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Imperfectly competitive product markets cannot be informationally efficient as private information has strategic implications interfering with price adjustment. This is illustrated in a duopoly model with sequential price setting where private information either leads to prices not being adjusted to all available information or to adjusted but biased prices.  相似文献   

跨国公司与跨文化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈超 《经济论坛》2003,(17):38-39
经济全球化的发展使得跨国经营已成为当今世界经济中的一个普遍现象。跨国公司在商品、资本、技术跨越国界的同时,也跨越了文化。跨国公司要适应国外市场,就要正确理解各种因素对其经营管理活动的影响和作用。一个全球化的公司进入一个相对陌生的海外市场时,它面临的主要困难有文化差异、法律差异、语言和沟通障碍等,而文化差异又往往决定了企业国际化经营的成败。文化给企业开展国际经营带来了机遇,但更多的却是巨大的挑战。如何在多元文化下成功地进行跨国经营,一直是困扰跨国公司经营者的难题。一、对公司业务经营的影响1.文化差异影响公…  相似文献   

This paper extends the Brander-Spencer (1985) model by considering market uncertainty, exploring nonlinear policy, and examining firms' choices of strategic variables. By investigating the interrelationship between trade policy and market conduct, we find that unlike the often-studied linear policy, a nonlinear policy can influence the domestic firm's choice of strategic variables and hence alter the market conduct in favor of the domestic country. Therefore, a nonlinear policy proves strictly superior to a linear one.  相似文献   

我国跨国公司的发展方略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋亚非 《财经科学》2005,(2):181-187
中国企业"走出去"、开展跨国经营,是世界经济全球化迅速发展形势下,我国扩大对外开放和促进国民经济发展的重大举措,也是中国经济主动迎接经济全球化挑战、自觉参与经济全球化的需要.在借鉴国外跨国公司发展的成功经验基础上,从宏观对策和微观策略两个层面,提出了如何构建与培育我国的跨国公司的对策.  相似文献   

钱春海  韩燕 《当代财经》2007,(3):96-101
通过构建一个以东道国利益为核心的博弈理论分析模型,从静态与动态两个方面对跨国企业投资与东道国政策选择之间的均衡问题进行了研究.研究结果发现,在其他条件不变的情况下,东道国外资优惠政策的最优水平与资本缺口的大小以及对外资需求的迫切程度成正比,与投资环境的优越程度成反比.因此,对于东道国而言,外资政策应朝向合理、有效且注重优化投资环境的方向发展.  相似文献   

This paper examines equilibrium trade policies when firms have better information than governments about the profitability of the industry. Contrary to the intuition that the policymakers' lack of information should reduce their incentives to engage in strategic trade intervention, the analysis suggests that information asymmetries may increase trade policy distortions in equilibrium and ultimately worsen the "prisoner's dilemma" between governments.  相似文献   

Strategic Environmental Policy Under Incomplete Information   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper introduces incomplete information into recent analyses of strategic environmental policy. It is shown how asymmetric information between planners and producers affects national incentives to impose strategic environmental standards on domestic industries in international oligopolistic competition. Relative to the full-information case, incomplete information is likely to mitigate allocative distortions originating from strategic behaviour. A countervailing effect, tending to raise distortion, is however revealed from the analysis. This effect is absent when governments intervene in free trade through direct production subsidies. The results suggest that incentives to capture foreign rents are less reduced due to private information, when environmental standards, rather than direct production subsidies, are the strategic instrument.  相似文献   

Abstract A partial two country equilibrium model is built in which two different exogenous random shocks may occur. the governments simultaneously choose tariff functions relating their specific tariff to the level of an observable variable (volume of trade or international price). In the case of a “volume of trade shock” the Nash equilibria of this game are more protectionist the larger the possible trade swings and autarky is always an equilibrium outcome. In the case of a “terms of trade shock”, constant tariffs, at their Nash equilibrium in specific tariff levels are the only sensible equilibrium outcome.  相似文献   

