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使用随机分析方法,可以得到非寿险未决赔款准备金的分布函数。基于此分布函数,提出了偿付充足率法,讨论所需计提未决赔款准备金合适的充足率要求的选择,以及使用偿付充足率法时未决赔款准备金的监管,并根据我国12家非寿险保险公司2010年和2011年的实务经营数据,分析其所计提的未决赔款准备金的充足情况。针对非寿险保险公司2010年计提的未决赔款准备金在2011年的支出情况,探讨使用充足率方法时,合适的充足率要求的确定,以及一定充足率要求下未决赔款准备金的缺口分析。最后探讨把调控未决赔款准备金的充足率,作为通过保险业传导的货币政策工具,对保险行业乃至整个市场上的货币总量和宏观经济的影响。  相似文献   

未决赔款准备金,是指金融企业对保险事故已发生已报案或已发生未报案而按规定对未决赔款提存的准备金。未决赔款准备金应于期末按估计保险赔款额人账。未决赔款准备金包括以下四种不同的准备金(1)已理算但未支付,(2)已发生已报告但未理算,(3)翻案赔款准备金,(4)已发生未报告(IBNR)。未决赔款准备金是非寿险公司最大的负债,但由于保险标的的不可预知性,未决赔款准备金最终的估计值存在较  相似文献   

未决赔款准备金包括已发生已报告未决赔款准备金、已发生未报告未决赔款准备金、问接理赔费用准备金。在实务中,常用的已发生未报告未决赔款准备金评估方法主要有链梯法、BF法、赔付率法、准备金进展法、案均赔款法等。无论采用哪种评估方法,责任准备金评估实际上是根据过去的经验对未来的赔付情况进行预测,  相似文献   

财险公司未决赔款准备金波动风险及其防范对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
未决赔款准备金作为财险公司最大的负债项目之一,通过不断提高数据的真实性与有效性,加强未决赔款准备金的波动风险的管理,有利于我国财险公司与财险行业的稳健经营与持续发展。未决赔款准备金波动风险产生的主要原因有数据的可靠性、精算评估方法的波动性以及宏观管理因素与经营环境的变化。通过切实提高管理水平、提升公司的精算技术、加强精细化经营理念的宣导以及加强非寿险行业的精算标准建设,将能有效地防范未决赔款准备金波动风险。  相似文献   

在目前管理模式下,已发生已报告未决赔款准备金存在计提不及时、不真实的问题。本文采用理论和实证相结合的研究方法,从流程再造的角度,提出采用报案自动立案、核损和理算后分别自动调整已发生已报告未决赔款准备金的方法,并进行实证检验和成本收益分析。结果表明,增加这一管理环节有利于提高已发生已报告未决赔款准备金提取的及时性和准确性。  相似文献   

本文将分层广义线性模型应用于未决赔款准备金的评估中,充分考虑了保险公司同一事故年赔款数据反复观测的纵向特征和不同事故年未观测到的特征所导致的异质性。从实证结果可以看出,分层广义线性模型可以根据先验信息和经验赔款调整先验权重,并得到与贝叶斯广义线性模型精确度和估计值都非常接近的未决赔款准备金评估值,且在突发事件情景下可以得到更稳定的评估值。  相似文献   

本文对财产保险公司分支机构未决赔款准备金分摊方法进行了研究,旨在通过合理的分摊方式确定分支机构未决赔款准备金水平,从而对分支机构经营结果进行准确评价。  相似文献   

未决赔款准备金作为非寿险公司的主要负债,对公司的产品定价、利润测算、风险管理和偿付能力等都有着重要影响,因此如何准确合理地对其进行估计,一直是业内人士讨论的重点。未决赔款准备金分为三个部分,分别是已发生已报告未决赔款准备金(即未决估损)、已发生未报告和已发生未完全报告未决赔款准备金(即IBNR和IBNER)以及间接理赔费用准备金。其中,  相似文献   

本文首先对我国目前各财产保险公司已发生已报案末决赔款准备金的评估结果的差异性进行实证分析,并探讨如何构建一个行业统一的已发生已报案未决赔款准备金评估的具体准则和检验准确性的统一标准,以达到促进各公司已发生已报案未决赔款准备金评估的标准一致,提高各公司其它准备金评估结果和财务报告结果的可比性,进一步完善偿付能力监管的基础。  相似文献   

本文利用我国上市的产险公司2003~2009年财务数据,采用面板数据建模实证分析了我国产险公司调整未决赔款准备金以达到盈余管理的动机因素。研究结果表明,盈余修饰、净投资收益率和承保业绩作为调整未决赔款准备金的动机在我国产险公司上市前后均比较显著,其中净投资收益率影响作用最大,税收筹划的影响并不显著。  相似文献   


This paper describes a statistical investigation of observed loss ratios and run-offs for a number of Swedish insurance companies within different lines of business. The main aim of the investigation was to revise existing upper limits for allocation to the so-called safety reserve, which is an untaxed contingency reserve. The effort was successful in that new rules were established by the Swedish Supervisory Authority in accordance with the results of the investigation. This paper also contains an exposition of the general principles underlying the Swedish safety reserve.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which capital thresholds induce insurers to strategically exert accounting discretion to forestall regulatory actions. Using a sample of US property–liability insurers during 1994–2009, we find that when managing their claim loss reserves, the average insurers are insensitive to the pressure of capital regulation as measured by the distance of their RBC ratio to the action threshold. Yet, when the insurers are virtually partitioned by their reserving tendency, the effect of regulatory pressure is significantly related to the downward reserve bias in the under-reserving insurer cohorts. This finding continues to hold even after we utilize the number of ratio violations in the insurance regulatory information systems to purge the financial weakness effect embedded in the distance to RBC bound ratio. Hence, our empirical evidence suggests that insurers that are about to trigger the regulatory threshold will have the incentives to understate their loss reserves to preclude the impending authorized preventive actions. Finally, our analyses also shed light on the heterogeneity of incentives to managing loss reserves among over- and under-reserving insurers.  相似文献   

