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Green consumption is a very common phrase in our daily lives, yet product characteristics that mainly contribute to the diffusion of green products are largely unknown. Based on microeconomic theory, we conduct a conjoint survey of consumer preferences for a ubiquitous green product—laundry detergent. We analyze the correlation between consumers' demographic variables and attributes of laundry detergents through a hierarchical Bayesian mixed logit model. We find that consumer preferences for attributes display significant heterogeneity. Age and income significantly influence the marginal preferences for attributes. An examination of consumer willingness to pay and of the relative importance of each attribute reveals that price and base material are the most important attributes. Green attributes, such as skin irritation potential and biodegradability, tend to be less important. This study also examines preference heterogeneity based on previous purchase experience. To promote green consumption, we emphasize the need for policies that reduce the value‐action gap.  相似文献   

The Internet has provided a forum through which consumers who are dissatisfied with various companies can vent their anger towards these corporations. A number of World Wide Web (WWW) sites have cropped up on the Internet, their specific aim being the fomenting of negative communication about companies: these are known as corporate complaint WWW sites. Little research has been conducted on negative on‐line consumer‐to‐consumer articulations and the possible impact that these might have on consumers' perceptions and attitudes. This paper attempts to foster discussion on the use of the Internet in facilitating consumer‐to‐consumer communication, particularly negative communication. First, background information on corporate complaint WWW sites is provided. Then, a survey that was conducted in order to glean information on consumer knowledge of and responses to these kinds of WWW sites is discussed. The results indicate that, among the population used in this study, the awareness of corporate complaint WWW sites was moderate. However, when respondents were aware of them, they were likely to visit them. Social influence plays a role in influencing awareness and prompting visits to corporate complaint WWW sites. In addition, an individual difference factor, attitudes towards complaining, influenced the kinds of activities in which the respondents engaged when they visit corporate complaint WWW sites. Future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

This research examines the role of consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) in the purchase decision process for a green product and investigates the moderating effects of two types of framing: price and ecological message claim. Using an experimental design, 262 participants were assigned randomly to one of nine conditions (3 price × 3 ecological message frames). The results reveal a mediating effect of WTP on the relationship between consumers' perceptions and purchase intentions. Furthermore, a price framed in aggregate terms reinforces the positive effect of WTP on purchase intention. The mere presence of an ecological message claim also enhances the relation between WTP and purchase intentions. This research proposes ways marketers can promote their green products. The results encourage the use of ecological messages and frames of prices in an aggregate form to enhance consumers' purchase intentions through WTP.  相似文献   

Customer participation of mandatory (ensuring the completion of a service delivery) and voluntary behaviours (achieving the optimal results of the service) influence the outcomes of service organizations. This study examines how service firms transform from coproduction to cocreation in sharing economy by enhancing customer voluntary behaviour through encouraging customer mandatory behaviour. This study explores the mediating effect of perceived value on the mandatory–voluntary relationship, and the driving effect of customer readiness on mandatory behaviour. A total of 181 valid questionnaires were collected from the Taiwanese bed and breakfast sector and analysed by structural equation analysis. The results reveal: (1) the strong impact of customer mandatory behaviour on voluntary behaviour, (2) the partial mediating effect of perceived value on the mandatory-voluntary relationship, and (3) the distinct effects that cooperation has on helping others and word-of-mouth. The findings support the influential roles of customer readiness factors, especially ability, on triggering mandatory behaviour.  相似文献   

