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核电将在"十二五"期间迎来大规模发展。2010年7月,能源局表示,随着岭澳核电二期一号机组顺利投产,我国核电装机容量已突破1000万千瓦,预计到2015年,中国核电装机将达到3900千万瓦,2020年中国的核电装机容量将从既定目标4000万千瓦提高到7000—8000万千瓦。原发改委能源研究所所长周大地指出,如果要实现核电装机容量到2020年达到7000万千瓦以上的目标,必须在2015年前至少开工60个100万千瓦的核电站。  相似文献   

卢小兵 《证券导刊》2010,(35):63-64
在诸多的清洁能源中,作为当前技术较为成熟、运行比较稳定的发电技术,核电具有明显的优势。根据核电产业的发展规划,核电将迎来巨大的发展空间,而核电设备制造企业和相关资源提供商有可能最先受益。  相似文献   

随着核电行业的发展,核电的经济性受到重视。与火电、风电相比,核电具有建设阶段投资费用高、工程总投资中燃料费占比较低的特点。当前,国内外研究机构和学者聚焦于燃料循环的研究,阐明了燃料循环成本在核电建设中的重要地位。对此,文章分析了国内外研究现状,总结了相关学者研究中使用的方法与参数,基于燃料循环基本分析方法提出具体燃料流模型、电价模型,并选取相关参数,总结了影响核燃料循环成本的主要因素。  相似文献   

肖世俊  李元 《证券导刊》2009,(48):20-20
与当前主流的风电、太阳能等可再生能源发电相比,替代能源核电以其发电成本较低、可长期稳定运营及易于大规模建设供电等优点,而成为现阶段及未来十年最为"经济与绿色"的低碳发电方式。  相似文献   

张瑜 《中国外资》2012,(1):54-55
到2020年,中国核电市场总投资将超过4500亿元,嗅觉敏锐的外资核电设备厂商早已开始行动,但面对如此巨大的核电市场,中国核电设备厂商显然不情愿将这块大蛋糕拱手让给外商。  相似文献   

调整能源结构的优先选择是加快发展核电。长达15年的税收优惠政策出台,不啻是核电产业投融资的重要推动力4月10日,财政部和国家税务总局下发了《关于核电行业税收政策有关问题的通知》。该政策明确了核能发电企业生产销售电力产品,自  相似文献   

当前发展核电的最大问题不是技术,而是决策能力和决策机制;最大的障碍是信任危机。世界各国的核路线受到政治、文化等多重因素影响,中国核电政策不可跟风  相似文献   

继风电、光伏等可再生能源上网标杆电价相继出台之后,新建核电机组实行标杆上网电价政策终获落实,全国核电标杆电价最终核定为每千瓦时0.45元。至此,核电“一厂一价”,电厂“跑价格”的历史宣告结束。在有利于约束核电厂投资,提高投资效率等意义的背后,标杆电价将带来的问题也不容忽视:如何控制核电投资建设成本成为核电企业共同面临的难题。为此,8月25日中国国际工程咨询公司召开核电工程经济策略研讨会,广邀核电业内专家共同探讨未来核电建设投资大计。本刊特邀参与研讨会并发言的中国核能电力股份有限公司副总经理刘敬撰文,详述核电投资将在标杆电价时代发生的改变。  相似文献   

东方电气(武汉)核设备有限公司位于我国著名"江城"——湖北省武汉市,成立于2008年12月。公司占地约150亩,办公和生产设施齐全,公司资产约5亿元,员工300余人,拥有生产面积3万余平方米,各类设备194台(套),其中大型、精尖、稀有设备49台套。公司主要从事民用核电和船用堆内构件、各种不锈钢热交换器、容器以及核电站用装卸、换料和测量工具等产品的制造.具有年产4套1000MW级民用核电堆内构件、1.5套船用堆内构件和800吨压力容器的生产制造能力。公司在船用堆内构件具有40多年的研制和生产业绩。公司将秉承集团公司"打造具有国际竞争力的世界一流重大技术装  相似文献   

