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全球经常项目失衡问题的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近些年,全球经常项目失衡问题成为经济学家竞相研究的热点问题,并提出了众多不同的观点。本文利用全球范围内52个国家或地区!"1980 ̄2004年的经济数据对影响经常项目失衡的多种经济因素进行实证研究,就当前分析全球经常项目失衡原因中的一些经济变量对经常项目的影响程度提供了经验分析,并且对解决当前全球经常项目失衡问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

全球经常项目失衡影响因素的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,全球经常项目失衡问题成为经济研究者、国际机构和各国中央银行经济学家以及商务经济研究报告竞相研究的热点问题。本文利用全球范围内56个国家或地区1980年至2005年的数据,针对影响经常项目的多种因素进行实证研究,结果表明经常项目与政府财政收支、资本形成率以及开放程度等因素密切相关。在当前全球经济增速放缓的形势下,只有通过有效的国际经济政策协调才能促进全球经常项目失衡问题的有序解决。  相似文献   

财政赤字与经常项目余额对一国经济政策的制定有很强的政策效应,本文选取了一些具有代表性的发展中国家、发达国家的经济数据,运用格兰杰因果检验方法进行实证分析,探索了财政赤字与经常项目余额在不同经济发展水平、不同国情下的因果关系。并针对我国目前存在的内外失衡问题提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

基于HP滤波构建的"趋势区间"判断标准,运用1982—2018年中国经常项目余额占GDP比率的时间序列数据,测算了历年中国经常项目的失衡程度,同时建立AR (1)模型进行滚动回归和两区制的马尔科夫转移模型探析经常项目失衡的持续性。结果发现:改革开放以来共有14年轻度失衡,两年中度失衡,3年重度失衡;经常项目失衡越大,其向均衡值调整的时间也就越长;经常项目正常与失衡的相互转换概率亦较低,经常项目正常的持续时间较长,经常项目失衡的持续时间较短。因此,中国经常项目失衡属于短暂现象,长期来看将会维持正常格局。  相似文献   

过去十年,全球性不均衡问题逐渐成为各国宏观经济政策的中心议题。本文重点分析了当前中国的外部失衡问题,研究了2008年后促使中国经常账户盈余下降的影响因素,预测了中国外部顺差的走向。本文认为,未来几年中国的经常账户盈余将保持适度。外部失衡不能反映当今中国国际收支的主要特征。随着中国国内经济越来越依赖投资的拉动,内部失衡问题将愈发明显。  相似文献   

过去十年,全球性不均衡问题逐渐成为各国宏观经济政策的中心议题。本文重点分析了当前中国的外部失衡问题,研究了2008年后促使中国经常账户盈余下降的影响因素,预测了中国外部顺差的走向。本文认为,未来几年中国的经常账户盈余将保持适度。外部失衡不能反映当今中国国际收支的主要特征。随着中国国内经济越来越依赖投资的拉动,内部失衡问题将愈发明显。  相似文献   

中共十八届五中全会对人口政策的再一次调整充分说明了我国人口年龄结构面临的老龄化和少子化风险,而与计划生育政策同阶段提出的改革开放政策实施至今,我国对外贸易迅猛发展,经常项目顺差大量累积,国际收支也处于失衡状态。本文通过对我国省际面板数据的实证研究,探究人口年龄结构变化对经常项目的影响,发现少年抚养比提高会恶化经常项目但老年抚养比的提高会改善经常项目。  相似文献   

近年来我国经济的外部失衡日趋严重,其突出表现是经常项目顺差过大,外汇储备迅猛增加。外部失衡的加剧,对宏观经济的内部平衡产生了巨大压力,如流动性过剩,通货膨胀压力等,这已经引起了政府决策部门和经济学界的关注。采取何种调整政策,使经济外部和内部同时趋向平衡,保持经济平稳增长,是目前我国宏观经济面对的紧迫问题。本文运用开放宏观经济学内外平衡理论,对我国经济外部失衡的成因及其对内部平衡的影响进行分析,在此基础上提出内外平衡兼顾的调整政策搭配。  相似文献   