This research empirically tests the combined effect of anticipated pride, anticipated guilt, and environmental consciousness in parallel to the Theory of Planned Behavior's main components on green purchase intention. For the first time, it also explores the interaction of environmental consciousness, anticipated pride, anticipated guilt, and attitude, respectively, on green purchase intention. Analysis of 304 responses collected from consumers in the United Arab Emirates revealed that environmental consciousness, attitude towards green products, anticipated pride, and anticipated guilt positively influence the intention to purchase green products, but not perceived behavioral control and subjective norms. Interestingly, anticipated pride increases green purchase intention under low level of environmental consciousness, while anticipated guilt decreases purchase intention. In contrast, anticipated guilt positively influences green purchase intention under high environmental consciousness, while anticipated pride does not. This study extends current knowledge related to green purchase behavior and provides a nuanced understanding of the influence of anticipated emotions. It also provides practical implications for marketers in the Middle East to formulate effective strategies to stimulate green products consumption.  相似文献   

There is a gap in our knowledge about environmentally conscious consumers in industrialized economies and the desire to achieve sustainable economies. Given that most aspects of consumer behaviour are culture bound, this paper contributes by comparing consumers’ evaluations of the efficiency of actions to improve environmental quality in two of the most promising industrializing consumer societies: Brazil and China. The proposed conceptual framework includes environmental concerns, perceived consumer effectiveness, green attitudes, green behaviours and external motivators as constructs to explain the perception of efficient environmental support. Field research was conducted in Brazil with 1,149 respondents, and in China with 632 respondents to test the model. The results suggested that the belief that environmental quality can be improved is directly associated with consumers’ internal and external motivators. However, cultural traits drove important differences in the evaluation of the efficiency of such improvements. Specifically, Chinese people tended to rely on collective leadership to create the conditions necessary for improving environmental quality, while they remained concerned with the current status. In contrast, Brazilians accepted more personal responsibility for the results, although they face important constraints, such as the availability of products.  相似文献   

在技术接受模型的基础上加入了认知可信度因子,由计划行为理论和改进的技术接受模型构造出整合技术接受模型,采用结构方程模型方法对影响消费者移动服务使用意愿的因素进行实证研究。研究结果显示,知觉有用性、知觉易用性、认知可信度、知觉行为控制和感知成本在解释行为意图时有正向显著影响,可解释67%的变异量。  相似文献   

Prior research has mostly examined consumer attitudes toward online services/retailing in general and a few researchers have addressed consumer experiences with online food delivery (OFD) services. The purpose of this study is to examine the structural relationship between convenience motivation, post-usage usefulness, hedonic motivation, price saving orientation, time saving orientation, prior online purchase experience, consumer attitude and behavioral intention towards OFD services. The study proposes an integrative theoretical research model based on the Contingency Framework and Extended Model of IT Continuance. 224 valid questionnaires were collected to empirically test the research model using the partial least square (PLS) path modeling approach. The results imply that the proposed hypotheses were supported, except for the relationship between prior online purchase experience and post-usage usefulness. Practical implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

服务补救是企业挽回顾客信心的关键,补救策略的效果与失败情境和顾客特质密切相关。本文以关键事件法和访谈法对过程补救策略进行划分,并与结果补救策略形成有效组合,通过实验法考察顾客应对倾向与服务失败程度对补救策略的影响。结果表明:结果补救策略与问题应对顾客之间存在匹配效应,且失败程度越高,匹配性越强;过程补救策略与情绪应对顾客之间的匹配效应在服务失败程度严重时得以体现。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of word of mouth on consumers’ attitudes toward the product and its purchase probability. Furthermore, we examine the moderating influence of susceptibility to interpersonal influence, which is a personal characteristic of the receiver of word of mouth information. A quasi experiment was conducted, in which subjects were asked to evaluate a product, while being subjected to positive or negative word of mouth. Our results indicate that negative word of mouth has an impact on consumers’ attitudes and purchase probability, while the influence of positive word of mouth was not significant. Interestingly, susceptibility to interpersonal influence does not play a moderating role. While the experimental design with an unknown word of mouth source and fictitious brand allowed the comparison of results for the positive, negative, and control group, such conditions do not correspond to an actual market setting.  相似文献   

