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Chinese government will gradually scrap restrictions on the destination,stock ownership and business scope of foreign investment in the service sector,a senior economic planner said."China will stick to the open-up policy and promote a quantity-to-quality transformation in attracting foreign investment,"said Zhang Mao,Vice  相似文献   

In recent years, Chinese government has taken a series of measures to macro-control economy. On June 16, Ma Xiuhong, Vice-Minister of Commerce expressed at a press conference that the measures in order to keep sustainable development for economy have no negative influences on foreign investment.Ma pointed out that Chinese government always put development at the first place and any policy and measure is made to realize sustainable development. The fast, continuing and sound  相似文献   

Since the State Council declared the major strategic policy on the opening and development of the Pudong New Development Zone in East Shanghai in April 1990, Pudong has become a hot spot for foreign investment. A survey report shows that Pudong has made new progress in attracting overseas and domestic funds during 1992 to September 1993. Foreign investment  相似文献   

China has become a "hot spot" of foreign investment based on sustained development of its economy and huge potential market since implementing the reform and opening policy. In order to offer quality professional consultant service to foreign businessmen, the Beijing Guo Xun International Consultants Co., Ltd. was established in October 1993 by the  相似文献   

Major preferential policy toward enterprises with foreign investment and high and new technological enterprises: —A preferential 15 percent income tax reduction will be levied on foreign investment and high-tech and new technological enterprises in industrial parks. Those in operation for more than 10 years will be exempt from income tax  相似文献   

Recently, reports and comments on problems in Chinese investment environment by overseas media raised attentions and concerns. Financial Times of UK carried out a survey on March 23 under the title "Foreign Enterprises in China Having More Complaints", which said "Chinese governments excludes foreign-funded enterprises from some vigorous developing markets, which has already caused transnational corporations to complain more, especially on the implementation of protectionism actions in China." At the end of July, Wall Street Journal reviewed complaints from foreign merchants in recent months on investment environment in China,  相似文献   

The State Administration of Exchange Control Guangdong Branch issued experimental measures of foreign exchange control for investment outside China. According to rules, foreign investment companies and other enterprises could invest in foreign countries, and the restriction is relaxed on purchasing foreign exchange. Rules allow these enterprises to purchase foreign exchange using Renminbi for investment in foreign countries.  相似文献   

With a view to encouraging foreign investors to invest in China, and importing overseas advanced technology and management, expertise, foreign investors are permitted to run investmentnature companies (hereinafter referred to as investment co.) in China in accordance with the Chinese related foreign investment laws, decrees, rules and the Regulations.  相似文献   

Ovet the past 10-odd years,the Chinese government has been vigorously promoting measures and policies regarding the “going out” strategy and foreign investment and has been implementing these in a more and more comprehensive and proactive manner.But despite the progress,China still faces great difficulties and challenges in developing overseas investment due to the late start of overseas investment,insufficient work as well as direct impact from complicated external environments.  相似文献   

Hunan Province refined four advantages in practice, got to know that the driver for the rise of Central China lies in enlarging opening up, and summarized the following points: to open to both domestic and overseas investors, attract both domestic and foreign capital, seek cooperation with both domestic and foreign partners, open up both domestic and international market, face reality, promote and absorb outside investment and encourage private capital is an important motive force, strategic measure and realistic choice for Hunan in quickening the development. This article clearly points out the five important fields that Hunan seeks for domestic and foreign cooperation in. By Editor  相似文献   

Beijing attracts more foreign funds Beijing will step up its foreign economic relations and trade in a move to lure more overseas investment this year. The city wants to convince more transnationai and big-name companies to inject money into medium-to-large projects. The goal is to use foreign investment of more than US$1.25 billion in 1994, up 50 percent over last year.  相似文献   

Chinese government has recently introduced more flexible policies on foreign investment,which can help to partially restore the development of foreign inflows in China but can hardly resume its previous growth speed.Bian Weihong,a senior analyst from the Institute of International Finance of the Bank of China,believed that,given the current conditions,the situation for foreign investment absorption in the second half of the year will still stay complicated.Bian also pointed out that in the previous phase,as the European debt crisis stops deteriorating and the U.S.  相似文献   

At the Chinese Listed Companies to Build the Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum and Enterprises Transnational Investment Conference held recently,(hereinafter referred to as the Forum),attending officers from foreign business associations and embassies and consulates said they would continue to promote intergovernmental policy coordination,establish regional coordination mechanisms,build a trade and investment platform,boost key industry projects,and improve the service system to more effectively support Chinese listed companies to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative.  相似文献   

According to official statistics, the population of foreign residents in China amounted to above 320 thousand by the end of last year. Most of them are working for institutions and enterprises in China. They are an undividable part of Chinas growing economy. To better promote business exchange between China and the world, and to better serve those foreign friends in China who contribute for China's international exchange, China's Foreign Trade opens this special "Foreigner's Guidance" column, supplying useful information for foreign readers mainly on investment and trade in China. Each issue of the Magazine will focus on different aspect, from where business and life could be easier to start. We offer more than guidance!  相似文献   

--"The vision, ideas, and solutions they put forward in this book have the potential to redeem American foreign policy."  相似文献   

Since "going out" strategy launch implementation, Chinese central government has gradually established a continuously improving system of relevant pohcy and measures,which can be very helpful to enterprises to carry out foreign investment and cooperation.  相似文献   

China's economic tone setting conference for 2009, annual Central Economic Work Conference from last December 8 to 10, pledged to maintain a stable, healthy growth this year through domestic demand expansion and economic restructuring. According to the central authorities, in 2009, China will enhance and improve macroeconomic control efforts and carry out an active fiscal policy, as well as a moderately easy monetary policy. Expenditures in public areas will be "substantially increased" and those in major areas would be guaranteed.  相似文献   

"We are the best investment destination in the United States. We offer the most preferential tax policies for foreign companies investing in Tennessee and sound legal service to assist their operation in our state, too. "Answered by Mr. Phil Bredesen, Governor of Tennessee when asked about the possible barrier for Chinese companies to operate in Tennessee.  相似文献   

Biz-China Use of Foreign investment in West China increases The increase of actual use of foreign investment in China's western regions exceeded the nation's average by 128 percentage points in the first two months this year,said an official of the ministry of commerce on April 6. During the first two months,4,372 foreign investors came to China and the actual use of foreign investment rose 75 percent to US$18.1 billion.The western regions' actual use of foreign investment was US$1.393 billion,more than double over the  相似文献   

FDI to China soars each year.China's Foreign Trade this issue offers the foreign investment guide to China's sectors related to commerce,investment and high-tech- nology,and more to expect in the later issues.  相似文献   

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