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We analyze the impact of foreign bank presence on foreign direct investment (FDI) in China. The connection between the two could be particularly relevant for an emerging economy like China because the supply of financial services provided by banks may act as a constraining factor. Foreign bank presence may then enable and foster FDI and not simply result from it. Our estimates demonstrate that FDI across regions in China is increasing in the existing network of regional branches of foreign banks, which itself is driven (and, therefore, instrumented) by the timing of the regional phasing out of the local limits for foreign banks on local currency business. The effect of foreign bank presence on FDI is particularly strong for some specific sectors (farming, manufacturing, construction, transportation, wholesale/retail trade and real estate) if those sectors are strongly represented in the source economies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether the mutual satisfaction of Chinese banks and foreign strategic investors (FSI) in terms of their cooperation with each other affects the performance of Chinese banks'. Since 2004, China 's banking authority has conducted an annual survey on Chinese banks and their FSI, assessing levels of mutual satisfaction in terms of their cooperation. We use these survey results to examine the effects of satisfaction levels on the profitability of Chinese banks. Our results reveal that satisfaction affects profitability; that is, satisfied foreign investors and Chinese banks yield better performance. Satisfaction determinants for each party are also examined. Although the profitability of Chinese banks does not show a significant effect on the satisfaction of either party, bank loan to deposit ratios, regions of FSI home countries, and the type of Chinese banks' are important factors that might affect satisfaction.  相似文献   

高玮   《华东经济管理》2010,24(4):70-74
文章采用Panzar—Rosse模型测度了1985年至2008年间我国银行业市场竞争程度,并对外资银行进入程度与市场竞争度之间的关系进行了经验分析,结果表明,我国银行业市场结构类型在样本期内由寡头竞争型转变为垄断竞争型,市场集中度呈现出下降的趋势,而市场竞争程度相应的呈现出上升的趋势,股份制商业银行及城市商业银行的兴起和发展促进了国内银行业市场的竞争。外资银行进入程度与银行业市场竞争程度之间呈现U型关系,即外资银行进入初期并没有显著促进银行业的竞争,而是在进入程度达到某一阶段之后才起到刺激竞争的作用。  相似文献   

外资银行进入与中国商业银行特许权价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用托宾Q方法度量了1999~2006年中国上市银行的特许权价值,并运用计量模型检验外资银行进入与中资银行特许权价值的关系。研究发现,以资产份额和数量份额表示的外资银行进入程度与特许权价值显著正相关,特许权价值提高意味着银行冒险动机减弱,所以外资银行进入客观上促使中资银行以更审慎的态度控制风险行为,以求获取有利的竞争地位;与资产份额相比,外资银行数量的增加对银行特许权价值的影响更为显著;在当前阶段外资银行参股对国内银行特许权价值还未产生显著影响;此外,银行特许权价值还与市场集中度及银行自身经营状况密切相关。  相似文献   

Using a city-level dataset over the period 2004-2006,the present study investigates the relationship between bank lending and the economic growth of Chinese cities.Unlike past studies,we divide bank lending into loans from three types of banks:foreign banks,city banks and other banks.Our findings are threefold.First,the lending of foreign banks exhibits a strong and positive association with the economic growth of Chinese cities. Second,foreign direct investment in the sampled cities enhances the lending effects of foreign banks,but reduces the lending effects of other banks on the economy of Chinese cities.Third, the effects of city competitiveness are similar to those of foreign direct investment;that is,city competitiveness augments the lending effects of foreign banks but reduces the lending effects of other banks.  相似文献   

孙紫吟 《特区经济》2012,(7):103-105
我国政府为了履行加入世贸承诺,对在华外资银行实行"国民待遇"原则,逐渐开放本国银行市场。但是在我国现阶段的国情背景下,该原则仍呈现灵活机动的状态。在如此政策背景和市场压力下,在华外资银行面临着诸多机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

于永臻   《华东经济管理》2006,20(11):146-148
银行改革的成功与否决定着中国金融改革的成败.国有银行体制转轨的路径选择应该是股权多元化的产权结构改革和放开行业管制的市场结构改革并重的综合改革,当前要警惕其引入战略投资者后强化行业的行政垄断,由"内部人控制"演变成"外部人控制",损害国家金融安全.银行业应该全面对内资(特别是民间投资者)开放,对外资的开放须循序渐进.  相似文献   

基于全局主成分分析法,以11家股份制银行2009—2021年的数据为样本,研究在单一银行类别里绿色信贷对银行经营绩效的影响,并运用固定效应模型进一步验证。结果表明,总体上绿色信贷有利于银行经营绩效的提升。分阶段看,从初期到过渡期,绿色信贷对银行经营绩效的影响先正后负;远期绿色信贷对银行经营绩效仍呈正向影响,但由于相关配套机制不健全等原因,正向影响的幅度并不突出,这是导致目前绿色信贷发展不足的原因。  相似文献   

This study uses a dynamic herding model that considers intertemporal and cross‐sectional correlation to confirm that loan herding occurs among joint‐stock commercial banks (JSCBs) and city commercial banks (CCBs). We clarify the motivations for bank loan herding. We find that loan herding by both JSCBs and CCBs results more from following the behavior of other same‐type banks than different‐type banks because of characteristic herding or reputational concerns. Loan herding by JSCBs is motivated by investigative herding, whereas loan herding by CCBs results from informational cascades. Moreover, loan herding has a significantly harmful impact on the operating performance of CCBs but not JSCBs, which may be explained by the irrational behavior of CCBs. Our results will help Chinese bank supervisors develop appropriate policies for handling loan herding.  相似文献   