This study examines characteristics and valuation of claim loss reserves of property casualty insurers. Using SEC disclosures of revisions (development) in loss reserve estimates, we document substantial serial correlation in loss reserve development, indicating that reported loss reserves do not fully reflect available information, consistent with management exercising discretion over reported loss reserves. We find that loss reserve development reported one year after the balance sheet date has significant explanatory power for firm value incremental to book value of equity and earnings, suggesting investors at least partially identify management's influence on reported loss reserves, and adjust firm values accordingly.  相似文献   

This article investigates incentives of insurance firm managers to manipulate loss reserves in order to maximize their compensation. We find that managers who receive bonuses that are likely capped or no bonuses tend to over‐reserve for current‐year incurred losses. However, managers who receive bonuses that are likely not capped tend to under‐reserve for current‐year incurred losses. We also find that managers who exercise stock options tend to under‐reserve in the current period.  相似文献   

同一家保险公司按照不同国家和地区的会计准则,损益结果差异较大,对于欲统一全球会计准则的国际会计准则理事会(IASB)而言,这是无法容忍的。随着IASB关于保险合同第二阶段会计准则的推进以及中国资本市场的快速发展,我国现行的保险合同会计实务已经无法满足会计信息使用者的决策需求,对保险合同负债计量方法的一场革命已经迫在眉睫。本文先分析我国保险合同负债计量的现状,在此基础上全面分析和研究保险合同负债计量的理论基础、发展趋势,进而提出政策建议。  相似文献   

We examine the relation between loss reserving errors, leverage and reinsurance in the UK’s property–casualty insurance industry. We find that financially weak insurers under-estimate reserves to reduce leverage, and so pre-empt costly regulatory scrutiny. However, at very high leverage, insurers over-reserve, suggesting a non-linear relation between leverage and reserving policy. We also investigate whether monitoring by reinsurers reduces reserving errors, and find that highly reinsured insurers are less likely to make loss reserve errors. However, the use of proportional reinsurance does not affect loss reserve accuracy.  相似文献   

利用我国产险业2001--2005年的财务数据,本文采用盈余频率分布模型,发现产险公司存在盈余管理现象。在此基础上,本文实证分析产险公司赔款准备金与盈余管理及其他财务指标之间的关联性,揭示公司调整赔款准备金的动机。结果表明,产险公司存在利用赔款准备金评估方式修饰盈余的动机。当承保结果不佳、赔付恶化,或者投资收益较低时,产险公司会低估赔款准备金,虚增账面盈余。应对监营也是产险公司利用赔款准备金进行盈余管理的重要诱因。中、外资产险公司税赋动机存在显著的差异。2005年赔款准备金评估方法的改变并未显著减弱产险公司利用赔款准备金进行盈余管理的动机,但赔款准备金提取的谨慎程度显著提高。  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between external monitoring and earnings management by property-casualty insurers. We extend previous work by Petroni and Beasley (1996) by expanding the set of external monitors to include both auditors and actuaries. We investigate whether certain auditor-actuary pairs are associated with less understatement of the loss reserve account by financially struggling insurers. Our data consist of loss adjustments reported by 465 property-casualty insurers for reserves established in 1993. The results indicate that under-reserving by weak insurers is essentially eliminated when the firm uses auditors and actuaries that are both from Big Six accounting firms. In contrast, non-Big Six actuaries have less impact on under-reserving by weak insurers. Our results suggest that the quality usually associated with Big Six auditors falls when the audit firm relies on third party actuaries to evaluate the loss reserve estimates of struggling insurance clients. We conjecture that Big Six actuaries insist on more conservative loss reserve levels because, compared to actuarial consulting firms, they are more attuned to the liability exposure of the auditor.  相似文献   

Directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability insurance is a commonly used risk management tool for corporations both in the United States and abroad. While prior research has focused on the demand for D&O insurance and its role in corporate governance, there is an absence of literature on the supply side of the D&O market. Using the newly available D&O Insurance Coverage Supplement to insurers’ statutory filings, we develop a more comprehensive understanding of the D&O insurance market and of those firms that write D&O coverage. We develop and estimate a model of the decision to write D&O insurance and the extent of market participation. Our results suggest that there are significant operational and financial differences between firms that supply D&O insurance and those that do not. Several of these differences (specifically, size, diversification, and organizational form) are consistent with the predictions of the managerial discretion hypothesis.  相似文献   

保险会计新准则的变化主要体现在保费收入确认和准备金计量两个方面。由于绝大多数非寿险产品都能通过重大保险风险测试,保费收入几乎没有变化,因此新准则对非寿险业的影响主要体现在准备金计量上。新准则要求非寿险公司运用"三要素法"计量准备金,这将使得非寿险公司的准备金计量方式、财务管理模式和利润情况发生重大变化,对非寿险公司产生近期与远期的深远影响。  相似文献   

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