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公司内部治理机制的主要内容是在公司内部构造一个合理的权力结构,从而在股东、董事会与经理人之间形成一种有效的激励、约束与制衡机制,以保证公司实现各种治理目标。内部治理机制主要包括股权结构与大股东治理、董事会、监事会以及经理人薪酬激励等。  相似文献   

经理人薪酬一直都是社会关注的热点话题,近年来,"天价薪酬"、经理人贪腐等情况不断出现在公众视野中,从而关于经理人薪酬的质疑越来越多,对于经理人薪酬的制定方法也引起了学者的关注。本文研究经理人薪酬与企业价值的关系,证实了经理人薪酬的高低、持股经理人比例都与企业价值存在正相关关系,而领薪经理人比例、企业规模与企业价值存在负相关关系。  相似文献   

管理层薪酬激励制度的建立对调动管理层积极性、完善公司治理结构、推动上市公司可持续发展具有重要作用,不过管理层也存在运用盈余管理操控公司业绩以提升自身薪酬水平的动机。考虑到我国上市公司大股东控制可能会产生利益侵占效应或利益趋同效应,有必要对大股东的存在及其在公司治理层面的作用机制进行深入研究。鉴于此,可从大股东治理视角出发分析大股东控制程度对管理层薪酬激励与盈余管理关系的影响机制和内在机理,并以中国A股上市公司2009—2017年数据为样本实证检验管理层业绩薪酬激励与盈余管理行为之间的关系,进而结合我国股权结构现状探究大股东控制程度对两者关系的影响机理。研究结果发现,我国上市公司已经普遍建立了与企业业绩相关联的管理层薪酬激励制度,该制度能够在很大程度上限制管理层盈余管理行为,且在大股东控制程度较高的上市公司,其管理层业绩薪酬激励机制降低管理层盈余管理行为的效果更加明显。这表明,我国上市公司管理层业绩薪酬激励机制确实能够在公司治理方面产生积极效应,且伴随着大股东与企业利益的趋同,大股东会借助自身所拥有的对企业的控制权对管理层实施有效监督和约束,从而增强薪酬激励机制对管理层机会主义行为的治理作用,即大股东控制与管理层业绩薪酬激励机制在约束管理层盈余管理行为方面存在互补效应。  相似文献   

曾庆生  胡广运 《财贸研究》2010,21(2):112-119
与已有研究忽视不同类型信息披露违规的动机差异而将它们混为一体的做法不同,选择一个相对"干净"的信息欺诈样本,研究了上市公司信息欺诈的影响因素。统计发现,69%的公司信息欺诈内容涉及关联交易事项,且绝大多数是与大股东的关联交易。Logistic回归结果表明:大股东持股比例越低,公司信息欺诈可能性越大;民营控股公司比其他公司更容易发生信息欺诈;而董事会特征、地区市场化进程等治理指标则与信息欺诈无关。因此,信息欺诈案例表明,大股东的控股比例越低,大股东的代理问题越不容忽视;在外部治理环境不改善的情况下,控股股东民营化未必能降低上市公司的代理成本。  相似文献   

我国国有企业高管薪酬激励不足或过度不是简单的"是"与"非"问题,需要具体问题具体分析。有效解决国有企业高管薪酬激励不足或激励过度难题:一是完善职业经理人制度,促使国有企业高管身份完全职业化;二是参照非垄断性行业高管薪酬标准制定垄断性行业高管薪酬标准;三是合理确定国有企业高管薪酬结构。  相似文献   

许多研究表明,企业经理人薪酬会影响企业价值。多年来经理人薪酬一直是社会关注的热点,2005年《上市公司治理准则》要求企业披露企业内部高管人员的薪酬与持股等数据,而在这些披露的信息中,不难发现"天价薪酬"的情况,本文以我国A板上市公司经理人薪酬为研究对象,寻找企业经理人薪酬对公司发展的影响,以期进一步为企业制定经理人薪酬提供相关的理论和实务的帮助,使企业所有者与经理人之间的关系更加密切,让企业得到更多的发展。  相似文献   