Viral marketing is used to widely distribute content. To achieve this goal, the basic decision‐making process from content reception to interaction must be clarified. This paper examines the decision‐making process of individuals in viral marketing using a new dynamic model. In addition, this work reviews the existing literature on viral marketing and structures to identify existing issues for further research. The decision‐making process is basically divided into two stages. In the first decision stage, individuals decide whether content should be considered. When individuals agree to view the content, they decide in the second stage whether they want to interact with it. These two decisions are influenced by three factors: the framework conditions, content, and interaction aims. With the help of the decision model, this paper summarizes the most important findings from viral marketing research over the last 20 years. In addition, this work provides new opportunities for further research in the field of viral marketing.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect that negative online customer reviews have on brand equity and purchase intention. This research examined the influence of negative electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on brand equity, as influenced by customer review quality, product involvement and source credibility. A 3 (high quality review versus low quality review versus no review) × 2 (high product involvement versus low product involvement) factorial experiment with 236 respondents was conducted. The results revealed that the presence of negative eWOM has a significant detrimental effect on brand equity and purchase intention. Furthermore, the effect of negative online customer reviews is more detrimental to the brand equity of a high involvement product than a low involvement product. The results also revealed that high quality reviews are more influential than low quality reviews with respect to brand equity, and the difference between the levels of eWOM source credibility has no significant effect on brand equity.  相似文献   

In today's society, the trend of ethical consumerism is undeniable. Yet, even though consumers are ethically concerned, they rarely transform their intentions into a green purchasing behaviour—and this phenomenon is also evident in the sustainable fashion industry. This study aims to understand the prevailing attitude‐behaviour gap and explores the barriers that constrain consumers in purchasing green apparel. A total of 13 in‐depth interviews were conducted and analysed to the principles of grounded theory. The analysis reveals that the following barriers impede consumption of sustainable fashion: price, availability, knowledge, transparency, image, inertia and consumption habits. The impact of each dimension on consumers' purchase decisions might be of interest to apparel manufacturers and retailers who should implement strategies to encourage eco‐conscious apparel acquisition and focus on diminishing these barriers. Accordingly, three major recommendations are made: (a) to concentrate on specific product attributes; (b) to adopt an efficient digital communication strategy; and (c) to make a greater effort on making green apparel attainable. This study contributes to the overall understanding of consumer behaviour in the ethical fashion industry and examines in‐depth the purchasing criteria for sustainable fashion for consumers.  相似文献   

Consumers search for information about products to make a satisfactory purchase decision and gain knowledge about new features and updates. Consumers also use this knowledge to be vocal about their product experience because several consumers seek interpersonal recommendations. This phenomenon has contributed to the emergence of information search (IS) and information dissemination (ID) as a key research area in the field of consumer behaviour. However, the role of personal factors such as consumer self‐confidence and subjective knowledge has received little attention in the extant IS and ID literature. The major argument of this study is that information acquisition confidence and social outcome confidence enhance subjective knowledge and consequently increase the will of consumers to search and disseminate information in the context of smartphone buyers in India. Structural equation modelling was employed to test the proposed hypotheses using a convenience sample of 259 consumers obtained through a cross‐sectional survey. The study shows that subjective knowledge is crucial in strengthening the association between consumer self‐confidence and consumer intention for IS and ID. Additionally, enhancing consumer’s social outcome confidence contributes towards high subjective knowledge and consequently accelerates information dissemination. Results suggest that firms could focus on enhancing the social outcome confidence and subjective knowledge of consumers to motivate them to disseminate information. The results also show that consumers with high confidence in information acquisition ability have the high subjective knowledge and are more likely to search for information. Overall, this study contributes to the emerging literature regarding the role of personal factors in IS and dissemination behaviour.  相似文献   

