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Digitalisation will not only lead to the disappearance of jobs, the creation of new jobs and changing skill requirements in many existing jobs. It also leads to fundamental challenges for existing qualification systems as well as labour law and labour relations. New digital technologies pervasively change the content and organisation of work. They may have an impact on the actual weekly working time hours and the adoption of self-managed working time systems. The consequences, however, may differ for each worker. Accordingly, economic and policy conclusions cannot be derived for the labour market as a whole. Workers‘qualifications need not only to be adapted to changing occupational tasks. Work intensification and increasing communication flows have to be addressed as well. Furthermore, adequate human resources policies can foster the proper use of new flexible work arrangements. Crowdworking as a specific form of flexible work, however, has to be primarily integrated in existing labour legislation. That is one opinion, another author considers the forecasts doomsday prophecies that call for political action or amending the regulative framework. And he suggests that the characteristics of the digital transformation of work may mainly be firm-specific. In a social-scientific perspective there is no deterministic relationship between technology and work but the development of work has to be regarded as a strategic and political design project.  相似文献   

Sam Laird 《The World Economy》2006,29(10):1363-1376
The economic implications of current WTO negotiations are likely to be far reaching. The World Bank and UNCTAD estimate annual global gains in agriculture and non‐agricultural products (including fish) of about $70−150 billion each under various scenarios and technical assumptions. Liberalising trade in services could be even more important, especially if agreement were reached to facilitate the temporary movement of labour (Mode 4 under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS). Some qualifications, however, are in order. First, gains are likely to be spread unevenly across countries and across sectors; and, second, short‐term adjustment costs might precede long‐term gains. Much depends on how ambitious liberalisation is and on policies to facilitate adjustment. This paper examines the Doha mandate in non‐agricultural market access (NAMA) and the current state of the WTO negotiations, in particular some key proposals being considered at the December 2005 Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong. We analyse various scenarios and their implications for trade, welfare, output, employment, revenues and preferences, as well as the distributional effects across countries and sectors. We note possible adjustment problems related to balance of payments and structural adjustment, as well as revenue and preference losses. These suggest the need for ‘aid for trade’ to help developing countries realise gains possible from WTO negotiations.  相似文献   

With the completion of the single European market steps are to be made towards eliminating remaining impediments to the free movement of labour between Community countries such as an inadequate flow of information or the non-recognition of educational or training qualifications. How do companies respond to the extension of national labour markets by a European component?  相似文献   

In Germany and Canada, the integration of immigrants into the labour market is closely related to the various approaches towards the recognition and validation of informal learning. This paper aims to analyse the informal learning measures undertaken by immigrants as well as those offered by employers in the health and information and communication technology sectors during the labour market integration process. The study focused on nurses as well as IT project managers and programmers. The comparison focuses on the occurrence and quality of the four dimensions of the dynamic model of informal learning from an individual and an organisation perspective. The results show similarities between these two perspectives regarding the relevance of the four dimensions in the integration of immigrants into the labour market. In addition, clear differences between the two investigated sectors as well as country-specific differences appear.  相似文献   

A diverse set of human resource management (HRM) practices became institutionalized during Hong Kong's industrialization from the 1950s through the 1970s within the context of an open economy, a government disinclined to intervene in business decisions or the labour market and a weak trade union movement. Economic restructuring, labour market changes and rising labour costs during the 1980s and 1990s pressured employers to find more effective ways of using their human resources. We focus on how the economic downturn following the Asian Financial Crisis has impacted on employment practices including employment security, compensation, skill formation, work reorganization and employment relations. We discuss changes in the public as well as private sector and argue that reforms in the former are loosening the rigidities of its highly structured internal labour market system. Public sector employment practices are thus likely to converge increasingly with the ‘best practices’ of private sector and overseas government HRM systems.  相似文献   

