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为推动环境的可持续发展,环境保护部正牵头制定“绿色超市”标准。该标准旨在构建超市环保供应链,并加大环保消费的宣传。  相似文献   

欧盟着手“绿色产品单一市场倡议” 欧盟委员会(EC)已着手实施“绿色产品单一市场倡议”,以创造出环境信息自由流动的单一市场,制定共同标准。同时为中小企业提供达标途径,以解决企业在欧盟不同国家间交易绿色产品时遇到过多规制的问题。相关措施包括:为消费者提供可靠的产品“绿色证书”,制定绿色政府采购标准,确立生态设计规范等。  相似文献   

作为流通领域的后起之秀,电视购物在韩国和一些西方国家已经成为可以和大商场、减价超市竞争的“第三势力”,韩国商界把电视销售的崛起称之为在大型减价超市出现后的又一次“流通革命”。  相似文献   

杨守平 《中国工商》2001,(10):146-149
一个有魅力的超市,不但是一个“质量信得过的企业”,还必须是一个“环保信得过的企业”。纵观零售业的竞争志势,已由浅层次的商品竞争演变到深层次的服务竞争。然而服务竞争的一个核心点是,从满足顾客购物需求一般层面上升到关往和保护顾客身心健康的更高境界。 超市为什么要通过 ISO14001认证 随着我国改革开放的不断深入和外来资本的逐渐渗透,国内零售业的竞争态势已由单纯的国内竞争,提升到国际化的全球竞争。快速提升超市的环境管理水平,增强市场的竞争力,准确与世界零售业先进的环境管理模式对接,是摆在国内超市界老…  相似文献   

记者日前从中国连锁经营协会获悉,由超市行业标准升级为国家标准的《超市购物环境》(以下简称“标准”)将于今年10月1日起全国实施,该标准从超市经营场所的空间、设备尤其是卫生标准等做出了具体规定。不过,这份国标仅为推荐性,并不会要求超市强制性执行。  相似文献   

大型综合超市(GMS)卖场环境的设计包括购物通道与服务设施设计、照明与色彩设计、音乐与音响配置、气味设计、通风设施以及超市地板的设计等等,都是影响消费者购物行为的重要因素。好的卖场环境设计不仅影响超市的销售业绩,也反映了超市独特的经营理念与风格,它们属于超市形象设计中视觉形象范畴,不仅要求方便顾客购物消费,而且要求独特新颖,能在众多的竞争者中卓然出众,给消费者留下深刻的印象,使他们流连忘返,产生购买冲动以及重复购买行为。  相似文献   

李艳红 《商场现代化》2007,(19):180-181
环境这一主题一直是人们关注的焦点。政府法规、消费者偏好以及其他相关利益人等对“绿色”化的产品和服务越来越重视。因此,越来越多的企业在制定决策时,不得不考虑环境这一影响因素。于是在供应链层面上,将“环境”或“绿色”整合到供应链管理的决策和日常运作中去。本文对原有绿色供应链管理决策模型的各个影响因素进行了阐释和分析,并对他们之间的相互关系进行了调整,得出了更加系统、详细的绿色供应链管理决策模型。  相似文献   

郑后建 《商业时代》2004,(33):20-21
困 在购物小票上盖章的关卡;“自助服务”症。 扰六:超市的管理和 超市采用自选购物虽可以减少营业人员, 服务 然而,消费者逛超市,有时却受到了“冷 超级市场只有扎扎实实 落”,本想了解一下商品的性能,却找不到 地把管理和服务搞上去,让  相似文献   

商务部七招扩大消费 鼓励赊购赊销,中国普洱茶国家标准开始实施,环保部着手制定绿色超市标准,云南商务厅:开农家店补助6700元,北京市发改委要求商场超市温度不得高于20℃,武汉500米内不得新开第三家药店  相似文献   

8月26日中国首部商场管理标准推行 中国首部商业物业管理企业标准当日由百联集团制定完成,这个涵盖101项具体细则的新标准将从27日起在百联旗下的一百等21家百货商厦和约100家大卖场逐步推行。 新标准规定,商场、卖场的门岗有义务阻止顾客将饮料带入商厦、大卖场;要在雨天为顾客提供伞套服务;引导顾客将购物篮、购物车放在指定位置;如发现进口处顾客出现拥堵现象,应及时报告保安主管,采取疏散措施等。此外,新标准对扶梯口、休息区、消防区等商场管理“盲点”也作出规定。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of providing or not providing millennial consumers with a supermarket suggested shopping list (SSSL). At the same time, it tests the effect of providing consumers with a large number of in-store promotions versus no promotions. The study also assesses the moderating effect of price concerns on both expenditure and the satisfaction attained after a shopping trip. The results of an experimental design with 240 subjects in a simulated supermarket setting show that SSSL users spend less, and that heavy supermarket promotions increase purchases. However, if an SSSL is provided while products are highly promoted, this decreases consumer satisfaction. Offering consumer promotions to millennials without providing an SSSL results in the highest level of store sales. Findings of this study will be of interest to retailers willing to offer a shopping list service to supermarket customers with the purpose of increasing loyalty.  相似文献   