一、经济全球化中的跨国公司 经济全球化的形成机理由若干方面的因素构成,主要的首先是以跨国公司为主力的微观经济主体的全球性逐利活动.国际上的对外直接投资活动主体是跨国公司,跨国公司成份主要是美、日、德、英、法等西方发达国家.对外直接投资的份额十分庞大,增长速度很快.仅近15年而言,国际直接投资就增加了6.5倍,到1998年底,累计余额达40000亿美元(<经济学家>1997 ;<联合国贸发会议统计>1999).西方发达国家的金融资产总额己达30多万亿美元,对外贸易中有80%左右是跨国公司内部贸易.人们预测,到2005年,世界商品和劳务出口总额将达114000亿美元.技术的跨国交易也主要是跨国公司的份额.商品和生产要素在世界不同地区的价格差异为跨国公司在全球追逐利润提供了空间,从而产生了对外投资、企业生产过程的跨国分解与全球配置,以及技术贸易.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the traditional entry mode choice of an incumbent monopolist facing entry by a single foreign firm. By allowing entry to be either via exporting or foreign direct investment and for the possibility of Stackelberg equilibria where firms can set quantities in one of two time periods, namely “early” or “late,” we find conditions where both Cournot and Stackelberg equilibria emerge endogenously. Furthermore, by introducing a simple linear tariff, we see that it not only affects the choice of exporting and FDI in a nonlinear way, but that it can also affect the type of equilibrium that emerges.  相似文献   

我国企业跨国经营的战略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
跨国公司是全球化背景下各国综合国力的重要标志,也是各国参与全球竞争的有力武器。加快发展跨国公司,努力缩小与发达国家的差距,是当前我国经济发展的重要任务,也是我国企业改革与发展的战略选择。本文剖析了我国企业跨国经营的现状与问题,提出了发展我国企业跨国经营的战略对策与建议。  相似文献   

跨国公司协调性知识转移的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨国公司在全球范围内的竞争优势,很大程度上取决于其对各经营节点强大的协调能力,而协调能力的本质是协调性知识。通过对江苏省103家跨国公司子公司的问卷调查,对跨国公司母公司对其在华子公司协调性知识转移的影响因素进行了实证研究。结果发现:因果模糊性负相关于协调性知识转移的有效性,吸收能力正相关于协调性知识转移的有效性;同时,吸收能力的提高有助于因果模糊性的降低。  相似文献   

In this paper imperfect meritocracy is defined as the appointment in the public sector of unsuitable (in the sense of merit) individuals for political reasons. After discussing the possible causes for the emergence of an imperfect meritocracy framework, the paper then sets the basis for an economic analysis of typical politicians' behaviour in such a framework. After deriving the demand for political appointments, the analysis verifies the intuitive insight that the number of political appointments falls when politicians are competent. Another main result is that the more votes an appointment carries through relatives and friends, the greater the demand for political appointments. Finally, it is shown that the demand for political appointments increases when taxation and the price index increase and that it falls when income increases.  相似文献   

Contingent — rather than secure — provisioning is the core of the institutions of capitalism. This differential access to means of life is a method of prodding labor force participation, considered “coercion” by “old” institutional economists and “freedom” by neoliberal thinkers. Status differentials, which are based on pay hierarchies and branded consumer goods, help reinforce the individual competition for differential rewards. Reform would require reconstituting the labor market, as well as financial institutions, and restructuring the rationales for income distribution.  相似文献   

潘春跃 《经济论坛》2004,(24):42-43,40
中国企业融入国际市场是中国经济走向世界的必由之路,也是企业追求高额利润和生产要素在全球范围内优化配置组合的必然结果。作为全球化主体的跨国公司在世界经济、技术领域中发挥着越来越重要的作用。因此,如何发展我国的跨国公司,增强国际竞争能力是一项十分紧迫而艰巨的任务。本文分析了中国企业跨国经营的现状,找出了存在的问题,提出了发展我国跨国公司的战略思考。  相似文献   

跨国公司进入中国,改变中国的社会结构、社会关系、制度法规和人的生存状况.可是,更重要的是它将如何改变中国的精神方向?不能任由跨国公司把我们带到丧失我们精神历史的未名地!中国当代的知识分子不仅仅要从与权、商勾结的网络中解救出来,更要从痴恋科学、技术、物质的百年迷思中挣脱出来.中国知识分子长期背负着巨大的精神包袱,它包含了诸如西方、民主、科学、真理、自由、平等、博爱、人权、法制、公民社会等一套又一套话语.这套观念究竟是在什么背景下理解的?又是如何被理解的?这个反思已经到了非做不可的时候了.  相似文献   

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