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We substitute to the plant size problem, as investigated by Chenery [Chenery, H., 1952. Overcapacity and the acceleration principle. Econometrica], a new version in which a profit-maximizing monopolist may combine its investment policy with a price policy adjusting demand upwards or downwards over time. We characterize the optimal price and investment policies. The optimal price policy determines an investment pattern either with constant increments of capacity over time, or becoming constant after a finite time. The existing capacity is either fully used at each instant between two investment dates; or the monopolist first quotes the instantaneous monopoly price and, thereafter, the price dampening instantaneous demand at the optimal installed capacity level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the production and hedging decisions of the competitive firm under output price uncertainty when a forward market for its output is available. The firm possesses production flexibility in that it makes its production decision after the resolution of the output price uncertainty, albeit subject to a capacity constraint on production. We show that the firm optimally acquires a higher level of capacity investment than an otherwise identical firm with no production flexibility. We further show that production flexibility allows the firm to implicitly hedge against its output price risk exposure by the ex post production decision. The firm as such under‐hedges its output price risk exposure in the forward market wherein the forward price contains a non‐positive risk premium.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the duopoly substitutability product with an upstream input subjected to capacity constraints. The effects of capacity constraints are captured. Combining competition effect with constraint effect, some interesting conclusions are reached. First, the relationship between capacity constraints and firm size is addressed. We argue that the capacity constraints reduce market size difference and price difference under Cournot. Second, under the Stackelberg case, the existence of solution is proved, and Stackelberg competitions enlarge firm-size difference and price difference if the more efficient firm plays the leading position. When the weaker firm plays the leading position, the conclusions depend on the total capacity. Finally, under the Stackelberg case, when the stronger firm plays the leading position, the firm-size difference and price difference decrease with total input under capacity constraints, which is contrary to the conclusions under Cournot competitions.  相似文献   

The creation of adequate investment incentives has been of great concern in the restructuring of the electricity sector. However, to achieve this, regulators have applied different market designs across countries and regions. In this paper we employ laboratory methods to explore the relationship between market design, capacity provision and pricing in electricity markets. Subjects act as firms, choosing their generation capacity and competing in uniform price auction markets. We compare three regulatory designs: (1) a baseline price cap system that restricts scarcity rents, (2) a price spike regime that effectively lifts these restrictions, and (3) a capacity market that directly rewards the provision of capacity. Restricting price spikes leads to underinvestment. In line with the regulatory intention both alternative designs lead to sufficient investment albeit at the cost of higher energy prices during peak periods and substantial capacity payments in the capacity market regime. To some extent these results confirm theoretical expectations. However, we also find lower than predicted spot market prices as sellers compete relatively intensely in capacities and prices, and the capacity markets are less competitive than predicted.  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper we propose a straightforward method to derive a non‐inflationary rate of capacity utilization (NIRCU) based on micro data. We condition the current capacity utilization of firms on their current and planned price adjustments. The non‐inflationary capacity utilization rate is then defined as the rate where a firm feels no price adjustment pressure. One of the main advantages is that this methodology uses structural aspects and does not make it necessary to operate with – often rather arbitrary – statistical filters. We show that our aggregate NIRCU performs remarkably well as an indicator of inflationary pressure in a Phillips curve estimation.  相似文献   

从要素市场中的3大投入要素———资本、劳动力和能源入手,测算1991—2010年中国工业产能过剩程度和三要素价格扭曲程度,并通过构建VAR模型、脉冲响应分析和方差分解,考察了各要素价格扭曲程度与产能过剩之间的长期均衡关系和短期冲击影响。实证结果表明:产能过剩与各要素价格扭曲之间存在长期稳定均衡关系和误差修正机制,其中劳动力和能源的价格扭曲对产能过剩具有正向影响,资本价格扭曲具有负向影响;能源价格扭曲对产能过剩偏离均衡的调整力度最大;资本和能源的价格扭曲对产能过剩的短期冲击影响较大,而劳动力更多作用于远期;劳动力价格扭曲对产能过剩变化的解释力度最大,资本价格扭曲的解释力度相对最小。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the mixed duopoly substitutable product with an upstream input subject to capacity constraints. The effects of capacity constraints on the mixed economy are captured. Firstly, the degree of public ownership improves the firm size difference, the price difference, the price dispersion and consumer surplus, while it reduces the price and the second firm’s profits. Secondly, the efficiency difference reduces the firm size difference, the price difference and the price dispersion. Finally, under scarce capacity, the relationship between the total capacity and, the firm size difference, the price difference and the price dispersion, depends on the efficiency of the two firms.  相似文献   

