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This paper examines whether financial liberalization procedures introduced in Korea in the early 1990s succeeded in relaxing financing constraints on firms. Because external funds are more costly than internal funds in an imperfect capital market, corporate investments depend on the availability of internal funds. As financial liberalization mitigates constraints on firms, the sensitivity of investments to cash flow can be reduced. Using panel data on Korean firms, we found that cash‐flow effects on investment spending decreased drastically during the liberalization period. In particular, small, non‐chaebol and established firms that were severely constrained gained most from liberalization. Chaebol firms appeared to lose preferential access to credit after liberalization.  相似文献   

综述了有关财务比率行业差异的文献以及国内外主要的行业分类标准 ,在此基础上对我国 A股上市公司 2 0 0 1年的七个财务比率进行了分行业的统计分析 ,并使用单因素方差分析检验了财务比率的行业因素效果。研究结果显示 :除一个比率的行业效果不显著外 ,其余六个财务比率的行业效果均为显著  相似文献   

High-technology clusters have attracted the attention of researchers and policy-makers but studies have focused primarily on the computer, electronics and biotechnology industries; aerospace has attracted less attention. An example of a high-technology cluster based on aerospace is to be found in the East Midlands region of the UK. This paper analyses this cluster. The analysis focuses on the structure of the cluster and the implications of this structure for cluster dynamics. The impact of factors such as corporate strategy, industry evolution and technological trajectories on cluster development are analysed. Finally, the implications of cluster structure for economic development policy in the region are evaluated.  相似文献   

本文采用非参数方法对中国上市公司财务比率在行业间的差异性和行业内的收敛性进行了检验。结果表明,中国上市公司的财务比率存在显著的行业差异,总负债率、总资产周转率和存货周转率的行业差异相当稳定,而流动比率、净资产收益率和净利润率的行业差异不具有稳定性。我们所考察的六种财务比率都显著地向行业均值收敛,但调整成本和行业特性的差异导致了不同的财务比率具有不同的收敛速度。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of regulatory capital and several of its determinants (i.e., earnings, loan loss provisions, charge‐offs and growth) on bank managers' financing decisions and investors' interpretations of those decisions. The analysis is related to two streams of research. We add to the corporate finance literature that seeks to explain the market's reaction to security issuances by developing and testing a refined set of predictions of the demand for debt and equity capital using a sample of capital‐regulated firms (banks). We extend the accounting literature that links regulatory capital‐management decisions with bank performance by examining whether investors infer that performance. We find that bank managers' financing choices reflect their private information regarding the levels of regulatory capital, earnings, and charge‐offs in the issuance year. We document a negative market reaction to capital‐increasing issuances and a positive reaction to capital‐decreasing issuances. A cross‐sectional analysis of that market reaction indicates that investors infer managers' expectations of earnings in the issuance year.  相似文献   

Abstract: The ongoing financial crisis has raised concerns in many circles about a potential future wave of sovereign defaults spreading among developing countries and, therefore, the need for additional rounds of debt relief in poor indebted countries. This paper addresses this issue for a group of 31 International Development Association (IDA)‐only African countries, which are in a fragile debt situation. Using the most recent debt sustainability analyses (DSAs) undertaken for these countries by the World Bank and the IMF, this paper studies the potential adverse effect of the ongoing financial crisis on the countries’ debt burden indicators, as a function of the depth and length of the crisis. The latter is measured by the fall and the duration of such fall in exports revenues, and by the terms at which each country can obtain financing to muddle through the crisis period. The analysis underscores the importance of concessional financing for these countries, especially if the crisis proves to be a protracted one. This, because the likelihood of countries being able to muddle through the crisis without defaulting on their external debt decreases with the hardening of the financial conditions faced by them — alternatively, the size of the downsizing in domestic (fiscal) expenditures needed to ensure the service of their foreign debts increases with the tightening of financial conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: A monetarist model of inflation is estimated, incorporating recent developments in time series econometrics. The models compare the performance of both monetary base and a broader monetary aggregate, M3. It is shown that monetary base growth in the inflation model gives relatively stable results. Résumé: On fait l'estimation d'un modèle monétariste de l'inflation en y incorporant les événements de l'économie chronologiquement. Les modèles comparent la performance de la base monétaire et un agrégat monétaire plus large, en l'occurence la masse monétaire M3. I ressort de l'estimation que la croissance de labase monétaire dans le modèle d'inflation donne des résultants relativement stables.  相似文献   

