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The primary objective of this study is to investigate the perceptions of government agencies regarding the importance of selected job characteristics in entry-level accountants. We collected our data with a survey instrument which contained detailed questions on appearance, education, extracurricular activities, performance, and personality. Our sample consisted of federal agencies with a known proclivity to hire accounting graduates. In addition, for comparative purposes we also sampled the 11 largest U.S. public accounting firms. We mailed the instrument to both the treatment and the control group of firms. Our results indicated that a number of achievement, personality, and social factors were particularly important to each employer group. Interoccupational comparisons revealed minimal overlap in the factors of particular significance to both federal agency and public accounting firm recruiters. These findings suggest that different knowledge, skills, and personality traits might be crucial to students seeking employment with federal agencies as opposed to large public accounting firms.  相似文献   

This empirically-based, exploratory study outlines the framework of chartered accountants' tax education and training in South Africa and focuses on training officers' perceptions of the existing tax knowledge of trainee accountants when entering into a training contract after completing their university qualification. The study identified the respondents' satisfaction with the performance by ‘entry-level’ trainee accountants of their duties. The results indicated that, although the educational background of trainee accountants was for the most part adequate, these trainee accountants were not sufficiently able to perform their duties when entering into training. The implication of this study is that the syllabus setters and educators should review the practicality of the current tax syllabi's content for the education and training of aspirant chartered accountants in South Africa.  相似文献   

South Africa has a shortage of black chartered accountants. This situation has arisen due to a combination of political, socio-economic and related educational reasons during the four decades of apartheid rule. In recent years, numerous academic ventures have commenced in an attempt to increase the number of black chartered accountants. This paper reviews and identifies, through an empirically-based exploratory study, the educational issues potentially inhibiting the development of black chartered accountants in South Africa, as well as the academic support structures which have arisen in response to these perceived educational barriers. Both academic support organizations and recently qualified black chartered accountants in South Africa were surveyed through in-depth interviews and structured self-administered questionnaires. This study found, inter alia, that role models, as a motivational factor for black accounting students, were extremely important. Cognitive factors, such as writing skills and the interpretation of numerical data, were identified as areas of primary concern, whilst issues with respect to certain study needs, such as assistance with study skills and examination techniques, also warranted attention. This study also found that the overall approach of academic support organizations to programme structure and design appears to be addressing student needs adequately. Certain improvements, however, are recommended. Of particular concern, is the general lack of studies on the effectiveness of academic support programmes.  相似文献   

This paper considers the validity of using self-assessment to measure computer literacy among entry-level undergraduate accounting students. Data collected from objective and self-appraisal computer literacy tests completed by students at two UK universities are analysed and the results of the tests compared for each student. The findings reveal significant differences in the students' perceived and actual computer literacy with the vast majority over-estimating their computer knowledge. Furthermore, evidence is provided that more-able students are more accurate in their self-assessment. These findings indicate that self-assessment is not an appropriate means of determining computer literacy among entry-level undergraduate accounting students when used in isolation. However, as an adjunct to a more robust measure of computer literacy, self-assessment may provide a useful insight into students' attitudes to computing. In addition, self-assessment stimulates reflection and thereby contributes to lifelong learning, a concept particularly important for accountants who must assess their competence throughout their professional careers.  相似文献   

The extent to which management accountants are receiving appropriate training in quantitative methods is examined. It finds a disparity between the wide range of quantitative techniques covered within the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants' syllabi and the limited use made of many of the techniques in practice. It also reports a rich picture of differing expectations of the role of quantitative skills in the work of a management accountant. The study finds that quantitative skills are seen by both employers and accounting educators as contributing to the portfolio of skills required by management accountants. Also, they give a rigour to the examination process that is seen as a challenging ‘rite of passage’ into the profession. It is concluded that knowledge and understanding of the range of quantitative techniques available to organizations is a powerful differentiator for the accounting profession, even if the occasions upon which accountants are required to draw upon much of that knowledge are few and far between.  相似文献   

This paper explores how five Australian organisations utilised accounting techniques and accountants as they developed an increasing focus on water efficiency during a period of drought. In those cases where top management were responsive to developing community logics that argued for the importance of efforts to maximise water efficiency, non‐accountants found space to experiment with a diversity of decision‐useful accounting initiatives. While initially bypassed, accountants ultimately became important for their ability to link evolving initiatives to core organisational concerns. Alternatively, in those organisations where senior responsiveness to evolving community concerns about water efficiency was limited, accountants dominated from the outset, presiding over a limited range of responses that offered an appearance, but little substance, of change.  相似文献   

