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薛红志 《中外管理》2011,(11):102-103
关于某些创业者凭借一份商业计划就能筹得大笔资金的奇闻轶事,不断在满怀激情的潜在创业者之间流传。再加上私人风险投资公司和公共风险投资机构的推波助澜,导致很多人认为商业计划是成功创业的必备利器,甚至于有“创业导师”建议,“创业就是炮制好一份计划书,然后去‘找钱一。这类错误的观点,  相似文献   

大学生融资能力的提升需要进行商业计划书编写的创业教育培养模式,在商业计划书中除了主要程序和撰写规则外,商业模式和商业模式的设计是商业计划书撰写的核心,它是投资战略伙伴寻求创业企业合作的依据,商业模式和商业模式设计是创业企业价值评估、客户定位及团队定位的科学体系,通过价值评估模式、盈利模式、收入模式等流程进行创业企业融资能力的定位,可以看出商业计划书的编写是提高大学生创业融资能力的关键工具。  相似文献   

史琳  宋微  李彩霞  吴学彦 《价值工程》2013,(28):182-184
商业计划书是一份全方位的项目计划,能够帮助创业企业对自己进行再认识,能够帮助创业企业获得融资。本文结合创业大学生的特点,深入浅出的分析了商业计划的作用和意义,剖析了商业计划书的构成,重点描述了商业计划书的写作方法和技巧,最后为商业计划书的应用提供了意见和建议。  相似文献   

商业计划书是项目获得风险投资的“敲门砖”,其中财务分析是对投资项目所做的经济上的可行性分析,在商业计划书中占据重要的地位。本文对商业计划书财务分析中经常出现的问题进行了总结,并提出了具体的解决对策。  相似文献   

首届全球“中国商业计划书大赛”尘埃落定;上海通用汽车向中国航天员中心赠送座驾;奥迪A8荣膺“年度豪华行政车”殊荣;大众汽车集团在中国市场销量显著攀升;  相似文献   

风险投资项目选择的信号传递博弈   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张婕 《价值工程》2005,24(10):126-128
本文分析了创新企业向风险投资公司传递信号(商业计划书)对价值评估结果的影响,运用信号传递博弈模型指出商业计划书在风险投资公司选择创新企业过程中的重要性,给出了风险投资公司在选择项目时的相关建议,为风险投资公司进一步量化风险和预期投资收益提供思路和思考。  相似文献   

商业计划书是项目获得风险投资的"敲门砖",其中财务分析是对投资项目所做的经济上的可行性分析,在商业计划书中占据重要的地位。本文对商业计划书财务分析中经常出现的问题进行了总结,并提出了具体的解决对策。  相似文献   

投资人考察创办企业时,最想知道的是“创业逻辑”。所谓逻辑就是你怎样思考问题。以下几方面内容可供创业者参考。 企业定位。投资人总是首先试图从创办企业的商业计划书中获得创业者对于企业的定位,进一步说就是创业者得有与众不同的定位。  相似文献   

创业教育是世界性的教育新理念,开展创业教育已成为中等职业学校责无旁贷的历史使命。建立符合中职学生创业教育有效的模式已成为当今中职创业教育的重点,从商业计划书的内涵与外延、过程与结果、本质与功效看,以商业计划书为轴心开展创业教育有很强的适用性和功效性。  相似文献   

金弋琳 《中国企业家》2006,(16):118-119
不久前,一个名为“雅虎创业圈——项目与资本的亲密接触”的风投见面会在京召开,来自新风险投资中国、IFC国际金融公司、清华创业投资管理有限公司/中国环保基金、麦肯锡公司的风投界代表,与创业者欢聚一堂,展开激烈讨论。这是由《赢在中国》大赛带来的创业热潮的一个延伸,一个新的创业圈正因此形成。  相似文献   

MBA的责任   杨壮开门见山说:“我在和医院的管理层,包括跨国公司的高层管理者交流时,经常能听到他们的抱怨:新招来的MBA薪水很高,实际能力却无法与此对等.“杨壮指出,企业家强调MBA的综合素质,他们对MBA的建议是对自己的薪水和能力不要有过高的期望值,不要有太强的优越感,认为自己什么都能做到,眼高手低,这是最容易引起企业家反感的.所以,杨壮认为,北大国际MBA的使命就是要向企业提供高素质的毕业生,不仅是要有很强的专业能力,有很出众的实践能力,个性的打造也非常重要.杨壮说在他们身上需要注入什么样的特质,如何去影响他们,改变他们,这就是商学院教育者的任务.……  相似文献   

