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I find a strong negative relation between online search frequency and future returns on the Chinese stock market. I suggest that this effect captures retail investor overreaction to unexpected signals, because online search frequency reflects the efforts made by investors to obtain firm-specific knowledge. The effect is particularly strong in stocks with high information uncertainty (high analyst dispersion, big past earnings surprises, low analyst coverage, and large trading volume), whose intrinsic values are difficult or costly for investors to estimate. Online search frequency as a direct indicator of retail investors’ reaction to signals also sheds light on the idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) puzzle. I find that this puzzle is more pronounced in high-search-frequency subsamples and disappears in low-search-frequency subsamples. Further evidence shows that high search frequency strengthens the negative IVOL effect in stocks with positive signals but weakens this effect in stocks with negative signals. I suggest that the IVOL puzzle in the Chinese market can be partially explained as a reversal following overreaction to positive signals by retail investors.  相似文献   


In this article, we find that the dynamics of local financial risks in the Chilean stock market are associated with the evolution of external economic conditions, with a strong reduction in both idiosyncratic and systematic risks during periods of stable conditions. Despite this, we fail to find any significant change in the traditional measures of stock price synchronicity developed in the R2 literature in our sample. We argue that these measures neglect the relationship between stock prices and fundamentals and find that the strength of the association between prices and fundamentals changes during our sample period, being much stronger during times of stable external conditions and diminished stock price volatility.  相似文献   

香港证券投资者赔偿基金制度改革评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保护投资者尤其是中小投资者是证券监管的核心之一,投资者保障基金是对投资者保护的一个重要组成部分.内地证券投资者保障基金的设立尚在酝酿之中,而香港证券投资者赔偿基金制度的建立已经有相当长的历史,并且还在不断地改进、完善.本文研究了香港证券投资者赔偿基金制度改革的背景和成功经验,以期为内地相关制度的建立提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of the trading positions of hedgers (i.e., producers, merchants, processors, or users of a commodity), speculators (i.e., commodity pool operators, trading advisors, or hedge funds), and swap dealers on the price formation process in the agricultural, metal, and energy futures markets. The hedgers' relative positions exert negative impacts on price efficiency in commodity futures markets. Hedgers are less likely to be information motivated, so their trading delays the price formation process. However, speculators' positions have positive impacts on price efficiency because speculators correct pricing errors. This study also offers evidence that the role of swap dealers, similar to speculators in futures markets, is to provide liquidity and cross-market arbitrage. These findings highlight the role of producers, hedge funds, and swap dealers in price formation processes in commodity futures—information that is beneficial to academics, practitioners, and regulators.  相似文献   

上市银行投资者关系管理的特殊性包括复杂性和重要性, 其重要意义在于能使投资者支持银行发展,让市场正确理解银行的价值;其双向沟通机制能够使上市银行高级管理层及时了解市场的看法;良好的投资者关系管理能保证上市银行以后的融资活动成功完成。因此,上市银行必须认真做好投资者关系管理工作,全体员工都应该对此有充分的认识,积极参与这项工作。上市银行做好投资者关系管理工作有以下几个关键点需要把握,即重视制度建设,创新沟通手段,持续地对投资者关系管理进行分析研究工作,防止出现选择性信息披露,适时进行市值管理。  相似文献   

试论银行上市后的投资者关系管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢会强 《金融论坛》2006,11(10):10-15
上市银行投资者关系管理的特殊性包括复杂性和重要性,其重要意义在于能使投资者支持银行发展,让市场正确理解银行的价值;其双向沟通机制能够使上市银行高级管理层及时了解市场的看法;良好的投资者关系管理能保证上市银行以后的融资活动成功完成。因此,上市银行必须认真做好投资者关系管理工作,全体员工都应该对此有充分的认识,积极参与这项工作。上市银行做好投资者关系管理工作有以下几个关键点需要把握,即重视制度建设,创新沟通手段,持续地对投资者关系管理进行分析研究工作,防止出现选择性信息披露,适时进行市值管理。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展和市场竞争的日益激烈,利率市场化的进程加快,商业银行单纯依赖利差生存的时间已为时不长。发展中间业务和实施服务收费已成为许多银行提升效益水平的重要法宝。在收费业务中,银行要针对不同的客户、不同的服务项目、不同的需求、不同的经营策略,采用不同的收费价格策略。  相似文献   

