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Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and alternative arbitrage pricing theory (APT) methodologies are used to estimate the cost of capital for a sample of electric utilities. The statistical factors APT method is found to produce significantly different estimates depending on the number of factors specified and the set of firms factor analyzed. The use of macroeconomic factors is explored, and it is shown that this methodology has advantages over the statistical factors APT and the market model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the arbitrage pricing theory (APT) in an international setting. Inter-battery factor analysis is used to estimate the international common factors and the Chow test is used in testing the validity of the APT. Our inter-battery factor analysis results show that the number of common factors between a pair of countries ranges from one to five, and our cross-sectional test results lead us to reject the joint hypothesis that the international capital market is integrated and that the APT is internationally valid. Our results, however, do not rule out the possibility that the APT holds locally or regionally in segmented capital markets. Finally, the basic results of both the inter-battery factor analysis and the cross-sectional tests are largely invariant to the numeraire currency chosen.  相似文献   

The Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) implies that if asset returns have a factor structure, then an approximate multibeta representation holds with respect to the factors as reference variables. This paper assumes that asset returns satisfy a factor structure and derives a condition under which the approximate multibeta representation holds with respect to a set of reference variables which may not be the factors. This condition is that the regression matrix of the reference variables on the factors is nonsingular. Implications for the testability of the APT are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the Roll and Ross (RR) and other previously published tests of the APT are subject to several basic limitations. There is a general nonequivalence of factor analyzing small groups of securities and factor analyzing a group of securities sufficiently large for the APT model to hold. It is found that as one increases the number of securities, the number of “factors” determined increases. This increase in the number of “factors” with larger groups of securities cannot readily be explained by a distinction between “priced” and “nonpriced” risk factors as it is impermissible to carry out tests on whether a given “risk factor is priced” using factor analytic procedures.  相似文献   

This study shows that the competitive-equilibrium version of the APT may be extended to develop an exact model if idiosyncratic risks obey the Ross separating distribution. The results indicate that one only need add the market portfolio as an extra factor to the factor model in order to obtain an exact asset-pricing relation. Thus, this study presents an extension and integration of the CAPM and APT. The “empirical” APT is also generalized to allow for some factors to be omitted from the econometric model employed to test the theory. The developed model is extremely robust and may be reduced to the CAPM or expanded to approximate Ross's APT depending upon the number of omitted factors. Further, the importance of the market portfolio is shown to be a monotonic increasing function of the number of omitted factors. Finally, the study demonstrates that, in a finite economy, the pricing-error bound of the Ross APT in a correlated-residuals factor structure is an increasing function of the absolute value of market-residual beta, rather than the weight of the asset in the market portfolio as is the case of uncorrelated factor residuals. However, under the normality assumption, the pricing error becomes an extra component related to the market-portfolio factor, and the exact asset-pricing relation is once again obtained.  相似文献   

The APT is represented as a multivariate regression model with across-equations restrictions. Both observed and unobserved (latent) macroeconomic factors are included, thus generalizing and unifying two previous strands of literature. Large portfolios representing unobserved factors are treated as endogenous, and nonlinear 3SLS estimates are shown to differ sharply from estimates that ignore this endogeneity. Using monthly stock returns and six factors, we cannot reject January effects. The following results are invariant with respect to the inclusion of January effects: we reject the CAPM in favor of the APT; however, we cannot reject the APT restrictions on the linear factor model.  相似文献   

