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从世界范围看,绝大多数发达国家对农业都采取了一定的保护政策或优惠政策,以支持本国的农业生产,增加农民收入.本文介绍了日本农业商业金融——农业协同组合(JA)的基本情况及其银行业务发展,分析了日本的农业金融体系框架,并提出我国应提高农民生产的组织化程度,发展真正属于农民的资金互助组织,同时需要农业产业政策等相关政策的支持,推动“三农”发展.  相似文献   

农业产业化是推动农业经济结构调整、增加农民收入的有效途径。农业产业化离不开金融支持,如何提高金融支持对农业产业化发展的贡献度,是关系到农业产业化发展和农民增收的重要课题。  相似文献   

我国是一个农业大国,自古以来重农思想早已深入人心,农民、农业和农村三者之间的关系和问题一直都深受国民关心,解决"三农问题"一直是国家发展的焦点。农业的产业化连接着农业生产和农民收入,是解决"三农"问题的重要突破点。近年来,国家和各地方都出台了各种各样的惠农政策,农业产业化也在我国取得了很大发展,理论和实践都在逐渐成熟。农业产业化发展需要立足于发展的方向和当地的实际组织模式,而目前的社会市场,零散的农户靠自己独自发展是很难成功的,建立农业合作社可以使社员团结一起,共同发展,但是合作社中也会存在普通农户(兼业小户)被边缘化的情况。  相似文献   

农业产业化是提高农业竞争力、增加农民收入、解决“三农”问题的根本举措。近年来,公共财政为发展农业产业化发挥了重要作用,促使农业产业化水平不断提高。但当前农业产业化发展中还存在一些较为突出的困难和问题,笔者以江苏省宿迂市为例,谈谈进一步明确财政支持农业产业化发展的思路。  相似文献   

农业产业化是推动农业“调结构、转方式”的重要途径,是示范推动发展现代农业、引领农民参与现代化进程、促进构建新型城乡关系的重要载体.党的十八大报告指出了“推动城乡发展一体化”,为农业产业化发展提供了新的契机.为推进农业产业化进程,笔者对赵县金融支持农业产业化发展情况进行了调查,并提出了金融支持农业化发展的建议.  相似文献   

弱质的农业以及弱势金融供给制约着农民收入的增长,影响到农村消费市场的拓展和农业产业化水平的提高。深入研究金融支持农业产业化发展,实行农业产业化经营,发展优质、高产、高效农业,有利于农产品供应的稳定增长,有利于提高农民收入,开拓农村消费市场,从而带动国民经济的持续、快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

金融是支持“三农”发展的重要力量,发挥金融对农业产业化企业的支持推动作用,对于促进农业增产、农民增收和农村发展意义重大.人民银行元氏县支行通过对该县金融机构支持农业产业化企业发展情况进行调研,分析了其中存在的主要问题,提出了进一步做好金融支持农业产业化企业发展的对策建议.  相似文献   

农业产业化经营,是以市场为导向,以家庭承包经营为基础,通过龙头企业及各种中介组织的带动,将农业的产前、产中、产后各环节联结为完整的产业链条,实行一体化经营的一种现代农业经营形式,是新形势下促进农业增产、农民增收以及农业稳定发展的重要措施。党的十六大报告明确提出了“积极推进农业产业化经营,提高农民进入市场的组织化程度和农业综合效益”。因此,我们必须抓住机遇,认真做好农业产业化经营这篇文章,促进“三农”经济健康快速发展。  相似文献   

樟树市农业综合开发自1998年以来,围绕“三农”问题,按照“以市场为导向发展多种经营,以龙头项目带动农产品的系列开发,把保证粮、棉、油、肉、糖等农产品的稳定增长与农民收入的目标结合起来。”(国农发[1994]72号)的要求,积极实施农业产业化经营项目,至2008年共投资7141万元,其中财政资金2547万元,助推农业产业化发展,有效促进了农民增收。  相似文献   

发展农业产业化,是发展现代农业、促进农民增收、全面建设小康社会的重要途径,是统筹城乡发展、建设社会主义新农村、实现安徽奋力崛起的重要举措。近年来,安徽省各级财政部门把支持农业产业化发展作为财政支农的一项重要任务,以支持实施农业产业化“121”强龙工程和“532”提升行动为抓手,突出重点,找准难点,不断加大投入,全面提升财政支持农业产业化工作水平。  相似文献   