医疗保险中的定额付费方式指不论实际发生了多少医疗费用,均以事先确定的标准向医疗机构支付费用,这种支付方式的有效运作意味着可以在控制医疗费用的同时又确保医疗质量.本文认为可能对定额付费方式有效性产生影响的因素包括服务质量对患者诊疗需求的影响程度;医疗机构增加患者诊疗需求的意愿;医疗机构的拒诊和撇脂行为;经办机构在合同签订...  相似文献   

In this paper, we define and analyze the sentiment‐styled index for the CSI 300 index futures in the Chinese futures market. Our sentiment‐styled index for the CSI 300 index futures from April 16, 2010 to April 30, 2019 is constructed by the first and second principal component analyses, rather than only by the first principal component analysis used in the Baker and Wurgler (Journal of Finance 61(4): 1645–1680, 2006) method. The sentiment‐styled index explains 78.38% of the sample variance. The vector error correction model is adapted to study the dynamics of cointegration of the sentiment‐styled index and the logarithmic futures price. We use the GARCH‐DCC model to illustrate the spillover effect between the sentiment‐styled index and the Chinese futures market. We show that this investor sentiment‐styled index does have the price discovery from the Granger causality and common factor weights and the hedging function from the Baba–Engle–Kraft–Kroner model empirically; furthermore, we use the curvature term of the sentiment‐styled index to determine the multiple unit roots. More empirical results for the sentiment‐styled index of the Chinese stock market, the sentiment‐styled index of the CSI 300 index futures, and the return of the CSI 300 index futures market are studied in this paper.  相似文献   

国际投资者因中国经济快速成长而投资A股、H股、B股等中国股票资产。已有研究从硬分割和软分割角度研究了A-H和A-B股折扣率形成原因。本文进一步从国际与国内投资者的价值偏好差异来研究折扣率差异。对1999-2007年的面板数据采用固定效应估计方法,发现在控制其他因素后,折扣率和上市公司的价值变量显著负相关,表明国际投资者偏好价值型的中国股票资产,导致其折扣率偏低。相对信息不对称,价值偏好差异是更重要的资本市场软分割因素。  相似文献   

金融市场的事实已经证明,股票价格风险波动不仅受市场风险波动的制约,而且随资本市场的环境变化,股价特殊风险已越来越显著的影响和决定着股价总体波动水平的变化。文章从浙江省上市企业的股价收益序列中分解、提炼出股价特殊风险,用投资者行为效应来判断其信息特征的变动规律,通过与系统风险信息特征及其投资者行为效应的对比,获取特殊风险呈现的信息特征规律。  相似文献   

A general analytical model to describe the impact of environmental disamenities on duration of sales is derived. A statistical technique to recover a sellers reservation price is proposed. An econometric procedure that consistently estimates market duration and a sellers reservation price is described. An application to the impact of highway noise on property values and market duration is presented. The estimation results show that, while highway noise has a significant negative impact on forming reservation prices and predicting sale prices, the noise effect on duration of sales is not statistically significant. Empirical evidence also shows a negative impact of market duration on reservation prices, which indicates an updating process for reservation prices over time.  相似文献   

The effect of assumptions about factor structure on empirical tests of multifactor models such as the Arbitrage Pricing Policy Theory has received little attention in the literature. Using data on securities traded on the London Stock Exchange, we examine whether returns are best described by an approximate factor structure and whether assumptions about correlations across idiosyncratic returns have a significant impact on estimated prices of risk and their significance. Our findings suggest that returns are best described by an approximate factor structure and, if this is taken into account when empirically testing the APT, six factors carry significant prices of risk. However, if a strict factor structure is imposed, no factors carry significant prices of risk. These findings suggest that assumptions about factor structure matter in empirically testing the APT.  相似文献   