以往关于产品绿色属性对消费者购买意愿影响的研究尚未达成一致结论。文章通过两个情境实验系统性地探讨了不同产品类型情境下产品绿色属性对消费者购买意愿的影响机制。结果表明,对于享乐型产品,高绿色属性中心性相较于低绿色属性中心性会激发消费者更强烈的购买意愿。对于实用型产品,低绿色属性中心性相较于高绿色属性中心性会激发消费者更强烈的购买意愿。此外,在享乐品情境下,自我表达收益在高绿色属性中心性提升消费者购买意愿的过程中起中介作用;在实用品情境下,环境功利收益在低绿色属性中心性提升消费者购买意愿的过程中起中介作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing clothing interest among Generation Y consumers in Malaysia. Brand image, word of mouth (WOM), self-concept, perceived quality, and need for uniqueness were hypothesized to be related with clothing interest, which in turn, was deemed to be related with purchase intention. The interaction effect of price consciousness on the relationship between clothing interest and purchase intention was also examined in this study. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from a total of 300 respondents from Malaysia to test the hypothesized relationships. Results showed that need for uniqueness, self-concept, brand image, WOM, and perceived quality are significant predictors of clothing interest among the Generation Y consumers in Malaysia and price consciousness moderated the relationship between their clothing interests and purchase intention. The practical implications of the research findings were discussed.  相似文献   

The aim is to investigate how present‐biased temporal discounting caused by feelings of financial deficit, attitude towards borrowing and financial involvement and knowledge determine young adults’ likelihood of borrowing to purchases of desired consumer products. A sample of 273 young adults aged 18–30 years answered an online questionnaire including experimental treatments to induce present‐biased temporal discounting, followed by questions about attitude towards borrowing, financial involvement/knowledge and financial resources. In different treatment conditions, participants rated the likelihood of borrowing to purchases of desired consumer products at prices judged to be unaffordable or to replace purchases of equally expensive products in the future but not immediately. In a control condition, participants rated the likelihood of borrowing to an equally expensive, already purchased product to be paid immediately. A higher likelihood of borrowing to purchases of the desired and already purchased unpaid products was observed, but the difference to the needed products was not statistically significant. Likelihood of borrowing was strongly suppressed by a negative attitude, in all between‐group conditions equally influenced by self‐assessed financial resources but unaffected by financial involvement/knowledge. Both financial involvement/knowledge and a negative attitude decreased choices of months of instalment payments with the consequence that the monthly repayment cost increased.  相似文献   

Access-based services (ABS) provide an opportunity for brands to promote their new products by enabling (unintended) trials. However, the mechanisms and impact of consumer exposure to products in ABS and the subsequent potential spillover effects on both the brand and the product perception are largely unknown. Our hypotheses are derived from the information integration theory (IIT) and subsequently tested. Study 1 is a field study investigating an unintended trial moderated by involvement and positive experience. The results indicate the positive effects of the unintended trial on product and brand attitudes, brand purchase intention, and word of mouth. In line with IIT, these effects are more pronounced for positive trial experience, although in contrast to IIT, they are less pronounced for high-involvement consumers. While the results of Study 2, an online experiment, show substantial effects of both trials compared with nontrials, they also reveal that intended and unintended trials have a similar impact on attitude, but ABS experiences have a stronger positive impact on brand purchase intention. We thus recommend that brand managers promote not only new products but also their brands in unintended trials. This study fills a gap in current discussions about the trial effect(s) of ABS.  相似文献   

While extant research has studied traits of market mavens and the link from mavenism to market helping behavior, there is a need for more research to understand personal and contextual factors that influence actual recommendations of products and differences among market mavens with different traits in that respect. In this study, we took research in the area of market mavenism one step further and investigated the role of personal traits such as self‐esteem and susceptibility to normative interpersonal influence, and the contextual factor of social media, in the frequency of recommendations. We hypothesize that while market mavens with lower self‐esteem are likely to engage in less frequent recommendations, negative effect of their lower self‐esteem is attenuated when they use social media platforms as their medium of choice. Our findings lend support to our hypotheses, including the triple interaction effect between self‐esteem, choice of social media, and market mavenism on market recommendations.  相似文献   

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