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A Dynamic Model of Optimal Capital Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a continuous time model of a firm that candynamically adjust both its capital structure and its investmentchoices. In the model we endogenize the investment choice aswell as firm value, which are both determined by an exogenousprice process that describes the firm's product market. Withinthe context of this model we explore cross-sectional as wellas time-series variation in debt ratios. We pay particular attentionto interactions between financial distress costs and debtholder/equityholderagency problems and examine how the ability to dynamically adjustthe debt ratio affects the deviation of actual debt ratios fromtheir targets. Regressions estimated on simulated data generatedby our model are roughly consistent with actual regressionsestimated in the empirical literature.  相似文献   

This study develops a discrete-time dynamic trading model for bond pricing under differential taxation. The model incorporates both the tax-timing option effect and the tax-clientele effect. Investors from all tax brackets have a chance to bid for a bond, and the marginal investor is the one who is willing to pay the highest price. Simulation results show that inter-bracket trading occurs frequently as the interest rate changes, which enhances the value of the tax option. These results are shown to be robust to changes in interest rate process and tax regimes.  相似文献   

本文在财政分权的框架下研究中央政府和地方政府的最优税收结构,证明了均衡时地方政府的最优税收是征收消费税;通过数值模拟比较中央政府征收消费税和资本税时所对应的均衡产出和社会福利,发现中央政府的最优税收也是征收消费税。此时由地方政府向中央政府进行转移支付,中央政府的消费税与地方政府的消费税之间存在固定的比例关系。  相似文献   

We propose a dynamic version of the dividend discount model, solve it in closed form, and assess its empirical validity. The valuation method is tractable and can be easily implemented. We find that our model produces equity value forecasts that are very close to market prices, and explains a large proportion of the observed variation in share prices. Moreover, we show that a simple portfolio strategy based on the difference between market and estimated values earns considerably positive returns. These returns cannot be simply explained either by the Fama‐French three‐factor model (even after adding a momentum factor) or the Fama‐French five‐factor model.  相似文献   

Several observed features of takeover contests appear to be inconsistent with value-maximizing behavior on the part of the agents involved. For instance, managers occasionally resist takeover bids, presumably in order to facilitate competition among bidders. However, counterbids do not always materialize, suggesting that management resistance was not in the best interests of the firm's shareholders. On the other hand, a successful takeover is sometimes accompanied by a decrease in the value of the acquirer's shares. In addition, valuable combinations are occasionally not consummated. We present a simple illustration of sequential takeover bidding in which all managers act in the best interests of their respective shareholders. Within the context of this model, we provide an explanation of the type of behavior described above.  相似文献   

We derive the optimal dynamic contract in a continuous‐time principal‐agent setting, and implement it with a capital structure (credit line, long‐term debt, and equity) over which the agent controls the payout policy. While the project's volatility and liquidation cost have little impact on the firm's total debt capacity, they increase the use of credit versus debt. Leverage is nonstationary, and declines with past profitability. The firm may hold a compensating cash balance while borrowing (at a higher rate) through the credit line. Surprisingly, the usual conflicts between debt and equity (asset substitution, strategic default) need not arise.  相似文献   

We characterize welfare maximizing capital requirement policies in a quantitative macrobanking model with household, firm, and bank defaults calibrated to Euro Area data. We optimize on the level of the capital requirements applied to each loan class and their sensitivity to changes in default risk. We find that getting the level right (so that bank failure risk remains contained) is of foremost importance, while the optimal sensitivity to default risk is positive but typically smaller than under Basel internal ratings based (IRB) formulas. Starting from low levels, savers and borrowers benefit from higher capital requirements. At higher levels, only savers prefer tighter requirements.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model to study the transmission of liquidity shocks across financial institutions through the creditor channel. In the model, a borrower institution obtains funds from a large institutional lender and small investors. When the large lender's asset market is hit by a liquidity shock, it might decide to withdraw funding extended to the borrower. The potential withdrawal by the large lender causes small investors to panic and to close positions even if the large lender does not. Facing funding problems, the borrower has to cut its activities, contributing to further shocks to the supply of market liquidity. The original shock is exacerbated, which reinforces withdrawals by all creditors. The model helps explain how the spreading of liquidity shocks from the broker–dealer sector to the hedge fund sector and the feedback contribute to a systemic crisis.  相似文献   