2009年底的哥本哈根全球气候大会,并未达成减排约束性协议,但这并不意味着各国政府放松了节能减排工作,核电建设或再提速就是最好的明证——预计全球至2050年还将再建1000个核反应堆。 截至2009年底,全球现投入运营的核电站超过430个。分布在31个国家,核电站的发电量已占总发电量的16%。 事实上,为减少二氧化碳排放,减缓地球变暖和油价高企等原因,各国核电投资正在趋热。毕竟,核电是安全、清洁、经济的能源,发展核电对推进各国能源多元化,改善能源结构。合理开发利用能源,特勋是减少二氧化碳排放等都起着重要作用.  相似文献   

Fossil fuels, including coal, oil and gas, cannot be counted upon as a major energy fuel resource over a long time period. Given that energy utilisation patterns will not alter from those presently characteristic then only three potential fuel sources currently appear adequate to meet the large part of future requirements. These are solar, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission energy. Of these, nuclear fusion energy remains technically unproved. In the highly developed world nuclear fission appears to have been chosen as the major future energy resource. But many would hold that promotional opportunism of the nuclear establishment rather than merit has served as the basis for this choice.  相似文献   

Nuclear law tends to be an ‘exception’ to ordinary tort law in many ways. This is due to its early military roots and initial fears of catastrophe containment. Yet, this ‘exception’ is not justified anymore. Producing energy in nuclear power plants is business-as-usual nowadays and is insured by multinational corporations like Swiss Re, Generali, Münich Re, AXA, etc. In this article, a key exception provided by nuclear law will be explained: how suppliers and designers of defective reactors escape any responsibility in case of a nuclear accident. Two nuclear states have adopted laws that deviate from this exception: the USA and India. Indeed, in both the USA and India, suppliers and designers of defective reactors can be held liable in case of a nuclear accident. In this author’s opinion, the nuclear liability package provided for in the laws of the USA and India is a gateway to justice in case of a nuclear accident and should be an example for the rest of the world. Surprisingly, though, both countries are in disagreement on nuclear law issues. Explanations in this article will be given in simple terms, in an attempt to demystify legal issues surrounding nuclear energy. Nuclear energy should not be an exception, and Indian and US laws have understood that.  相似文献   

India is a non-party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. However, India argues its impeccable non-proliferation record shows the country as a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology that should be allowed to acquire the same benefits and advantages of nuclear energy cooperation under the existing global nuclear non-proliferation regime. This statement needs careful analysis of whether or not the Japan-India civil nuclear energy cooperation agreement could be successfully concluded and acceded to. This paper elaborates on the possibilities and concerns related to the matter from a politico-legal point of view, in order to materialise a mutually satisfactory and legitimate bilateral agreement. The scope of possible civil nuclear energy cooperation may be limited, probably not exceeding the level that the US has agreed with India, right now. It is, however, a necessary initial step for dramatically reconstructing our relationship, which may allow for greater cooperation in the near future.  相似文献   

Primary energy sources exhibited regular long-term logistic substitution trends from the mid-19th century through the third quarter of the 20th century. This analysis, based on an extension of the Fisher-Pry substitution model, accounted for the observed historical shifts of primary energy use from sources of wood, coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear. In the mid-1980s the substitution dynamics was replaced by a relatively constant contribution from oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, and hydropower. However, a major factor in energy use dynamics in this recent period was substitution of conservation and efficiency for actual fuel use. The energy efficiency is measured as the ratio of economic activity to the rate of energy use (energy intensity). To incorporate these data into the logistic analysis, a method for estimating the fraction of energy saved by the increased efficiency was used. With this interpretation, energy efficiency fits within the substitution model. Furthermore, to identify indications of future energy scenarios, as well as to test the logistic substitution analysis, another statistical approach using ternary diagrams was developed. The consistent results from both logistic substitution and statistical analysis are compared with recent energy projections, trends in decarbonization, Kondratieff waves, and other efficiency measures. While the specific future mix of renewables and nuclear energy sources is uncertain, the more general logistic dynamics pattern of the energy system seems to be continuing as it has for about 150 years now.  相似文献   

