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Mainland China experienced an extraordinary progress in its economy in the past two decades which directly stimulates more outbound travels. Considering the geographical proximity and political ties between Hong Kong and Mainland China, the share of inbound tourists to Hong Kong has been, and will continuously be, largely occupied by Mainland Chinese tourists on an uprising basis. The phenomenon of the “Chinese tourists' wave”, operationalizing as the influx of tourists from Mainland China, has brought tremendous change on Hong Kong's tourism industry, economy and local community. It is, thus, of necessity to understand the perceptions and response toward this phenomenon from local residents' perspective as they are the stakeholders of local tourism. Drawing on the findings from three focus group interviews with 18 Hong Kong residents, three conventional dimensions, namely “Economic”, “Social-cultural” and “Environmental” were identified and discussed to demonstrate the local residents' perceptions toward the impact of “Chinese tourists' wave” phenomenon. Generally, residents tend to recognize the positive economic impacts as well as negative social–cultural and environmental impacts generated from this tourism phenomenon. The recommendations suggested in this study also serve as a reference for tourism authorities concerned to redress the existing problems.  相似文献   

通过对2001—2014年间中国作者旅游类国际期刊论文的检索和统计,分析发现:(1)近两年来,中国大陆作者发表的论文数量增幅尤为明显;(2)中国大陆作者独立发表的论文数量有所增加,但大陆学术机构的贡献度及论文被引频次仍较低;(3)中国学者在TM上发表的论文有较强的国际影响力;(4)国际论文的数量来看,中国港澳地区学者发表旅游类SSCI论文数量略多于中国台湾学者;(5)中国台湾和中国香港的高被引文章比例较高,在国际旅游学界有较大的影响。通过对不同时期论文的关键词分析提取出的研究热点和研究方向发现,中国作者的旅游研究总体从宏观转向微观,并且对旅游者行为的态度和感知研究更加深入,将对国际旅游学术界的相关领域产生一定的学术影响。  相似文献   

旅游发展对我国投资、消费和出口需求的拉动效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统观念认为,旅游业能有力拉动国民消费需求。其实,旅游业发展也会引致多方面的投资需求,如景区开发、基础设施建设等。因此,旅游业发展对国民经济增长具有综合性的拉动作用。文章依据宏观经济学理论,构建了入境旅游与国内旅游对投资、消费和出口增长分析的理论框架,并利用1982~2010年相关数据,分析了旅游"两大部门"对中国经济增长"三大驱动力"的影响。研究发现:(1)发展入境旅游与国内旅游,因景区开发和旅游基础设施建设,对扩大投资有一定的正效应;(2)作为综合消费和最终消费,旅游业对扩大消费有着显著的正效应,其中,国内旅游的作用远高于入境旅游;(3)比较而言,入境旅游对出口贸易具有积极的拉动作用,而国内旅游对出口的拉动效应则不明显。因此,积极贯彻实施旅游产业发展政策,大力发展国内旅游和入境旅游,是中国当前保增长、扩内需的重要途径。  相似文献   

文章从1949~2013年中央政府及相关部委发布的379个旅游政策文件的多维度统计分析入手,以全新的视角剖析了新中国成立以来我国旅游发展政策的演化历程。研究发现:(1)我国旅游政策演化是资源配置的行政化转向行政权力制约下的资源配置市场化过程。(2)旅游政策目标始终与国家经济社会发展的战略目标相一致,可大致分为服务外事、经济型事业、经济新增长点、国家战略性支柱产业四个阶段。(3)旅游政策工具以微观管制为主,对资本、土地、技术、人才等生产要素宏观调控能力不足。(4)旅游政策的制定部门范畴不断扩大,政策力度呈波动趋稳态势。研究认为,旅游经济的有效运行高度依赖于社会经济系统的制度安排。在《旅游法》颁布、旅游业进入全新的发展阶段后,技术进步、市场需求、企业竞合关系协同引领的产品业态与商业模式创新是未来产业效率提升的基本方向,宏观调控和公共服务将成为政府旅游管理的基本内容。  相似文献   

