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Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Blackman, Tim 1991: Planning Belfast. Budd, Leslie and Sam Whimster (eds) 1992: Global finance and urban living: a study of metropolitan change. London Planning Advisory Committee (1991) London: World city moving into the 21st century. Burawoy, M., A. Burton, A.A. Ferguson, K.J. Fox, J. Gamson, N. Gartrell, L. Hurst, C. Kurzman, L. Salzinger, J. Schiffman and S. Ui 1991: Ethnography unbound: power and resistance in the modern metropolis. Caves, Roger W. 1992: Land use planning: the ballot box revolution. Paul Cloke (ed.) 1992: Policy and change in Thatcher's Britain. Gray, Ian 1992: Politics in place: social power relations in an Australian country town. Isin, Engin 1992: Cities without citizens. Robins, Kevin (ed.) 1992: Understanding information: business, technology and geography. Simon, David 1992: Cities, capital and development: African cities in the world economy. Western, John 1992: A passage to England: Barbadian Londoners speak of home. Wolman, Harold and Michael Goldsmith 1992: Urban politics and policy: a comparative approach.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ball, M. 1986: Home ownership: a suitable case for reform. Malpass, P. editor, 1986: The housing crisis. Cawson, A. 1986: Corporatism and political theory. Dixon, C.T., Drakakis-Smith, D. and Watts, H.D. editors, 1986: Multinational corporations and the third world. Fox, K. 1986: Metropolitan America: urban life and urban policy in the United States, 1940–1980. Grant, W. editor, 1935: The political economy of corporatism. Jacobs, B.D. 1986: Black politics and urban crisis in Britain. Karn, V., Kemeny, J. and Williams, P. 1985: Home ownership in the inner city: salvation or despair? King, R. editor, 1986: Return migration and regional economic problems. Lundqvist, L.J. 1985: Housing policy and equality: a comparative study of tenure conversions and their effects. Morris, R.J. editor, 1986: Class, power and social structure in British nineteenth-century towns. Rothblatt, D.N. and Garr, D.J. 1986: Suburbia: an international perspective. Scott, A.J. and Storper, M. editors, 1986: Production, work, territory: the geographical anatomy of industrial capitalism. Sheehan, B.J. 1984: The Boston school integration dispute. Smith, N. and Williams, P. editors, 1986: Gentrification of the city.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Dickens, Peter 1992: Society and nature: towards a green social theory. Katznelson, Ira 1992: Marxism and the city. Massey, Doreen, Paul Quintas and David Wield 1991: High-tech fantasies: science parks in society, science and space. Matsumoto, Koji 1991: The rise of the Japanese corporate system. Mollenkopf, John H. and Manuel Castells (eds) 1991: Dual city: restructuring New York. Norton, Alan and K. Novy (eds) 1990: Soziale Wohnpolitik der 90er Jahre. Sayer, Andrew and Richard Walker 1992: The new social economy: reworking the division of labour. Smith, David M. (ed.) 1992: The apartheid city and beyond: urbanization and social change in South Africa. Drakakis-Smith, David (ed.) 1992: Urban and regional change in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Burt, Martha, 1992: Over the edge: the growth of homelessness in the 1980s. Drache, Daniel and Meric Gertler (eds), 1991: The new era of global competition: state policy and market power. Kemeny, Jim, 1992: Housing and social theory. Savage, Mike, James Barlow, Peter Dickens and Tony Fielding, 1992: Property, bureaucracy and culture: middle-class formation in contemporary Britain. Spain, Daphne, 1992: Gendered spaces. Storper, Michael, 1991: Industrialization, economic development and the regional question in the third world: from import substitution to flexible production. Wolch, Jennifer, 1991: The shadow state: government and voluntary sector in transition.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Regionalism and monopoly capitalism: a new approach to the study of local power : Dulong, R. 1978: Les régions, l'état et la société locale. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Regionalism and monopoly capitalism: a new approach to the study of local power : Logroye, J. Wright, V. editors 1979: Local government in Britain and France: problems and prospects (LGBF). Regionalism and monopoly capitalism: a new approach to the study of local power : Tarrow, S., Katzenstein, P. and Graziano, L. editors 1978: Territorial politics in industrial nations (TPIN). Regionalism and monopoly capitalism: a new approach to the study of local power: Lojkine, J. 1977: Big firms' strategies, urban policies and urban social movements (1975). In Harloe, M., editor, Captive cities.