This pioneering study examines the impact of the provision of additional guidance on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as a “decision aid” on the accuracy of judgments of the accountants. To extend the prior research on accounting judgment and decision-making, we also examine the interactive effects of task complexity and additional guidance on the judgments of accountants. The results provide evidence that those accountants who are provided with decision aid in the form of additional guidance on IFRS make more accurate judgments than accountants who are not provided with such guidance. Furthermore, the study provides evidence that this additional guidance improves the judgments of accountants when they undertake tasks which they find complex. The results indicate that additional guidance on IFRS needs to be provided and suggests that accountants should exploit any guidance which is currently provided in IFRS and by the International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee.  相似文献   

For theoretical and methodological convenience, accountants often assume that the divisions of an organization are largely independent of one another and that divisional managers therefore can make decisions consistent with global optimality. Along with these assumptions, accountants have taken the structure of an organization as fixed and not changeable. This paper suggests a framework and method for assessing the costs resulting from non-independent divisions, as a component of organization productivity. Also offered is a methodology for changing the structure of organizations so that these hidden “conversion costs” first will be exposed and then can be managed for productivity improvements. Structural change thus becomes an alternative to designing elaborate information/control systems as a way of managing interdependency problems. Furthermore, as organizations are redesigned to make divisions more independent, accountants can concentrateon more intermediate matters, such as procedures for optimally determining joint-cost allocation and transfer prices, with minimal interference from the divisional structure of the organization.  相似文献   

A review of two economic theories is utilized to provide theoretical support for the greater possible involvement by accountants in what has been called strategic management accounting. One of these theories is concerned with the underlying characteristics of enterprise products. It suggests that there is a need for accountants to consider the cost structure of not only their own firm but of all enterprises in the relevant market and of potential entrants. It also suggests that costs can not be considered in isolation from demand factors. The second theory to be reviewed is concerned with whether a firm's cost structure permits its market strategy to be sustainable in the face of potential entry. This theory again emphasizes the intertwining of demand and cost factors and the need to consider these factors simultaneously. The use of this theory allows a new perspective to be taken to cost behaviour which is especially suited to high technology manufacturing.  相似文献   

This study examines how management accountants' cognitive style combines with their role involvement to affect not only the level of effort they devote to initiating change in their management accounting practices, but also how radical those changes are. While management accountants' cognitive style is likely to be an important indicator of the level of effort devoted to initiating change, the role they occupy in the organization (described in terms of role involvement) is also likely to be important as a means through which their efforts can be facilitated. The results from a survey of management accountants indicate that cognitive style had a positive but not significant direct effect on the level of effort management accountants devote to initiating change but, as hypothesized, there was a significant indirect effect via the mediating variable of role involvement. Moreover, this indirect relationship was more significant for radical changes than non‐radical changes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is: (1) to discover which services are offered by external accountants serving small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs); (2) to study the factors that are associated with the degree of diversification of the services offered by these accountants; and (3) to investigate if there are differences between self‐employed accountants and accounting firms on the previous two points. This study has some interesting conclusions: (1) the heterogeneity of internal staff is not significantly associated with the degree of diversification; (2) a homogeneous internal staff with an accounting background is particularly important for accounting firms that diversify their services in the accounting and tax area; (3) collaboration with other service providers is an important factor associated with more diversification of the services; (4) marketing is only important for self‐employed accountants; (5) accounting firms offer fewer non‐accounting‐related services if they serve more micro clients (fewer than 10 employees), whereas self‐employed accountants offer more accounting and tax services if they serve more micro clients (fewer than 10 employees); and (6) accounting firms that diversify in accounting and tax services mainly serve more micro clients (fewer than 10 employees), whereas accounting firms that diversify in non‐accounting areas serve more larger clients (more than 10 employees).  相似文献   

Practitioners have consistently noted that entry-level accountants exhibit inadequate communication skills (Andrews & Sigband, 1984). Academics and practitioners agree that accounting students' writing and oral communication skills are the two major areas needing more attention in the curriculum (Simons & Higgins, 1993). Daly (1978) and McCroskey (1984) have found that poor communication is a result of either poor skills, apprehension, or both. This suggests a need to determine the level of apprehension in accounting majors prior to making curriculum/classroom changes. This study examines the level of communication apprehension in accounting majors. The results show that accounting majors have higher apprehension toward both written and oral communications than other business majors. Gender differences were found only for oral communication apprehension, with female accounting majors reporting the highest apprehension. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of accountants in dealing with the social, emotional and stress‐related problems of their clients is explored using semi‐structured interviews with owner‐accountants and regional development workers. Findings indicate the importance to rural communities and the related public of accountants acting as ‘emotional wellbeing counsellors’; a role they are pressured to accept by their clients and community, and for which they are neither formally educated nor trained. Implications are drawn for effective counselling preparation of accounting graduates and practising accountants by educators and professional associations.  相似文献   