面向市场化的制度变迁是推动中国旅游经济发展的重要力量。文章以市场化指数表征制度变迁,利用各省份的市场化指数与旅游经济面板数据,从时空角度剖析中国制度变迁对旅游经济增长的贡献。通过ADF单位根、E-G两步协整模型和格兰杰因果模型检验显示,从1997年到2009年,中国市场化进程与旅游经济增长存在稳定的协整关系,制度变迁对旅游经济增长存在单向的格兰杰因果作用关系;固定效应模型回归显示,市场化对旅游经济增长的贡献效应明显,这一时期全要素生产率增长的14.47%和旅游经济增长的4.45%是由市场化改革贡献的,且随着市场化进程的推进,贡献效应还在加强;制度变迁对不同区域的旅游经济增长呈现显著的正效应,但具有较大的区域差异,总体而言,市场化水平越高的区域,旅游经济越发达,区域的市场化变迁程度越强,对旅游经济增长的边际贡献度越大。中国的市场化体制改革还远没有完成,改革依然是中国尤其是中西部省份旅游经济增长的后发优势。  相似文献   

The fast growth of the Chinese economy has transformed Chinese outbound tourism into one of the major players in the tourism industry worldwide. However, Chinese outbound tourists may still encounter travel constraints in some countries, such as Japan, which has had a close and complicated relationship in history with China. This study adopted the qualitative approach by applying focus group and in-depth interviews to investigate and triangulate the travel barriers affecting Chinese outbound travel to Japan. The findings indicated that domestic nationalist sentiment played a key constraining role in influencing Chinese outbound travel decision-making, followed by current political factors, while quality products and service, as well as social environment encouraged tourists to travel. This research also found that visitors and non-visitors have perception differences in terms of travel barriers and attractiveness of travel.  相似文献   

中国旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从产业结构合理化和高级化两个维度考察了中国旅游产业结构变迁的特征,通过构建计量模型分析了旅游产业结构变迁对中国旅游经济增长的影响,并验证了该影响的可靠性。结果表明:(1)整体看我国旅游产业结构的高级化程度在提升、合理化程度在波动中下降,但区域差异明显;(2)旅游产业结构变迁对我国旅游经济增长的影响具有区域普遍性和持久性,但影响力在下降;(3)旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长影响力的大小具有时段性特征,但比较而言,旅游产业结构合理化是推动旅游经济增长的基础性动力。针对上述结论,文章进一步讨论了其成因并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

海洋旅游是重要的海洋经济类型,加强海洋旅游相关研究是服务中国海洋强国战略的基础性任务。本研究选取中国学术期刊网络出版总库收录的619篇中文文献为样本,系统分析中国海洋旅游研究脉络。研究发现,1992—2021年中国海洋旅游相关研究成果数量呈“起步探索、陡状攀升、波动回落”的变化特征,经历了以海洋旅游环境要素和资源价值评估为主的资源导向与孕育探索阶段(1992—2002年),以多元议题拓展和集成方法创新并重的产业导向与全面推进阶段(2003—2010年),以及同国家发展需求联系紧密、实践应用不断丰富的战略导向与深化拓展阶段(2011—2021年);研究热点集中在海洋旅游理论内涵与研究范畴、资源开发与评价、社会与经济影响、资源环境与可持续发展、目的地开发与管理等5个方面。立足新时期中国海洋旅游理论发展与实践需求,未来应重视学科交互融合、技术手段集成和数据平台建设,提升理论研究同国家战略驱动、地方现实需求和行业实践发展的适配性,为推动中国海洋旅游高质量发展提供理论与决策指导。  相似文献   

任唤麟 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):116-128
20世纪30年代以来,关于中国古代旅游研究的成果陆续出现,目前尚无有关研究的全面综述。该文分别对早期中国古代旅游研究以及中国古代旅游文学、旅游史、旅游文化、旅游地理与旅游经济研究现状做了概要梳理,并以中国知网期刊论文为数据来源进行统计分析,认为1997年以后中国古代旅游研究有所发展,现有成果的研究重点分别为中国古代以及明清、唐宋旅游,长江中下游地区旅游,旅游史、旅游文化与旅游文学。基于以上梳理与分析,研究认为中国古代旅游研究的进一步发展需要突破视域、理论、方法以及实用性评价标准的局限。  相似文献   