高级经理人激励与上市公司经营业绩关联性实证检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛求知  韩冰洁 《财贸研究》2007,18(4):112-118,126
中国上市公司高级经理人的激励问题一直是学术界和实务界所关注的焦点,而对这一问题的研究多集中在理论的讨论上,本文根据中国全部A股上市公司的数据,对这一问题进行实证检验。本文考察了企业经营业绩与高级经理人年度报酬、高级经理人持股比例的相互影响关系,以及高级经理人年度报酬与上市公司业绩、自身持股比例、公司规模、相对业绩比较及公司所属行业等因素的相关关系。实证结果显示:上市公司业绩与经理人年度薪酬有显著正相关关系;高级经理人的年度薪酬还与公司规模存在显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

本文利用2001--2008年中国上市公司的高管薪酬数据,对大股东与高管薪酬之间的关系进行了实证研究.结果发现我国上市公司大股东确实存在"支持"效应,大股东可以对高管薪酬实施有效的监管和制约;国有股和私人股的第一大股东会采用不同的高管薪酬策略:国有股第一大股东一般对高管采用低薪策略,并且与公司业绩相关度不大;私人股第一大股东则制定相对较高的高管薪酬,并且注意与公司经营业绩的结合.此外,第一大股东如果兼任公司高管,则会削弱大股东的"支持"效果,甚至会转变为"掏空"行为.  相似文献   

选择沪、深A股在2013-2018年间2444家上市公司的14664个样本观测值,详细分析管理层薪酬激励、产权性质及企业绩效间的联系。研究发现:对管理层薪酬激励促进公司提高绩效;在不同公司各年度整体分析的背景下,第一大股东持股比率放大管理层薪酬激励对公司绩效的影响,两权分离率缩小管理层薪酬激励对公司绩效的影响,管理层薪酬激励对公司绩效的影响效果在国有资本控股企业中被放大;指定一家公司很少变动其股权结构,某一家公司持续经营中产权性质在管理层薪酬激励促进公司提高绩效影响中的调节作用仍需要被进一步研究。  相似文献   

股权激励是现代公司治理的重要手段之一,优秀股权激励计划有利于缓解公司面临的薪酬压力,有利于降低职业经理人的"道德风险",实现所有权与经营权的分离,激发员工的积极性,实现自身价值等一系列好处。本文分析光明乳业两次股权激励计划,探讨股权激励方案在我国国企中的实施。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the financial structure of a firm affects the incentives of managers to act myopically. The paper shows that managers tend to choose investments that pay off too quickly if there is a possibility that shareholders will fire the managers in the future. However, this problem can be avoided if firms are appropriately financed. Since the gains from firing the managers accrue first to the creditors, the shareholders’ incentive to fire the managers is reduced when the firm increases its debt ratio. The firm should thus choose an optimal financial structure to ensure that the level of incentive for shareholders to dismiss managers is appropriately controlled.  相似文献   

Drawing on both a managerial discipline perspective and an information intermediary perspective, we explore how media coverage of a firm’s controlling shareholder influences firm valuation in corporate China. Using 366 listed family firms in China from 2003 to 2006, we find that firms in which controlling shareholders receive more neutral media reports enjoy higher valuation, whereas negative media reports on controlling shareholders impose adverse effects on firm valuation. Interestingly, favorable media coverage of the controlling shareholders does not enhance firm value. Further analyses reveal that ownership structure and audit quality moderate the relationship between media coverage and firm valuation. Our study complements the emerging literature on the monitoring role of the media on the stock markets.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on agency theory by examining relations between family involvement and CEO compensation. Using a panel of 362 small U.S. listed firms, we analyze how founding families influence firm performance through option portfolio price sensitivity. Consistent with the dual agency framework, we find that family firms have lower CEO incentive pay, which is further reduced by higher executive ownership. Interestingly, such incentive pay offsets the positive impact that families have on firm valuation. Collectively, our results show that, compared with nonfamily firms, lower incentive pay adopted by family firms due to lower agency costs mitigates the direct effect of family involvement on firm performance. Once accounting for CEO incentive pay, we do not observe performance differences between family and nonfamily firms.  相似文献   

While numerous studies have examined the impact that powerful CEOs have on their compensation and overall firm decisions, relatively little is known about how powerful CFOs influence their compensation and important firm financial reporting and operational outcomes. This is somewhat surprising given the critical role CFOs play in the financial reporting process of a firm. Using managerial power theory (Bebchuk and Fried in J Econ Perspect 17:71–92, 2003) and the theory of power and self-focus (Pitesa and Thau in Acad Manag J 56(3):635–658, 2013), we predict that powerful CFOs employ a two-part strategy to camouflage excessive incentive compensation above what efficient contracting would dictate. First, powerful CFOs use their power and influence to negotiate shorter incentive pay duration to maximize the present value of their performance—based compensation. Second, when their incentive equity compensation vests, we suggest that CFOs manage earnings to further enhance their personal income. Consistent with our theoretical expectations, we find higher levels of income-increasing accrual-based earnings management and real transactions management, a potentially unethical practice, in firms with powerful CFOs who have short pay durations. We discuss the implications of our analysis in the context of mitigating CFO power and managing the ethical environment “tone at the top.”  相似文献   

