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收入分配并非能够直接影响经济增长,人力资本投资的增加,能够改善城镇困难群体的就业质量,进而推动经济增长和社会的进步。通过探讨城镇困难群体人力资本投资对经济增长的影响,相应地提出政府加强公共教育和制度建设,减少分配差距,倡导企业承担社会责任,困难群体个人自身努力等,以实现扩大收入分配对经济增长的正面影响。  相似文献   

劳动供给弹性对于经济学理论和公共政策有重要意义,而研究中微观估计与宏观模型校准所需数值之间往往差异较大,工作时间约束是这一矛盾的解释之一。本文以受到和不受工作时间约束的双班和单班出租车驾驶员为研究对象,构造了驾驶员劳动供给关于临时性工资变化的跨期替代模型,并利用上海出租车驾驶员的微观大数据进行验证。实证结果表明,工资的临时性增加会激励劳动时长的增加,时间约束使得劳动供给弹性偏小。本文在中国的市场环境下给出了劳动供给弹性的估计和跨期替代证据,验证了时间约束对劳动供给弹性估计的影响,并从样本的独特性上对相关研究进行了拓展。  相似文献   

随着人力资本在企业资本中比重的提升,其对产品成本的影响日益增大,因此人们越来越关注企业人力资源成本的计量与分配。文章就制造费用人力资源成本的分配问题进行研究,提出制造费用中人力资源成本分配中劳动时间分配法的局限性,表现为脑力劳动消耗与劳动时间流失并不是简单倍加关系。由此提出,应采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法对传统方法进行改进,力图能够准确计量核算制造费用人力资源成本。  相似文献   

文章研究一个关于人力资本修正的闲暇、劳动供给时间的内生增长模型,在经济系统的动态均衡路径上,依据Arrw's Theorem判断该模型存在均衡解,并实际证明该模型存在唯一均衡解,依据Turnovsky的研究作为基准参数,实际求得均衡解,应用Matlab软件模拟经济系统中的劳动供给时间、闲暇和消费关于实物资本K的进行弹性分析,发现经过人力资本修正的模型提高了劳动供给时间关于实物资本的替代弹性.  相似文献   

伴随全面三孩政策的落地,中国越来越致力于促进生育,那表征为放松生育管控的生育政策调整会对中国劳动市场,尤其是已婚个体的劳动供给产生何种影响呢?这关乎生育配套政策的制定。为识别放松生育管控对中国已婚个体劳动供给的影响,全面二孩政策提供了一个准自然实验的机会。本文基于2014、2016、2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)微观数据,运用双重差分(DID)方法 ,考察了全面二孩政策对劳动供给的影响。结果表明,在实施全面二孩政策的第一年,全面二孩政策显著降低了已婚个体的劳动供给,大体上,在一个孩子的基础上,再多生育一个孩子,参与劳动的概率下降了9.3%。这一方面源于在缺乏社会和家庭照料下,生育对父母照料的刚性需求不可替代,另一方面源于生育带来了人力资本损耗下的工资率下降,进一步阻碍个人就业。进一步分析发现,首先,女性、农村户口群体、20-35岁年轻群体、家庭收入较低群体因为生育政策的放松,其参与劳动的概率更低;其次,全面二孩政策也降低个体的劳动时间,即在生育一孩的基础上,再生育二孩,个人周工作时间平均下降3.787小时;最后,随着时间的推进,全面二孩政策对劳动供给无显著影响,这也意味着当前生...  相似文献   

文章基于CHIP数据,利用倾向得分匹配法分析了我国城镇养老保险制度对城镇劳动年龄群体劳动供给时间的影响及其异质性问题.结果 发现,参保对劳动供给的影响以替代效应为主,会降低我国城镇劳动群体的劳动供给时间,但影响程度有限,且城镇养老保险的劳动供给效应表现出中部大于东部大于西部以及女性大于男性的特征.  相似文献   

文章研究一个关于人力资本修正的闲暇、劳动供给时间的内生增长模型,在经济系统的动态均衡路径上,依据Arrw'sTheorem判断该模型存在均衡解,并实际证明该模型存在唯一均衡解,依据Tumovsky的研究作为基准参数,实际求得均衡解,应用Matlab软件模拟经济系统中的劳动供给时间、闲暇和消费关于实物资本K的进行弹性分析,发现经过人力资本修正的模型提高了劳动供给时间关于实物资本的替代弹性。  相似文献   