This article presents the outcomes of an exploratory study into the factors that influences individuals' choice of different types of qualification at stages throughout their employment history. The survey of individuals in Australia and Britiain sought information on individuals' training and education decisions between school and employment; after gaining employment; and of their future intentions for further study. There were few differences between Australians and British respondents at the school‐leaver stage, but once in work differences emerged between the two countries. Few differences were observed between males and females. Comparison of those opting into academic and vocational programmes indicated that those who choose academic programmes are motivated by a cluster of mainly internal factors while those opting for the vocational route were more likely to have been influenced by their manager and the possibility of funding. Implications for the marketing of qualifications are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper evaluates the readiness of apprenticeship systems to cope with five major developments affecting the future of work. The institution of apprenticeship has evolved over time in all countries, gradually adapting to changes in industrial processes, the economy, the labour market and education systems. This paper suggests, however, that recent changes in the economy and the labour market, and their concomitant effects on the likely future of work, have the potential to disrupt apprenticeship systems quite radically worldwide, and/or to make them less relevant in the 21st century. The paper draws on data from recent Australian and international research projects undertaken by the author, as well as the author’s engagement in Australian government exercises to discuss the future of apprenticeships. The research found that adaptations of systems and processes were being undertaken at company level and by stakeholders such as trade union or employer peak bodies. They were less frequently apparent, however, in government policy. The paper analyses the data to produce a framework of readiness for ‘future work’, but also queries whether adaptation of apprenticeship systems is necessarily desirable in all instances. Although the presence of multiple stakeholders in the system has previously been viewed as a strength of the system, it can also make even minor changes difficult to implement. This could prove to be a major impediment to apprenticeship’s future or could be a means of preserving its essential features.  相似文献   

This paper discusses employee resistance to the emotional labour of face-to-face service work. It identifies a difficulty with the extension of the concept of resistance from the more traditional manufacturing industries to service work, asking how far apparently resistant behaviours can sensibly be conceptualised as a challenge to management control of the labour process. This difficulty is explored through a discussion of data drawn from ethnographic research into a chain of public houses. Various forms of resistant behaviour are identified, although the precise nature of this resistance is often blurred by the complex relations between employee, management and customer.  相似文献   

In the context of ongoing demographic and economic change, the full exploitation of resources in terms of the productive use of acquired qualifications is a vital challenge. Overeducation is adverse to this aim. It occurs if individuals attained a higher level of education than is required in their current jobs. Relying on SOEP data, Boll and Leppin investigate the prevalence of overeducation in East and West Germany from 1992 to 2011. Their results indicate that the magnitude of overeducation heavily depends on the measurement method employed as well as on region, gender and education. Earnings analyses reveal that people who are overeducated according to either their self-assessment or to the realized matches criteria are most severely harmed. The authors suggest that selection plays a reasonable role and conclude that labour market imperfections and shortcomings of the educational system have to be addressed by policy makers.  相似文献   

章围绕区域性专业化产业区如何提升为国际性专业化产业区的主题,首先阐述了国际性专业化产业区的目标模式,认为它应具备国际性产品生产基地、国际市场份额的主导占有、价格形成中心、信息与知识流转中心以及研发与创新中心等五大基本功能;在此基础上,章选取了具有典型意义的温州打火机专业化产业区作为个案研究对象,具体分析了温州打火机产业区与国际性专业化产业区目标模式相比已具备的条件及存在的差距,并相应提出了强化产业区市场势力、增强要素的国际汲取,以及推进技术创新和制度创新等对策措施。  相似文献   

This paper makes an attempt to illustrate the use of econometric models as frame of reference for diagnosing small firm performance. For this purpose, two models are developed explaining differences in labour productivity and profitability among Dutch flower exporters. In addition, we show how these models can be used for inter-firm performance comparisons.  相似文献   

This paper uses micro‐data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys 2002–06 to investigate how foreign ownership affects the likelihood of manufacturers in developing countries to export and/or import either directly or indirectly. Applying propensity score matching to control for differences across firms in terms of labour productivity and other characteristics, we find that foreign ownership raises the propensity of a firm to export by over 17 and the propensity to import by more than 13 percentage points. The effects are even bigger for countries with the lowest per capita income and institutional quality.  相似文献   

This article compares American and European expatriate managers' backgrounds, job satisfaction, and perception of local work and cultural environment in Turkey in reference to their adaptation to the host country and their job performance. It reports that the sample managers demonstrate differences in all these dimensions. Therefore multinational companies are recommended to develop human resources policies in choosing expatriate managers most likely to adapt to work and host country environments by paying attention to managerial qualifications and local conditions. They should also train and prepare both expatriate and local managers to ensure smooth relationships between two groups. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate how de facto financial globalisation has influenced the labour share in developing countries. Our main argument is the need to distinguish between different types of capital in this context as they differ in their effect on the host countries' production process and vary concerning their bargaining power vis-à-vis labour. Our econometric analysis of the impact of foreign direct versus portfolio investment in a sample of about 40 developing and transition countries after 1992 supports this claim. Using different panel data techniques to address potential endogeneity problems, we find that foreign direct investment has a positive effect on the labour share in developing countries, while the impact of portfolio investment is significantly smaller and potentially negative. Our results also highlight that de facto foreign investment cannot explain the decline of the labour share in developing countries over the investigated period.  相似文献   