This paper tests the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) by estimating the factor loadings that are consistent between two industry groups of securities. One of the pitfalls in the study by Roll and Ross is that the factors estimated in one group may not be the same with the factors estimated in another group. This raises some concerns on the acceptability of their conclusions. For our study, we employ inter-battery factor analysis which enables us to estimate factor loadings by constraining the factors to be the same between two different groups. Our results show that there seem to be five or six inter-group common factors that generate daily returns for two industry groups of securities, and these inter-group common factors do not seem to depend on the size of groups. Also, based on our cross-sectional tests on the risk premia, we conclude that the APT should not be rejected.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple proof of a recent theorem presented by Reisman (1992) , concerning the use of proxies for the factors in the return-generating process of the arbitrage pricing theory (APT). In the single-factor case, the theorem asserts that any variable correlated with the factor can serve as the benchmark in an approximate APT expected return relation. The significance of this result is considered and a new direction for empirical work on “arbitrage pricing” is outlined.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of the market portfolio in the arbitrage pricing theory (APT). We show that if the multifactor return-generating process put forth in the APT is valid, then unexpected deviations in the return on the market portfolio must be completely explained by unexpected deviations in the underlying return-generating factors. As well, market betas are developed as a combination of return-generating factor sensitivity coefficients. These results lead us to conclude that an empirically significant “market factor’ is evidence of omitted return-generating factors, rather than evidence that the market is a factor. Finally, results obtained when market betas are regressed against factor sensitivity coefficients are consistent with these insights. The results suggest that there are at least three return-generating factors. This evidence does not rely on ex post pricing of estimated factors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the month-by-month stability of (a) daily returns and correlation coefficients of stock returns, (b) correlation and covariance matrices, (c) number of return-generating factors, and (d) the APT pricing relationship. The results show that there is a January effect and a small-firm effect in stock returns. Correlation matrices are more stable than covariance matrices, but both types of matrices are not stable across months and across the sample groups. The number of return-generating factors is rather stable most of the time and for most of the sample groups, but there is some significant instability that is related to the average correlation coefficients among stocks. The APT pricing relationship does not seem to be supported by the two-stage process using the maximum-likelihood factor analysis.  相似文献   

The attributes,behavior, and performance of U.S. mutual funds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines the risk and return characteristics of U.S. mutual funds. We employ an equilibrium version of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) and a principal-components-based statistical technique to identify performance benchmarks. We also consider the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) as an alternative. We implement a procedure for overcoming the rotational indeterminacy of factor models. This procedure is a hybrid of statistical factor estimation and prespecification of factors. We estimate measures of timing ability for the CAPM and extend it to the APT. We find that this timing test is misspecified due to noninformation-based changes in mutual fund betas. We develop a modification of the timing measure that, under certain conditions, distinguishes true timing ability from noninformation-based beta changes.  相似文献   

This paper examines empirically, issues concerning the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT). Firstly, in the spirit of Chamberlain and Rothschild [1983], the existence of an approximate factor structure is explored. Secondly, following Beggs [1986] and employing a principal components approach, a test of arbitrage pricing and the importance of the error of approximation, is conducted. Finally, using a non nested framework, the APT and CAPM are tested against each other. The results show mixed support for the APT having up to 3 priced factors.  相似文献   

The rapidly increasing volume of both published and unpublished work on the arbitrage pricing theory (APT) of Ross (1976) has given rise to a number of misunderstandings at the interface of theoretical and econometric work. In this article we extend the theoretical structure of our previous work (McElroy and Burmeister, 1985, 1988; Burmeister and McElroy, 1987, 1988) to provide a broad yet rigorous framework both for econometric estimation and for better economic interpretation of new empirical results. We begin with the case where allK factors are observed, and then present the second case ofK−1≡J observed APT factors and one unobserved factor, theresidual market factor introduced in McElroy and Burmeister (1985). The economic interpretations for equivalent specifications of this model are discussed, and we enumerate several immediate payoffs to these specifications. The main new results are concerned with the sometimes intricate relationships among APT models withK factors and APT models withK factors that are constrained to satisfy mean-variance efficiency restrictions. These results are not only of theoretical interest, but more importantly they provide the basis for econometric estimation and testing of nested hypotheses. These econometric issues are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The effect of assumptions about factor structure on empirical tests of multifactor models such as the Arbitrage Pricing Policy Theory has received little attention in the literature. Using data on securities traded on the London Stock Exchange, we examine whether returns are best described by an approximate factor structure and whether assumptions about correlations across idiosyncratic returns have a significant impact on estimated prices of risk and their significance. Our findings suggest that returns are best described by an approximate factor structure and, if this is taken into account when empirically testing the APT, six factors carry significant prices of risk. However, if a strict factor structure is imposed, no factors carry significant prices of risk. These findings suggest that assumptions about factor structure matter in empirically testing the APT.  相似文献   

