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中共中央十六届五中全会通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》,着重提出了“必须提高自主创新能力”,并把它作为调整产业结构、转变经济增长方式的中心环节。各地区、各企业积极响应,纷纷提出自主创新的新目标,制定自主创新的新战略。这些现象是可喜的,但是其中也不乏盲目跟进、人云亦云、简单化、运动化的现象。其中对管理基础的支撑和管理创新作用缺乏认识和举措。自主创新是一个系统工程,技术创新、打造自我品牌是其最高目标,而如何实现这一目标则是一个管理工程,涉及方方面面,倘若其中一个环节出现问题,…  相似文献   

绿色技术创新与传统意义技术创新辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统意义的技术创新较少考虑环境质量提高和资源永续利用,创新本身可由供给驱动,创新主体间的技术竞争关系明显,技术所产生的环境问题由政府对生产服务组织采取“命令——控制”治污的方式来处理.绿色技术创新不能或缺环境保护内容,创新的产生有赖于市场生态需求的出现和强化,其创新主体间存在较强的技术共生关系,环境损害由政府、生产服务单位和消费者共同构成的环境管理组织来预防.  相似文献   

In recent years, the emphasis in studies of Science and Technology has shifted from a discussion of the production of scientific and technical ideas to concern over the implementation of utilization of these ideas. Among other things, this has led to the realization that the role played by individual innovators forms a key part of the technological innovation process.  相似文献   

技术创新外部性与重复技术创新博弈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从博弈论视角来看,技术创新中博弈参与人的个体利益与整体利益的不一致,可能造成“囚徒困境”的状况.企业之间无限次重复技术创新博弈模型表明,静态技术创新博弈中的“囚徒困境”可能在无限次重复技术创新博弈中解决,但这一可能性受到企业的得益贴现因子、本企业技术创新收益与成本、技术创新外溢收益、技术创新外溢学习成本等因素的影响.  相似文献   

Research on Open Innovation has increasingly emphasised the role of communities in creating, shaping and disseminating innovations. However, the comparability of many studies has been hampered by the lack of a precise definition of the community construct, and the research on Open Innovation has to date not been well connected to insights from research on the role of transformational leaders and the networking of champions and promotors across organisational boundaries. For this reason, this paper introduces a new construct of 'innovation communities' based on promotor theory, which it defines as 'networks of promotors'. It proposes a comprehensive concept of the quality of interaction in innovation communities, and presents findings of three case studies, which explore the role of promotors and networks of promotors in Open Innovation. The case studies reveal that such transformational leaders as promotors, and especially their close and informal co-operation across functional and organisational boundaries, play a key role in Open Innovation.  相似文献   

<正>创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,更是企业发展的永恒主题。纵观世界,以科技为焦点的国际竞争日益激烈,一些发达国家,如美国、日本  相似文献   

徐寰 《中国纺织》2006,(1):78-81
11月29目至12月1日。中共中央、国务院召开的中央经济工作会议在北京举行。这次关系国民经济发展的重要会议分析了“十五”时期国内经济社会发展工作的成就及取得的重要认识和经验、当前我国的经济形势,阐述了未来经济社会发展主要预期目标和需要解决的重点问题。本刊记者在会后对中国纺织工业协会许坤元副会长进行了专访。许会长在分析纺织产业“十五”期间取得的成就和发展现状的基础上强调指出:自主创新是纺织工业“十一五”时期的主要任务,并对如何实现全面增强自主创新能力、节约能源资源。推动纺织行业协调、健康可持续发展进行了深入浅出地分析。[编者按]  相似文献   

上期本栏目编发的“树立科学的电力发展观”研讨会部分发言,主要从电力工业发展的宏观环境方面探讨了电力科学发展观的内涵与外延。本期编发的部分发言则以电力发展观念的创新和电力结构调整为主线,特别是关于核电与可再生能源的发展应引起充分关注。  相似文献   

Independent and small-business inventors face enormous difficulties as they attempt to commercialize new technologies. Harold Livesay, Marcia Rorke and David Lux share a number of their useful insights based on their experience. They find that many inventors wish to focus only on certain aspects of their emerging programs. In fact, these inventors resist the need to develop a balanced program involving not only technical development but also marketing and the creation of sustaining business structures. This article provides a systematic elaboration of these difficulties, suggests a more balanced approach and thus describes a process of education and communication that may increase overall effectiveness.  相似文献   

