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本文通过对几种供电接地系统的概括介绍,筛选出适合作为智能楼宇的供电接地系统,并对其所应采取的各类接地措施作了较为 详尽的说明与分析,对智能楼宇应采取的电气保护与接地方法提出了适当的建议.  相似文献   

本文通过对几种供电接地系统的概括介绍,筛选出适合作为智能楼宇的供电接地系统,并对其所应采取的各类接地措施作了较为详尽的说明与分析,对智能楼宇及大型商场应采取的电气保护与接地方法提出了适当的建议.  相似文献   

本文通过对几种供电接地系统的概括介绍,筛选出适合作为智能楼宇的供电接地系统,并对其所应采取的各类接地措施作了较为详尽的说明与分析,对智能楼宇及大型商场应采取的电气保护与接地方法提出了适当的建议。  相似文献   

随着建筑物的要求不同,各类设备的功能不同,接地系统也相应不同.尤其进入90年代后,大量的智能化楼宇的出现对接地系统设计提出了许多新的内容.在常用的几种接地方式中,哪一种能够适合智能化楼宇呢?我们不妨分析一下下面几种接地系统.  相似文献   

随着建筑物的要求不同,各类设备的功能不同,接地系统也相应不同.本文分析了几个系统并进行了接地分析.  相似文献   

本文结合自己多年建筑电气施工经验,对建筑物接地设计与施工中有关接地系统及等电位联结等方面进行阐述,对实际工程中这些技术的应用有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

针对10kv小电流接地系统发生接地时,电弧不易熄灭,容易扩大事故范围,影响施工电源供电可靠性的问题,提出了福清核电海歧变电站小电流接地系统的改造方案:在10kvⅠ、Ⅱ段母线上分别扩建一组tht-pxhk偏磁式消弧线圈接地装置.  相似文献   

在小电流接地系统中,经常发生单相接地故障,能否及时找出故障线路,关系到电力系统的供电可靠性.现有的多种接地选线方法存在着各种缺陷,不能满足系统的要求.  相似文献   

电力系统可分为大电流接地系统(包括直接接地、经电抗接地和低阻接地)、小电流接地系统(包括高阻接地,消弧线圈接地和不接地)。我国3~66kV电力系统大多数采用中性点不接地或经消弧线圈接地的运行方式,即为小电流接地系统。  相似文献   

据大量的运行故障统计表明,小电流接地系统发生单相接地故障约占系统总故障率的80%左右.接地后两相对地电压的异常升高,加剧了对系统绝缘的危害,制约了供电可靠性的提高.因此,如何在较短的时间内,对发生单相接地故障的电力线路进行科学准确的在线选测与定位,改变传统的人工试拉分路选择、巡线登杆摇测的处理方法,把因接地而影响正常供电的范围压缩到最低限度,已成为科研及电力部门亟待解决的课题.  相似文献   

本文对浸出车间的火灾危险性及防爆等级作了简要介绍,通过对相关规范及行业标准的理解,指出了浸出车间的电气系统设计、电气设备选型及安装使用方面应注意的问题,并对浸出车间的防雷、防静电、可燃气体报警及电气设备接地方面做了进一步说明。  相似文献   

讨论了航天测量船测控系统结构总体设计,包括天线布局、机房布局、供电、照明、接地、电缆的分类及布局、关键结构问题等方面,并给出了解决方案。  相似文献   

直流接地是电力系统中经常发生、危害较大的一种故障现象,检测和排除直流接地故障是保证电力系统安全、稳定运行的必要条件。直流母线对地绝缘电阻的检测,是直流操作电源监控系统中既重要又困难的一个问题。本文对传统的检测方法的优缺点进行了详尽的分析和对比,提出了一种新的基于单片机实现的实用检测方法,该方法成本低,精度高。  相似文献   

中国的市场经济地位确认已经指日可待,然而,我国目前对出口企业的补贴制度并没有完全符合世贸组织多边贸易规则的要求。虽然市场经济地位确立以后,中国政府在反倾销应诉中将拥有更多的话语权,中国出口产品遭遇反倾销制裁的风险也会有所减弱。但是与此同时,中国出口产品遭受反补贴制裁的可能性会大大增加。尽快完善我国的补贴制度,使之与多边贸易体制相衔接,这是我们目前急迫需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

There is an increasing tendency for government policy to promote entrepreneurship for its apparent economic benefit. Accordingly, governments seek to employ entrepreneurship education as a means to stimulate increased levels of economic activity. However, the economic benefit of entrepreneurship education has proven difficult to substantiate. It is perceived that the problem is partly due to the multi-definitional perspectives of entrepreneurship. What stems from this is a lack of a theoretically sound conceptual grounding that will assist policy-makers and educators to locate a program within specific objectives. This article sets out an argument, extending from economic theory, to provide purpose for entrepreneurship education and proposes a policy framework supported by analysis of the Australian government policy context.  相似文献   

The article analyses the current differentiation strategies in the market for fresh produce. The article is arranged into three parts. First a short review of the literature on channel structure and product differentiation is presented in order to identify, on a theoretical grounding, the incentives for differentiation strategies. Second, the fresh produce sector is reviewed and analysed. Finally, an empirical investigation is made of a UK channel intermediary organisation carrying out differentiation policies in the fresh produce category (on behalf of UK multiple retailer customers') supplied by a dedicated Italian grower.

Results show that in the fresh produce industry there is room for product differentiation, but with contradictory welfare effects.  相似文献   

针对基站建设密度增大、选址日益困难的问题,提出了共建共享基站的模式,介绍 了共建共享防雷接地系统、站点空间、AC/DC电源、温控系统、走线架、馈管、传输和塔 桅的基本方法,着重分析了基站共建共享的工程实践应用,并 提供了范例。理论分析和工程应用表明,提出的共建共享具体应用方法具有可行性和有 效性。  相似文献   

People who teach business ethics seem locked between two general approaches: an applied philosophy approach that emphasizes the application of abstract ethical theories and principles to specific cases, and the case method approach that leaves the students without any more general theoretical framework with which to approach ethical issues. Classical American Pragmatism, understood as a school of philosophical thought, links these two approaches by providing a new grounding for moral theory in which moral rules are understood as working hypotheses abstracted from concrete situations and moralreasoning demands the return to concrete situations as the foundation for moral decision making that is inherently contextual. Thus moral decision making is bottom up rather than top down, and a sense of moral rightness comes not from the indoctrination of abstract principles but from attunement to the way in which moral beliefs and practices must be rooted naturally in the very conditions of human existence.  相似文献   

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