最近,中国台湾力霸集团遭遇严重财务危机,即使在台湾当局宣布接管,"行政院长"、"财政部长"、"金管会主委"、"央行总裁"联名作保的情况下,5个工作日内还是挤兑了500亿新台币现金,这是近6年来岛内金融业最严重的挤兑事件.受此波及,岛内股市、汇市遭受重挫.短短一个月之内,台湾当局接连接管了3家商业银行,民众对银行业的状况忧心忡忡.此次事件在台湾掀起了一股"金融风暴",也引起了人们对台湾银行业的关注和思考.  相似文献   

Rank transformation of observations has been shown to be useful in linear modeling because the models so constructed are less sensitive to outliers and/or non-normal distributions than are models constructed using standard methods. In the present study, we apply rank transformations to financial ratios to improve the predictive usefulness of standard failure prediction models. Kane, Richardson, and Graybeal (1996) have shown that failure prediction can be improved by conditioning accounting-based statistical models on the occurrence of recession. Our results suggest that rank- transformed data models show additional improvement in prediction without the added cost of having to predict recession for the companies undergoing testing for potential failure.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we examine whether the occurrence of recession-induced stress is an incrementally informative factor that contributes to the predictive and explanatory power of accounting-based failure prediction models. We show that accounting-based statistical models used to predict corporate failure are sensitive to the occurrence of a recession. Moreover, after controlling for the intertemporally unconditioned “stressed” and “unstressed” types of corporate failure, we find that models conditioned on the occurrence of a recession still add incremental explanatory power in predicting the likelihood of corporate failure. This source-related characterization of stress appears distinct from other types of corporate failure that have been identified. Résumé. Les auteurs se demandent si l'occurrence du stress amené par la récession est un facteur qui apporte une information supplémentaire contribuant au pouvoir prédictif et explicatif des modèles de prévision des faillites reposant sur la comptabilité. Ils montrent que les modèles statistiques fondés sur la comptabilité utilisés pour prévoir les faillites des entreprises sont sensibles à l'occurrence d'une récession. De plus, une fois contrôlée la nature de la faillite de l'entreprise — faillite annoncée par le stress et faillite non annoncée par le stress sans conditionnement intertemporel —, les auteurs en viennent à la conclusion que les modèles conditionnés par l'occurrence d'une récession ont encore un pouvoir explicatif accru dans la prédiction de la probabilité de faillite de l'entreprise. Cette définition du stress liée à la source semble différente des autres types de faillite de l'entreprise qui ont été cernés.  相似文献   

低碳经济的影响在目前矿产资源产业竞争力评价研究中被广泛地忽略。基于石油天然气产业低碳竞争力因素,介绍并参考了联合国可持续发展委员会(UNCSD)提出的DSR模型,将指标体系分为目标层、准则层、指标层三个层次,并对评价指标进行解释。构建了一个低碳经济理念下的石油天然气产业竞争力的综合评价指标体系,为石油天然气产业的管理提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

直接法在考虑国际收支平衡表正常统计项目的基础上,通过对隐藏在贸易、直接投资等渠道中的资本流动进行合理调整,估算出中国金融资本流出流入规模.结果表明,中国正经历着金融资本的双向流动,且隐性资本流动占据主导地位.经济发展和人民币升值预期是影响资本流动的重要因素,放松资本管制在短期内难以缓解升值压力,长期内国内金融市场深化将促进金融资本有序正常流动.  相似文献   

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