We investigate the incentives for investments in capacity in a simple strategic dynamic model with random demand growth. We construct non-collusive Markovian equilibria where the firms?? decisions depend on the current capacity stock only. The firms maintain small reserve margins and high market prices, and extract large rents. In some equilibria, rationing occurs with positive probability, so the market mechanism does not ensure ??security of supply??. Usually, the price cap reflects the value of lost energy or lost load (VOLL) that consumers place on severely reducing consumption on short notice. Our analysis identifies a minimum price cap, unrelated to the VOLL, that allows the firms to recoup their investment and production costs in equilibrium. However, raising the price cap above this minimum increases market prices and reduces consumer surplus, without affecting the level of investment.  相似文献   

Pascal Courty 《Applied economics》2013,45(30):4707-4721
Using data from a unique pricing experiment, we investigate Vickrey's conjecture that responsive pricing can be used to smooth both predictable and unpredictable demand shocks. Our evidence shows that increasing the responsiveness of price to demand conditions reduces the magnitude of deviations in capacity utilization rates from a pre-determined target level. A 10% increase in price variability leads to a decrease in the variability of capacity utilization rates between 2% and 6%. We discuss implications for the use of demand-side incentives to deal with congestible resources.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an experiment evaluating three regulatory schemes for network infrastructure, in terms of their ability to generate efficient levels of capacity investment. We compare the performance of (1) price cap regulation, (2) a regulatory holiday for new capacity, and (3) price cap regulation with long term contracts combined with a secondary market. The setting is one in which network users can benefit from acting strategically, and are better informed than the network operator about demand growth. We find that the regulatory holiday creates an incentive to underinvest relative to optimal levels. Long term contracts also fail to improve on single price-cap regulation, and may reduce investment by providing noisier signals about future demand.  相似文献   

Under rationing of a public service due to its lower price and higher quality, the “privatization” could be regarded as a reduction in the capacity of the public service. We develop a model of mixed duopoly in which the service is vertically differentiated, a public firm is in a Stackelberg leader position, rationing happens, and the market is not covered. In one of two possible cases, it is shown that any reduction in the capacity of a public service will lower total surplus unless the price of the public service is too low and its quality is too high.  相似文献   

We present a model of optimal flow pollution control considering explicitly the dynamics of the corresponding assimilative capacity. We focus first on the degradation of this assimilative capacity triggered by pollution excesses and determine the intertemporal efficient pollution path, taking into account this ecological feedback. Our analysis shows that a minimum level of initial assimilative capacity is necessary to prevent its optimal extinction. We then allow for the restoration of assimilative capacity and characterize the conditions under which this option frees the optimal policy from the dependency on the initial conditions. In both cases our results call for environmental standards based on the shadow price of assimilative capacity that are stricter than the static optimum commonly used in flow pollution control.  相似文献   

We characterize the optimal investment and production path in a project characterized by indivisible capacity and stochastic inverse demand curve. At first best (without budget requirements), the investment is made earlier the lower the price elasticity of demand, causing the trajectory of production to be below the trajectory of capacity. At second best (when the investor is required to break even), the investment delay is upward distorted, the distortion being larger the lower the price elasticity of demand. Moreover, in the particular case of constant elasticity demand, investment is delayed but production remains at its first‐best level.  相似文献   