It is ironic that at a moment in history when the business school seems to be enjoying unparalleled success, the role of the business school is being increasingly questioned by some of its leading professors. We examine the debate about the business school and its evolution. While sympathetic to the criticisms levied against the business school we nevertheless suggest a positive future if the business school can build upon its potentially unique position as knowledge space.  相似文献   

<正>鲁东大学商学院成立于2009年8月,由管理学院和经济学院相关专业整合而成,是目前学校规模最大的学院之一。学院以服务地方经济建设和社会发展为己任,培养适应社会发展需求的"厚基础、宽口径、强能力、高素质"的应用型、复合型高级管理专门人才。现有国际经济与贸易、经济学、旅游管理、公共事业管理和市场营销五个本科专业,国际经济与贸易(中外合作办学)一个专科专业。全日制本专科在校生2300人。学院拥有一支职称、学历、年龄结构合理,业务能力强,敬业爱岗的教师队伍。现有教师55人,其中专任教师46人。在职称结构上,有教授6人,副教授13人,具有高级职称的教师占专任教师总数的42%。在学历结构上,博士18人,硕士30人,具有硕士以上学位的教师占专  相似文献   

蓄有爱因斯坦似小胡子的爱扎克·高特列波(Dr.Isaac Gottlieb),给人的第一印象,像是一名高深莫测的学究。但在采访中,这位世界著名美国哥伦比亚大学教授、美国新泽西州立大学商学院国际部主任,风趣幽默的谈话风格随即改变了我们的看法。  相似文献   

The worldwide monetary tightening, which was necessary to contain the inflationary effects of last year's cyclical upturn, is close to having run its course. The boom is giving way to a period of slower but more sustainable growth, while the distribution and structure of demand has turned out to be more favourable than could have been anticipated. The US economy has successfully slowed (but recession seems unlikely), whilst Japan and Europe are still expanding rapidly. The world economy thus continues to grow at a rate of around 2.75 per cent, allowing modest reductions in international current account imbalances. The impact of interest rates has been felt mainly by consumers and in the housing market, and has had only a limited effect on investment and trade. So demand has been reduced but not at the expense of a capacity expansion which will, through productivity gains, dampen inflationary pressures. We expect world inflation to fall slowly front a little above 4 per cent currently to around 3 per cent by 1992. This is above the declared objectives of policy makers but is as close to the hoped-for soft landing as may be achievable.  相似文献   

The 1989/90 payround is under way against the background of the highest rate of inflation in nearly seven years, the lowest rate of unemployment since December 1980 and a spate of industrial disputes which feature pay as a central theme. Reflecting this, pay settlements are moving higher and whole economy earnings are rising at an underlying rate of 9.25per cent, compared with only 7.5 per cent in early 1987. The obvious danger, with the labour market remaining tight, is that earnings will accelerate further, possibly into double figures. If this were to coincide with slower output growth, unit labour cost inflation would increase sharply, either threatening the government's inflation objectives or, as in 1980–81, resulting in a squeeze on profits - a hard landing. In our June forecast, we ruled out this possibility - at least as the central case - but at the same time we warned that "the main economic danger lies in this area: if wage bargainers are successful in bidding up wages to compensate for higher retail price inflation, the battle to reduce inflation could be even more protracted than our forecast suggests and output prospects too would be that much weaker". In this Forecast Release we return to this theme.  相似文献   

There are enough similarities in the performance of the British and Spanish economies in recent years to make the entry of the peseta into the EMS on 19 June an event of interest to UK observers. Faced with the problem of overheating, the Spanish authorities have chosen to use the external discipline of a fixed exchange rate as a way of fighting inflation. In similar circumstances, the UK has opted for autonomy, preferring to use internal monetary discipline to bring inflation back down to the European average - itself one of Mrs. Thatcher's conditions for EMS entry. Over the next year or two it should be possible to form a view on the relative merits of the two approaches to counter-inflation policy.  相似文献   

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