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The Hindu temple complex at Khajuraho in central India has become a major tourist site for Indians and international tourists only in the past twenty years. Built as a court nearly a thousand years ago, but abandoned two centuries later, Khajuraho remained a minor pilgrimage site into the present century. The distinctive features of Khajuraho include thousands of explicitly sexual relief carvings, much publicized throughout India. Westerners are direct in their examination of these features, which remain problematic to the majority of Indian tourists. In contemporary puritanical India, where journals and movies are highly censored, Khajuraho offers an opportunity for the loosening of such rules with highly philosophical efforts to “explain away” such “obscenities.” Yet communitas is incomplete: women are discouraged from close examination of the depictions, and men fail to communicate with their families about their content.  相似文献   

美国大学中的旅游研究(二)--旅游及相关专业的教学体系   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
本文通过对美国4所较为典型的旅游研究比较成熟的大学,即普渡大学、内华达大学拉斯韦加斯分校、德州大学和伊利诺斯大学的旅游相关院系的研究方向,课程设置等问题的比较、研究、发现美国中大学中旅游及相关研究主要呈现两种方向:服务管理方向和开发管理方向。前者的研究对象主要的酒店业、旅行业和餐饮业,研究中侧重服务管理;后者主要对象为旅游地资源和吸引物,研究中更侧重开发与保护取向。通过这一分析,为发展中我国高等院校旅游教育事业提供了参考。  相似文献   

国内外观鸟旅游研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
观鸟旅游是生态旅游最重要的表现形式.观鸟旅游的经济、社会、环境效益得到了学术界的关注,尤其是美国已将其列入全国休闲产业调查的对象.本文通过介绍观鸟旅游概念、涉及的学科理论、研究方法和成功的案例,以及与环境保护关系,解析中国观鸟旅游者行为研究现状,为中国观鸟旅游相关利益者例如旅游管理部门、当地社区、旅行社和旅游者提供有益的建议.  相似文献   

武彬  丁力 《旅游学刊》2001,16(1):38-42
本文通过对海口旅游业发展现状的分析,指出海口旅游业所存在的主要问题.在此基础上提出了解决问题的指导思想,并建议兴建海口旅游商贸区,而不是琼州海峡旅游度假区,作为摆脱目前海口旅游业发展困境的科学、可行的抉择.  相似文献   

There has been a boom in the tourism industry in China within the last ten years. Hospitality and tourism education, especially higher education, has undergone rapid development. In 1978 there was not a single course offered in hospitality and tourism at any higher education institution. Today 69 institutions of higher education offer different programs at varying levels, including two-year diplomas, three-year certificates, and four-year Bachelor's and Master's degrees. This paper examines the development of higher education in hospitality and tourism, outlines the problems it faces, and discusses the possible solutions to the problems.  相似文献   

国内外古镇旅游研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国旅游业的快速发展,旅游产品类型不断增加,古镇旅游日趋兴旺。文章通过对近年来相关文献的系统回顾,引证、比较、分析、评价了国内外古镇旅游研究的内容、方法及其结果,希望能够为古镇旅游研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

The Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, declared in 2001, is Britain's first mainland World Heritage Site (WHS) inscribed for its natural values, and one of only eight in the world designated according to geological criteria. The study of exposed rock strata and dinosaur fossils found here has made – and continues to make – a major contribution to understanding the Earth's history; in addition, the WHS covers fine scenery and several nature reserves. Administratively, management of the site is complex because of its mosaic of owners and occupiers and, as WH status carries no statutory powers in the UK, the partnership approach was the only obvious solution. The Site's coastal towns and their rural hinterl and have been afflicted by economic and social decline in recent decades, and the Jurassic Coast initiative is being used as a tool for regeneration. There has been some success already in efforts by local entrepreneurs and the public sector to exploit the opportunities for a renaissance both of the economy and local morale. This paper examines the planning and early implementation stages of the Jurassic Coast programme, detailing successes and examining the linkages between the theory and practice of collaborative management.  相似文献   

旅游区经济影响域界定研究——以八达岭长城旅游区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出了旅游区经济影响域的概念和关键指标、界定模型,并选取八达岭旅游区作为典型案例区,旅游区周围的6个村落为样本点,进行现场问卷调查和深入访谈,从而获取了旅游经济指标的实测值以及样本空间坐标。然后运用旅游区经济影响指数模型和旅游区经济影响域域值模型对样本数据进行总体趋势和范围的分析。结果发现,基于户均旅游直接就业和收入标准化值的八达岭旅游区旅游经济影响域域值为2.84千米,该值代表了八达岭旅游区经济辐射范围核心部分。在此基础上,刻画出旅游经济影响域的空间结构,并探讨了空间分异的原因。  相似文献   

Tourism crowding management is an important part of sustainable development at tourist attractions. This study seeks to recognize visitors' perceptions of crowding and then identify tourism crowding management approaches for tourism sites in Xi'an, western China. Three kinds of study, which were designed using quantitative and qualitative techniques, were undertaken in Xi'an. In the first two studies the actual numbers of visitors at component parts of five tourist attractions were recorded. Next, visitor responses to these kinds of levels of crowding were assessed. In the third study senior managers were interviewed and asked to explain their approaches to crowding management. Taken together, the information collected from the three studies helped build a model that plots the driving forces shaping tourism crowding at tourism sites.  相似文献   

国内外旅游解说系统研究述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为管理游客手段的旅游解说系统长期以来并没有引起人们的广泛关注.国外旅游解说的相关研究起步早,研究与应用已经较为成熟,主要包括解说历史、解说概念、目的与功能、系统构成、解说媒介、理论与方法的研究等.而国内相关研究尚处于起步阶段,主要集中于解说内涵与功能、规划设计的研究等.引入国外成熟理论与方法来充实我国旅游解说系统研究体系具有一定的必要性和紧迫性.  相似文献   

关于乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游的几点辨析   总被引:109,自引:4,他引:109  
刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):12-19
目前,乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游越来越受到我国旅游业界和学界的关注,但是,包括研究论文、会议发言和旅游规划中的片面理解不仅相当普遍,而且也正在传播.本文作者认为,如果业界、学界能够更广泛的注目业态实践,并在此前人们已有研究的基础上进行更深入的研究,则将有可能对乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游的理论和实践产生更加积极的作用.本文的几点内容,就是作者试图根据自己近20年的接触对乡村旅游、农业旅游、民俗旅游所做的一点个人的诠释和辨析.  相似文献   



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