This study develops a global vector autoregressive (global VAR or GVAR) model to quantify the cross-country co-movements of tourism demand and simulate the impulse responses of shocks to the Chinese economy. The GVAR model overcomes the endogeneity and over-parameterisation issues found in many tourism demand models. The results show the size of co-movements in tourism demand across 24 major countries in different regions. In the event of negative shocks to China’s real income and China’s tourism price variable, almost all of these countries would face fluctuations in their international tourism demand and in their tourism prices in the short run. In the long run, developing countries and China’s neighbouring countries would tend to be more negatively affected than developed countries.  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议极大推进了中国海洋旅游业的发展,特别是“泉州:宋元中国世界海洋贸易中心”成为中国第56个世界遗产地后,在国内外掀起了海洋旅游研究的热潮。然而,学术界关于海洋旅游的研究相对零散,对于海洋旅游可持续发展缺乏系统性的梳理和检视。基于此,本研究以海洋旅游的蓝色转向为研究视角,采用文献梳理和案例分析方法,研究海洋旅游蓝色转向的趋势与挑战。研究发现:(1)相对于绿色经济,海洋旅游发展走向蓝色经济是可持续旅游发展的必然过程。(2)海洋旅游转向蓝色经济的方式包括活动与节庆旅游、生态旅游、邮轮旅游等业态,转向驱动与各个国家资源禀赋和社会经济发展水平息息相关。(3)海洋旅游蓝色经济转向将面临着COVID-19、福岛核事故、全球气候变化、海洋塑料等挑战,需要从区域至全球尺度,通过技术投入、创新模式和区域合作等路径,建立起更为广泛的蓝色经济转向的共识。在理论上,进一步完善了海洋旅游蓝色经济转向的理论框架,在实践方面为中国及其他国家和地区海洋旅游可持续发展提供经验借鉴,具有重要研究价值。  相似文献   

The rapid development of China's domestic tourism in the 1990s is receiving more and more attention in China. The improvement of the national economy, the personality of Chinese culture, and the abundant tourism resources have all played roles in its growth. This article summarizes China's domestic tourism before 1990 and discusses the inherent reasons for its boom throughout the 1990s. It also forecasts development trends in the next decade, and identifies some important factors that constrain its growth.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the top 50 outbound destinations for Chinese tourists from 2002 to 2013. The total number of Chinese tourists traveling to these 50 destinations accounts for 95.38% of outbound travelers from China. We built a dynamic panel data model to measure factors that influence market demand for Chinese outbound tourism. The results show that economic variables such as income, tourism prices, and exchange rates have a significant influence on outbound tourism volume. The effect of bilateral goods trade and leisure time significantly differ between the full sample and the two subsamples, whereas political stability of the destinations and special incidents in China have no significant impact on demand for outbound tourism. Based on these findings, this study proposes strategies to strengthen the management of China’s outbound tourism market.  相似文献   

境外旅游业碳排放研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王群  杨兴柱 《旅游学刊》2012,27(1):73-82
随着全球“低碳经济”热潮的掀起,旅游业作为减碳的重要部门,其碳排放问题成为全球关注的焦点之一.文章立足旅游碳排放视角,对国外关于旅游业三大主体碳排放的影响、旅游业碳排放的公众认知、旅游碳足迹测度、碳抵消目标及具体措施等研究进行了系统梳理,并据此构建了旅游业碳排放的研究框架,提出旅游碳足迹测度及碳减排等方面值得进一步探讨的问题,深入揭示了国外相关研究动态,并为我国旅游业低碳化发展提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

