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随着我国经济的快速发展,经济休闲化和休闲社会化对国民经济的发展产生了重要影响,消费者对于休闲服务与休闲产品的需求也经历了从少到多,从简单到多样的发展变化。为适应休闲经济的发展要求,流通产业必须对自身原有的发展模式进行变革,将传统流通产业的流通业态、流通目的、流通环境、流通过程、流通服务等进行一系列的休闲化改造和创新。  相似文献   

This paper examines the feasibility of the introduction of lean supply within local government through three experiments relating to live contracts, which demonstrate that lean supply is compatible with local government purchasing as a value added strategy. The paper concludes that most aspects of lean supply are applicable, although some adaptation of the model is required to remove characteristics specific to manufacturing and provide a better cultural fit with the legal and political context of local government. It is suggested that a local government model of lean supply should be considered in the context of the Labour government’s Best Value proposals.  相似文献   

In trying to understand the contemporary work-leisure paradoxes, we go in search for today’s harried leisure class and its equanimous counterpart. We apply the relative new method of optimal matching on the continuous time-use data of the pooled Flemish time-use survey of 1999 and 2004, in order to identify different time-use patterns based on one’s leisure time consumption. We then analyse these time-use patterns by combining a multiple classification analysis with socio-demographic measures and (leisure) time-use characteristics, which allows us to identify today’s harried leisure class on the one hand the opposite “equanimous leisure class” on the other hand. It turns out that the members of today’s harried leisure class combine a great amount of cultural and material resources with the experience of time pressure and voracious and volatile leisure time consumption, whereas the members of the equanimous leisure class mainly consume their leisure time in front of the TV. Typifying these groups based on their consumption characteristics provides useful evidence for the integration of time use in the research field of consumer policy.  相似文献   

This study's primary objective is to analyse how consumers evaluate product packaging in two distinct phases of the consumer decision‐making process: at the moment of acquisition and post‐consumption. The packaging's technical, functional and informative attributes, as well as its influence on satisfaction and loyalty, were evaluated. An empirical study was conducted with a product of immediate consumption, milk, using four versions of packaging and a total sample of 265 family units. The model was evaluated using partial least squares (PLS), and differences were compared using variance analysis. The results demonstrate the most and least valued attributes, the primary differences between the four types of packaging, and the perception generated at each moment. The research provides interesting theoretical and empirical perspectives and has business implications for marketing directors and product managers.  相似文献   

Recent works on satisfaction theory have shown that disconfirmation plays a major role in the determination of satisfaction levels. Less, however, is known about the mental process used by consumers to form disconfirmation cognitions. This study operationalized and tested the role of two types of disconfirmation, inferential and overall (perceived), on the satisfaction of appetite suppressant users after first trial and repeat usage situations. Results showed that overall perceptions mediated the relationship between inferred disconfirmation and satisfaction in both time frames, as hypothesized.  相似文献   

论休闲消费的特征、发展趋势与企业商机   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着人均收人水平的不断提高,休闲经济正在中国悄然兴起。这不仅将会成为高、中收人人群的一个新的消费热点,而且也将对国内产业结构升级与增加就业产生积极的作用。此外,了解休闲消费的主要特征,把握我国休闲消费的发展趋势,有助于企业创造消费时尚,抓住休闲消费的商机.开发潜在的休闲消费市场,本文的目的就在于此。  相似文献   

本文重点论述了现代生物技术应用于石油化工领域的发展现状及发展趋势,指出利用生物技术深度开发石油、天然气资源将极大地推动石油化工工业的发展,石油、天然气资源的生物技术利用是新世纪生物技术重点开发方向。  相似文献   

In the past, local authorities have attempted with varying degrees of success to fill a need for leisure activities amongst the community each serves. Of late, there have been two significant trends facing the operation of these activities — first, the increasing competition, particularly from the private sector, in the provision of leisure services and second, a reduction in public resources to provide them. This article shows how, by adopting a more customer-orientated approach, the twin problems may be tackled to the benefit of both the authority and the community.  相似文献   

本文第一次论述了开展乡村度假的现实意义,开发乡村度假基本要求和管理重点,对把乡村旅游推向新的发展阶段、建设社会主义新农村有一定理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

<正>TNS全球数字生活研究表明,人们近三分之一的休闲时间花在网络上一项旨在探究人们上网行为和态度的TNS全球调研——"数字世界、数字生活"显示,从参与调研的16个国家的民众总体来看,人们把接近1/3的休闲时间花在了网络上。  相似文献   

In the light of changing demographics this article seeks to identify whether 'older' consumers are innovative in their consumption behaviour. A domain specific scale is used among up-market consumers for leisure and tourism services. This scale has been extensively applied to consumers to identify predisposition towards innovative behaviour for specific products and services. A postal survey identified 'older' consumers as having a relatively high level of domain specific innovativeness. The authors suggest that as people age they do not necessarily become less interested in consumption and it is a mistake to ignore or alienate such a potentially lucrative market.  相似文献   