Given the importance of effective written communication skills to the discipline of accounting, faculty must emphasize these skills in their classroom in order to adequately prepare students for successful careers in the field. Since 2000, only two studies in the accounting literature have examined which written communication skills are needed by entry-level accountants and consensus is that spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity are of utmost importance. We surveyed accounting practitioners and faculty to determine what exactly, within those categories, is most bothersome. For example, within clarity, is it wordy sentences, passive voice, or shifts in tense? By documenting the most bothersome errors, our findings can help accounting educators to focus their limited time on the appropriate skill emphasis.  相似文献   

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has made minority recruitment a major goal. Minorities, and especially African-Americans, have not been entering the accounting profession in proportion to their numbers in either the general population or the population of college graduates. Two competing explanations have been advanced that attempt to explain this failure@8ihuman capital theory, and structural/class theory. This paper reports on the results of a survey of a sample of 445 African-American accountants that attempts to test the validity of these two theories by assessing the respondents' personality characteristics, job satisfaction and turnover intentions. The distribution of personality type for the sample of African-American accountants was found to be similar to the results of a previous study conducted on groups of Anglos and Hispanics. Additionally, the job satisfaction and turnover intention results for the sample were found to be similar to those reported in previous studies. As a result, the findings fail to support the human capital theory, and implicitly lend support to the structural/class theory. Finally, anecdotal evidence from the respondents in two open-ended questions was examined. It indicated that African-American accountants' failure to advance in the profession was perceived to be attributed to a less than total commitment to diversity and the existence of glass ceilings in many organizations.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of adaptive/innovative cognitive style, and professional development on the initiation of radical and non‐radical innovations by individual management accountants. Data are gathered through questionnaire and follow‐up interviews with practising management accountants. The results show that management accountants with a more innovative (adaptive) cognitive style tend to initiate more (fewer) radical relative to non‐radical innovations, and that this effect is amplified by professional development. The study has implications for research in management accounting innovation and for practice, including the importance of maintaining a balance of radical and non‐radical innovations in organizations, and of professional development.  相似文献   

This is an exploratory study which examines whether accountants and users of financial statements hold congruent or incongruent views on the decision usefulness of accounting information. This issue is important to the question of whether users require direct involvement in the standard-setting process, or whether their views may be adequately represented in the process by other participants such as accountants. Drawing on the sociology of professions literature under which professionals, such as accountants, are assumed to seek to maintain the judgement domain and indeterminacy of their professional task, it is hypothesised that accountant and user views on decision usefulness will be incongruent in those situations where a change in accounting method reduces judgement domain or indeterminacy. Specifically, it is hypothesised that, compared to users, accountants will perceive a lower degree of decision usefulness to be associated with a change in accounting method that reduces judgement domain or indeterminacy. Using a survey questionnaire, developed around a series of accounting method change scenarios, and administered to a sample of accountants and investment analysts (as an example of users), support was found for our hypothesis in relation to judgement domain, but not for indeterminacy.  相似文献   

The relative merits of market forces compared with regulations as the more efficient mechanism for ensuring adequate accountability from business (and non-business) organizations is a subject of keen debate. Britain in the second half of the nineteenth century is regularly cited as an example of how the market will ensure adequate accountability in the absence of regulatory requirements. There is a great deal of speculation but very little hard evidence concerning the precise levels of accountability during this period. This study is designed to penetrate contemporary attitudes and actions by using primary sources to determine the audit arrangements made by quoted companies in the year 1886. It is discovered that professionally qualified accountants generally, and chartered accountants in particular, had achieved a dominant position by 1886, and possibly rather earlier; a finding which is also used to illuminate the question of the nature of the professional accountants' work in the late nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Derek Matthew 《Abacus》2001,37(3):329-351
Britain has more professionally qualified accountants per capita than any of her leading economic rivals and they play a major role as advisers to British companies and take a disproportionate share of the jobs in top management. Unfortunately for the accountants, business historians, other academics, commentators and even contemporary politicians have almost universally noted this to be a bad thing. This article discusses whether this reputation is justified by assessing the past performance of professional accountants as business advisers and managers. Stereotypical criticisms of accountants in terms of excessive caution, their support for the holding company form, or seeing problems in narrow financial terms are found to be unjustified. The promotion of accountants to the top jobs can be seen as rational profit-maximizing behaviour by British companies and a recent survey has demonstrated the performance of accountants in top management in recent years to be superior to other professions such as engineers.  相似文献   

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