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This paper presents an aging analysis of 741 high yield bonds and finds default, exchange, and call percentages substantially higher than reported in earlier studies. By December 31, 1988, cumulative defaults are 34 percent for bonds issued in 1977 and 1978 and range from 19 to 27 percent for issue years 1979–1983 and from 3 to 9 percent for issue years 1984–1986. Exchanges are also a significant factor although they often are followed by default. Moreover, a significant percentage of high yield debt, 26–47 percent for 1977–1982, has been called. By December 31, 1988, approximately one third of the bonds issued in 1977–1982 has defaulted or been exchanged, and an additional one third had been called. On average, only 28 percent of these issues are still outstanding. There is no evidence that early results for more recent issue years differ markedly from issue years 1977 to 1982.  相似文献   

可转换公司债定价问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着今年4月中国证监会《上市公司发行可转换公司债实施办法》的出台,许多上市公司对发行可转换公司债表现出了极大的兴趣,这一新的融资方式极有可能成为上市公司另一种普遍的再融资渠道。作为一种金融衍生产品,可转换公司债券(可转债,CB)定价是一个相当复杂的问题。对于中国证券市场来说,由于市场发展历史只有十多年,市场成熟程度尚低,投资对可转债这一新兴事物也缺乏足够的了解,定价问题就显得更为艰难。本着眼于中国市场的实际情况,对可转债定价问题作了详细的分析。  相似文献   

This paper shows that the probability of exercise of convertible bonds issued against a firm’s stock directly affects the liquidity of the stock itself. Using the ratio of absolute stock return to its dollar volume as a proxy for stock liquidity I demonstrate that there is a direct and positive relationship between conversion probability and stock liquidity while controlling for firm size, book to market equity value and firm beta. I describe the effect of unlisted convertible debt on the liquidity of listed firms in the US, Korea and Singapore. The effects of conversion probability on stock liquidity are less pronounced for smaller firms, which helps explain time series variations in the liquidity premiums for smaller firms over time. The relationship between convertibles and stock liquidity is mainly attributed to the expected increase in the number of shares available for trade upon conversion and the expected change in the capital structure of the firm.  相似文献   

侯泽舟 《新理财》2013,(9):38-39
可转债的合理定价是债券成功发行的关键,对其隐含的标的股票看涨期权价值衡量主要有B-S模型和二叉树模型两种方法。近年来,可转债在中国市场取得了很大发展,两种可转债定价模型在中国可转债市场定价的适用性研究不论是从理论意义还是从实际应用的角度来说,都应得到投资者的重视。  相似文献   

Starting with Ingersoll (1977b), the academic literature has repeatedly sought to explain why convertible bonds are called late. The findings here demonstrate there is no call delay to explain. This paper finds that most convertible bonds, given their call protection, are called as soon as possible. For those that are not, there are significant cash flow advantages to delaying. The median call delay for all convertible bonds is less than four months. If a safety premium is desired to assure the conversion value will exceed the call price at the end of call notice period, the median call period is less than a month.  相似文献   

国内可转债市场浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同时期可转债条款的设计存在较大差异,这种差异为可转债投资带来了不同的债券投资回报预期与转股预期,从而导致了不同时期发行的可转债的市场表现存在较大差异。  相似文献   

We examine changes in equity and asset betas around convertible bond calls and report two major findings. First, calling firms exhibit an increase in asset betas following the call. We argue that the finding is consistent with the implications of the sequential financing theory but not of the backdoor equity financing theory. Second, abnormal returns at call announcements are negative only for the subsample of firms that also exhibit an increase in equity beta. We conclude that risk changes help explain the market reaction to convertible bond calls.  相似文献   

我国可转换债券的定价分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李立 《海南金融》2005,(1):23-26
可转换债券兼有普通债券的安全性与股票的收益性,因此自其诞生之日起就备受投资者的青睐。然而,可转换债券中包含着众多的期权使得对其进行准确的定价非常困难熏而我国可转换债券的特殊性使得对其定价更为复杂。本文结合我国可转换债券的特点,用二项式模型对其定价,以期获得相对合理的可转换债券理论价格。  相似文献   