知识经济时代经济增长所依靠的已不仅是货币资本,更重要的是人力资本,货币资本的获得和财富的积累都是由人力资本推动的。人力资本是现代经济增长与发展的源泉和动力,增加人力资本投资,提高人力资源质量,已成为促进经济发展的重要手段。从我国经济增长的影响因素看,人力资本作为生产要素对经济增长具有决定作用,人力资本投资对我国经济增长具有战略意义。本文对经济增长理论及人力资本理论进行了介绍,并运用实证分析方法探讨了教育投资对经济增长的贡献。  相似文献   

韩秀华  吴波 《活力》2010,(12):6-6
人口老龄化是指总人口中年轻人口数量减少.年长人口数量增加而导致的老年人口比例相应增长的动态过程。一般来说,年龄中位数增加、老年人口比例上升、少儿人口比例下降、老少比增长的人口年龄结构变化是典型的人口老龄化。人口老龄化不仅影响到经济生活中的生产、分配、交换、消费、积累和投资。而且导致养老负担加重和离退休费用不断攀升,对正在健全和完善的社会养老保障制度提出了前所未有的巨大挑战。  相似文献   

人口老龄化已经成为制约我国经济增长的重要因素。为考察老龄社会中人力资本的经济效应,首先构建包含老龄化因素的内生增长理论模型,考察人力资本最优投资规模;其次采用我国2010—2018年面板数据,使用GMM等估计方法进一步检验人力资本对经济增长的贡献。检验结果表明,受老龄化因素制约,我国人力资本经济产出弹性低于物质资本经济产出弹性,即人口老龄化对人力资本经济效应和投资收益期产生抑制作用。为发挥人力资本对经济增长的促进作用,在老龄化日益严重的背景下,各地政府应结合自身经济要素禀赋和发展基础调整两类资本投资结构,以减轻老龄化造成的经济冲击。  相似文献   

We evaluate the relative performance of formal and informal sectors in India by looking into their productivity difference. Recognizing the intersectoral linkages in the economy, the competitive general equilibrium prices are computed; these signal the productivities. Our model synthesizes frontier analysis with the general equilibrium approach to generate shadow prices. The formal activities are found to be more productive than the informal. However, the informal services sector is as efficient as the formal one. There would be an overall productivity gain of 22% to the economy if factors were allocated to productive activities. The shadow prices from the model indicate that the formal capital and informal capital are scarce factors, while it has been the opposite for formal (regular) and informal (casual) labour. Formal labour is more productive than its informal counterpart; formal capital and informal capital are equally productive.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2020,44(1):10-13
  • ▀ We have revised down our long-term forecast for GDP growth based largely on our expectation that the UK is headed for a much looser relationship with the EU. This will result in damage to trade and lower FDI inflows.
  • ▀ We now expect potential output growth to slow to 1.4% a year from 2020–2030 down from 1.6% a year from 2010–2020. In the two decades after 2030 we expect the drag from Brexit-related effects to fade, but weaker contributions in labour supply and human capital will cut output growth to 1.2% a year.
  • ▀ Demographics have been a key contributor to potential output growth over the past 30 years. But an ageing population and a more restrictive immigration regime are likely to mean the workforce grows far more slowly in the future.
  • ▀ Our long-term growth forecast is weaker than the OBR's and implies that future governments will face a combination of disappointing growth in tax revenues and increasing demands for government spending from an ageing population.

Different types of labor and capital inputs have varying productive contributions that are dependent on plant characteristics. We estimate such contributions and their underlying determinants, recognizing the interactions among labor and capital components that reflect their substitutability or complementarity, for Turkish manufacturing plants. We distinguish technical and non-technical labor, and structures, machinery and computer capital, as well as the shares of female workers and imported capital in our production function specification. We find capital-skill complementary for both machinery and computers; greater productive contributions and thus wages for skilled labor are associated with more machinery intensity and computer use. The reverse is true for unskilled labor, which is complementary only with capital structures. Our results suggest that synergies among skilled (technical) labor, computers, and machinery capital have productivity- and skilled wage-enhancing effects that could contribute to productivity convergence of developing toward developed countries, even with their differing industry and input composition.  相似文献   

The paper develops a model where the structure of organizations is a choice variable for firms and depends on conditions in the labour market. It shows that an increase in the supply of skilled labour may lead firms to adopt organizations with less hierarchical levels. This organizational change increases firms' demand for skilled agents and qualitatively modifies their jobs (i.e. the set of tasks assigned to skilled employees) thus increasing the skilled wage premium.  相似文献   