This research examines packaging-free shopping, which contributes to reducing the negative impact of plastic packaging on the environment, and its’ relationship with green consumption values, value consciousness, and psychological traits. A mixed-methods approach is adopted with quantitative followed by qualitative research. Study 1 recruits 240 respondents from social media and the lead author's university website to examine different factors that increase consumers’ likelihood of packaging-free shopping. Study 2 recruits packaging-free shoppers from Facebook Pages, explores these findings and provides further insights. Study 1 finds that consumers are driven more by green consumer values than by value consciousness, and consumers who are more conscientious are more likely to do packaging-free shopping. Study 2 supports this by finding that green consumer values drive packaging-free shopping, but this in only one part of their green efforts. The research contributes by illustrating the importance of conscientiousness specifically in the domain of packaging-free shopping and that these packaging-free shoppers are not driven in terms of value for money but by addressing their green consumer values. We recommend that packaging-free retailers and policy makers utilize promotional efforts to communicate how packaging-free shopping provides a balance with consumers’ green values for these shoppers, how it fits in with their other green efforts, and how these shopping efforts are making a difference in helping the environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the website evaluation criteria among college student consumers in the US with different shopping orientations and Internet channel usage (i.e. online information searchers, online purchasers). The sample for this research was 414 college students, non‐married and aged 18–22 who have experience in visiting websites selling apparel products. Five apparel website evaluation criteria were identified by factor analysis (i.e. product information, customer service, privacy/security, navigation, auditory experience/comparison shopping). Based on shopping orientation factors, cluster analysis revealed three shopping orientation clusters (i.e. Hesitant In‐home Shoppers, Practical Clothing Shoppers, Involved Clothing Shoppers). Factorial manova showed that website evaluation criteria were significantly different among college student consumers with different shopping orientations and between online information searchers and online purchasers. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

在网络购物过程中,顾客会因各种产品质量问题而感到不满意,从而产生抱怨行为。基于此,文章在网络购物背景下,分析顾客抱怨行为的影响因素,通过层级回归方法,重点探讨网购认知与顾客抱怨行为的关系。研究发现网购认知与顾客抱怨行为倾向之间存在正向关系,网购认知越高,顾客抱怨行为倾向越高。并且网购认知对向卖方抱怨、私下抱怨以及向第三方机构抱怨等三类抱怨行为均存在较大影响。因此电子商务企业应加强顾客抱怨管理,提升顾客满意度。  相似文献   

旅游购物是旅游经济中最活跃、最具潜力的要素,对旅游目的地旅游收入的增长具有重要意义。本文基于实地调查的角度,针对梧州购物市场现存的主要问题,从突出旅游商品本土文化特色、完善购物市场基础设施、科学细分商品类别、建立旅游购物联盟网站、引入服务营销理念等方面,对促进梧州旅游购物市场的发展策略进行探讨。  相似文献   


Online shopping is not a new marketing channel but has been growing tremendously throughout Japan. The rapid growth of Internet technology has enabled the Japanese to break away from their conservative culture and embark on different shopping experiences by shopping online. With the growing importance of online reviews to promote one’s business, Japanese online supermarkets are looking for ways to increase consumer-generated content. The purpose of this study is to investigate Japanese repeat online consumers and the antecedents that encourage them to review their shopping experiences, including the supermarket website they used and product availability in the online supermarket. It was found that online supermarkets must focus on establishing confidence with their repeat online consumers if they desire to increase the electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) of their online supermarket. Implications are discussed in relation to online supermarkets and repeat consumers’ intentions to review their online shopping experiences.  相似文献   

Children are assuming larger roles in household consumer decisions and have also emerged as independent consumers, thus forming an increasingly powerful market segment. Children can be seen as forming, first, a primary market; second, as influencers on their parents’ decision making; and third, as potential future adult consumers. The second role is the main focus of this paper, centring on supermarket purchases. Using focus groups and in‐depth interviews, this study explores the influence of children on supermarket shopping. Participants included parents and children of families in Midlothian, Scotland. The results showed that children have a significant influence on supermarket product purchases. The factors which influence children's product preferences are analysed, and their ability to relay their choices to their parents is considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, data on the internal compositions of 90 planned regional shopping centers in the five westernmost provinces in Canada are used to examine the locational pattern of stores in shopping centers, to see whether these locations are consistent with exploiting demand externalities and the physical features of the mall. The empirical relevance of so-called “rules of thumb” for locating stores in shopping centers is also assessed. We find that there is clustering of service stores near mall entrances, and clustering of comparison shopping stores near corridor intersections and on the second floor of two-story malls. Clustering tends to occur in the ladies' wear, jewellery/fashion accessory, and unisex clothing store categories, facilitating comparison shopping. Clustering of stores in the service category facilitates multipurpose shopping. A regression analysis indicates that clustering may depend upon the size, age, and type of mall in question. Overall, results are consistent with consumer transportation/shopping costs and demand externalities driving the internal store location strategy of planned regional shopping centers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether satisfaction with grocery stores is affected by type of grocery shopping in conjunction with time pressure, and which attributes are important for satisfaction. Fictitious grocery stores are constructed according to a fractional factorial design by varying access, price level, supply quality/range, and service quality. In an Internet survey, 1023 Swedish consumers rated satisfaction with major vs. fill-in shopping imagining they were under high or low time pressure. The results showed that satisfaction is higher for fill-in shopping than major shopping, that time pressure has no effect on satisfaction, and that price level, service quality, and product quality/range are more important for satisfaction with major shopping, whereas access is more important for satisfaction with fill-in shopping. It is also found that the importance of attributes for satisfaction depends on type of shopping more than on individual characteristics.  相似文献   

With the ease and availability of high-speed Internet service, online shopping is increasing rapidly. Consumers are moving to more intensive use of the Internet as the technology becomes more accessible, the availability of information increases, and the ability to interact through the Internet evolves. The success of online businesses relies heavily upon its ability to attract customers to complete purchase transactions on their websites. Even though the number of people who use the Internet every day and visit various shopping sites increases daily, it is interesting to note that quite a few of them still hesitate to purchase online. This study intends to examine what factors play a crucial role in encouraging or discouraging consumers in Thailand from shopping online. The findings from this study should help online businesses better understand the mindset of Thai consumers and find ways to improve websites in order to attract more customers.  相似文献   

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