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Amirahmadi, Hooshang 1990: Revolution and economic transition: the Iranian experience. Ben-Ari, Eyal 1991: Changing Japanese suburbia: a study of two present-day localities. Conroy, W.J. 1990: Challenging the boundaries of reform: socialism in Burlington. Krumholz, Norman and John Forester 1990: Making equity planning work: leadership in the public sector. Marcuse, Peter and F. Staufenbiel (eds) 1991: Wohnen und Stadtpolitik im Umbruch: Perspektiven der Stadterneuerung nach 40 Jahren DDR. Pyke, F., G. Becattini and W. Sengenberger (eds) 1990: Industrial districts and interfirm cooperation in Italy. Quesnel, Louise and Serge Belley (with the collaboration of J. Leveillee) 1991: Partis politiques municipaux: une étude de sociologie electorale.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Cooke, Philip, Frank Moulaert, Eric Swyngedouw, Oliver Weinstein and Peter Wells 1992: Towards global localization: the computing and telecommunications industries in Britain and France. Fainstein, S., I. Gordon and M. Harloe (eds) 1992: Divided Cities: New York and London in the contemporary world. Katz, C. and J. Monk (eds) 1993: Full circles. Geographies of women over the life course. Lefebvre, Henri 1992: The production of space. Matznetter, Walter, 1991: Wohnbauträger zwischen Staat und Markt: Strukturen des Sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Wien.  相似文献   

Bookshelf 2003     
Books reviewed: Wolfgang Lecher, Bernhard Nagel and Hans‐Wolfgang Platzer. The Establishment of European Works Councils: From information committee to social actor. Wolfgang Lecher, Hans‐Wolfgang Platzer, Stefan Rüb and Klaus‐Peter Weiner. European Works Councils: Developments, types and networking. Wolfgang Lecher, Hans‐Wolfgang Platzer, Stefan Rüb and Klaus‐Peter Weiner. European Works Councils: Negotiated Europeanisation. Between statutory framework and social dynamic. Gregor Murray, Jacques Bélanger, Anthony Giles and Paul‐André Lapointe (eds). Work and Employment Relations in the High‐Performance Workplace. Bob Hancké. Large Firms and Institutional Change: Industrial Renewal and Economic Restructuring in France. Daryl D’Art and Thomas Turner (eds). Irish Employment Relations in the New Economy. Margaret Linehan, Michael J. Morley and James S. Walsh. International Human Resource Management and Expatriate Transfers: Irish Experiences.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Forester, John 1993: Critical theory, public policy and planning practice: toward a critical pragmatism. Gilbert, Alan 1993: In search of a home: rental and shared housing in Latin America. Helms, Hans G. (ed.) 1992: Die Stadt als Gabentisch. Beobachtungen der aktuellen Städtebauentwicklung (zwischen Manhattan und Berlin-Marzahn). Mathey, Kosta (ed.) 1992: Beyond self-help housing. Sonenshein, Raphael, J. 1993: Politics in black and white: race and power in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Castells, Manuel and Hall, Peter 1994: Technopoles of the world: the making of 21st century industrial complexes. Blanke, B. (ed.) 1991: Staat und Stadt. Systematische, vergleichende und problemorientierte Analysen ‘dezentraler’ Politik. Politische Vierteljahresschritt, special issue 22. Vale, Lawrence J. 1992: Architecture, power, and national identity.  相似文献   

Recently, from 21–25 October 2004, I participated in the Norway Social Forum (NSF). It was the most successful regional social forum that I have attended. The forum expressed what I call an autonomist electoral politics. Such a politics combines short‐term electoral tactics with long‐term social movement autonomy. Autonomist electoral politics outlines the direction that forthcoming local, regional and national forums should take. I use the example of the NSF to respond to Peter Marcuse’s article on social forums and social movements. Le Forum social norvégien (FSN) s’est tenu du 21 au 25 octobre 2004, et ce fut le forum social régional le plus réussi auquel j’ai participé. Il a exprimé ce que j’appelle une politique électorale autonomiste. Une telle politique allie des tactiques électorales à court terme et une autonomie des mouvements sociaux à long terme. Elle définit l’orientation que devrait prendre les forums locaux, régionaux et nationaux à venir. J’utilise ici l’exemple du Forum social norvégien pour répondre à l’article de Peter Marcuse sur les forums et mouvements sociaux.