Measuring the pricing error of the arbitrage pricing theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article provides an exact Bayesian framework for analyzingthe arbitrage pricing theory (APT). Based on the Gibbs sampler,we show how to obtain the exact posterior distributions forfunctions of interest in the factor model. In particular, wepropose a measure of the APT pricing deviations and obtain itsexact posterior distribution. Using monthly portfolio returnsgrouped by industry and market capitalization, we find thatthere is little improvement in reducing the pricing errors byincluding more factors beyond the first one.  相似文献   

We present an improved methodology to estimate the underlying structure of systematic risk in the Mexican Stock Exchange with the use of Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis. We consider the estimation of risk factors in an Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) framework under a statistical approach, where the systematic risk factors are extracted directly from the observed returns on equities, and there are two differentiated stages, namely, the risk extraction and the risk attribution processes. Our empirical study focuses only on the former; it includes the testing of our models in two versions: returns and returns in excess of the riskless interest rate for weekly and daily databases, and a two-stage methodology for the econometric contrast. First, we extract the underlying systematic risk factors by way of both, the standard linear version of the Principal Component Analysis and the Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis estimation. Then, we estimate simultaneously, for all the system of equations, the sensitivities to the systematic risk factors (betas) by weighted least squares. Finally, we test the pricing model with the use of an average cross-section methodology via ordinary least squares, corrected by heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariances estimation. Our results show that although APT is very sensitive to the extraction technique utilized and to the number of components or factors retained, the evidence found partially supports the APT according to the methodology presented and the sample studied.  相似文献   

We estimate the parameters of Ross's Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT). Using daily return data during the 1963–78 period, we compare the evidence on the APT and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) as implemented by market indices and find that the APT performs well. The theory is further supported in that estimated expected returns depend on estimated factor loadings, and variables such as own variance and firm size do not contribute additional explanatory power to that of the factor loadings.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of whether firms are required to pay an ex ante premium to investors for bearing the risk of interest-rate changes. A two-factor APT model with the market and changes in the yield on long-term government bonds as factors is employed. The paper shows that, empirically, most of the interest-sensitive stocks are in the utility industries, and that there is reasonable evidence that the interest factor is priced in the sense of the APT. Several sources for the interest sensitivity are considered, and regulatory lags are focused on as a likely candidate.  相似文献   

Share Prices and Macroeconomic Factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The APT with macroeconomic factors put forward by Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) was tested using monthly Australian sectoral share-price indexes for 1980–1994. The inflation rate was found to be consistently priced. The significance of other factors was found to depend on the choice of sample period and estimation method. The model was compared to both an APT with artificial factors and the CAPM. Both versions of the APT were found to clearly out-perform the CAPM but neither version of the APT was clearly superior to the other in terms of both within- and out-of-sample explanatory power.  相似文献   

We argue that arbitrage-pricing theories (APT) imply the existence of a low-dimensional nonnegative nonlinear pricing kernel. In contrast to standard constructs of the APT, we do not assume a linear factor structure on the payoffs. This allows us to price both primitive and derivative securities. Semi-nonparametric techniques are used to estimate the pricing kernel and test the theory. Empirical results using size-based portfolio returns and yields on bonds reject the nested capital asset-pricing model and linear APT and support the nonlinear APT. Diagnostics show that the nonlinear model is more capable of explaining variations in small firm returns.  相似文献   

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