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The main aim of this study is to establish the effect of the Exploitation and Exploration; and the influence of these learning flows on the Innovative Outcome (IO). The Innovative Outcome refers to new products, services, processes (or improvements) that the organization has obtained as a result of an innovative process. For this purpose, a relationship model is defined, which is empirically contrasted, and can explains and predicts the cyclical dynamization of learning flows on innovative outcome in knowledge intensive firms. The quantitative test for this model use the data from entrepreneurial firms biotechnology sector. The statistical analysis applies a method based on variance using Partial Least Squares (PLS). Research results confirm the hypotheses, that is, they show a positive dynamic effect between the Exploration and the Innovative as outcomes. In the same vein, they results confirm the presence of the cyclic movement of innovative outcome with the Exploitation.  相似文献   

文章描述并分析了人们对技术创新的普遍误解及技术发展的常见障碍,以帮助大家掌握技术创新动态,促进国有企业革新。  相似文献   

吕波 《企业技术开发》2003,(9):20-21,37
文章描述并分析了人们对技术创新的普遍误解及技术发展的常见障碍,以帮助大家掌握技术创新动态,促进国有企业革新。  相似文献   

建筑文化的创新与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国建筑必须在继承中创新,向现代化形式发展,以适应现代化发展的需要.这种发展既不是"传统"的现代翻版,也不是割断历史的横向移植,而是要站在现代社会文化的角度,去审视传统,使传统建筑中富有生命力的精华得以继承和发扬光大.同时,它还要借鉴域外建筑的成功经验,在传统与现代、民族与世界的联系中探索出一条适合自己的道路来.  相似文献   

Sustainability innovation research often focuses on the interrelation and the interaction of influencing factors and actors while neglecting the importance of firm internal initiatives. Based on a longitudinal case study of the Dutch company Royal Philips Electronics, we develop the concept of ‘green flagging’ as a groundbreaking corporate sustainability innovation strategy. This paper describes how Philips uses this approach in its Green Flagship Program (GFP). Philips' GFP is particularly interesting since it sets specific targets across all its business units, thus driving the integration of sustainability innovation into its core business. This study suggests that the impact of sustainability innovations can be improved by focusing on sustainability as an explicit goal as well as processes and projects instead of merely concentrating on content and structure. We discuss the possibilities and limitations of these findings for theory and research on sustainability innovation strategies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

成人高等职业教育校企办学模式的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会主义市场经济体制下,职业教育培训体制和发展模式都发生了很大变化。成人高等职业教育的发展趋势也应顺应时代发展的要求,走校企合作的办学模式,这是办好成人高等教育必须遵守的经济法则和为地方经济服务的必由之路。  相似文献   

A technological change should be evaluated as early as possible in its development in order to minimize the chance of investing in an innovation that does not subsequently prove to be economically feasible. In this paper a method is presented for conducting an evaluation while the innovation is still in a conceptual stage of development. To do this, the production process is analyzed in detail and each individual element of the process that might be altered by the innovation is noted. All other elements of the process are ignored. Baseline data on the current performance of the process are collected. Performance of the innovation is estimated as a multiple or fraction of the baseline data for the altered elements. A value-weighted productivity index is used to compare the innovation with the current process.Sensitivity analysis can be performed on the productivity index to find those components of the current production process that are most responsive to change. Used in this way, this method of analysis can become a “driver” for R & D by exposing the parts of the current process that have the greatest potential for contribution to improvement of the productivity index.This method is illustrated in some detail for the case of one conceptual process improvement, laser-assisted machining — for cutting hard-to-machine metals.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the conflict between local and through traffic when allocating land for transportation at the expense of residential consumption. The model developed in this paper gives the optimal allocation of land between both uses, via Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, and shows the impact of through traffic on the urban structure, on local transportation costs and on the cost of housing supply. The cost functionals are used to measure the total burden to the inner city and a connection is made to the ongoing discussion of the ‘exploitation’ thesis.  相似文献   

汽车KD包装结构及包装工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汽车KD包装对于KD件的保护具有十分重要的作用。进行KD包装设计时要考虑可能遇到的力学负载和气候条件,给KD件提供最佳的保护。  相似文献   

软件产品的开发是一种特殊的开发和生产相结合的过程,其质量具有隐蔽性,各控制点的质量具有传递性。文章通过不同方法论述了如何提高软件产品的质量,以加强软件产品的质量管理与控制。  相似文献   

