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中国经济体制改革20年,要解决的两个重点问题是产权问题和法人治理结构问题。若从人格化的角度去探索,无非是企业家问题和职业经理人问题。对企业家问题,我们的回答是肯定已经有了这样一个阶层。经过改革开放20多年的历程,这个阶层已经得到社会各个层面的认可,并成为一个不可忽视的利益集团:从理论、实践、政治、意识都有自己的定位和代言人。 相似文献
This paper is singular in its use of the PSED dataset for deriving a better understanding of the nature of nascent entrepreneurs
as compared to franchisee entrepreneurs. We used previous studies on the differences between the two groups and developed
variables divided into three dimensions: (1) prior experience, (2) growth objectives, and (3) motivation and risk. Jonckheere–Terpstra
(J–T) tests, Chi-Square tests, F-tests and logistic regression models detected differences in all three dimensions. The conclusion is that franchisee entrepreneurs
in the United States of America are distinctive in their characteristics. As compared to nascent entrepreneurs, franchisee
entrepreneurs have less experience, less confidence in their skills, less capital, more aspirations for larger organizations,
less confidence in their abilities to make the business a success, and more belief that their first-year incomes will be stable.
在企业的成长过程中,经常会出现各种疑难杂症,就好比人的一生中时常会生病一样.当人们感到自己生病且不知道该服用何种药剂来缓解病症的时候往往首先想到的是尽快找医生来为自己看病配药,那么,企业在遇到自己内部无法解决的难题的时候该怎么办呢?大多企业的领导会寄希望于通过求助咨询顾问或外脑的方式来帮助其排忧解难. 相似文献
北京移动通信有限责任公司(以下简称北京移动)隶属于中国移动通信集团。1999年8月从原北京电信分营出来独立运作,2000年11月完成境外上市,成为国有控股的境外上市公司。几年来,北京移动紧密围绕“建首强之网,创优质服务,向世界一流通信企业迈进”的奋斗目标和“服务与业务领先”的战略重点,实现了企业的持续、快速、健康发展。1999年北京移动刚成立时,资产仅50多亿元,客户不到百万。现在,公司资产总额超过160亿元,客户总数已超过1000万户,年运营收入超过100亿元(占北京市GDP比重超过3%),年累计上缴各项税收超过20亿元。“服务与业务领先”… 相似文献
As barriers to globalization have steadily diminished, the number of entrepreneurial and noncommercial expatriates have grown
from a trickle to a torrent. Much of what we know about expatriatism may not apply to this new breed of expatriates. A four-quadrant
typology of expatriates draws attention to important differences in expatriate types. I make use of the notions of comparative
fit and normative fit from self-categorization theory to validate the typology. Examining the experiences of 160 expatriates
demonstrates that the proposed typology represents real differences and is invoked by expatriates in the field. Scholars may
apply this typology to explain inconsistent findings in extant studies and as a guide for the development of new research
questions. 相似文献
We theorized and tested the performance implications of the lateral hiring by professional service firms (i.e. law firms). Using a longitudinal dataset of lateral partner hires in 148 US law firms between the years of 2004 and 2008, the results indicated that the size of lateral hiring had a reversed U-shape relationship with the financial performance of a firm. In addition, the leverage ratio (i.e. the ratio between associate lawyers and partners) significantly moderated the reversed U-shape relationship between lateral hiring and firm performance, such that the placement of the bend in the curvilinear relationship, that is, the threshold, occurred more quickly at a low than at a high leverage ratio. This study contributes to the literature on strategic human resource management in professional service firms by providing empirical evidence on the effect of lateral hires and by emphasizing that lateral partner hiring should be considered with other important HR issues to fully capitalize lateral partners. 相似文献
This study examines the implications for service organizations and their staff of clients’ involvement as co-producers of a professional service. Two female infertility clinics were analysed, one using micro-surgery (MS) and the other in-vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques. These differed on the dimension of patients’ involvement in the delivery of treatment. In the MS clinic patients were ‘passive’ recipients of treatment, whereas in the IVF clinic patients were required to partake as co-producers in the delivery of the medical service. Thus, reflected here are two different forms of client–provider interface, which the results show to have different implications. Bringing the clients, as co-producers, ‘into the kitchen’ where service is prepared (IVF) was found to involve issues associated with the lay client–professional provider work interactions, like perceptions of performance, functional work behaviour (conflicts, poor co-ordination, etc.), lower work/service satisfaction of staff and clients, and coping with service uncertainty. These and other implications for front-line service are examined and discussed. 相似文献
在学生时代我曾读过一点《论语》,尽管不少言词艰涩难懂,但总感觉有一些话语辞约义丰,甚为经典。参加工作后,虽然总是像陀螺一样忙碌,可我一直在手头放着一本简装《论语》,时不时地翻翻。“《论语》情结”贯穿在我几十年的事业之中。随着年龄和人生阅历的渐长,对《论语》中关于个人修养的精辟阐述也有了越来越明晰的体认。记得一位大家在谈企业家修养的时候,下了一长串的定语,甚是精美凝练,可我觉得它似乎是从《论语》这部煌煌巨著中撷取的几片英华。仔细翻检对照,果不其然。我于是感叹:半部《论语》治天下,其言甚是。《论语》历千年而依旧… 相似文献
