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唐老师要我给大家讲一讲经济学的方法论问题。大家是学科技哲学的。我想也好,因为经济学是科学,给大家讲一讲经济学的方法论,还算是正题。我可能不能提高到哲学的高度来讲这个问题,我仅就经济学来谈经济学的方法论问题。不妥之处,你们批评。  相似文献   

关于资源有限与需求无限假设的理性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
资源有限与需求无限假设是西方经济学的主流观点,在当代经济理论研究中具有重要影响,成为世界上许多国家制定经济发展战略的主要理论依据。通过对资源有限与需求无限假设的理性分析,这种假设从形式上看似乎有道理,但从内容上看却缺乏内在的辩证法。我们如不从理论上予以深入剖析,就有可能影响中国宏观经济决策的科学性和经济发展战略的正确实施。  相似文献   

引子 △绝对没有向上倾斜的需求曲线!有时候人们需要更贵的商品,那是因为他们需要另外一种更好的商品,这表示为另一条位置更高、但依然向下倾斜的需求曲线,而不是表示为一条掉转方向,向上攀升的需求曲线。[第一段]  相似文献   

拉弗曲线探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国供给学派经济学家亚瑟.拉弗运用现代计量方法,对税收负担、税基、税率和经济之间关系的形象描述成为现代财政理论的经典之作。在面对我国通货紧缩和总需求不足的情况下,重温拉弗曲线,探讨其蕴含深刻的经济学思想,颇具启发意义。  相似文献   

文章从异质信念与卖空限制的理论出发对股票需求曲线的形状进行了研究,理论上证明了股票需求曲线倾斜这一命题,然后以股权分置改革为背景,采用事件研究法实证分析了4 413起股改限售股解禁事件的价格效应,研究发现,解禁事件发生的-20至20天的窗口期累积异常收益为-1.85%,解禁事件带来明显负的异常收益,支持了股票需求曲线向下倾斜的假说。  相似文献   

王利 《经济研究导刊》2014,(27):122-123
审计假设是一种客观的经济现象,它的产生和发展必然有其基本前提和约束条件。审计假设是在审计实践的基础上归纳总结出来的,但又不是对审计实务的一般归纳与描述,而是由概念、判断和推理构成的逻辑关系,是一个具体又抽象的概念。审计假设作为一个体系有它特定的构建原则和内容。  相似文献   

随着全球化和竞争的不断加剧,经营风险日益加大,企业随时都有被并购、清算、终止的可能,持续经营假设面临着严峻的挑战。所谓会计假设,是指会计人员面对变化不定的社会经济环境,对会计工作的先决条件和必要前提所作出的合乎情理的推断。  相似文献   

会计基本假设之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祝华凤 《经济师》2006,(1):222-222
会计假设是会计核算基本前提条件和制约条件,同时也是选择会计方法的重要依据。为提高会计信息的可靠行和相关性,有必要对会计假设进行重新认识。文章结合会计经济环境提出会计基础假设的一些新观点。  相似文献   

财务基本假设在财务管理理论体系中占据着非常重要的位置,我国学者越来越重视财务管理假设方面的研究.该文主要归纳了财务基本假设的不同认识、基本假设的特征和构建原则,并提出了财务基本假设作为财务管理理论研究的重要方面比较合理的内容.  相似文献   

Textbook authors, in their presentations of aggregate demand–aggregate supply, are admonished to set their houses in order. The writers suggest the continued usefulness of the traditional “Keynesian cross” model as a pedagogical device and present a version that they allege to be superior to the popular AD–AS models found in many contemporary texts.  相似文献   

Contrary to the traditional analysis of the employment effects of the minimum wage setting, the author shows that if compliance is contingent upon enforcement, complying with the minimum wage law involves a leftward shift of the labor demand curve rather than an upward movement along the curve. Furthermore, the labor demand curve will shift leftward with enforcement even if enforcement is insufficient to ensure compliance, becoming vertical when the options of compliance and noncompliance are equally attractive. Hence, it is not paying the statutory minimum wage that brings about a reduction in employment down to the full-compliance level but enforcement that, if sufficiently high, induces that same reduction in employment, even if the employer is still noncomplying with the minimum wage law.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2001,36(3):513-531
This paper examines the link between the health indicators and the environmental variables for a cross-section of countries widely dispersed on the economic development spectrum. While environment and income are seen to have an inverted-U shaped relationship (Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis), it is also well established that environment and health are positively related. Our study focuses on the implications of this for the relationship between health and income. In the early phases of income growth, the gains in health and the losses in environmental quality could cancel each other out and this challenges the idea that as incomes increase health would always improve. To empirically analyse these issues, we estimate a two-stage least squares model that focuses on the impact of income and the environment on health status, with environment being an endogenous variable. Our results show that the environmental stress variable has a significant negative effect on health status. At the same time, gross national product (GNP) levels are shown to vary positively with health status variables. We find that the health gains obtained through improved incomes can be negated to a significant extent if the indirect effect of income acting via the environment is ignored. Research findings in this regard would be a useful policy instrument towards maximising both the environmental and health gains that come with economic growth and development.  相似文献   

刘华军 《财经研究》2007,33(1):36-43
需求定律是经济学分析的理论基础之一,品牌经济学的理论基础为引入品牌的需求曲线或考虑选择成本的需求定律。把品牌引入经济学中后,品牌信用度的提高使需求曲线右移并变得更为陡峭,同时品牌信用度的提高改变了需求曲线的位置,使得均衡价格提高,均衡数量增加,增加了消费者剩余和生产者剩余,提高了社会福利水平。文章为“品牌战”替代“价格战”提供了理论依据,即通过品牌建设提高品牌信用度,使得在价格提高的条件下需求量增加,而这只有在需求曲线改变位置时方能做到。  相似文献   

A transition towards the adoption of clean energy sources in electricity generation is essential to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The present study aims to examine the EKC hypothesis by taking into account nuclear energy in 18 OECD countries for the period 1995–2015. This study employs panel dynamic Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) and panel Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) to investigate the effects of electricity production from nuclear source, electricity production from non-renewables and trade openness on CO2 emissions. The empirical findings suggest that EKC hypothesis is valid in OECD countries where nuclear energy plays a pivotal role in protecting the environment. On the contrary, non-renewable energy sources tend to increase CO2 emissions. Our results support the notion that electricity generated by nuclear source leads to lower CO2 emissions without retarding the long run growth in OECD countries. The findings also provide important policy insights and recommendations not only for OECD countries, but also for developing countries in designing appropriate energy and economic policies.  相似文献   

Most analyses of the impact of heterogeneous environmental policy stringency on the location of industrial firms have considered the relocation of entire activities – the well-known pollution haven hypothesis. Yet international enterprises may decide to only offshore a subset of their production chain – the so-called pollution offshoring hypothesis (POH). We introduce a simple empirical approach to test the POH combining a comprehensive industrial mergers and acquisitions dataset, a measure of sectoral linkages based on input-output tables and an index score of environmental policy stringency. Our results confirm the impact of relative environmental policy stringency on firms’ decisions to engage in cross-country M&As. Our findings also indicate that environmental taxation have a stronger impact on international investment decisions than standards-based policies. Further, we find that transactions involving a target firm operating in a sector upstream of the acquirer are more sensitive to environmental policy stringency, especially when that sector is highly pollution-intensive. This empirical evidence is consistent with the pollution offshoring hypothesis.  相似文献   

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