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8月10日,上海汽车股份乘用车公司宣布其第一款中高级轿车荣威750,上市四个月销量累计超过10000辆,并且单月销量在该细分市场V6系列车型的份额达到22.5%。位居前三甲。这标志着荣威在国际品牌林立、价格竞争白热化的中高级轿车市场占据了较为稳固的地位,同时打破了长期以来由欧系、日系、美系车把持国内该细分市场的格局。  相似文献   

史青 《市场周刊》2007,(1):33-33
1、新车:据不完全统计,2006年上市的新车已超过百款,为此,我们称2006年为“新车上市年”一点都不为过。不少合资品牌推出的新车不仅是其全球同步的车型.有些甚至是全球酋发.新车仍然是合资品牌唱主角,自主品牌却亮点不多.[第一段]  相似文献   

用下述语言形容中国车市目前的火热可以说是毫不夸张的:它不仅是全球低迷的车市中最耀眼的光芒,更当之无愧地成为集万千宠爱于一身的投资焦点。大公司抢摊登陆,小公司雄心勃勃,一时之间,中国车市就像一场正端上主菜的盛宴,吸引了世界各地投资者的目光。  相似文献   

自2003年以来。中国汽车市场尤其是轿车市场出现了井喷式增长。激烈的市场竞争中。引发了外资品牌和自主品牌的相互厮杀。几个回合下来,几家欢喜几家愁。随着中国汽车的产销量快速向千万辆迈进,未来汽车市场的竞争将会更加激烈。汽车营销将会向网络化、时尚化、个性化和品牌化方向发展。  相似文献   

刘勇 《市场周刊》2004,(23):29-29
在本届北京国际车展上,各厂商展出了多种产品,包括高、中、低档轿车和SUV(越野车)及MPV(多功能车)。随着市场多元化、个性化的需求,汽车产品也趋于细分化。  相似文献   

<正>自主品牌的现状中国汽车的自主品牌所走的路和日本、韩国的模式比较相似,绝大多数从低端产品开始做起,经历多年的辛苦耕耘,取得了很大的成就。但由于自主品牌轿车主要是  相似文献   

面对国内轿车市场日趋激烈的竞争,如何在买方市场新形势下,营造“规范、有序”的市场秩序,日前,上汽正通过创造一种新的市场资源——上海汽车工业市场共同体,作为1997年市场营销的一项重要举措。3月12日,全国汽车流通领域首家“以经销商为主消费者权益加强区域合作,倡导公平竞争,规范市场行为,确保共同发展”,率先在全国推出的营销新举指,引起了国内同行和政府有关职能部门的注意。  相似文献   

根据汽车门户网站、中国汽车市场价格指数(CAPI)发布者.“网上车市”提供的统计数据,今年8月份国产乘用车价格指数(CAPI)下降70.5%,下降速度与06年同期基本持平,具体价格指数(CAPI)变化情况见下表:  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the mechanism through which product market competition (PMC) affects disclosure quality of listed companies. Based on a sample of listed companies with disclosure quality report from Shenzhen Stock Exchange during 2003–2008, PMC is found to display a U-shaped relationship with disclosure quality, which demonstrates the strategic effect of PMC on disclosure quality. PMC is also found to enhance the board of directors’ role in disclosure quality, which demonstrates the governance effect of PMC on disclosure quality. These results enhance the understanding of the role of PMC on disclosure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we unveil a disregarded benefit of product market competition for firms. We introduce the probability of bankruptcy in a simple model where firms compete à la Cournot and apply for collateralized bank loans to undertake productive investments. We show that the number of competitors and the existence of outsiders willing to acquire the productive assets of distressed incumbents affect the equilibrium share of investment financed by bank credit. Using a sample of Italian manufacturing firms, mostly small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we found evidence showing that the degree of product market competition is positively correlated with the share of investment financed by bank credit only when outsiders are absent.  相似文献   

Spatial competition and market power in banking   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Banks in non-metropolitan areas compete in a spatially differentiated environment. Non-metro community banks have been insulated from increasing competition from metro banks due to their reliance on soft information in relationship lending. Proximity to borrowers, therefore, may be an important source of market power for non-metro community banks. This paper estimates a structural model of the supply and demand of banking services in which pricing power is allowed to depend explicitly on the distance between rival banks. A spatial autoregressive econometric model shows that approximately 38.0% of economic surplus earned by firms in non-metropolitan banking in the upper midwest is due to spatial market power.  相似文献   

周锐 《价格月刊》2020,(2):38-44
作为东亚地区经济发展的核心,中日韩三国服务贸易的发展一直备受关注。日本服务贸易的竞争力水平是中日韩三国中最强的,其次是中国,最后是韩国。中国具有竞争力的行业主要是建筑、电信、计算机和信息以及其他商业服务,韩国具有竞争力的行业主要是旅游和建筑服务,日本具有竞争力的行业主要是运输、建筑、专业权利和特许服务以及政府服务。进一步对中日韩服务贸易的影响因素进行分析发现:人均国内生产总值、外商直接投资、货物贸易出口额和服务贸易开放水平与中日韩服务贸易竞争力水平都呈显著正相关关系,其中,服务贸易开放度水平对中日韩服务贸易竞争力水平的影响最大,外商直接投资对中日韩服务贸易竞争力水平的影响最小。  相似文献   

FDI in post-production services and product market competition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post-production services, such as sales, distribution, and maintenance, comprise a crucial element of business activity. We explore an international duopoly model in which a foreign firm has the option of outsourcing post-production services to its domestic rival or providing those services by establishing its own facilities through FDI. We demonstrate that trade liberalization in goods may hurt domestic consumers and lower world welfare, and that the negative welfare impacts are turned into positive ones if service FDI is also liberalized. This finding yields important policy implications, given the reality that the progress of liberalization in service sectors is still limited.  相似文献   

According to a research report recently, issued by the project. team for the prediction of China macro-economy and prosperity of each trade,Economic Research Institute of the State Planning Commission,although China auto industry had a good development in 2002,and the trans-regional competition  相似文献   

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