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In this paper, an empirically stable money demand model for M3 in the euro area is constructed. Starting with a multivariate system, three cointegrating relationships with economic content are found: (i) the spread between the long‐term and the short‐term nominal interest rates, (ii) the long‐term real interest rate, and (iii) a long‐run demand for broad money M3. There is evidence that the determinants of M3 money demand are weakly exogenous with respect to the long‐run parameters. Hence, following a general‐to‐specific modelling approach, a parsimonious conditional error‐correction model for M3 money demand is derived which can be interpreted economically. For the conditional model, long‐run and short‐run parameter stability is extensively tested and not rejected. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We model the dynamic volatility and correlation structure of electricity futures of the European Energy Exchange index. We use a new multiplicative dynamic conditional correlation (mDCC) model to separate long‐run from short‐run components. We allow for smooth changes in the unconditional volatilities and correlations through a multiplicative component that we estimate nonparametrically. For the short‐run dynamics, we use a GJR‐GARCH model for the conditional variances and augmented DCC models for the conditional correlations. We also introduce exogenous variables to account for congestion and delivery date effects in short‐term conditional variances. We find different correlation dynamics for long‐ and short‐term contracts and the new model achieves higher forecasting performance compared \to a standard DCC model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forecasts of key interest rates set by central banks are of paramount concern for investors and policy makers. Recently it has been shown that forecasts of the federal funds rate target, the most anticipated indicator of the Federal Reserve Bank's monetary policy stance, can be improved considerably when its evolution is modeled as a marked point process (MPP). This is due to the fact that target changes occur in discrete time with discrete increments, have an autoregressive nature and are usually in the same direction. We propose a model which is able to account for these dynamic features of the data. In particular, we combine Hamilton and Jordà's [2002. A model for the federal funds rate target. Journal of Political Economy 110(5), 1135–1167] autoregressive conditional hazard (ACH) and Russell and Engle's [2005. A discrete-state continuous-time model of financial transactions prices and times: the autoregressive conditional multinomial-autoregressive conditional duration model. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 23(2), 166 – 180] autoregressive conditional multinomial (ACM) model. The paper also puts forth a methodology to evaluate probability function forecasts of MPP models. By improving goodness of fit and point forecasts of the target, the ACH–ACM qualifies as a sensible modeling framework. Furthermore, our results show that MPP models deliver useful probability function forecasts at short and medium term horizons.  相似文献   

We apply a discrete choice approach to model the empirical behaviour of the Federal Reserve in changing the federal funds target rate, the benchmark of short‐term market interest rates in the US. Our methods allow the explanatory variables to be nonstationary as well as stationary. This feature is particularly useful in the present application as many economic fundamentals that are monitored by the Fed and are believed to affect decisions to adjust interest rate targets display some nonstationarity over time. The chosen model successfully predicts the majority of the target rate changes during the time period considered (1994–2001) and helps to explain strings of similar intervention decisions by the Fed. Based on the model‐implied optimal interest rate, our findings suggest that there is a lag in the Fed's reaction to economic shocks during this period. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Commodity index futures offer a versatile tool for gaining different forms of exposure to commodity markets. Volatility is a critical input in many of these applications. This paper examines issues in modelling the conditional variance of futures returns based on the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI). Given that commodity markets tend to be ‘choppy’ (Webb, 1987 ), a general econometric model is proposed that allows for abrupt changes or regime shifts in volatility, transition probabilities which vary explicitly with observable fundamentals such as the basis, GARCH dynamics, seasonal variations and conditional leptokurtosis. The model is applied to daily futures returns on the GSCI over 1992–1997. The results show clear evidence of regime shifts in conditional mean and volatility. Once regime shifts are accounted for, GARCH effects are minimal. Consistent with the theory of storage, returns are more likely to switch to the high‐variance state when the basis is negative than when the basis is positive. The regime switching model also performs well in forecasting the daily volatility compared to standard GARCH models without regime switches. The model should be of interest to sophisticated traders who base their trading strategies on short‐term volatility movements, managed commodity funds interested in hedging an underlying diversified portfolio of commodities and investors of options and other derivatives tied to GSCI futures contracts. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Motivated by the great moderation in major US macroeconomic time series, we formulate the regime switching problem through a conditional Markov chain. We model the long‐run volatility change as a recurrent structure change, while short‐run changes in the mean growth rate as regime switches. Both structure and regime are unobserved. The structure is assumed to be Markovian. Conditioning on the structure, the regime is also Markovian, whose transition matrix is structure‐dependent. This formulation imposes interpretable restrictions on the Hamilton Markov switching model. Empirical studies show that this restricted model well identifies both short‐run regime switches and long‐run structure changes in the US macroeconomic data. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine directional predictability in foreign exchange markets using a model‐free statistical evaluation procedure. Based on a sample of foreign exchange spot rates and futures prices in six major currencies, we document strong evidence that the directions of foreign exchange returns are predictable not only by the past history of foreign exchange returns, but also the past history of interest rate differentials, suggesting that the latter can be a useful predictor of the directions of future foreign exchange rates. This evidence becomes stronger when the direction of larger changes is considered. We further document that despite the weak conditional mean dynamics of foreign exchange returns, directional predictability can be explained by strong dependence derived from higher‐order conditional moments such as the volatility, skewness and kurtosis of past foreign exchange returns. Moreover, the conditional mean dynamics of interest rate differentials contributes significantly to directional predictability. We also examine the co‐movements between two foreign exchange rates, particularly the co‐movements of joint large changes. There exists strong evidence that the directions of joint changes are predictable using past foreign exchange returns and interest rate differentials. Furthermore, both individual currency returns and interest rate differentials are also useful in predicting the directions of joint changes. Several sources can explain this directional predictability of joint changes, including the level and volatility of underlying currency returns. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The innovations representation for a local linear trend can adapt to long run secular and short term transitory effects in the data. This is illustrated by the theoretical power spectrum for the model which may possess considerable power at frequencies that might be associated with cycles of several years' duration. Whilst advantageous for short term forecasting, the model may be of less use when interest is in the underlying long run trend in the data. In this paper we propose a generalisation of the innovations representation for a local linear trend that is appropriate for representing short, medium and long run trends in the data.  相似文献   