The largest shareholders of issuing firms in Hong Kong are eligible to underwrite rights issues and open offers. We hypothesize that the largest shareholders as underwriters who possess more information are better than investment banks in certifying firm value. Our analyses show that the largest shareholders self‐select into their preferred issuing firms, and a selection bias in the choice of underwriters arises. After controlling for firm and issue characteristics and addressing the selection bias, our findings support our hypothesis. We also find that investment banks with greater access to information through prior underwriting relationship provide better certification than investment banks without such relationship.  相似文献   

Value creation has long been hailed as the major objective of business firms by many management researchers. Some authors state that a firm must create value for its shareholders; some insist that value must be created not just for shareholders but also for all stakeholders. However, most discussions of value creation do not address an important question: "For whom the value is created?" The purpose of this paper is to take a first step to fill this void and propose a model of value creation along three dimensions: financial, nonfinancial, and time. It is hoped that the model will contribute to a better understanding of how strategic and operational decisions of managers may create value for some stakeholders while destroying it for others.  相似文献   

The low elasticity of top executive pay to performance in recent empirical work presents a puzzle since it is clear from the data that in practice both pay and performance measures have moved closely in line in recent years. This paper demonstrates that cross-section and time-series estimates of the pay performance elasticity differ significantly unless the effect of average executive pay is included. It is argued that this can be seen as the effect of the participation constraint in a principal agent model, more commonly known as "the going rate". The going rate must be paid to executives to deter them from taking up their outside option, which is the opportunity to leave the current firm and sign an incentive contract with another firm. Thus the outside option will depend on performance by other firms. Since performance is correlated between firms, this generates a larger time-series pay performance elasticity as perceived by the executive. The paper also considers the possibility that the going

rate may induce incentive effects. The predictions of this argument are tested on a panel of data for large UK companies  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship among ultimate ownership, risk-taking and firm value using firm-level data from Chinese companies. The results indicate that dominant ultimate controlling shareholders exacerbate the agency problem. The larger the divergence between ultimate shareholder’s control rights and cash flow rights, the stronger motivation is to reduce corporate risk-taking (CRT) to safeguard private benefits. Furthermore, the presence of a dominant ultimate controlling shareholder is harmful to firm value, and the divergence between its control right and cash flow right has a significantly negative effect on firm value. Corporate risk-taking plays a significant mediating effect between ultimate controlling shareholder and firm value. Based on these results based on theory and practice, we propose a number of practical implications for managers.  相似文献   

Using a sample of publicly listed firm in Korea from 2002 to 2006, this article examines the impact of board monitoring on firm value and productivity. We use outsider's attendance of board meetings as a proxy for board monitoring. Consistent with the commitment hypothesis, we find that outsider's attendance rate increases firm value, suggesting that attending board meeting itself is a strong signal that reflects outsider's intention to monitor insiders. While ownership of controlling shareholders negatively affects firm value, this relationship is not moderated by increased monitoring by outsiders. Our findings provide further evidence that the outside director system is less effective in chaebol‐affiliated firms. Results also indicate that the effect of outsider's board monitoring activity on investor's valuation of the firm is greater than on productivity improvement of the firm. Our conclusions are robust for possible endogeneity in the relationship between firm value and board attendance by outside directors.  相似文献   

股权结构、报酬激励与公司绩效的相关性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岳军 《财经论丛》2007,(4):89-96
对电子信息业上市公司的实证研究表明,我国大多数企业间高管人员的现金报酬与经营业绩具有正相关性。但受股权结构影响,二者关系尚须进一步理顺。为此,需提高高管人员和控股股东的持股比重,加强对流通股占优企业管理者的监督与激励,适度拉大国有控股企业间高管报酬的差距,增加低报酬非国有控股企业高管人员的报酬,逐步形成企业间高管报酬增长与约束的良性机制。  相似文献   

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