This study examines the sources of negative momentum profits by combining investor attention and the properties of common and firm-specific factors. We choose the Korean stock market as a good case to characterize the negative momentum profits identified in Asia. In both portfolio and stock analyses, a method is devised to generate return data involving the property of each common and firm-specific factor within stock groups by investor attention. This study found significant negative momentum profits within the stock group with high investor attention. This momentum effect is highly dependent on the reversed performance of the past loser portfolio, not the continued performance of the past winner portfolio, and this reversal is strongly attributable to the properties of firm-specific factors, and not those of common factors. These results are robustly consistent regardless of changes in empirical design and the consideration of influence factors, market dynamics, and other stock markets.  相似文献   

Whether equity-based compensation and equity ownership align the interests of managers with stockholders is an important question in finance. Early studies found an inverted U-shaped relation between managerial ownership and firm value, but later studies using firm fixed effects found no relation. Managerial ownership levels change very slowly over time which may mask an ownership effect on firm value when using a fixed effect model. This is due to a much smaller within firm variation than between firm variation. We demonstrate that using pay-performance semi-elasticity, rather than pay-performance sensitivity as a measure of managerial ownership incentives, results in meaningful variation within firm over time. The greater within firm variation increases the power to detect a relation between managerial ownership and firm value with fixed effect regressions. As in the early research on this issue, we find a significant inverted U-shaped relation between managerial ownership and Tobin's Q in fixed effects regressions and after controlling for endogeneity with both two-stage and three-stage least squares regressions. Our results are consistent with incentive alignment at low levels and risk aversion at high levels of managerial ownership.  相似文献   

本文实证分析并比较了在上海和香港两地的上市公司资本结构激励功能的差异。分析表明,财务杠杆对大陆上市公司和香港上市公司的市场价值均具有显著的积极效应。而香港上市公司的资本结构激励功能显著地强于大陆上市公司,财务杠杆所产生的债务压力在香港上市,公司中能够发挥更有效的激励作用。研究结果显示,香港证券市场能够为投资者提供更有力的保护机制。  相似文献   

货币与价格是与价值密切相关的两个概念,是商品经济的重要方面。描述商品经济环境离不开对货币与价格的描述。本文在系统地回顾、评述有关货币与价格基本假设,并结合马克思货币与价格相关理论的基础上,探讨了新会计准则中引入公允价值计量模式后,对于与货币与价格相关的基本假设,我国可以采用的两种可行的表述模式。  相似文献   

金融工具公允价值信息的价值相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以会计信息决策有用性的计量观为基础,通过实证方法对比分析了新企业会计准则实施前后,公允价值是否改进会计信息对公司股票市场价格的影响,以及金融工具的公允价值信息与历史成本对公司股票市场价格的影响;新准则实施后公允价值变动损益对公司的股票市场价值的影响。研究结果表明:在引入公允价值计量属性后,盈余信息和净资产账面价值对模型的整体解释能力有所提高;公允价值计量的金融工具具有显著的增量价值相关性和相对价值相关性,投资者在投资决策时已经开始考虑公允价值因素,金融工具公允价值信息具有价值相关性。  相似文献   

本文理论分析了内部控制对投资者关系管理的影响,以及作为公司治理重要机制和内部控制环境要素的股权集中度对两者关系的调节效应。在理论分析的基础上,利用投资者关系管理的问卷调查数据、内部控制指数和相关数据进行了实证检验。研究发现,内部控制对投资者关系管理水平存在显著的正向影响,且在股权集中度较低的公司,内部控制对投资者关系管理水平的正向作用更强。  相似文献   

投资者适当性制度作为投资者保护理念的具体应用,是证券监管中需要强化和落实的重要一环,其核心目标是督促证券公司更好地履行适当推荐义务,将适当的证券产品推荐给适当的投资者.实践中投资者适当性制度的适用仍存在大量问题,证监会以及各地证监局在适用过程中尚未形成具有可操作性的处罚标准,新《证券法》第88条虽然规定了证券公司应当遵...  相似文献   

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