model foregrounds that the equitable housing policy does result in rental prices hike in high-quality school districts, i.e., a 13.5 % rental premium of housings within high-quality school districts compared with those within ordinary ones. We conclude that the equitable housing policy fails to achieve the expected goal and propose alternative suggestions for mitigating social inequalities in education accessibility. This study demonstrates a novel methodological framework for evaluating the social consequence of equitable housing policy based on social media data. It unravels how housing rental changes with school district division and the capitalization effect of school quality in housing rental prices.  相似文献   

研究目的:构建政府运用土地政策调控市场的社会效用函数,并分析其最优政策选择。研究方法:文献资料法,动态优化分析法,实证研究方法。研究结果:(1)政策调控周期内最优干预力度应逐渐减小;(2)政策调控周期内应持续干预;(3)具体干预时间依赖于效用函数、存量运动方程及价格和干预之间关系等约束条件。研究结论:基于社会效用最大化下的最优土地政策路径可作为评估土地政策调控效果的有力参考。  相似文献   

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