We examine efficiency properties and incentive compatibility of alternative auction formats that an electricity network system operator may use for the procurement of ancillary services required for real-time operations. We model the procurement auction as a hierarchical multiproduct auction, and study several designs such as a uniform price auction minimizing revealed social cost, a uniform price auction minimizing the system operator's cost and a pay as bid auction minimizing revealed social cost. We take into account that rational bidders will respond to any market design so as to maximize their expected benefit from participating in that market. Under the assumptions of our model, we show that the uniform price auction minimizing revealed social cost is the only one that guarantees productive efficiency. We also find that expected revenue (payment in our case) equivalence between pay as bid and uniform price auctions does not extend to the hierarchical products case and the ranking of these auctions is ambiguous and depends on the data. For the procurement auction minimizing the system operator's cost, we show that misrepresentation of capability may result in capacity shortages if there are capacity constraints. For the case where only higher capability resources are constrained, this will result in random price spikes decreasing in frequency with the price cap (this is the amount paid to capacity in demand states with shortages). When lower type resources are capacity constrained as well, price spikes will be seen for both type of resources. Such artificial shortages result in reduced reliability in real-time operations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the behavior of the competitive firm under output price uncertainty when the firm is endowed with an abandonment option and has access to a forward market for its output. When the realized output price is less than its marginal cost, the firm optimally exercises its abandonment option and ceases production. The firm lets its abandonment option extinguish, thereby producing up to its capacity, only when the realized output price exceeds its marginal cost. The ex post exercising of the abandonment option as such convexifies the firm's ex ante profit with respect to the random output price. We show that neither the separation theorem nor the full-hedging theorem holds in the presence of the abandonment option. The firm under-hedges its output price risk exposure in the forward market wherein the forward price contains a nonpositive risk premium. When the set of hedging instruments is expanded to include options, we show that both the separation and full-hedging theorems are restored. We further show that the firm prefers options to forwards for hedging purposes when both types of contracts are fairly priced.  相似文献   

The approval by FERC of a regulated natural gas pipeline’s market-based rate application depends upon the availability of substitute pipelines with sufficient capacity to maintain the current transport price. But how much alternate capacity is enough? Clearly, the price will not increase when alternate pipelines have unsubscribed capacity equal to the capacity of the applicant pipeline, since the applicant’s capacity is then perfectly substitutable. And indeed, FERC has approved market-based rates when this “complete-replacement” criterion has been met. However, complete-replacement is too stringent a condition and we determine precisely how much alternate capacity suffices to keep the price from rising.  相似文献   

The Cournot model can be seen as a reduced form of a more realistic model of capacity choice followed by price competition. We show that this is not the case if forward markets are added as their pro-competitive effects no longer hold.  相似文献   

We consider a vertical relationship where an upstream monopolist supplies input to downstream duopolistic firms. Under the assumption that downstream firms produce under a soft capacity restriction, we show that the balance between price and quantity in downstream firms’ strategy is endogenous. In this way, the monopolist’s charge for input co-determines downstream market conduct. We spell out some consequences of this, for example, that an increase of downstream capacity costs can result in increased output. We discuss other implications in relation to pass-through and incidence of cost changes.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of transaction (search) costs and capacity constraints in an almost competitive market with homogeneous firms that compete on price. We characterize conditions under which Nash equilibria with price dispersion exist; in equilibrium, firms play pure strategies in prices and consumers adopt a symmetric mixed search strategy. Price dispersion is possible even though consumers all have the same search cost and valuation for the item and prices charged by all firms are common knowledge.  相似文献   

We develop rules for pricing and capacity choice for an interruptible service that recognize the interdependence between consumers’ perceptions of system reliability and their market behavior. Consumers post ex ante demands, based on their expectations on aggregate demand. Posted demands are met if ex post supply capacity is sufficient. However, if supply is inadequate all ex ante demands are proportionally interrupted. Consumers’ expectations of aggregate demand are assumed to be rational. Under reasonable values for the consumer’s degrees of relative risk aversion and prudence, demand is decreasing in supply reliability. We derive operational expressions for the optimal pricing rule and the capacity expansion rule. We show that the optimal price under uncertainty consists of the optimal price under certainty plus a markup that positively depends on the degrees of relative risk aversion, relative prudence and system reliability. We also show that any reliability enhancing investment—though lowering the operating surplus of the public utility—is socially desirable as long as it covers the cost of investment.  相似文献   

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