魏翔  惠普科 《财贸经济》2007,(11):82-88
新古典观点认为闲暇时间的增长会"挤出"产出,进而不利于宏观消费的增长,二者存在负向关系.针对于此,本文首先构造了包含闲暇时间的闲暇时间--消费函数,从静态角度分析了闲暇时间对居民消费的影响,进而在动态的预算约束下通过最优化模型证明了闲暇时间与消费增长间不但存在负向关系而且存在正向关系,取决于参数环境影响.之后,本文引用中国的实际数据检验了理论模型的命题,并发现中国的闲暇消费对宏观消费具有正向拉动作用,这说明中国的消费结构和消费质量正在得到改善,也说明中国在工业化进程中展现出一定后工业化倾向,本文对此进行了解释.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the degree to which shoppers use unit price as a conventional piece of information to compare sizes and/or brands in supermarkets. Three-hundred and seventy-five shoppers were interviewed in a Kroger supermarket in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. About two-thirds of all respondents said they used the unit price information while shopping. Slightly over 84% of those who understand how the unit price information can be used to make more economical choices said they used it. Shoppers with lower levels of education used unit price less than those with higher levels of education. The same pattern was observed between low-income and high-income shoppers as well as between blacks and whites. The number of shoppers who recalled using unit price to compare sizes was about the same as the number of people who recalled using it to compare brands.  相似文献   

近年来,休闲一词广泛活跃在社会文化生活中,并已形成蔚为大观的休闲文化。所谓休闲文化是指人在业余闲暇时间,经过充分自由选择和纯粹兴趣所致,用于自我享受、调整和发展的观念、态度、方法和手段的总和。休闲文化真正把人置于核心地位,关照人的身心需要,尊重人的情感意志,关注人的发展完善,是一种充满着人文精神与人文关怀的文化。  相似文献   

广州市民休闲生活的调查与研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦学 《消费经济》2005,21(6):72-75
本文通过对广州市民的实地问卷调查,在分析广州市民构成的基础上,着重研究:广州市民休闲生活状况和对休闲生活的评价及需求情况。市民对休闲生活的评价与需求,一方面,调查市民对目前休闲生活的满意度并分析影响其休闲生活质量的主要原因;另一方面,了解市民对自身未来的休闲方式、休闲空间的意向,以及对政府和社会在城市休闲建设方面所持的期望与建议。  相似文献   

A deprivation model analog of the effect of first-level (attribute-specific) and second-level (product-related) need fulfillment on satisfaction with a pharmaceutical information publication was tested under actual usage conditions. A sample of 156 pharmacists participated in a three-phase study where information needs and current need fulfillment were measured in phase 1. Product usage over a one-month interval followed in phase 2. In the final phase of the study, attribute performance, first- and second-level need fulfillment, and satisfaction with the product were measured. Analysis suggested that first-level need fulfillment was positively related to attribute performance, negatively related to the degree to which the need was previously fulfilled, and unrelated to level of overall need. Product-level need fulfillment was a function of attribute-level fulfillment, and satisfaction was related to product-level fulfillment and attribute performance. A test for curvilinear trend in the fulfillment-satisfaction association was significant, suggesting that diminishing increments to satisfaction occur in the region of overfulfillment. Some improvement in the parameters occurred when this was incorporated in the model. Implications of the findings are discussed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

休闲产业与假日经济的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
假日休闲作为一种生活质量提高的标志,不同于基本生存需要的单一化和物质型,而超来越趋向于多元化和精神型。将旅游业、娱乐业、服务业、化产业整合成一个休闲产业系统,并加强其建设,将有助于推动我国假日经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the water usage in metered and unmetered households. The work also examined consumer attitudes towards water usage, including the belief of the need to use water more efficiently and the motivation to do so. Data were obtained by a self-administered questionnaire from 89 households in the Trafford area of Greater Manchester in the winter of 1995/6. This has provided information on ownership levels and age of water-using domestic appliances and outdoor water-using equipment. Although the survey showed some consumer awareness of eco-labelling, actual knowledge was low in both metered and unmetered households. Those respondents who thought water metering did, or would, encourage greater water efficiency were generally aware of how savings could be achieved. Metered households showed a stronger belief in the benefits of water economy. Twenty households each monitored their water usage for 7 consecutive days. A second questionnaire, aimed at clarifying practices, was then completed. This has provided information on total domestic water usage and variations in the components of water demand. Although there was a wide range of values in both metered and unmetered households, the frequency of use of appliances and equipment and per capita consumption were found to be related to household size. This showed larger households benefiting from an economy of scale. Metered households in this survey had a mean water consumption of 124·19 L/person/day compared with 137·28 L/person/day in unmetered households.  相似文献   

Job creation in tourism and leisure activities has received considerable attention since the publication of the government's Action for Jobs in Tourism. Yet there remains considerable controversy over the scale of job creation and the nature of the jobs supported. This article attempts to cast some light on these issues by drawing on recent research at the Institute of Manpower Studies, on available statistical data, information from in-company case studies and parallel research. The article concludes that recent job growth has largely focused on the hotel and catering sector and has largely but not exclusively stressed part-time work. Future prospects for slow employment growth in this sector look good.  相似文献   

唐湘辉 《消费经济》2006,22(6):58-61
娱乐休闲在全国已形成一定的影响,长沙地区的休闲消费已经呈现出多样化的特征。本文在分析长沙休闲消费与产业结构的一般构成的基础上,阐述了长沙休闲产业结构的总体特征和主要问题,并进一步提出了优化长沙休闲产业结构的对策建议。  相似文献   

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