Alan Fricker   《Futures》2000,32(9-10):941-942

An overview is provided of the World Bank study about the interaction between rapid population growth, poor agricultural performance, and environmental degradation. The links between these 3 phenomena are identified as traditional methods of crop and livestock production, land tenure systems, women's responsibilities, and methods of forest use. When land was abundant and capital limited, pastoralism, shifting cultivation, and setting aside fallow land was possible. Mobility and allowances for natural regeneration of vegetation could not continue with rapid population growth. Permanent settlements developed but cultivation methods remained the same; the result was deterioration of soil fertility, low yields, and erosion of soil as occurred in Rwanda, Burkina Faso, and parts of Nigeria. Technological innovation has been slow and poor roads have interfered with a market oriented economy. Inappropriate pricing, exchange rates, and fiscal policies also prevent productivity gains. A heavy demand is placed on women's time. Demand for children is high and is stimulated by environmental degradation, food insecurity, land tenure systems, and cultural traditions. Child labor is needed. The demand for contraception is 30-50% in North Africa, 36-55% in Asia, and 40-60% in South America. Land ownership problems have arisen under community ownership and between herders and settlers. Solutions have ranged from land nationalization and arbitrary designation of individual ownership. Open access situations have developed and lent themselves to exploitation. Fuelwood needs have exacerbated the destruction of forests. Commercial logging accounted for 10-20% of the forest loss. New approaches are needed to link cross-sectionally population, the environment, an agriculture. Emphasis should be on resource conservation, family planning, and environmentally benign intensive farming. Agricultural production needs to grow at 4%/year, fertility lowered by 50% over 30 years, and deforestation slowed. Women's time constraints should b alleviated and productivity improved. Open access and state ownership should be stopped.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two-sector model that illuminates the role played by agricultural modernization in the transition from stagnation to growth. When agriculture relies on traditional technology, industrial development reduces the relative price of industrial products, but has a limited effect on per capita income because most labor has to remain in farming. Growth is not sustainable until this relative price drops below a certain threshold, thus inducing farmers to adopt modern technology that employs industry-supplied inputs. Once agricultural modernization begins, per capita income emerges from stasis and accelerates toward modern growth. Our calibrated model is largely consistent with the set of historical data we have compiled on the English economy, accounting well for the growth experience of England encompassing the Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

陈醒 《国际融资》2010,(7):42-43
在6月18日合众资本主办的“2010首届中国现代农业产业投融资峰会”上,中国农业部政策法规司副司长黄延信司长就《中国农业产业化发展趋势》发表演讲,介绍了农业产业化发展情况,分析了农业龙头企业在发展过程中面临的问题,并指出了解决问题的路径。他说  相似文献   

Little has been written about the treatment of agriculture under the value added tax (VAT). This article attempts to fill the void by surveying and evaluating the situation in the Member States of the European Union (EU) and some other countries. Farmers are often exempted from VAT for administrative and political reasons. But this means that the VAT on their inputs cannot be ‘washed out’ through the tax deduction/credit mechanism. It then has to be borne by the farmers themselves or becomes an indeterminate and capricious element in consumer prices. To compensate farmers for the uncompensated VAT on inputs, the EU has devised a flat-rate scheme that permits them to charge a presumptive rate (approximately equal to the effective VAT rate on sector-wide inputs) on their sales to taxable agro-processing firms which, in turn, are permitted to take a deduction for this flat-rate addition from the VAT on their sales. Obviously, the flat-rate scheme is an arbitrary way of trying to achieve equal treatment between exempt and taxable farmers and between exempt farm products and other taxable goods and services. Full taxation, subject to the general threshold, appears to be the preferred choice.  相似文献   

生态农业产业化初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章探讨了生态农业产业化的意义及措施。  相似文献   

陆华 《国际融资》2005,(9):34-35
我国是一个人口众多的农业大国.农业发展关系到经济社会发展全局,无论从粮食安全角度.还是从城乡经济社会统筹发展的高度,我国都必须继续加大对农业的投入力度. 而众多的农业上市公司的表现却让人忧虑  相似文献   

金融发展、农村信贷与定价:一个理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从金融发展理论角度,我们可以发现银行信贷在农业生产过程之中存在的必然性与重要性,农村信贷构成农村地区经济增长的资本支撑力量。金融市场机制的形成,能通过改善信贷效率有效地促进农村经济增长与发展。我国农村非正规信贷的存在反映了既有融资制度下农户融资行为的扭曲;担保是影响农户融资行为的重要约束条件;普遍存在着的农村信贷分配不公平问题导致了福利损失。信息不对称与不完全竞争市场结构制约着农村信贷定价效率。而中国农村信贷定价机制扭曲,信贷配置效率低,主要受制于国内农村金融机构的法人治理与经营水平限制,信贷供需失衡,农村金融体系发育不完善等因素。为促进农村信贷系统运行效率的提高,需要丰富农村信贷供给主体,打破垄断格局;提高农村金融机构微观主体的市场化定价能力;在解决农村金融基础设施方面提供政策支持,消除农村金融发展的“门槛效应”,营造充分的市场竞争机制。  相似文献   

刀悦华 《国际融资》2006,74(12):28-29
今年11月16日,由中国进出口银行和本刊联合主办的2006中国ZPARK国际融资论坛(以下简称国际融资论坛)的焦点就是把融资和新农村建设联系在一起.  相似文献   

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