Most cross-border organizational practice transfer involves implementation challenges, yet key literature in this field largely overlooks the mediating role of the transfer coalition, which serves as a ‘bridge’ between headquarters and subsidiaries in transferring an organizational practice. By exploring an in-depth case study of a top-tier professional service firm, this study contributes to the literature on cross-border human resource management practice transfer. We show that the transfer coalition displayed activities that translated into two separate managerial roles – transfer leadership and control – that were practiced with quite different levels of commitment by different members and impacted the successful management of the transfer process. We propose two distinctive transfer coalition archetypes – the entrepreneurial and the ceremonial type – where the leadership and control roles were practiced quite differently and reached different levels of organizational practice adoption. Furthermore, we suggest practical implications for HR professionals in order to improve global leadership and control competence. 相似文献
The purpose of this article is to illustrate empirically how HR practices are configured to manage multidimensional knowledge assets. It contributes directly to the configurational approaches to HRM by identifying HRM systems that are used to manage various types of knowledge assets. First, we develop a framework from theory to categorise knowledge assets into human (industry and firm specific), social (entrepreneurial and co‐operative) and organisational capital (mechanistic and organic). Within this framework, we draw on data gathered in the 12 professional services firms to understand how HR practices enable the management of each knowledge asset. We identify two configurations of HR practices (organisationally and professionally focused). These configurations do not exist in isolation but are used simultaneously by organisations via either a targeted (different practices in different parts of the organisation) or a temporally segregated way (different practices for the same group of employees over time). 相似文献
立足于初创企业的创业者与投资者之间信任关系的构建,采用问卷调查法,研究创业者的知识水平、工作经验以及创新能力在不同的信任阶段对创业者与投资者之间的信任关系产生的影响。结果表明,创业者的知识水平、工作经验以及创新能力对创业者与投资者的信任关系构建存在正向影响。但是,在初步信任阶段,投资者关注的是创业者的工作经验和创新能力;在深度信任阶段,投资者增加了对创业者知识水平的审查。 相似文献
Mission maintenance in professional service firms must balance the commercial and professional logics and prevent mission drift. Based on a case study of ‘auditing in action’ in a German professional service firm we argue that mission maintenance results from interactions between the practice and field level. We find that anchors on the field level target individuals’ discretionary choices by balancing competing demands from the commercial and professional logics on the practice level. Therefore, we identify anchoring as a central cross-level mechanism for maintaining the balance between routinizing for professional quality and ‘flexibilizing’ for efficiency on the practice level. With these findings we make two contributions to the literature: an analysis of how the field level can contribute to maintaining organisations’ missions in fields that have competing logics, and the identification of anchoring as a central mechanism to balance competing demands with the expectations of referent audiences on the field level. 相似文献
Over the years, academic attention towards work-family conflict (WFC) issues has been constantly growing due to the socio-economic changes occurring in society. In line with this, great effort has been devoted to investigating WFC experienced by employees, while still almost untapped is the conversation with reference to women entrepreneurs. Moreover, the few studies that deal with women entrepreneurs’ WFC have mainly analysed its negative consequences rather than its predictors. Thus, this study aims to fill such research gap by analysing women entrepreneurs’ WFC antecedents. Based on the bidimensional conceptualization of WFC, distinguishing between work interference with family (WIF) and family interference with work (FIW), this study verifies an expanded model of the WFC which takes into consideration either the within-domain effects or the cross-domain effects of work and family stressors on WIF and FIW experienced by women entrepreneurs. In doing so, an analysis based on data from 669 women entrepreneurs has been conducted. Results show that both within-domain relationships and cross-domain relationships play a key role in explaining the WFC experienced by women entrepreneurs. 相似文献
企业家精神的实现是企业家个体素质转化为企业素质的过程,它通过企业家个人理性权威的建立和对企业进行职业化和制度化的经营和管理来进行.同时,这种转化又必须依靠合适的政治经济环境和制度条件来保证,是个体转化的内在要求和外部环境优化配套共同作用的结果. 相似文献
优尼派特集团物流事业部是欧洲领先的第三方售后市场物流和配送服务提供者。它专注于从制造商到经销商之间的整个供应链服务,并在链中的每个环节上寻求增值空间。英国优尼派特集团物流服务事 相似文献
Based on the investigation of seven consultancy projects within an international technical consulting firm, we identify three major practices that characterize client–consultant interaction – shaping impressions, problem-solving, and negotiating expectations – and discuss their respective characteristics, activities, and contingencies. Our discussion of these practices provides not only a more differentiated picture of client–consultant interaction but also uncovers the critical role that clients play in these practices. 相似文献
企业家精神包括三大要素:创新、机会识别和冒险。利用美国《商业周刊》公布的“30位史上最伟大企业家”数据,通过对入选企业家的入选理由分析,证实了研究的观点。另外,在分析中发现了另外两个企业家精神元素:远见卓识和慈善。此研究为企业家精神研究者把握一般企业家与优秀企业家精神的本质差异提供了参考,也廓清了现实中对企业家精神的误解。 相似文献