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隐喻作为人类语言的共同特征,存在于各种语言中.他们始终影响着我们的思维方式,在不同的文化背景下,隐喻的使用是不同的.因此,翻译实际上是在翻译文化.因此,在翻译中,我们不仅要注意句子和单词的字面意思,更要注意句子在整个语境中的涵义.  相似文献   

隐喻是语言的基本特征,是人类基本的认知工具,它普遍存在于我们的语言运用之中,但是由于各种语言的文化背景不同,隐喻的运用也存在着差异。在外语教学中教师应该帮助语言学习者了解不同文化对语言的影响,从而增强跨文化意识,把隐喻有效地导入到我们的语言教学中,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

马小霞 《中国外资》2011,(16):208-210
隐喻作为人类语言的共同特征,存在于各种语言中。他们始终影响着我们的思维方式,在不同的文化背景下,隐喻的使用是不同的。因此,翻译实际上是在翻译文化。因此,在翻译中,我们不仅要注意句子和单词的字面意思,更要注意句子在整个语境中的涵义。  相似文献   

隐喻是自然语言中普遍存在的现象,隐喻是可以带来词汇的语义变化,在不同的环境下,就会有不同的含义,就会促成语言的不断前进和发慰而且从隐喻的学习中可以掌握很多认知的规律,打破传统学习的瓶颈,是一种很好的英语词汇学习方法。  相似文献   

经济全球化使商务谈判跨越了国界.深入理解各国文化差异有助于谈判人员克服谈判中的文化壁垒从而取得商务谈判的成功.本文阐述了高低文化语境的特征,并结合相关实例深入分析了不同文化语境对国际商务谈判的影响.  相似文献   

赵海燕 《中国外资》2010,(14):171-171
经济全球化使商务谈判跨越了国界。深入理解各国文化差异有助于谈判人员克服谈判中的文化壁垒从而取得商务谈判的成功,本文阐迷了高低文化语境的特征,并结合相关实例深入分析了不同文化语境对国际商务谈判的影响。  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是语言内部的一种修辞手段,还是人类认知世界的一种思维方式.从认知心理学的角度分析隐喻的认知功能并比较英、汉两种文化背景下隐喻的相似性,有利于提高大学英语教学效果.  相似文献   

语言是交际的工具,人们使用语言进行交流,总是在一定的环境中进行的,即语言交流离不开语境,并受语境的制约。语境是语言环境的简称。语言交流同样离不开文化语境,文化语境是语言交流连贯性的基础,在语言交流中起着重要作用,因此不同民族在语言交流过程中必须注重文化语境因素,才能保证其交流的顺利进行。  相似文献   

根据格莱斯提出的合作原则,违反会话准则不会产生会话含义,而只有在蔑视会话准则时才会产生会话含义.而语境在分析作为语用学研究对象的会话含义方面,其地位和作用一直不很明确.本文试图从两个方面阐述语境在会话含义分析方面的地位,从三个主要方面阐述语境在会话含义分析方面的作用.  相似文献   

隐喻不属于纯语言范畴,而属于认知范畴。隐喻认知具有普遍性与文化特殊性,映射性与动态性,体验性与创造性的特点。语言就其本质来说是隐喻的,概念隐喻观的最新成果已令人信服地证实了隐喻在语言中的普遍性和核心性,但隐喻对外语教学的启示研究仍十分薄弱,学术刊物鲜有讨论隐喻理论对语言教学的指导作用和应用价值。本文在探讨隐喻认知特点的基础上,提倡将其应用到英语阅读教学中去,在教学中鼓励学生运用隐喻思维,以提升其隐喻能力。  相似文献   