孙工声 《金融研究》2009,(11):60-73
改革开放以来,伴随中国经济高速增长的是经济的过度波动。2008年第四季度,在外部冲击与国内经济周期调整和结构调整压力等多重因素作用下,中国经济出现了深幅调整,经济的过度波动再次激起了人们对导致宏观经济波动的内外因素的关注与讨论。那么,中国宏观经济波动究竟是源于内部调整还是外部冲击呢?本文基于内外双重视角;实证分析了改革开放以来导致中国宏观经济波动的因素。实证结果表明,外部冲击对国内宏观经济波动的贡献度相当高,是导致中国宏观经济波动的重要因素,而国内经济市场化演进、产业结构调整和宏观经济政策调整并不是导致宏观经济波动的主要因素,即中国宏观经济波动主要来自外部冲击而非内部调整。  相似文献   

本文主要从金融发展的视角研究了其与经常项目失衡的关系,并通过42个国家1995-2011年的数据为样本,对其进行实证分析,发现金融发展水平对经常账户余额有显著的负作用,回归结果表明,发达国家的金融发展水平较高,金融市场较完善,其经常项目更容易发生逆差,在发展中国家,提高金融发展水平,会使经常项目顺差减少。解决经常账户失衡问题,必须从根本上缩小各国金融发展水平差异,发展和创新发展中国家的资本市场,完善金融市场,缓解居民消费的流动性约束问题。  相似文献   

文章在介绍货币供应量统计口径调整的基本原则并回顾其在我国经历的三次调整及其原因的基础上,详细分析了目前货币供应量统计指标的组成部分及其中需注意的问题,说明了目前尚未计入M2的货币相关成分。最后,文章分析了货币供应量统计口径可能的调整对我国宏观调控和金融市场发展等方面的影响。  相似文献   

While nontraded goods play an important role in many open economy macroeconomic models, these models have difficulty explaining the low volatility in the relative price of nontraded goods. In contrast to macroeconomic convention, this paper argues that the share of nontraded goods is endogenous, a time-varying product of macroeconomic shocks and trade costs that are heterogeneous across goods. A simple open economy model demonstrates that trade cost heterogeneity and a time-varying margin of tradedness dramatically reduces the volatility of nontraded prices. This also reduces the ability of real exchange rate adjustments to dampen current account imbalances.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to deepen the understanding of the macroeconomic consequences of fiscal consolidations. In particular, there is evidence in the literature of fiscal consolidation episodes producing (non‐Keynesian) expansionary effects in the short run. We replicate this result for a panel of OECD countries under exogeneity of the fiscal consolidation. However, we provide some evidence that output growth might affect the fiscal tightening process so that fiscal consolidations are not exogenous to economic growth. Once we allow for feedback effects from economic growth to fiscal adjustments, we find that expansionary effects disappear and recover the typical Keynesian effect of fiscal adjustments. This finding points to the need to take these short‐term negative implications into account in the design of fiscal consolidations.  相似文献   

Current account adjustment in industrial countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines the dynamics of current account adjustment among industrial countries. The purpose is to evaluate whether there is a threshold level of a current account deficit at which it becomes unsustainable and whether it is possible to characterize episodes of adjustment. We identify 25 episodes in which there was a sustained improvement in the current account following a large deficit between 1980 and 1997. We find that a typical current account reversal begins when the current account deficit is about 5% of GDP. However, we also find considerable cross-country variation in the reversal threshold, consistent with a stock-adjustment model of current account sustainability. Reversals are associated with slowing income growth and a 10–20% real exchange rate depreciation. Real export growth, declining investment, and an eventual leveling off in the budget deficit–GDP ratio are also likely to be part of the adjustment. These results imply that current account reversals in industrialized countries are related to the business cycle.  相似文献   