In recent years, the importance of stakeholder involvement and of integrating diverse perspectives into risk management has gained increasing recognition. However, it remains a challenging task to identify all potentially relevant stakeholders and to reliably describe their deeply held beliefs regarding the risks associated with complex industrial systems. For example, the development of advanced nuclear fuel cycles presents such a case. Based on a review of policy-making literatures and a content analysis of congressional records, we identify federal agencies and nonprofit policy institutes (also known as ‘think tanks’) as key stakeholders that are representative of those actively involved in making high-level decisions on the US nuclear energy policy. Using a semantic network analysis approach, we visually delineate the thematic areas of each party’s perceptions concerning fuel cycle risks. The results show that although governmental and think tank stakeholders share common concerns in areas such as nuclear waste management, the economics of nuclear facilities, and proliferation, they tend to focus on distinct aspects of each area. Moreover, while governmental stakeholders are primarily concerned with the environmental and local impacts of nuclear fuel cycles, think tank stakeholders focus more on the relative advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy compared to other alternative energy options. Implications for risk management and risk communication are discussed.  相似文献   

能源需求是核电发展的唯一因素吗?反核力量能否左右核电重启?核电规模和速度应当调低还是调高?如果我们能从历史和国际视野出发,也许会更加理性地看待当前的核电争议  相似文献   

日本核事故后,世界各主要核国家对核电发展态度各异。我国应在高度重视核安全的基础上,从自身发展出发审慎考虑核电发展,不轻言放弃2011年3月11日,日本东北部发生里氏9级特大地震及其引发的海啸,导致福岛核电站辐射泄漏事故,最终定位7级最高级别核事故。几个月过去,这一事件给世界主要持核国家所带来的不同程度影响正在显现。  相似文献   

N.W. Pirie 《Futures》1983,15(1):73-78
Hitherto, unconventional energy sources have been thought of as such minor contributors to the total energy budget that the consequences of their use have had little attention. They will become more important as fossil fuel is used up, if world demand for energy increases, and if power from nuclear fusion does not materialize. It may therefore be useful to consider some possible consequences if unconventional sources were used on a very large scale.  相似文献   

Environmental risks of different energy sources pose a significant problem for managers, decision-makers, and the general public. Attitudes and perceptions may differ by type of energy, as well as the recipient of the harm. A post-Fukushima survey of students and others in a university community in central New Jersey was conducted to determine how much people worried about the potential effects of different energy types (nuclear, chemical, coal, hydroelectric, solar, wind, and gas), which aspect they worried about (public health, workers, and the environment), and which form they thought the USA should further develop. Ratings for worry varied significantly by energy type and receptor type. In general, worry was greater for all aspects of chemical, coal, nuclear, and gas, and significantly less for hydro, solar, and wind. Worry was generally higher for exposure from the plant, exposure from food and water, exposure to workers, and exposure for wildlife than for either transportation issues or exposure from everyday occurrences. The same exposures (or targets) were rated for each energy source. The greatest worry for each energy type was as follows: (1) nuclear exposure to radiation in food, although worker exposure and exposure from the plant were very close, (2) chemical exposure was from accidents in the plant, (3) coal was from harmful effects of mercury on wildlife, (4) hydro was from contamination of drinking water, (5) solar was from harmful UV radiation exposure in wildlife, (6) wind was from mortality of birds due to wind turbines, and (7) gas was from harmful gas exposure to wildlife. Overall, the highest rated features in terms of worry (four of seven energy forms) were for wildlife. The survey population believed that wind, solar, tidal, and hydro power should be developed further, and coal should be developed the least.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, in particular, the difficulty of reconciling short-term economic and commercial objectives with long-term technical and supply problems has been complicated by new elements: the nuclear energy programme, the discoveries of natural gas and the extension of off-shore oil exploration. The situation is further complicated when the energy problems of the third world are considered, for world consumption will reach astronomical proportions if it were to approach the current North American level. The most hopeful feature of the energy situation is that its seriousness is now being realised.  相似文献   

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