The Indian software industry is a prime example of globalisation. The industry has been characterised by large cross‐border mobility of its skilled labour force. Using a unique survey of Indian software firms, our paper quantifies the extent and impact of mobility on firm behaviour and performance. Cross‐border labour mobility in the paper refers to both temporary and permanent labour flows by Indian software professionals. The picture that emerges is of a highly mobile world in which temporary mobility has been an important characteristic of the industry. A significant number of workers have work experience abroad in a developed country. Moreover, the share of skilled workers with such experience has been positively associated with the incidence of skilled migration from the firm. This suggests network effects are at work. In terms of the impact on performance – as measured by the change in turnover per worker and the change in the employment size of the firm – the paper finds little evidence of a robust adverse effect. Further, the evidence suggests that there have been important external effects at work, as through changes in the willingness of workers to acquire skills, as well as through increased provision of educational services. These have further abated the risk of a brain drain. However, the software industry may be rather different from other industries. Our results need to be interpreted as the outcome of a particular case of skilled migration and not one necessarily representative of all types of skilled migration and source sectors.  相似文献   

The debate regarding the economic effects of employing immigrants has attracted renewed interest in European countries since the economic crisis. We provide an approximation of the labour market effects of immigrant workers in four European countries during the global economic crisis after briefly analysing native and foreign‐born worker conditions for the most recent period. Our analysis focuses on the correlation between the stock of immigrant workers and the number of native labour market workers across several segments of the labour market using a simple model approach. Using Eurostat and LFS (Labour Force Survey) data, we estimate a structural dynamic model using the generalised method of moments (GMM) to examine adjustment dynamics in the labour market and labour market segment and worker educational levels, countries of origin and genders. Overall, the empirical results suggest that immigrant labour force effects on native‐born worker employment rates have been persistent and but weak throughout the business cycle. These effects are globally positive, and immigrant origins do not appear to change the nature of their impact. We offer some explanations for these findings related to dual labour markets and to differences in levels of substitution among native and immigrant workers.  相似文献   

We exploit information from a classification of occupations to identify separately formal qualification requirements linked to a job and formal qualifications of a worker who filled the job for the universe of firms in Slovenia. We find that exporters were more likely to hire over‐qualified workers than they did prior to becoming exporters even though they did not change the qualification requirements of their vacancies. Firms were more likely to demand other skills (leadership, knowledge of foreign languages) once they began to export. These findings suggest that skill upgrading by exporters reflects differences in terms of skill demand as well as the way workers match to jobs. This distinction is blurred in existing studies on skill upgrading by exporters because these studies rely solely on the information about the qualifications of hired workers. Our findings are consistent with a framework in which firms become more productive and offer higher wages once they start to export, workers' qualifications and firms' productivity are complementary inputs, and search is costly.  相似文献   

This paper unites elements of Sidrauski's (1967) monetary model of growth, Ventura's (1997) analysis of the effects of international trade on growth, and some work on the labour market implications of growth by Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995). It was shown by Ventura that, for a small economy, free international trade leads to an increase of the de facto elasticity of substitution between the domestic factors of production. The first part of the paper analyses how such an increase in the elasticity of substitution influences the steady state and the speed of convergence. From the Sidrauski model we know that money is super-neutral in the long-run but that monetary policy can have real effects along the transition path as long as the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is not equal to one. In the second part of this paper, it is shown how these results also depend on the elasticity of substitution between factors of production. The results give some important insights into possible interactions between monetary and trade policy in the long and short run. The last part of the paper deals with a modified version of the monetary growth model, which includes endogenous labour supply as in Klump (1993) or Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995). In this context, international trade, by increasing the elasticity of substitution, leads to lower domestic employment in the long run whereas monetary policy may be able to increase employment at least in the short run. Thus, under certain circumstances, trade and monetary policy can be regarded as complementary with respect to their labour market effects.  相似文献   

Latin American scholars have shown considerable interest in the spread of Japanese methods in the continent and their potential impact on labour. Evidence from case studies shows intensive use of techniques such as multitasking, team-working, statistical process control and cellular manufacture. In some cases, firms have invested heavily in education and training in order to make viable new production strategies, and there is some evidence of attempts to stabilize labour forces and establish better plant-level relations with workers. This apparent break with the practices of peripheral Fordism does not appear to be accompanied by improvements in company-union relations. Where unions are strong, management have attempted to undermine union power. Where unions are weak, managements have continued to deny the legitimacy and relevance of union represcntation. Companies seek the flexibility to rnake labour work harder as well as smarter, and they are introducing individualized assessment and incentive schemes which tend to be opposed by collective representation.  相似文献   

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