毛军 《理论观察》2001,(2):115-116
外币利率市场化对商业银行的发展带来了机遇.也增加了风隆。因此.商业银行必须建立起高效的现代利率风险管理机制。要密切关注和监测国内外金融市场利率的汇率动态。对外币走势进行科学预测.建立合理的外币存款定价机制.建立模拟分析模型,建立完善的利率风险内控制度,并加强利率风险管理人才的培养。  相似文献   

陈野华  文庆能 《改革》2007,(10):78-84
引进境外战略投资者是中国商业银行改革的重要举措,然而加入WTO后外资银行的扩张行为给中国金融业带来了巨大压力。分析战略投资者的战略动机和行为表明,银行业控制权博弈对一国金融安全有重要影响。在现有开放条件下外资银行很难威胁到中国金融安全,但由于目前部分战略投资在中国区已表露出扩张雄心,应加强监管以维护中国核心金融利益。  相似文献   

外资银行进入对东道国银行体系稳定性影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行体系是一个国家经济结构中最敏感、最复杂的部分,它的运行状况、发展趋势受多种因素影响.外资银行的进入必将从多个方面对东道国银行体系稳定性产生影响.本文采取多国面板数据分析的研究方法,选择研究变量和建立实证模型,从不同角度对研究假设进行实证检验来研究外资银行进入对东道国银行体系稳定性的影响,并对结论进行相应的分析,以期对我国银行业开放提供一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

李慧 《开放导报》2008,(3):87-90
本文从信贷规模、信贷结构变化两方面分析了外资银行进入新欧盟成员国后,大大提高了东道国的信贷资源供给,使得东道国信贷规模扩大;随着外资银行对东道国渗透程度的增加,其业务重点将逐渐从对优质客户资源的争夺转为向中小企业拓展信贷业务。随着信贷评估制度和技术的改善,家庭部门信贷比例也不断上升。外资银行进入对提高东道国信贷资源配置效率有着重大意义。  相似文献   

本文通过结构断点检验,对中国加入WTO是否引起中国商业银行竞争行为出现明显变化进行验证,在此基础上,实证研究外资银行进入与中国商业银行竞争行为之间的关系。结果表明:加入WTO后,国内银行业的对外开放,显著地提升了国内银行业的竞争,并且中小型商业银行之间竞争的加剧明显高于大型商业银行。外资银行进入与中国商业银行竞争行为之间呈现倒U型。外资银行进入会加剧中国商业银行之间的竞争,但只有当外资银行进入程度达到一定水平时,中国商业银行之间的市场竞争行为才会出现反转。目前,中国商业银行的市场竞争仍处于倒U型阶段的上升阶段,现阶段我国仍属于外资银行进入初期。  相似文献   

我国商业银行绩效的综合评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
绩效是商业银行核心竞争力的重要内容 ,加入WTO之后 ,中外银行业之间的竞争将集中表现为绩效的竞争。本文运用因子分析和聚类分析的方法对 2 0 0 2年我国 12家商业银行的绩效状况做出综合评价 ,找出了不同商业银行之间绩效的差距 ,并认为上市可以提高商业银行绩效  相似文献   

中外银行中间业务发展的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中间业务是现代商业银行发展最快、种类最多、潜力最大的业务领域。文章全面分析了中外银行中间业务各自发展的竞争优势与劣势,提出了我国商业银行中间业务发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

The subprime mortgage crisis and the resultant inflationary monetary policy in the USA have left the Chinese economy subject to four risks in particular. First, China's exports to the USA might continue to decline. Second in the medium term, the higher US inflation rate will lead to a weak dollar, which will negatively affect China's exports. Third in the long term, when the US Federal Reserve decreases money supply to control inflation, the US economy might enter another recession, hurting China "s exports further. Fourth, China's foreign exchange reserve assets might suffer heavy losses when the US inflation rate rises. Conventional foreign exchange investment strategies are insufficient for dealing with these four risks. Investment by China in the major US banks is suggested in the present paper. This strategy would mitigate if not eliminate all four risks. China could gain considerable financial returns on investments with only moderate risk.  相似文献   


This paper examines the performance of banks, domestic and foreign, in Korea before and after the Asian financial crisis, examining how the profitability of those banks differed and identifying factors that explain why those differences existed. The performance of Korean banks deteriorated dramatically in 1998 with most banks recovering somewhat in 1999. Foreign banks did not experience the same negative effect on their performance as a rule. Overall, the domestic Korean banks suffered more severely from the Asian financial crisis than foreign banks. Several possible explanations exist. First, foreign banks, unlike domestic Korean banks, were not subject to credit allocation directives from the Korean government to selected, favoured industries. Second, foreign banks, since they relied for governance on the mother bank in the home country, achieved higher efficiency and better asset and liability management. Finally, foreign banks rely more heavily on fee-for-service income rather than loan revenue.  相似文献   

利用16家上市银行2009-2015年的面板数据,通过建立面板模型,实证分析上市银行贷款集中度对经营绩效的影响。结果显示:三种性质银行行业集中度都对绩效具有负影响;股份制银行客户集中度和产品类型集中度对绩效有显著负影响;国有银行客户集中度、担保式集中度和产品类型集中度对绩效有显著负影响;城市银行行业集中度对绩效有显著负影响。此外,其他各性质银行其他指标均对绩效无显著影响。  相似文献   

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