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Gans, Herbert J. 1991: People, plans, and policies: essays on poverty, racism, and other national urban problems. Leontidou, Lila 1990: The Mediterranean city in transition: social change and urban development. Plunz, Richard 1990: A history of housing in New York City: dwelling type and social change in the American metropolis. Sassen, S. 1991. The global city: New York, London, Tokyo. Shields, Rob 1991: Places on the margin: alternative geographies of modernity.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Amit-Talai, Vered and Henri Lustiger-Thaler (eds.) 1994: Urban lives: fragmentation and resistance. Morton Suzanne 1995: Ideal surroundings, domestic life in a working-class suburb in the 1920's. Hay den, Dolores 1995: The power of place: urban landscapes as public history. Rémy, Jean (ed.) 1995: Georg Simmel: ville et modernité. Bennani-Chraïbi, Mounia 1994: Soumis et rebelles: les jeunes au Maroc. Stébé, Jean-Marc 1995: La réhabilitation de l'habitat social en France.  相似文献   

Magri, S. 1972: Politique du logement et besoins en main d'?uvre. Pinçon, M. 1976: Les HLM. Structure sociale de la population logée, agglomération de Paris. Harvey, D. 1973: Social justice and the city Roberts, J. T. 1976: General improvement areas. Farnborough: National Community Development Project 1975: The poverty of the improvement programme. Lindberg, L. N., Alford, R., Crouch, C. and Offe, C. , editors, 1975: Stress and contradiction in modern capitalism. Perlman, J. E. 1976: The myth of marginality: urban poverty and politics in Rio de Janeiro. Granelle, J-J. 1975: La valeur du sol urbain et la propriété foncière: le marché des terrains à Paris.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Blowers, A., Brook, C., Dunleavy, P. and McDowell, L. editors, 1982: Urban change and conflict: an interdisciplinary reader. Cochrane, A., Hamnett, C. and McDowell, L. editors, 1982: City, economy and society: a comparative reader. Clavel, P. 1983: Opposition planning in Wales and Appalachia. Cox, K.R. and Johnston, R.J. editors, 1982: Conflict, politics and the urban scene. Elliott, B. and McCrone, D. 1982: The city: patterns of domination and conflict. Englander, D. 1983: Landlord and tenant in urban Britain 1838–1918. Epstein, A.L. 1981: Urbanization and kinship: the domestic domain on the Copper-belt of Zambia 1950–56. Eversley, D. and Kollmann, W. editors, 1982: Population change and social planning. Forrest, R., Henderson, J. and Williams, P. editors, 1982: Urban political economy and social theory. Gibson, M. S. and Langstaff, M. J. 1982: An introduction to urban renewal Gilbert, A. editor (in association with Hardoy, J. E. and Ramirez, R.) 1982: Urbanization in contemporary Latin America. Gilbert, A. and Gugler, J. 1982: Cities, poverty and development — urbanization in the third world. Healey, P., McDougall, G. and Thomas, M.J. editors, 1982: Planning theory: prospects for the 1980s. Maguire, C.C. 1981: International housing policies. Marcussen, L. 1982: Settlement in Turkey: a report on the politics of housing and urbanization. Schwerdtfeger, F. W. 1982: Traditional housing in African cities. Smith, M.P. 1980: The city and social theory. Starkie, D. 1982: The motorway age: road and traffic policies in postwar Britain. Thompson, F.M.L. editor, 1982: The rise of suburbia. Ward, P.M. editor, 1982: Self-help housing: a critique. Whitt, J.A. 1982: Urban elites and mass transportation: the dialectics of power. Wikan, U. 1980: Life among the poor in Cairo  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Anning, N. et al. 1980: Squatting: the real story. Bairoch, P. and Lévy-Leboyer, M. editors, 1981: Disparities in economic development since the industrial revolution. Diani, M. 1978: Déplacements quotidiens de main d'oeuvre et conflits dans la région milanaise. Freyssenet, M. 1979: Division du travail et mobilisation quotidienne de la main d'oeuvre. Les cas Renault et Fiat. Gudgin, G. and Taylor, P.J. 1979: Seats, votes, and the spatial organisation of elections. Merrill, R.L. 1981: Political redistricting