虽然日前可转换债券修改条款进行得如火如荼,投资对可转换债券的需求非常火爆,但从金融工具本身来看,中国可转换债券的条款设计将走向回归之路。  相似文献   

本文从分析可转换债券的价值构成入手,提出了评估可转换债券的思路,即可转换债券的价值应由纯债券价值及期权价值共同构成,在评估期权价值时,引入国际公认的Black-Scholes定价模型,并对该模型在我国使用的前提条件、限制因素以及计算结果的调整进行了简单的分析,试图从理论上描绘可转换债券的评估方法。  相似文献   

或有可转换债券(Contingent Convertible Bonds,简称Coco Bonds)是一种混合资本债券,具有股本资本和债务工具的双重特性,可在特定的触发条件下转换为股权。Coco Bonds具有强大的危机救助功效,可以通过市场手段解决金融机构"大而不倒"的问题,可减少政府对危机企业的大规模救助。此外,Coco Bonds对公司治理还具有正向激励作用等。鉴于Coco Bonds的独特性以及对于  相似文献   

从价格敏感性看可转债的条款设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林海  郑振龙 《银行家》2004,(11):129-132
可转换债券是一个极其复杂的金融产品,除了一般的债权之外,它还包含着很多的期权。而且这些期权大都是路径依赖(path dependent)期权,难以用简单的期权定价公式进行定价,而只能使用数值计算方法。  相似文献   

在研究可转债定价问题时考虑转股价修正条款是十分必要的。尤其是在2008年的熊市中,各可转债纷纷调低转股价,转股价修正条款给予投资者保护作用不容忽视。基于AFV模型,本文建立了包含转股价修正条款的定价模型,并利用有限差分法进行数值求解。  相似文献   

欧美的可转债市场及其借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可转换债券具有筹集资金和回避风险双重功能,在欧美市场上不断创新,取得极大发展。  相似文献   

可转换债券的未定权益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据动态复制技术的思想,根据无套利原则,利用未定权益分析方法,分析了最优转换条件,以及在该最优转换策略下,为不可赎回可转换债券进行定价;分析了最优赎回条件,以及在该最优赎回策略下,为可赎回可转换债券进行定价。  相似文献   

我国可转换债券的定价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国资本市场一直存在股权融资比例过高、投资品种匮乏、金融创新困难等问题,可转债对我国资本市场的发展具有特殊的重要意义.可转债作为一种衍生证券,同时集中了股票、债券和期权三者的特性,如何对其定价是亟待解决的难题.可结合我国可转债的特点,基于Black-Scholes期权定价理论构建我国可转债的定价方程,用有限差分法对其进行求解.  相似文献   

可转换公司债在公司股权激励中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际证券市场发展的历史表明,可转换公司债券是一个完善的证券市场所不可或缺的重要组成部分,实践经验也证明可转债完全可以成为公司股权激励制度的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

中国上市公司可转换债券非理性转股行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以上海证券交易所上市的30只已进入转股期的可转换债券为样本研究,发现约58.5%的自愿转股行为违背了理性原则.用非参数回归分析法进行实证检验,发现市场流动性并不是影响非理性转股的因素,而隔夜风险、转股损失则是导致非理性转股行为发生的影响因素;投资者的心理因素对非理性转股具有非线性影响:历史收益率对投资者的影响取决于趋势信念和参考点两个因素.此外,非理性转股还受到框定依赖的影响,即当历史收益为正时,高的收益波动会增加非理性转股;而当历史收益为负时,高的收益波动会减少非理性转股.  相似文献   

在将债务区分为直接债和间接债的基础上,本文讨论了债权人对于公司大股东掠夺行为的治理功能。研究发现,与直接债的软约束特质不同,作为间接债的可转换债券因其硬约束特质,能够有效抑制上市公司中大股东的掠夺行为。本文的研究结论表明,积极发展债券市场和加快多层次资本市场体系建设,将有利于提高我国上市公司的治理质量,进而提高对中小投资者利益的保护。  相似文献   

Firms do not historically call their convertible bonds as soon as conversion can be forced. A number of explanations for the delay rely on the size of the dividends that bondholders forgo so long as they do not convert. We investigate an important change in convertible security design, namely, dividend protection of convertible bond issues. Dividend protection means that the conversion value of the convertible bond is unaffected by dividend payments and thus dividend‐related rationales for call delay become moot. We document that call delay is near zero for dividend‐protected convertible bonds.  相似文献   

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