Gap between tourism planning and implementation: A case of China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kun Lai  Yiping Li  Xuegang Feng   《Tourism Management》2006,27(6):1171-1180
In tourism literature, a phenomenon is identified, and considered ubiquitous in planning exercise. Namely, a gap occurs between planning and implementation once the planned approach to tourism development is adopted. Such a phenomenon is not rare to find in China, where tourism has become increasingly important for the country's economy. This paper presents a research that attempts to examine the causes of the gap in a Chinese context, in order to offer insights about what possible countermeasures should be sought. A case study is adopted for the examination which focuses on the 3-year implementation of 2001–2020 Guniujiang Guanyintang Tourism Development Master Plan. These seven major causes are detected: flaws of master planning, planner's inadequate background survey and analysis, planner's inaccurate anticipation, planner's lack of practical experience, practitioner's misunderstanding, divergence of views between practitioner and planner, pitfalls of private investment and imbalance of development between regions of China.  相似文献   

中国旅游产业对国民经济的贡献研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用旅游增加值剥离测算法估算2000~2008年中国大陆31个省级单位的旅游产业增加值,并测量旅游产业增加值对国民经济的贡献率和拉动幅度,旨在分析旅游产业在国民经济中的地位。结论有三:第一,我国旅游产业以高于国内生产总值的增长速度快速成长,波动较大且存在地区差异;第二,旅游产业的发展与国民经济的整体发展水平密切相关,在以旅游产业作为先导产业的省份中,旅游产业对国民经济的拉动作用较为显著;第三,我国大部分地区的旅游产业对GDP贡献率主要集中在3%~8%,而拉动系数则保持在0.5至1.5个百分点之间。  相似文献   

To explain the significant disparity of tourism development across Chinese provinces, this paper conducts a dynamic panel data analysis of tourism development in China using statistical data of Chinese provincial tourism industry for the 2000–2009 periods. The estimated results provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the agglomeration and development of Chinese provincial tourism in firm level. The econometric analysis shows that the tourism density in agglomeration has a positive influence on local tourism development. It appears that the variance of tourism development across Chinese provinces can be explained by the differences in the density of tourism economic activities.  相似文献   

This paper provides a thorough examination of the Mainland Chinese demand for outbound travel. It analyses the impacts of the Mainland Chinese outbound tourism market according to factors such as policy, economy and socio-political issues. The origins, destination perceptions and organization of Mainland Chinese outbound tourists are also explained, together with the negative impacts of tourism on Mainland Chinese travellers, travel agencies, national image and economic loss. Finally, the marketing policies for Mainland Chinese outbound tourism in travel agencies, government tourism offices and destinations are examined.  相似文献   

Political implications of Chinese tourism policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study is an examination of the political objectives and probable consequences of the decision to open the People's Republic of China to mass tourism. Through personal interviews and other reports, this article traces the organizational and political dimensions of the abrupt reversal of nearly three decades of restricted and selective foreign access. The author found several anomalies: more “market” oriented cost structure than in most non- socialist developing nations; a hierarchy of tourist classes in a supposedly classless society; liberalization in tourism itineraries along with a freezing of contacts between tourist and Chinese. The article concludes that while China has reaped few tangible political benefits and has incurred some new political vulnerability with its new tourism policy, Chinese tourism has avoided many of the social and economic costs associated with tourism development elsewhere.  相似文献   

该研究回顾准术语"tourism"词源、在学术研究中的概念变迁及其中文翻译现状,发现"tourism"各种概念都大多被翻译为中文词汇"旅游",但二者概念体系并不是完全对应关系。"旅游"一词对应的三个概念"游客行为维度的概念""经济维度概念"和"多元系统整合现象"在"tourism"对应的概念体系中都有对应项,"tourism"表达的概念之一(tourism as a study of…)与中文的"旅游研究/旅游学"这一名词对应,但在"旅游"一词诸多学术定义及其表达的概念中还找不到对应项。二者所表达概念的非对应项为解决"tourism"或"旅游"概念含混提供了一个跨语言的解决思路——使用同义替代性的单义词语对"tourism"或"旅游"所表达的不同概念进行差异化命名,以形成一词一义的旅游研究术语。  相似文献   

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