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经济转型期我国最低工资制度实施的必要性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林原  袁伦渠 《生产力研究》2007,46(5):76-77,139
文章将围绕经济转型期我国最低工资制度实施的必要性问题,从最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护、最低工资制度与就业、最低工资制度与公平收入分配、最低工资制度与产业结构升级、最低工资制度与人力资本投资五个角度展开分析。  相似文献   

正近年来,最低工资制度在我国引起了广泛关注。本文对最低工资的制度、理论、经验证据等方面做简要介绍,并结合我国的相关情况进行讨论和反思。1.制度最低工资是一项在世界范围内广泛实施的劳动市场制度,旨在通过规定工资下限来保护劳动者的基本权利。新西兰和澳大利亚在十九世纪末最早建立了最低工资制度,此后,英国、美国等资本主义国家也相继通过了最低工资立法。早期的最低工资制度主要保护女性、青年人和少数民族等特殊群体,例如,美国马萨诸塞州、哥伦比亚特区最初的最低工资制度仅适用  相似文献   

本文在搜集全国各市所有区县1999-2007年最低工资标准的基础上,将企业微观数据与最低工资标准数据合并,实证检验了最低工资对中国制造业企业成本加成的影响。本文研究发现,均值层面上,最低工资的提高显著提升了企业成本加成,这说明现阶段我国的最低工资制度是适宜的,对企业成本加成具有正面影响。进一步影响机制检验表明,最低工资可能通过影响企业资本劳动比等途径促进企业成本加成提升。虽然本文表明最低工资标准的提升不会抑制企业成本加成提高,但仍然需要关注最低工资对企业产生的其他影响,统筹处理好维护劳动者权益与促进企业发展的关系,使最低工资标准更好地与经济发展相协调。  相似文献   

本文回顾了美国最低工资制度的历史,介绍了相关的基本理论和研究,总结了施行这一制度的经验以及这种经验对中国实行类似制度的参考价值。最低工资制度是大部分发达国家社会福利体系的一部分。中国最低工资制度刚处于起步阶段,其最低工资政策有其特殊背景,要建立合理有效的最低工资制度,首先要从法律上加强其效力;其次应考虑将最低工资制度与最低生活费制度合并,并细划最低工资层次和范围,根据政策目标计算最低工资标准。  相似文献   

最低工资制度从其在一些市场经济国家施行开始就引起了学者的争论。本文在经济转型的背景下从最低工资与就业、最低工资与产业结构调整、最低工资与人力资本投资三个方面对最低工资的经济效应进行了研究。对这些问题进行讨论是完善我国的最低工资制度的现实需要,也是经济发展与构建和谐社会的需要。  相似文献   

最低工资制度从其在一些市场经济国家施行开始就引起了学者的争论.本文在经济转型的背景下从最低工资与就业,最低工资与产业结构调整、最低工资与人力资本投资三个方面对最低工资的经济效应进行了研究.对这些问题进行讨论是完善我国的最低工资制度的现实需要,也是经济发展与构建和谐社会的需要.  相似文献   

彭红碧 《经济论坛》2014,(4):119-122
农民工工资决定存在诸多因素。其中,人力资本等因素属于农民工自身层面,劳动力价值、供求状况等因素属于农民工市场层面,最低工资制度、歧视因素等属于社会环境层面。三个层面分别构成了农民工工资决定的内部、中间和外部三大圈层。三者相互联系、相互作用,共同构成了农民工工资决定的圈层结构。这是农民工工资决定的一般性分析框架。  相似文献   

最低工资标准与劳动者待遇:统一抑或排斥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最低工资制度的存废至今仍处于争议之中,我国中央政府、地方政府与企业三者的目标函数不同,最低工资标准陷于标准过低的权宜困境,其调整并没有真正惠及劳动者,因此要求重新定位我国的最低工资制度:明确最低工资制度的社会保障制度归属,政府应该承担最低工资保障职能,同时建立以工资正常增长机制为主和最低工资保障机制为辅的工资制度,以及积极探索制定其他公共政策来保护社会弱势群体。  相似文献   

