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从消费者的基本情况、消费行为以及对家居服的喜好等方面,对上海市女性家居服消费者进行问卷调查,分析讨论了国内女性家居服消费者的消费行为特点,总结了家居服设计要素的侧重点,为家居服企业正确确定目标市场和产品设计提供参考。  相似文献   

由不穿睡衣、家居服,逐渐发展到拥有数套睡衣和家居服,家居服行业经历了消费升级;而家居服市场必将随着休闲生活的发展而获得充足发展,将有越来越多的消费  相似文献   

在家居服企业中,做市场做得最长的有十几年,短的也有几年。但随着国内家居服市场的升温、国外品牌的进入,国内家居服企业将会面临更多的竞争和挑战。在这个时候,自主创新、加快培养设计师队伍、培育高附加值的品牌、优化产业结构和加强渠道建设就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,服装消费观念的转变,针织类的休闲、内衣、家居服等产品正愈发成为人们衣着时尚风格的关注点。大规模的针织产品市场、一定的流行风格趋势正逐步形成,个别类别的针织产品已经走向成熟。作为新兴的力量,家居服行业近两年迅速成长,引导了行业发展的趋势和方向。国内一些针织品牌的产品也由原来的单一品种不断丰富,多品种的产品结构  相似文献   

  打造新家居文化氛围,倡导新家居生活,家居服行业不仅需要狠抓创意和文化,更要顺应发展潮流,捕捉时尚理念。在成功举办首届雪仙丽中国家居服文化创意设计大赛的基础上,本届大赛以“时尚·艺术家居新生活”为主题,提倡艺术设计与生活实态、艺术设计与消费趋势、艺术设计与市场应用的完美结合。要求作品设计既要源于生活又要高于生活。通过设计,启迪新生活,倡导新理念,唤起人们对充满文化品位的家居新生活的向往,对创意、舒适、品质生活的渴望,引起更多人对家居服的关注和共鸣,让现代家居理念深入人心。  相似文献   

第二届中国家居服发展论坛于今日在上海博龙国际大酒店举行。论坛的主题是“中国家居服饰品牌、设计、营销、文化理念研究,以及未来市场发展探讨”。此次论坛力邀商圈高层、业界精英,通过各种特色、不同角度的思辨与争鸣,对家居服行业现状及发展趋势全方位诊症、把脉共商中国家居服发展之道。嘉宾建言献策,极大地推动了各界人士对家居服的深入认识,增强了各级家居服从业者的关注、做大中国家居服市场的信心。  相似文献   

很多人承认家居服在目前是有一定的市场,但家居服毕竟只是服装的一个补充,从做企业的角度问:家居服,市场空间到底有多大?作为家居服最早的缔造者之一,广东秋鹿公司以其发展历程来解说了这样一个概念:家居服已成为中国服装行业中的朝阳行业,成为最具有发展潜力的产业。  相似文献   

日前,在芬腾09秋冬新品发布会期间,芬腾·2009家居服专家讲坛向人们奉献了一场思想与智慧的盛宴。专家讲坛邀请了中国纺织品商业协会家居服专业委员会会长彭桂福、北京服装学院服装设计研究室副教授王羿、UTA时尚集团总裁杨大筠等国内著名专家、学者及家居服行业各品牌掌门人,共同探讨家居服发展大计,提升行业整体竞争力。  相似文献   

2012年5月12日,由中国纺织工业出版社与汕头市时尚家居服产业发展研究院主办、中国服饰杂志社承办的"中国家居服产业发展高峰论坛暨汕头市时尚家居服产业发展研究院新闻发布会"活动在中国(深圳)内衣展期间隆重举行。主办方邀请国内知名的时尚产业研究专家向大家剖析"和谐社会背景下的居家时尚发展趋势",由国内家居服龙头企业家、行业协会领导、社会知名专家学者等嘉宾跟大家现场论证家居服产业进入战略转型新阶段的  相似文献   

家文化预热“家居服” 当许多消费者还将家居服就理解为是睡衣的时候,家居服行业则已经开始作为服装业的一个独立业态而发展了。有种定义认为,家居服就是在家周围500米以内的地方可以穿着的服装,但是我们经常看到在一些超市或是社区里遛弯的人们,旁若无人地穿着睡衣散步或是购物,特别是在江淅、上海等地。  相似文献   

中国工业行业市场扭曲程度的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将市场扭曲界定为由于市场的不完善所导致的资源配置对帕累托最优状态的偏离,并根据其在生产可能性曲线上的不同状态,把市场扭曲分为三类:技术扭曲、产品市场的价格扭曲、要素市场的价格扭曲。在此基础之上,本文选取1996—2007年的年度数据,建立一个包含全国36个工业部门的Panel Data模型来统一测度我国工业行业市场的扭曲程度,并将数据在时间上划分为三个阶段,进一步研究我国市场扭曲程度随时间变化的趋势。计量分析结果表明:我国工业行业的市场扭曲程度在不同的时间段内差异很大,但总体上呈现出下降的趋势;转轨阶段国有企业的体制变化和国家的产业政策是影响我国市场扭曲的重要因素;由于我国传统意义上的垄断行业形成的特殊性,垄断行业的市场扭曲程度在这三个阶段里并没有发生明显的变化。因此,应通过深化经济体制改革,特别是对垄断行业的企业体制和价格体制改革,以及完善现行的产业政策,建立充分竞争的市场机制,来降低我国工业行业市场扭曲的程度。  相似文献   