We present a dynamic model that links characteristic‐based return predictability to systematic factors that determine the evolution of firm fundamentals. In the model, an economy‐wide disruption process reallocates profits from existing businesses to new projects and thus generates a source of systematic risk for portfolios of firms sorted on value, profitability, and asset growth. If investors are overconfident about their ability to evaluate the disruption climate, these characteristic‐sorted portfolios exhibit persistent mispricing. The model generates predictions about the conditional predictability of characteristic‐sorted portfolio returns and illustrates how return persistence increases the likelihood of observing characteristic‐based anomalies.  相似文献   

融资渠道不畅是长期困扰我国券商发展壮大的一个重要因素。券商发行债券能使其获得一个稳定、低成本的中长期资金来源,提升券商资本实力。但是发债融资并不能根本解决我国证券业的深层次问题,国内券商要想真正走出困境,必须在改善经营管理和优化内部治理结构上下工夫。  相似文献   

李斌 《海南金融》2007,(3):26-29
从最后贷款人制度的产生和发展的进程可见,中央银行履行最后贷款人职责有其产生的必然性.作为金融宏观调控的工具之一,最后贷款人制度对防范一个国家金融危机的发生发挥了重要的作用,但同时也带来了道德风险.本文从如何更好地发挥最后贷款人制度的角度出发,着重论述了最后贷款人制度的要素条件、实行建设性模棱两可原则,并就如何建立完善市场退出机制,以保障最后贷款人制度的健康实施提出对策建议.  相似文献   

最优动态汇率风险套期保值模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建一个最优动态汇率风险套期保值理论模型,并将其套期保值效率与静态策略进行实证对比.采用对角BEKK模型来捕捉货币现货与期货市场的交互影响,从而刻画风险最小化套期比率的动态特征,结果表明,套期保值能减少汇率风险,但具体的套期保值策略的效率高低排序与避险频率相关.  相似文献   

This paper reconciles the state of the economy with industry conditions in driving asset liquidation values and, therefore, recovery rates on defaulted debt securities. Evidence to date downplays the economywide effect in favor of industry and debt characteristic explanations. This paper shows that macroeconomic effects are important but operate differentially at the industry level. Industries whose sales growth is more correlated with GDP growth recover less during recessions. And industries that are more dependent on external finance recover less when the stock market falls. These findings expose how economywide shocks are transmitted to industry downturns, providing a framework for the role of aggregate risk in recovery risk and for macroeconomic stress testing.  相似文献   


We consider dynamic proportional reinsurance strategies and derive the optimal strategies in a diffusion setup and a classical risk model. Optimal is meant in the sense of minimizing the ruin probability. Two basic examples are discussed.  相似文献   

A variety of research has investigated the impact of rating changes on stakeholder and firm behavior. This article provides a unique setting to analyze the effect for both stock and mutual firms and with a class of nontraditional investors, owners of retained asset accounts (RAAs). These individuals become creditors of the insurer upon receipt of life insurance proceeds, which are held in the general accounts of the insurer. The funds receive limited guaranty fund and no Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protection, thus subjecting the owner to the financial risk of the insurer. Some owners of RAAs may not understand the risk; thus, it is unclear if these owners act as other creditors to changes in the financial stability of the insurer. This provides a setting to analyze reaction to firm risk, as reflected in ratings changes, to stakeholders other than stockholders or customers. We find that RAA owners do act in a manner consistent with traditional investors. Specifically, we find that abnormal retention in the RAAs indicates significant declines in the level of accounts open and funds deposited in the year following a threshold downgrade (falling below an A–) of the A.M. Best rating.  相似文献   