本文以民营企业要素投入行为为切入点,探讨最低工资制度对民营企业劳动收入占比的影响。基于2005-2008年和2011-2013年中国工业企业数据库民营企业面板数据的研究发现:最低工资制度提高了劳动密集型和资本密集型行业民营企业的劳动收入占比,降低了技术密集型民营企业的劳动收入占比。通过分解影响机制发现,最低工资制度提高了劳动密集型和资本密集型民营企业的工资水平,带来正向的收入效应,但也导致资本替代劳动,产生负向的替代效应。整体而言,最低工资制度提高了民营企业的劳动收入占比。为发挥最低工资制度对民营企业劳动收入占比的正向作用,继续调整最低工资标准、贯彻相关法规实施、提高劳动者技能水平成为重要措施。  相似文献   

作为一项工资保障制度,最低工资制度是政府干预劳动力市场的手段,维护了劳动者取得劳动报酬的合法权益,保障了劳动者的基本生活。美国最低工资制度发展较为完善,对我国进一步完善最低工资制度具有一定启示。  相似文献   

It is often argued that a mandatory minimum wage is binding only if the wage density displays a spike at it. In this article, we analyze a model with search frictions and heterogeneous production technologies, in which imposition of a minimum wage affects wages even though, after imposition, the lowest wage in the market exceeds the minimum wage. The model has multiple equilibria as a result of the fact that the reservation wage of the unemployed and the lowest production technology in use affect each other. Imposition of a minimum wage may improve social welfare.  相似文献   

分类管理是管理的一种进步。目前我国机关事业单位工资制度比较单一,公务员都实行职务与级别相结合的工资制度,事业单位都实行岗位绩效工资制度。过分统一的工资制度不能适应不同行业、不同部门管理的特点和要求。本文对工资分类管理相关问题进行了探讨,回顾了我国公职人员工资分类管理和发展变化,分析了我国公职人员工资分类存在的问题,提出了下一步深化工资分类改革的设想。  相似文献   

Labour market outliers: Lessons from Portugal and Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spain has the highest unemployment rate (22.2%) of any European Union country, Portugal one of the lowest (7.3%). Superficially, these countries share many labour market features: the toughest job security rules in the OECD, an apparently similar architecture of wage bargaining, and comparable generosity of their unemployment insurance systems, at least since 1989. We address the puzzle by examining Portuguese and Spanish labour market institutions, in particular job security, unemployment benefits and the system of wage bargaining. We then conduct empirical analysis of Spanish and Portuguese unemployment outflows and wage distributions, using micro data. We find differences in unemployment benefits (non-existent in Portugal until 1985, and less generous nowadays), differences in wage flexibility (wage floors by category established by collective agreements are set at a lower relative level in Portugal), and, in practice, higher firing costs in Spain. A key explanation of the difference in Portuguese and Spanish unemployment rates is the wage adjustment process. Generous benefit levels may have been necessary for the path Spanish unions took, but this was not the sole explanation of different wage setting in Spain and Portugal.  相似文献   

李嘉明  李苏娅 《经济与管理》2005,19(6):33-35,42
随着中国经济快速发展,中国的个人所得税税制已经不能适应实际需要,工薪起征点过低是目前个人所得税存在的主要问题之一,提高工薪起征点的个人所得税改革势在必行。对此提出了工薪起征点的调整方向,并运用经济学方法分析了工薪起征点调整后对企业净利润和分配政策等的影响。  相似文献   

In an attempt to augment the lowest wages, the United States and several other countries utilize legal minimum wages. However, the minimum wage has potentially adverse employment effects. The analysis here suggests that an alternative policy that combines a minimum wage and a wage subsidy is superior to either by itself. Such a combination can assist the low wage worker, avoid disemployment effects, and maximize market efficiency.  相似文献   

