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张进福 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):134-146
旅游吸引物在旅游系统中扮演着基础性作用,但却面临着语义的不明和来自理论内部与旅游实践的双重挑战。文章从边界与内涵出发,借助"旅游吸引物"与"旅游资源"的比较、旅游吸引物与旅游吸引物系统的转变,剖析旅游吸引物之为吸引物的意义生成与社会建构过程,重新思考旅游吸引物之属性及其在当下旅游实践中的作用,探讨其社会建构所反映的旅游与社会的关系问题。文章认为,旅游吸引物兼具自然属性、社会属性和符号属性等多重属性,吸引力特性是其本质属性;旅游吸引物属性及其社会建构有深刻的社会基础。旅游吸引物边界及其属性的理论反思,在旅游席卷全球的当下,兼具学理价值与现实意义;在火热的乡村旅游实践中,对守护乡土景观亦有特殊意涵。  相似文献   

我国旅游景区门票多目标定价机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷宏振  邵鹏  雷蕾 《旅游学刊》2012,27(7):49-56
传统产品定价研究大都从市场供需出发,以利润最大化来设置产品价格.然而景区门票价格是由市场因素和政策因素共同作用形成,景区门票定价不仅要满足景区经营方的利润最优目标,还应符合景区的生态承栽能力和社会福利目标.文章通过建立景区基于利润最优目标、生态承裁力目标和社会福利最优目标模型,证明了当追求利润最大化目标时,景区应该以产业利润最大化来制定门票价格;当景区生态承载能力低于产业利润最优的游客数量时,票价应该根据生态承栽人数来制定;当公共景区基于社会福利最优定价时,完全免费并不一定是社会福利的最优选择.在此基础上,对多目标定价机制进行比较分析,并结合杭州西湖景区案例对多目标门票定价机制进行了动态综合研究.  相似文献   

Although tourist attractions are fundamental to the very existence of tourism, there have been few attemps to come to terms with the breadth of approaches that have been employed in their study. An examination of research methods used in the study of tourist attractions and the tourist attractiveness of places reveals that most studies can be classified into one or more of three general perspectives: the ideographic listing, the organization, and the tourist cognition of attractions. Each of these perspectives shares a distinct set of questions concerning the nature of the attractions, as expressed through the typologies used in their evaluation. At the same time, all three perspectives make comparisons based on the historical, locational, and various valuational aspects of attractions. This framework can be applied in the comparison and evaluation of tourist attraction related research.  相似文献   

This study uses online reviews to explore memorable tourism experiences of tourists visiting different city attractions. Seeking to identify a collection of themes and concepts reflecting tourists' memorable experiences during their attraction visits, this study reveals the most shared tourism memories in cognitive-emotive-behavioral themes. By developing a matrix that categorizes tourist city attractions based on an ideographic approach, the study also argues that there are different types of tourist memorable experiences at different types of attractions (i.e., human-marker, nature-sight and human-sight tourist attractions). The findings extend previous understanding of the research in tourism experience and attractions by analyzing 156,986 TripAdvisor tourist reviews of the top ten most popular tourist attractions in London. This study also provides recommendations for destination management organizations and various city tourism stakeholders to plan, market and manage city tourism products and services.  相似文献   

Ticket pricing is a key issue for tourism research in China. Owing to regional differences, a unified nationwide price reduction strategy for tourist attractions would be inappropriate for China. To assist in regional ticket pricing decisions, this study uses ArcGIS spatial analysis methods to analyze the spatial differentiation of ticket prices and revenue levels between prefectural units, using 2017 data from 9450 A-grade tourist attractions. The results reveal prominent characteristics of spatial differentiation in tourist attractions’ average ticket prices, as well as in the proportion of their revenue from ticket sales, between prefectural units. Ticket prices are generally low in north China and high in south China; meanwhile, the proportion of ticket revenue is generally high in east China and low in west China. The factors influencing such spatial differentiation are tourism resources, local socio-economic conditions, and the management of tourist attractions. The findings help stakeholders to make differentiation strategy.  相似文献   

旅游资源与旅游吸引物:含义、关系及适用性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游资源和旅游吸引物分别是汉语界和英语界经常使用的重要概念,然而学术界对这两个概念的理解和使用方式不但存在国别差异,还存在概念内涵与外延理解的深层次分歧。文章通过梳理这两个概念的界定方式、含义理解、翻译使用等方面的分歧,从概念产生背景、语词本意、逻辑规则、现实含义等角度,逐一进行辨析,指出旅游资源和旅游吸引物这两个概念是中英文学术界创造的具有旅游学科独特含义的专属概念,它们总体上被用来指称旅游活动的对象。旅游资源一词容易引发诸多理解歧义,而旅游吸引物一词在含义上更为清晰、准确,有更大的使用空间;而常被我们用来作为旅游资源英文对译词的tourism resources,其在英语中的实际含义并非如此,使用频率也不高。文章还将旅游资源和旅游吸引物的概念界定方式进行了分类,概括了其间的核心差异,疏解了歧义,辨析了合理性。在此基础上,对利珀(Leiper)的旅游吸引物系统论做出了新的解读。  相似文献   