This paper provides a recursive empirical analysis of the scope for cost minimization in public debt management when the debt manager faces a given short‐term interest rate dictated by monetary policy as well as risk and market impact constraints. It simulates the ‘real‐time’ interest costs of alternative portfolios for UK government debt between April 1985 and March 2000. These portfolios are constructed using forecasts of return spreads based on a recursive modelling procedure. While we find statistically significant evidence of predictability, the interest cost savings are quite small when portfolio shares are constrained to lie within historical bounds.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how the Lee–Carter model fares with Swedish data for the period 1901–2001 and for segments of this period. We have choosen to censor ages less than age 40 as those ages only are of marginal interest to the forecast. At age 40 some 98 to 99 percent of the birth cohorts are survivors. In the study we only consider the unweighted K1 estimates. The Lee–Carter model provides very good fits to the data. When splitting up the base period there seems to be an interaction beween the age and time components of the model. In order to deal with the different phases of falling mortality for males and females possibly one should choose the past 25 years as a base in the model. Selecting the base period is however a judgmental issue depending on the main focus of the forecast. Is it long‐term, short‐term or, as in Sweden, a combination of both.?  相似文献   

We analyse the dynamic labour participation behaviour of Korean women. State dependence under unobserved heterogeneity is considered, where the heterogeneity may be unrelated, pseudo‐related, or arbitrarily related to regressors. Three minor methodological contributions are made: interaction terms with lagged response are allowed in dynamic conditional logit; a three‐stage algorithm for dynamic probit is proposed; and treating the initial response as fixed is shown to be ill‐advised. The state dependence is about 0.6 × SD(error), higher for the married or junior college‐educated, and lower for women in their twenties and thirties. While education increases participation, college education has negative effects for women in their forties or above. Marriage has a high negative short‐term effect but a positive long‐term effect.  相似文献   

The short end of the US$ term structure of interest rates is analysed allowing for the possibility of fractional integration and cointegration. This approach permits mean‐reverting dynamics for the data and the existence of a common long run stochastic trend to be maintained simultaneously. We estimate the model for the period 1963–2006 and find it compatible with this structure. The restriction that the data are I(1) and the errors are I(0) is rejected, mainly because the latter still display long memory. This result is consistent with a model of monetary policy in which the Central Bank operates affecting contracts with short term maturity, and the impulses are transmitted to contracts with longer maturities and then to the final goals. However, the transmission of the impulses along the term structure cannot be modelled using the Expectations Hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics and comovement of cycles in house prices, residential investment, credit, interest rates, and real activity in advanced economies during the past 25 years. Stylized facts and regularities are uncovered using a dynamic generalized factor model and spectral techniques. House price cycles are found to lead credit and real activity over the long term, while in the short to medium term the relationship varies across countries. Interest rates tend to lag other cycles at all time horizons. Although global factors are important, the US business cycle, housing cycle and interest rate cycle generally lead the respective cycles in other countries over all time horizons, while the US credit cycle leads mainly over the long term.  相似文献   