and geographic theory. Hoffmann, G.W. editor, 1981: Federalism and regional development: case studies on the experience in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. Ravetz, A. 1980: Remaking cities. Rees, J., Hewings, C. J. D. and Stafford, H. A. editors, 1981: Industrial location and regional systems. Réseau ‘Modes de vie’ 1981: Approches sociologiques des modes de vie. Débats en cours. Rodwin, L. 1981: Cities and city planning. Simmie, J. 1981: Power, property and corporatism: the political sociology of planning. Sternlieb, G. and Hughes, J.W. 1981: The future of rental housing. Gilderbloom, J. editor, 1981: Rent control: a source book. Stewart, A. 1981: Housing action in an industrial suburb. Sutcliffe, A. editor, 1981: British town planning: the formative years.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Gutkind, P. C. W. and Wallerstein, I. , editors, 1977: The political economy of contemporary Africa. Mellor, J. R. 1977: Urban sociology in an urbanized society. Ragon, M. 1977: L'architecte, le prince et la démocratie: vers une démocratisation de l'architecture. d'Arvois, A. 1977: L'architecture du Prince. Dialectiques 20 Burlen, K. 1978: L'idéologique des architectes. Lamy, B. et Robirosa, A. 1976: Evolution de la profession d’ architecte. Stretton, H. 1976: Capitalism, socialism and the environment. Walton, J. and Masotti, L. H. , editors, 1976: The city in comparative perspective. Harloe, M. , editor, 1977: Captive cities. Brown, A. A., Licari, J. A., Neuberger, E. , editors, 1974; Urban and social economics in market and planned economies Wieviorka, M. 1977: L'état, le patronat et les consommateurs.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Bailey, J. 1980: Ideas and intervention: social theory for practice. Camhis, M. 1979: Planning theory and philosophy. Bassand, M. and Fragniere, J. P. 1978: Le pouvoir dans la ville. Dearlove, J. 1979: The reorganization of British local government: old orthodoxies and a political perspective. Hamilton, F. E. I. and Linge, G. J. R. , editors, 1979: Spatial analysis, industry and the industrial environment. Volume 1. Industrial systems. Townroe, P. M. 1979: Industrial movement. Experience in the US and the UK. Harrison, A. J. 1977: Economics and land use planning. Balchin, P. N. and Kieve, J. L. 1977: Urban land economics. Dechervois, M. and Théret, B. 1979: Contribution à l'étude de la rente foncière urbaine. Nelson, J. M. 1979: Access to power. Neutze, M. 1978: Australian urban policy. Saunders, P. 1979: Urban politics: a sociological approach.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviwed in this article: Marco d'Eramo 2002:, The Pig and the Skyscraper. Chicago: A History of Our Future. Winnie Lem and Belinda Leach 2002:, Cultures, Economy, Power: Anthropology as Critique, Anthropology as Praxis. John Eade and Christopher Mele (eds.) 2002:, Understanding the City: Contemporary and Future Perspectives. Jan Rath (ed.) 2002:, Unravelling the Rag Trade: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Seven World Cities. Herman L. Boschken 2002:, Social Class, Politics, and Urban Markets: The Makings of Bias in Policy Outcomes. Agnés van Zanten 2001:, L'Ecole de la Périphérie. Scolarité et Ségrégation en Banlieue. Thomas Phillipp 2001:, Acre: The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian City, 1730–1831.  相似文献   

P. Fischer 《Metrika》1972,18(1):199-208
Summary We shall deal with the inequality (2) and we prove among others the following results. Every solution of the inequality (2) is monotone increasing. Every solution of the inequality (2) is differentiable ifn≥3. A functionf satisfies the inequality (3) if and only if its saltus part and absolutely continuous part satisfy also the inequality (3). We give the general solution of (3) in the field of saltus function. Finally by the help of [Muszély] we give the general solution of (3). This results are generalisations of one ofJ. Aczél andJ. Pfanzagl.
Zusammenfassung Wir betrachten die Ungleichung (2) und beweisen die folgenden Ergebnisse. Die allgemeine L?sung der Ungleichung (2) ist monoton wachsend. Die allgemeine L?sung der Ungleichung (2) ist differenzierbar im Falle wennn≥3 ist. Wir geben also die allgemeine L?sung der Ungleichung (3) mit Hilfe von [Muszély]. Diese Ergebnisse sind Verallgemeinerungen des Resultats vonJ. Aczél undJ. Pfanzagl.

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