Different policies are being promoted to increase the labour supply in ageing labour markets. This article presents the results of a large-scale survey carried out among Dutch employers into their management of the constraints presented by a tight labour market. Organizations take different measures in response to staff shortages, which can in fact be distinguished as four strategies. The first relates to the recruitment of new groups of workers: groups that traditionally were perhaps not a preferred choice. The principal measures in this strategy are the recruitment of women and ethnic workers, and to a lesser extent the elderly. The second strategy focused on increasing the labour supply of existing workers. Overtime, encouraging part-timers to work extra hours and a structural increase in the length of the working week were part of this strategy. The measures constituting the third strategy were of a different type. Generally, these measures were adopted in order to cope with temporary peaks. Work was outsourced, a recruitment agency used, and higher wages offered to try to fill a vacancy. The fourth strategy focused on substituting technology/capital for labour. Regression analyses is carried out to explain which strategies organizations use to deal with shortages.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the implications of population ageing in an economy with a sizeable non-traded goods sector. To this effect a highly stylized micro-founded macro model is constructed in which the age structure of the population plays a non-trivial role. The model distinguishes separate birth and death probabilities (thus allowing for net population change), allows for age-dependent labour productivity (thus mimicing life-cycle saving), and includes a rudimentary pension system (thus allowing for intergenerational redistribution). The model is used to analytically study demographic and pension shocks.  相似文献   

The paper examines some important developments that are taking place on the supply side of the Japanese labour market. The major themes addressed include the impact of ageing on the structure of employment and the increasing participation of women in the labour force. The paper considers in some detail the various policy responses taken, by government through legal intervention and by firms employing specific human resource management strategies, to address these issues. It also observes that supply side needs will have a significant future impact on what might be termed traditional personnel practices in Japan.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2017,41(1):5-11
  • The prospect of continued weak productivity growth and less support from rising labour supply means we are relatively gloomy about medium‐term growth prospects. Our forecasts show potential output growth of just 1.6% a year from 2017–2030. This would be well below the average of the decade prior to the financial crisis (2.7%) and in line with our estimate for the 2007 and 2016 period which included the global financial crisis.
  • We have become more pessimistic about the extent to which growth in total factor productivity is likely to accelerate. This is partly due to a judgement call that more of the weakness since the financial crisis reflects structural factors. Brexit is also likely to weigh on long‐term prospects, resulting in a degree of trade destruction and lower FDI inflows than would be the case were the UK to remain in the EU. Brexit is also likely to result in less capital deepening.
  • Demographic factors also point to weak potential output growth moving forwards. High levels of inward migration have mitigated the impact of an ageing population recently. However, immigration is likely to fall sharply over the next decade, as first an improving European labour market reduces incentives to migrate and then the UK Government adopts more restrictive immigration policy. We are also coming into a period where there will be fewer increases in state pension age than of late.
  • Since the mid‐1990s there has been a surge in the number of people going to university, resulting in strong contributions from human capital. But this will be less important moving forwards as university admissions reach a ceiling.
  • Stronger growth in potential output would be possible if Brexit results in trading arrangements which are closer to the status quo, or if policy is more ‘liberal’, than our baseline assumptions.

Ricardian dynamic general equilibrium analyses show that under free trade arrangements a low income country with lower wage cost and large endowment of labour has comparative advantage in trade. Efficiency gains from this enhance economic growth and welfare of households simultaneously in both low income and advanced economies. Theoretical predictions are empirically validated here with structural VAR analysis based on quarterly data over the time period 1995:1 to 2009:1 on China's relative wage cost, interest rate differential, real effective exchange rate (REER), relative GDP and the US current account balance. It is shown how the relative prices of labour, capital and the currency affect the economic activity in China and current account balance in the US. With free capital inflows and outflows and restrictions on labour mobility, comparative advantage of China and the trade deficit of the US will both be minimised if China allows real appreciation of the Yuan and complete adjustment in prices. Higher production cost and prices in China could reduce welfare of Chinese households and the trade imbalance of the US, while higher relative GDP of China lowers the current account balance for the US.  相似文献   

在中国高技能劳动力供给不断增加的背景下,引进国外先进生产技术能够促进本土企业实现技术进步,进而扩大企业对高技能劳动力的相对需求。作为技术引进的途径之一,本土企业使用外资企业授权的生产技术与企业内高技能劳动力就业的关系却较少受到关注。本文利用世界银行2012年中国企业调查数据对这一问题进行初步探索。研究结果表明,获得外资企业技术授权能够显著提升劳动力技能结构,影响途径包括生产规模扩张、研发投入增加和资本深化。其中,生产规模和研发投入为正向途径,资本深化为反向途径。此外,外资企业技术授权作为本土企业扩大对高技能劳动力的相对需求的途径之一,对避免技能层面的要素错配和结构性失业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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