桂林城市RBD开发研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对桂林建设城市RBD必要性的分析,指出桂林建设城市RBD对旅游购物和旅游发展模式转变的重要意义,对桂林建设城市RBD进行了初步设想.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the empirical audit-quality literature and provides evidence on (the lack of) audit-quality differentiation in the private client segment of the Belgian audit market. Auditor size is used as audit-quality proxy. Prior evidence on audit-quality differentiation between Big Six and non-Big Six auditors in the private client segment of the Belgian audit market is mixed. In this paper we investigate whether these mixed results stem from the inability of the dichotomous Big Six/non-Big Six variable to capture auditor-size differences in a less concentrated audit market. To that end we examine whether alternative continuous measures of audit-firm size (i.e. auditor market share, number of audit-firm clients, number of partners in the audit firm, total assets and operating profit of the audit firm) have a constraining impact on earnings management in a large sample of privately held Belgian companies (n?=?1,302). Overall, we do not find evidence that is supportive of quality differentiation in the private client segment of the Belgian audit market.  相似文献   

当前,中心城市的物流系统规划问题正逐渐成为物流领域的研究重点,特别是一些沿海港口城市,如深圳、上海和天津等地。已明确把物流作为城市发展的主导产业。我国现代城市物流产业的发展,具有巨大潜力和广阔前景,而且正处于加入WTO的有利时机。但是仍有不少制约因素,这些因素包括政策,体制与经济环境等,只有在充分研究各城市物流系统特征的基础上,才能采取切实措施,消除各种政策体制的障碍,调动各方面积极性,把现代物流产业真正培育成城市经济新的增长点。  相似文献   

应用DotNET技术进行AutoCAD 2006二次开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对基于VisualStudio.NET2003进行AutoCAD2006二次开发的相关技术的分析,文章阐明了未来AutoCAD二次开发技术的发展趋势,探讨了利用DotNET技术在AutoCAD2006中进行三维螺旋线参数化设计的应用。  相似文献   

Ying  Wim   《Technovation》2009,29(12):843-858
Innovations are critical driving forces for firms to engage in corporate growth and new business development. Innovating firms are increasingly generating new knowledge in collaboration with partners. In this paper, we analyze how the knowledge differences between the innovating firms and their suppliers in Canada are likely to result in pioneering innovations. The knowledge difference is decomposed into two dimensions: the inter-industrial dimension and the geographic dimension in national context. Using the Canadian Innovation database, we found the inter-industry difference has a positive effect and the country difference has a negative effect on the likelihood of generating pioneering innovation. The findings of this paper suggest that for generating pioneering innovation, it is important not only to search for suppliers from different industries to get access to various complementary external knowledge sources but also to find suppliers from the same or nearby countries for the sake of communication and coordination.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,储运企业要正确评估自己的优势,抓住机遇,重新确定自己的目标市场,建设社会化的物流配送,提高企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

只要存在委托代理关系就有可能存在代理问题,解决代理问题的核心是使剩余控制权与剩余索取权相对应,也就是使委托人与代理人的目标融合。因此,要选择可行的激励方式,激励代理人实现委托人的目标。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analysis of size distributions of innovations, which are known to be highly skewed. We use patent citations as one indicator of innovation significance, constructing two large datasets from the European and US Patent Offices at a high level of aggregation, and the Trajtenberg [1990, A penny for your quotes: patent citations and the value of innovations. Rand Journal of Economics 21(1), 172–187] dataset on CT scanners at a very low one. We also study self-assessed reports of patented innovation values using two very recent patent valuation datasets from the Netherlands and the UK, as well as a small dataset of patent licence revenues of Harvard University. Statistical methods are applied to analyse the properties of the empirical size distributions, where we put special emphasis on testing for the existence of ‘heavy tails’, i.e., whether or not the probability of very large innovations declines more slowly than exponentially. While overall the distributions appear to resemble a lognormal, we argue that the tails are indeed fat. We invoke some recent results from extreme value statistics and apply the Hill [1975. A simple general approach to inference about the tails of a distribution. The Annals of Statistics 3, 1163–1174] estimator with data-driven cut-offs to determine the tail index for the right tails of all datasets except the NL and UK patent valuations. On these latter datasets we use a maximum likelihood estimator for grouped data to estimate the tail index for varying definitions of the right tail. We find significantly and consistently lower tail estimates for the returns data than the citation data (around 0.6–1 vs. 3–5). The EPO and US patent citation tail indices are roughly constant over time, but the latter estimates are significantly lower than the former. The heaviness of the tails, particularly as measured by value indicators, we argue, has significant implications for technology policy and growth theory, since the second and possibly even the first moments of these distributions may not exist.  相似文献   

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