The mobile telecommunication market has evolved from simple voice to multimedia services. In the past, the primary players in mobile services were local operators in different countries; international telecommunication vendors, such as Qualcomm and Nokia, were seldom involved in the mobile service market. In order to enter this market, Qualcomm and Nokia have separately introduced their mobile application platforms, called respectively BREW and Preminet. This paper examines how the two companies attempt to share the mobile service market through their mobile platforms and internationalized business models. This paper also analyzes their mobile platforms’ business models and their strategic implications.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of countries' distance between their Internet usage and the world' average of the Internet usage intensity on their integration into the world market of trade in commercial services. Using an unbalanced panel dataset of 175 countries over the annual period 2000–2013, the empirical analysis indicates that the narrowing of the Internet-related distance would improve countries' integration into the world trade in commercial services market. Furthermore, it helps those countries that are geographically far from the world market to compensate for the adverse effect of this geographical distance on their integration into the world market of trade in commercial services.  相似文献   

在经济全球化程度和中国市场开放程度不断提高的背景下,为进一步渗透并巩固在中国市场的地位,跨国公司在细分市场、产品定位、本土化战略、组织结构及目标市场等方面,进行了战略性调整。提高品牌意识、组建战略联盟、进行联合营销和提高产品研发能力是中国本土企业应对跨国公司挑战的关键策略。  相似文献   

Collective action for smallholder market access   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The opportunity for smallholders to raise their incomes increasingly depends on their ability to compete in the market; yet there are many failures in rural markets in developing countries that make it difficult for them to do this. Understanding how collective action can help address the inefficiencies, coordination problems or barriers to market access is particularly important. This paper draws on the case studies in this special issue and on other literature to examine the conceptual issues and empirical evidence on the role of collective action institutions in improving market access for the rural poor. Applying insights from studies of collective action in natural resource management, the paper examines what conditions facilitate effective producer organizations for smallholders’ market access, with special attention to the characteristics of user groups, institutional arrangements, types of products (staples, perishables and other commodities), markets (local, domestic and international), and external environment. The paper also identifies policies and interventions that facilitate collective action for market access among smallholders, and examines whether the public sector, private sector and/or civil society is best positioned to provide such interventions.  相似文献   

简要的阐述了比准价格、收益价格、积算价格三种房地产评估价格的形成机理及理论依据,并从对一种观点的局限性分析出发,综合运用市场供求理论、均衡理论以及短边原则,对不同市场背景下三种估价方法得出的评估价格进行经济比较分析。  相似文献   

差别产品的动态完全竞争   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现有经济学理论认为完全竞争是社会福利达到最大的市场结构,但完全竞争又只在每个厂商都生产同质产品时出现。对异质的差别产品来说,这个论断存在着内在矛盾:产品差别化更符合消费者的需求偏好,但不利于实现社会福利最大。随着市场格局从卖方市场向买方市场、社会生产从大规模制造向规模定制的剧烈转变,上述矛盾变得愈加突出。本文通过引入需求方市场结构及其特征的概念,构建了供求互动的市场结构演化模型,结果发现在收入增长、资本积累和技术进步的共同持续充分作用下,供求双方内部都会趋向基于差别产品的动态完全竞争。  相似文献   

分析了在放松规制的环境下,电力企业进行技术创新所面临的市场及制度环境,并剖析了造成企业技术创新困境的制度原因。为了激励电力企业进行技术创新,实现企业绩效与社会福利的双赢,本文从促进市场化及加强规制者可信性承诺两方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Evolutionary and resource‐based theories imply that firms in an industry with different resources and capabilities may differ in critical characteristics of their production functions, such as economies of scale. This paper measures these inter‐firm differences in economies of scale and examines how they affect the subsequent evolution of the market share distribution in the money market mutual fund industry. The findings indicate that fund families with larger marginal benefits to increasing their scale do subsequently gain market share at the expense of their rivals, but that this effect diminishes as the fund family ages, perhaps as a consequence of imitation. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the most part, studies on timing of entry have attempted to determine the advantages that early entrants may be able to develop and hold over subsequent entrants. Given that a large number of firms attempt to enter at a much later stage in the development of the market, it is particularly surprising that little research has attempted to examine the differences in the ability of late movers to penetrate the market. In this paper, we focus exclusively on late movers and examine the extent to which their early success can be tied to existing market conditions, their resource strengths, and their strategic positioning. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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