张琼  张德淼 《旅游学刊》2013,(12):90-96
旅游吸引物在旅游学上属于一个集合概念, 在法律上没有相关规定, 但不同属性的旅游吸引物作为个体在《物权法》上的权属性质往往是有法可循的。文章运用物权法理论, 结合新颁布的《旅游法》, 分析几个典型旅游吸引物的权属, 试图澄清几个与此相关的问题, 论证设立旅游吸引物权、为之统一立法的不合理性和不可行性, 并进一步提出充分运用《合同法》、《旅游法》以及相关法律解释等现有法律规定, 解决农村土地旅游开发中社区权益保护问题, 而不是简单地采取修改法律的方式解决此类问题。  相似文献   

社会学视角下的旅游吸引物及其建构   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
西方的旅游研究表明,旅游吸引物是一个系统,它往往是人为建构的结果.而旅游吸引物之所以成为吸引物,不仅因为它具有某种特殊的客观属性,同时还因为它具有人为建构的符号属性.本文在分析旅游吸引物的符号属性的基础上,提出旅游吸引物的概念内涵,并从社会建构的角度对其符号化过程进行分析.本文认为,社会学视角下的旅游吸引物建构的过程实质上是意义和价值建构的过程,同时也是旅游吸引物的符号化过程.这一过程随着社会主流价值与理想的变化呈现出不断变化的动态特征.  相似文献   

To explore popularly visited tourist locations, travel movement patterns, and movement points, this study collected samples of 321 Chinese tourists and 337 Japanese tourists who were visiting major tourist destinations in Seoul and its vicinity in South Korea. Results of analyzing movement patterns showed that Japanese tourists tend to be clustered around popular attractions, whereas Chinese tourists tend to spread over a larger area of attractions. Some specific shopping and amusement attractions were the locations most popularly visited by both groups. The start points and end points in the two groups’ itineraries were dissimilar overall, even though their patterns were similar in regard to major preferred tourist attractions. Thus, the findings of this study have the potential to contribute to understanding spatial mobility in a tourism destination through tracking tourists’ movement patterns.  相似文献   

As the application of human icons as tourist attractions continues to increase, there is a growing need to better understand how these famous individuals are used by destinations. Based on literature in several relevant fields, such as history, social science, and destination management, effectiveness criteria for icon attractions were analyzed in this study. Three “situational” factors influencing the operation of icon attractions (culture, history, and government involvement) were included in these criteria. It also suggested that icon attractions can be evaluated from three aspects: characteristics of icons, organization, and impacts. The applications of icon effectiveness criteria for tourist attractions in the United States and China were compared. The validity and practical value of the effectiveness criteria were demonstrated. Management implications in the utilization of icon attractions were derived.  相似文献   

Studies of competitiveness have been most often conducted at the destination rather than the attraction level. However, a destination is an aggregation of tourist attractions plus supporting infrastructure and services, and many attractions are small-scale destinations in themselves, providing visitors with multiple opportunities. This paper, by examining the environmental strategies adopted in the development process of Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone, the most visited attraction in Hainan, China, shows that the image, and hence the competitiveness of tourist attractions can be enhanced through sound environmental management practices.  相似文献   

本文以江苏省657家星级乡村旅游地为研究样本,综合运用最邻近指数、核密度估计、缓冲区分析、地理探测器等多种空间分析与统计方法,探究江苏省乡村旅游地空间分布特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)江苏省乡村旅游地呈集聚分布,在苏北地区呈单核心空间分布,在苏中、苏南地区连绵呈环状分布格局。(2)江苏省乡村旅游地具有“沿路傍水” “环城近景”的分布特征,100万城镇人口是乡村旅游地集聚发展的门槛,大城市周边更容易形成乡村旅游地聚集区。(3)单因子探测结果发现,江苏省乡村旅游地空间分布受多种因素的综合影响,其中经济因素影响程度最高,其次是自然因素和社会因素。(4)双因子交互探测结果显示,经济、社会、自然因素间的交叉作用显著性突出,空气质量与第一产业是乡村旅游地发展的前提条件,交通运输是基础性保障因素,邻近拥有富裕客源的大城市是促使乡村旅游地集聚发展的根本原因。研究结果可为区域乡村旅游产业的布局优化与可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