While the hedonic property value model and recently developed computable general equilibrium urban models assume the housing market is in equilibrium, recent years have witnessed extreme circumstances such as large changes in housing prices, high levels of mortgage default, and high levels of foreclosure that bring into question this assumption. This highlights the need for a better understanding of the dynamics of the housing market and the mechanisms that drive and sustain periods of disequilibrium. In this analysis, I develop a dynamic model of the housing market where vacancies naturally arise as the error correction mechanism. I estimate this model using annual U.S. panel data at the MSA level for 1990–2011. The results show that when there is excess demand, prices rise when vacancies fall but prices do not fall when there is excess supply and vacancies rise. This is consistent with the belief that prices are sticky downwards and hence prolong housing downturns. On the other hand, when there is excess supply, there is a relatively stronger decline in new housing in response to a rise in vacancies and much less of a new housing reaction when there is excess demand and vacancies fall. Furthermore, when I allow for a structural shift in the housing market brought on by the Great Recession (2006–2011), I find that the housing market became more responsive on both sides – excess supply and demand – during this period.  相似文献   

金融高频时间序列数量大、周期短、信息丰富,可以很好地反映金融市场特征。通过绘出平均双幂变差已实现波动率散点图(Bi Powe realized volatility Signature Plot,BSP),建立BSP-HAR-RV模型,改进以往国内通过列举法选择最优频率的方法。最后对TCL集团股票价格的高频数据进行实证分析,验证模型结果 ,并将其在最优频率下得到的HAR-RV模型预测结果与以往广泛使用的5min、10min频率得到的结果进行比较,发现最优抽样频率下模型预测能力较好,具有可行性。  相似文献   

最优再保险的两类定价模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对停止损失再保险(stop loss reinsurance),分别运用均值一方差(mean-variance)保费定价原理及效用理论(utility theory),在再保险人总索赔额的基础之上推导出最优再保险(optimal reinsurance)的保费定价模型。  相似文献   

The authors provide a reasonably user‐friendly and intuitive model for arriving at a company's optimal, or value‐maximizing, leverage ratio that is based on the estimation of company‐specific cost and benefit functions for debt financing. The benefit functions are downward‐sloping, reflecting the drop in the incremental value of debt with increases in the amount used. The cost functions are upward‐sloping, reflecting the increase in costs associated with increases in leverage. The cost functions vary among companies in ways that reflect differences in corporate characteristics such as size, profitability, dividend policy, book‐to‐market ratio, and asset collateral and redeployability. The authors use these cost and benefit functions to produce an estimate of a company's optimal amount of debt. Just as equilibrium in economics textbooks occurs where supply equals demand, optimal capital structure occurs at the point where the marginal benefit of debt equals the marginal cost. The article illustrates optimal debt choices for companies such as Barnes & Noble, Coca‐Cola, Six Flags, and Performance Food Group. The authors also estimate the net benefit of debt usage (in terms of the increase in firm or enterprise value) for companies that are optimally levered, as well as the net cost of being underleveraged for companies with too little debt, and the cost of overleveraging for companies with too much. One critical insight of the model is that the costs associated with overleveraging appear to be significantly higher, at least for some companies, than the costs of being underleveraged.  相似文献   

We derive a dynamic model of the firm in the spirit of the trade‐off theory of capital structure that explains firm behavior in terms of firm characteristics. We show our model is consistent with many important findings about the cross‐section of firms, including the negative relations between profitability and leverage, and between dividends and investment‐cash flow sensitivities. The model also explains the existence of zero‐debt firms and their observed characteristics. These results have been used to challenge the trade‐off theory and the assumption of perfect capital markets. We revisit these critiques and provide structural explanations for the regularities we replicate.  相似文献   

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