In this study, we obtain the long-term correlation between oil prices and exchange rates by employing the dynamic conditional correlation-mixed data sampling (DCC-MIDAS) model. We then identify the factors that influence the long-term correlation using panel data analysis. We find that the long-run correlations between oil prices and exchange rates are negative for all oil-exchange rate markets except Japan. We also find that both inflation and term spread have negative effects, while the risk-free interest rate has a positive effect on the long-term correlation between oil prices and exchange rates. Importantly, the empirical results show that an increase in inflation will significantly damage the real value of the currency itself.  相似文献   

In this article, we try to realize the best compromise between in‐sample goodness of fit and out‐of‐sample predictability of sovereign defaults. To do this, we use a new regression‐tree based approach that signals impending sovereign debt crises whenever pre‐selected indicators exceed specific thresholds. Using data from emerging markets and Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain (GIPS) over the period 1975–2010, we show that our model significantly outperforms existing competing approaches (logit, stepwise logit, noise‐to‐signal ratio and regression trees), while balancing in‐ and out‐of‐sample performance. Our results indicate that illiquidity (high short‐term debt to reserves) and default history, together with real GDP growth and US interest rates, are the main determinants of both emerging market country defaults and the recent European sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt to reconcile contradictory empirical results for the expectations model of the term structure which are found when it is tested by a variety of methods based on single-equation and VAR models. Using monthly data for one-month and three-month interest rates, we show that the expectations hypothesis is rejected for the US and UK term structures on the basis of some popular tests. However, tests based on VAR models or on IV regressions of yield spreads on future short rate changes provide no evidence against the expectations model with a random component in the term premium.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new system‐equation test for threshold cointegration based on a threshold vector autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) model. The new test can be applied when the cointegrating vector is unknown and when weak exogeneity fails. The asymptotic null distribution of the new test is derived, critical values are tabulated and finite‐sample properties are examined. In particular, the new test is shown to have good size, so the bootstrap is not required. The new test is illustrated using the long‐term and short‐term interest rates. We show that the system‐equation model can shed light on both asymmetric adjustment speeds and asymmetric adjustment roles. The latter is unavailable in the single‐equation testing strategy.  相似文献   

This study examines how news is distributed across stocks. A model is developed that categorizes a stock's latent news into normal and nonnormal news, and allows both types of news to be filtered through to other stocks. This is achieved by formulating a model that jointly incorporates a multivariate lognormal‐Poisson jump process (for nonnormal news) and a multivariate GARCH process (for normal news), in addition to a news (or shock) transmission mechanism that allows the shocks from both processes to impact intertemporally on all stocks in the system. The relationship between news and the expected volatility surface is explored and a unique news impact surface is derived that depends on time, news magnitude, and news type. We find that the effect of nonnormal news on volatility expectations typically builds up before dissipating, with the news transmission mechanism effectively crowding‐out normal news and crowding‐in nonnormal news. Moreover, in contrast to the standard approach for measuring leverage effects using asymmetric generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models, we find that leverage effects stem predominantly from nonnormal news. Finally, we find that the capacity to identify positively or negatively correlated stock returns is ambiguous in the short term, and depends heavily on the behavior of the nonnormal news component.  相似文献   

This article assesses whether short‐lived jobs (lasting one quarter or less and involuntarily ending in unemployment) are stepping stones to long‐lasting jobs (enduring 1 year or more) for Belgian long‐term unemployed school‐leavers. We proceed in two steps. First, we estimate labour market trajectories in a multi‐spell duration model that incorporates lagged duration and lagged occurrence dependence. Second, in a simulation we find that (fe)male school‐leavers accepting a short‐lived job are, within 2 years, 13.4 (9.5) percentage points more likely to find a long‐lasting job than in the counterfactual in which they reject short‐lived jobs.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model to predict recessions that accounts for non‐linearity and a structural break when the spread between long‐ and short‐term interest rates is the leading indicator. Estimation and model selection procedures allow us to estimate and identify time‐varying non‐linearity in a VAR. The structural break threshold VAR (SBTVAR) predicts better the timing of recessions than models with constant threshold or with only a break. Using real‐time data, the SBTVAR with spread as leading indicator is able to anticipate correctly the timing of the 2001 recession. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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