This special issue, as might be expected in a networked world, searching for proof that collaboration can work, is edited by four of us. It began with a conversation in 2014 over bland conference food in Helsinki between Osmo Kuusi, Matti Minkkinen and Sohail Inayatullah about the need to highlight metaphors in futures research. We noted that while extensively used, they remain inadequately theorized and lacking mindfulness. Further conversations between Inayatullah and Aleksandra Izgarjan focused the issue. We introduce the special issue with short openings by each one of us, theorizing in a biographical context. These are followed by a summary of the articles, essays, and reports, written by Minkkinen. Our intent is not just to focus on metaphors in futures research, but as well to see futures research as narrative-based itself: as not just describing reality and possibility but creating new worlds, on opening up of shared pathways.  相似文献   

隐喻是我们赖以生存的一种语言现象和认知模式,它受社会文化背景影响,表现出明显的文化特征。从英汉隐喻的来源入手,通过对英汉一些常见的动、植物词汇和人体词汇隐喻的实例分析及其差异根源的探究,可以揭示英汉隐喻现象所折射出来的不同民族文化心理及其对跨文化交际的影响。  相似文献   

隐喻是我们赖以生存的一种语言现象和认知模式,它受社会文化背景影响,表现出明显的文化特征。从英汉隐喻的来源入手,通过对英汉一些常见的动、植物词汇和人体词汇隐喻的实例分析及其差异根源的探究,可以揭示英汉隐喻现象所折射出来的不同民族文化心理及其对跨文化交际的影响。  相似文献   

剖析互联网消费金融快速发展背景下征信监管存在的问题,秉持服务实体经济、关注和防范系统性风险及维护消费者合法权益等原则,建议完善市场准入机制及跨区域协作监管机制、规范接入机构开展互联网征信业务、提升技防手段防止冒名贷款、实施接入机构动态管理机制等,以促进互联网消费金融良性发展.  相似文献   

Metaphors appear in almost every realm of our existence permeating even the supposedly “literal" contexts of high-energy physics laboratories and play a central role in defining and organizing both everyday and scientific realities. Metaphors are not an optional literary device but rather enable us to understand and experience one thing in terms of another. They focus our attention upon particular aspects of a thing that we might otherwise overlook and, in doing so, they also deflect our attention from other aspects. In directing and deflecting our attention, metaphors help us to construct our perceptions of reality in particular ways, guide our actions, and are used to frame issues as problems and to assess the feasibility and appropriateness of various possibilities as solutions. Metaphors are also found within the pages of highly technical texts such as The Original Pronouncements produced by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). In this paper, I begin to examine more closely the metaphors that the FASB has included in its texts. Specifically, I highlight the many different metaphors that have been used in connection with risk by the FASB. These metaphors have included orientational, attribute, and ontological metaphors. I end by commenting that these metaphors have contributed to the thinkability of risk management and to considerations of risk as an opponent that must and should be confronted and managed. I question the blind spots in our thinking about risk that these metaphors may be creating and perpetuating and suggest how different metaphors might lead to different ways of thinking about risk.  相似文献   

论经济转型中政府的经济职能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,不仅需要讨论成熟的市场经济中政府的一般职能,而且需要从中国经济市场化转型的特殊角度讨论政府的特殊经济职能。政府具有五大特殊经济职能。  相似文献   

本文对高校图书馆的情感投入的方法、情感管理的含义及情感管理的基本原则进行了探讨,提出了培养服务意识是情感管理的前提,凝聚同甘共苦的情谊是情感管理的关键,营造宽松和谐的环境是情感管理的重要途径,对图书馆管理工作提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

Metaphor belongs to key concepts of semiotics. I have made my career in the field of semiotics and I appreciate the possibility to tell to the scientific community of futurists how a semiotician sees the various functions of metaphors and their connections to the future. The edited volume CLA 2.0 (Inayatullah & Milojevic, 2015) shows that in addition to metaphors, many futures researchers have found the general language-based approach of semiotics. The paper deals with three issues: first the theory of metaphors as such, much discussed in the semiotic literature; then what semiotics says about the future; and finally, what kind of semiotics we are considering here. I would propose to scrutinise the problem of metaphors and future in light of my own new theory which I call ‘existential semiotics’.  相似文献   

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