This article investigates how “systematic” adjustment costs proxied by market imperfections, and macroeconomic conditions affect capital structure dynamics in a cross-country setting. We document substantial variations in firms’ capital structure adjustments across countries and, particularly, over time. Consistent with adjustment costs impeding firms from rebalancing their capital structures, worse market imperfections are associated with slower speeds of adjustment (SOA) and larger leverage deviations. Intertemporally, capital structure adjustment is procyclical, with SOA increasing by 0.9 percentage point for a one-percentage-point increase in GDP growth rate. The procyclicality is attributable to good macroeconomic conditions mitigating market imperfections through channels of 1) facilitating free-ride restructuring and 2) uncertainty alleviation. Our investigation features a bootstrapping-based estimation method that addresses the mechanical mean reversion of leverage ratio.  相似文献   

Market States and Momentum   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We test overreaction theories of short-run momentum and long-run reversal in the cross section of stock returns. Momentum profits depend on the state of the market, as predicted. From 1929 to 1995, the mean monthly momentum profit following positive market returns is 0.93%, whereas the mean profit following negative market returns is −0.37%. The up-market momentum reverses in the long-run. Our results are robust to the conditioning information in macroeconomic factors. Moreover, we find that macroeconomic factors are unable to explain momentum profits after simple methodological adjustments to take account of microstructure concerns.  相似文献   

As members of the Communauté Financière Africaine,Cameroon, Côte d'lvoire, and Senegal cannot use the nominalexchange rate as a tool of macroeconomic adjustment. This articleconsiders these countries' responses to the commodity and oilprice shocks of the 1970s in light of this and other institutionalconstraints. Using a two-sector model, it shows that there existinstruments that, in principle, permit the real exchange ratedepreciation necessary for adjusting to macroeconomic imbalances.The authors interpret the very different adjustment experiencesof the three countries (despite their common economic structureand institutional setting) in terms of different uses of theseinstruments. Alternative assumptions about the labor marketleave the qualitative nature of the results unaltered. Statisticalanalysis of data from the three countries confirms the model'slinking of the current account and real exchange rate with theinstruments of adjustment.  相似文献   

In this lecture I document the proliferation of gross international asset and liability positions and discuss some consequences for individual countries’ external adjustment processes and for global financial stability. In light of the rapid growth of gross global financial flows and the serious risks associated with them, one might wonder about the continuing relevance of the net financial flow measured by the current account balance. I argue that global current account imbalances remain an essential target for policy scrutiny, for financial as well as macroeconomic reasons. Nonetheless, it is critically important for policymakers to monitor as well the rapidly evolving structure of global gross assets and liabilities.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of scheduled macroeconomic news announcements on interest rate and foreign exchange futures markets. We find these announcements are responsible for most of the observed time-of-day and day-of-the-week volatility patterns in these markets. While the bulk of the price adjustment to a major announcement occurs within the first minute, volatility remains substantially higher than normal for roughly fifteen minutes and slightly elevated for several hours. Nonetheless, these subsequent price adjustments are basically independent of the first minute's return. We identify those announcements with the greatest impact on these markets.  相似文献   

刘瑶  张明 《金融研究》2022,510(12):1-18
经常账户负向冲击及引发的宏观变量联动性通常对各经济体央行货币政策操作构成挑战。本文构建了融入经常账户冲击的小型开放经济DSGE模型,比较了采取不同资本账户管理工具(数量型和价格型)情景下,央行执行数量型货币政策规则、盯住CPI通胀泰勒规则、盯住PPI通胀泰勒规则下,经常账户负向冲击对货币政策操作的异质性影响及传导机制,并进行了福利分析。主要结论如下:第一,经常账户负向冲击将对本国央行货币政策操作构成一定影响;第二,资本账户管理可以成为缓冲经常账户负向冲击的防火墙,价格型资本账户管理工具与盯住PPI通胀泰勒规则相结合造成的福利损失较小;第三,经常账户贸易端与收益端双重负向冲击对一国货币政策操作的影响更大,但公众预期到的经常账户恶化对货币政策操作的影响将有所减弱。本文认为,转型经济体央行应倾向于执行价格型货币政策规则,最优货币政策应在稳定价格水平与缓释风险方面进行权衡,适度降低对名义汇率的关注度,稳慎推进资本账户开放进程,并可优先选择价格型资本账户管理工具。  相似文献   

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