世界旅游强国离不开良好交通的支持,而作为交通中非常重要的高速铁路的快速发展,必将有力地促进区域旅游的发展。文章探讨了2020年全国高铁网络影响下旅游景点可达性空间格局及其变化,分析旅游目的地与客源地市场空间格局变化特征,在全国尺度下定量分析高速铁路建设对旅游客源地与目的地可达性的影响。测度2020年规划高铁通车前后旅游可达性空间格局与变化。结果显示:高铁开通后,高铁沿线城市可达景点数量显著增加;尤其是"日"字形高铁沿线城市与景点的增加值最高,将成为我国重要旅游经济带,高铁沿线城市与景点是高铁网络效应的主要受益者,高铁服务带来了时空压缩效应,即高铁的开通不仅缩短旅游客源地和目的地之间的时间距离、加强了两地之间的联系,也实现了旅游者跨区域的快速外部交通,而这种快捷效应的延续同样离不开城市内部交通网络的优化,缩短中心城市到旅游景区的时间,将会进一步增强景区的吸引力。  相似文献   

Understanding visitors' level of engagement with tourist attractions is vital for successful heritage management and marketing. This paper develops a scale to measure visitors' level of engagement with tourist attractions. It also establishes a relationship between the drivers of engagement and level of engagement using Partial Least Square, whereby both formative and reflective scales are included. The structural model is tested with a sample of 625 visitors at Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow, UK. The empirical validation of the conceptual model supports the research hypotheses. Whilst prior knowledge, recreational motivation and omnivore-univore cultural capital positively affect visitors' level of engagement, there is no significant relationship between reflective motivation and level of engagement. These findings contribute to a better understanding of visitor engagement in tourist attractions and a series of managerial implications are proposed.  相似文献   

The format and content of tourist attraction brochures are examined. Emphasis is on their function in encouraging tourists to establish authentic “traveler-like” personal contact with the local people and area. The Old Order Amish community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, is the setting studied. Findings indicate that brochures advertising staged tourist attractions implicity encourage tourists to move away from contact with the indigenous population and culture. Attractions are presented as convenient, efficient, and authentic means of “sampling” the region. Questions are raised about the probable consequences for a local area and its people, should large numbers of tourists choose to seek our direct and “authentic” contact with the indigenous community. It may be the staged attractions, while often the object of intellectual critique, protect the community from the pressures of mass tourism.  相似文献   

Cohen Erik “The Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. V, No. 2, April/June 1978, pp. 215–237. While moderate and well-distributed tourism may help to upkeep attractions and preserve the environment, tourism as a mass industry poses new environmental risks. This paper is a first attempt to assess systematically the environmental impact of tourism and to spell out the principal factors on which this impact depends: the intensity of tourist site-use, the resiliency of the eco-system, the time perspective of the developers and the transformational character of touristic developments. The environmental dynamics of the tourist ecological sub-system are shown to consist of a constant expansion at the margins and intensification at the mature core, leading to the creation of “contrived” attractions both at the core (as “natural” attractions decline) and the margins (to supplement meager “natural” attractions as tourism expands into less attractive regions). Two major types of measures for environmental protection are discussed: those protecting the environment for tourism and those protecting it from tourism. The need for the second type of measures is emphasized, particularly in developing countries, which face greater environmental risks from tourism than the developed ones.  相似文献   

试论产业发展进程中的旅游区(点)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
张辉  厉新建  秦宇 《旅游学刊》2001,16(6):34-39
在简要回顾中国旅游产业发展进程的基础上,本文对旅游业发展态势与旅游区(点)建设、经营和管理之间的互动关系做了重点分析,指出了在产业发展进程中旅游区(点)存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了相关的对策与建议.  相似文献   

World Heritage Sites (WHS) are often popular and primary attractions for a destination for many reasons, in particular the economic benefits they bring in terms of increased visitation and extension of stay. However, without active management to reduce negative impacts, such as congestion, both tourists and the host community can become caught up in a downward spiral of poor visitor experiences and degradation of World Heritage values. Accordingly, this paper examines the nature of congestion and its impact on visitor experience at two popular WHS attractions in Macao. It also provides some insights into Chinese outbound tourist behaviour and visitation patterns. These observations should be of interest to planners and site managers of popular World Heritage attractions elsewhere in the world as China begins to adopt mass international leisure travel.  相似文献   

Differing from traditional approaches to exploring issues of tourist attractions, this article uses insights from actor-network theory (ANT) and social affordance to conceptually examine how a postmodern tourist attraction, a Jimmy-themed tourist attraction, has been enacted into a relational network composed of multiple and heterogeneous actors/actants. The paper scrutinizes the transformation of figures from Jimmy-related picture books into the social affordances of a postmodern tourist attraction via evolving mechanisms of ordering and valuating attractiveness to connect human and nonhuman actors into a relational web. It is argued that the conceptual application of ANT and social affordance may help provide an alternative approach to the study of tourist attractions.  相似文献   

国内旅游景区门票价格制定影响因素的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄潇婷 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):73-79
文章通过对国内景区门票价格定量的统计分析和定性的理论探讨,初步确定了影响旅游景区门票价格制定的七个影响因素,按相关程度依次是景区级别、管理体制、产品类型、行业环境、景区面积、产业环境和社会经济环境.通过实证研究指出门票定价问题的复杂性和特殊性,并对定价思路和旅游发展提出相关建议.  相似文献   

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