Numerous empirical studies show that unions reduce wage differences. I demonstrate that their motive might be a mix of fairness and strategy, maximizing the use of union bargaining power in the presence of efficiency wages. Unions can push primarily for raising the lowest wages, and still not sacrifice higher wages much, if the employers themselves increase higher wages to protect efficiency-enhancing wage differences. If these “domino effects” are strong enough, then an egalitarian wage policy might even increase the median wage.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the nature of wage differences between native and immigrant workers in Spain. By estimating separated wage equations for the sub samples of both native and non-native workers and applying the Oaxaca–Blinder method, we observe that the relative unexplained (or discriminatory) component of the wage difference has a decreasing behaviour along the most part of the wage distribution, even becoming negative at the end. So, in this paper we detect the existence of a remarkable wage difference against the group of immigrants with the lowest wages which is not explained by the differences in the productive features of both native and non-native workers. This paper has been funded by the project SEJ2004-04065/ECON. Previous versions of this article have greatly improved thanks to the comments of two anonymous referees and the Managing Editor.  相似文献   

I examine whether a version of the Cahuc et al. (2006) model can match the magnitude of wage dispersion, as measured by the ratio of the average and the lowest wage — the so-called mean-min ratio of Hornstein et al. (2011). I find that the workers? bargaining power is a crucial parameter: the mean-min ratio strictly decreases in the bargaining power up to a point near 1/2 and is essentially flat thereafter, generating the same amount of wage dispersion as the canonical wage ladder model, which is a special case of the CPVR model. Consequently, this model can yield large wage dispersion only for low bargaining power on the workers? side. I show that the share of job-to-job transitions with wage drops is decreasing in the bargaining power, calibrate the latter to the former, and demonstrate that the CPVR model generates an empirically plausible amount of wage dispersion. I also show that negative wages arise when workers have no bargaining power, and discuss the implications for the empirical findings of Postel-Vinay and Robin (2002b).  相似文献   

This paper first establishes the empirical fact that over the last quarter of the 20th century, the average weekly hours worked increased for workers in the highest wage quintile while it decreased for the ones at the lowest. In 1976, a worker in the lowest quintile worked 2.8 hours more per week than a high wage worker (worker in the highest quintile), but by 2006, the low wage worker worked 1 hour less. During this period, there was also a wide increase in wage inequality. The typical mechanism in which hours are only determined by contemporaneous wages cannot simultaneously explain the pattern found in both variables for every quintile.This paper attempts to reconcile these cross-sectional trends in both hours and wages for the US during this time period. As a first step, we show that compositional changes (in education, occupation and age) within quintiles can only explain a fraction of the observed pattern. Next, we propose a mechanism in which individuals' current decisions of how much to work take into account two components: the contemporaneous benefit of the wage received, and also how current hours worked affects the probability of moving across the wage distribution in later periods. The latter dynamic component is estimated from our dataset. We find that changes over time in how hours affect these probabilities provided incentives that differ across the quintiles, and are consistent with the labor supply decisions observed in the data. We incorporate these two components into an equilibrium model of heterogeneous agents with uninsurable income risk. We are able to replicate the decline in hours for the bottom of the distribution as well as the increase at the top. The ratio of hours worked between the two groups delivered by the model also fits the trend found in the data.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between unequal regional development and racial and gender wage inequality in Brazil. Using sample data from the 1991 Brazilian census, I estimated monthly wages for a white, brown and black women and men working in the states of S"o Paulo and Bahia. The findings suggest that while women and Afro-Brazilians in Brazil's most developed region of S"o Paulo had the advantages of higher levels of state sponsored work benefits and more equitable occupational and wage distribution, they nevertheless experienced the greatest discrimination. In contrast, the less developed state of Bahia where racial and gender gaps in education, occupation and wages were the most severe, wage discrimination was lowest.  相似文献   

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