The gap between science park aspiration and accomplishment is conceptualized as ‘innovation incommensurability,’ the persisting dilemma of a physical structure oriented innovation mechanism. A typology of science park impetuses and growth–analyzing critical elements, goals/ends and paths/means–suggests an appropriate balance between ‘exogenous’ and ‘endogenous’ innovation strategies in various regional circumstances. Alternative strategies of science park development are a ‘strategic research site’ to evaluate the roles of a university–industry–government triple helix in developing the science park model. Innovation incommensurability can be overcome by a longer-term endogenous strategy combined with significant public investment. Ambitious science park projects, which were either early failures or later lost support, may succeed once a triple helix base is built to achieve an innovation eco-system.  相似文献   

Organizational Innovation in the Apparel Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The traditional mass production process in apparel manufacturing is contrasted with innovative techniques based on teamwork and greater employee participation. Although economic forces have encouraged the spread of innovative work organization, so far, these techniques have been implemented only within traditional human resource strategies that maintain sharp distinctions between production workers, on the one hand, and managers, supervisors, and engineers, on the other.  相似文献   

Abstract The enzyme industry is characterised by a rapid rate of technological change and market dynamism. There are over 2000 different types of enzymes with patent cover and yet only a fraction of these have been successfully commercially exploited. What innovation strategies are used by UK suppliers? Could the success rate be improved? This paper reports the findings of a recent survey of UK enzyme suppliers to investigate their approaches to the management of innovation. The main thrust of the research considered the role of marketing and especially the role of customer involvement in the innovation process. A variety of approaches were found but essentially the customer has a fairly restricted part to play in innovation in this dynamic and technological market.  相似文献   

文章在分析区域创新平台构建的驱动力基础上,指出构建创新平台是化解我国创新领域各种矛盾的必然,考察了平台和创新平台的概念演化,提出并阐述了区域创新平台的内涵,分析了区域创新平台的构成要素,并据此构建了区域创新平台的结构模型,认为区域创新平台是核心价值网络、可控性支持网络和不可控性支持网络上不同要素之间相互连接的集成,并运用杭州市区域创新平台的案例验证了区域创新平台的内涵与结构。  相似文献   

企业要生存发展必须走自主创新的道路,企业的生存发展与创新息息相关,创新决定企业命运,企业的发展和员工的发展是息息相关的,创新应该从每位员工开始。唯有创新才能使企业不断地蓬勃发展。而创新也需要有一个标准来制约,所谓的企业创新标准化是企业壮大的必由之路。  相似文献   

苏恩 《中国纺织》2004,(6):68-70
编前语 2004年5月9日至11日,由中国棉纺织行业协会、中国化学纤维工业协会、中国纺织信息中心联合主办的纺织新概念论坛在杭州召开.  相似文献   

Product Innovation,Process Innovation,and Size   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We test the hypothesis that large firms devote a higher proportion of their research and development (R & D) expenditure on process innovation thansmaller firms. According to the estimates, process- and product R & D expenditure rise less than in proportion to size. The size effect is somewhat stronger for process R & D but the difference to product R & D is in no way dramatic. This difference with regard to size elasticity of process- and product R & D is somewhat more pronounced when accounting for possible interrelationships between expenditure on process- and product R & D but remains statistically non-significant.  相似文献   

创新质量是指一组固有特性满足创新活动要求的程度,目的在于改变传统创新管理中注重创新数量,轻视创新质量;追求经济效益,忽视负面影响的弊端,以推动创新活动高质量发展。在创新质量的有关文献研究分析的基础上,根据质量创新、创新绩效与创新质量的关系,认为质量创新是创新质量的基础、创新绩效与创新质量是质与量的关系,创新质量的水平不仅指基于要求、程序和标准的符合性,而且指利益相关方的满意度;结合我国创新驱动战略,认为追求创新质量实际是追求创新管理。  相似文献   

服务业的迅猛发展使其在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,已经成为或正在成为现代经济生活的主导。在这样的背景下,服务创新受到了学术界和产业界的广泛关注。由于服务产品具有不同于有形产品的独特特征,服务创新也与有形产品创新有很多的不同。本文着重分析了服务创新与有形产品创新的不同之处,指出了二者之间的联系,明确了服务创新独特性,以便更好地探索服务创新的方法和规律。  相似文献   

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