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This paper examines the determinants of bid-ask spreads in the Australian Options Market before and after it switched from a quote-driven floor-traded market to an order-driven screen-traded market. This study reports that both put and call option bid-ask spreads are positively related to the option's value, its remaining term-to-maturity, its absolute hedge ratio and the volatility of returns from the underlying asset and negatively related to the level of trading activity in that option series. The study also reports that spreads are generally less when market makers are obliged to maintain continuous quotes in the market. The paper also finds that following the change in trading regime, both call and put option spreads became more sensitive to the absolute value of the option's delta. This finding is consistent with previous theoretical and empirical work from equities markets that has suggested that a switch to an electronic trading regime results in an increase in the adverse selection component of the bid-ask spread. There is also some limited evidence that suggests that the switch to electronic trading resulted in call option spreads being less sensitive to the return volatility of the underlying asset but more sensitive to the option's price.  相似文献   

Intraday Return Volatility Process: Evidence from NASDAQ Stocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the distributional and time-series properties of intraday returns. The purpose is to determine whether a GARCH model that allows for time varying variance in a process can adequately represent intraday return volatility. Our primary data set consists of 5-minute returns, trading volumes, and bid-ask spreads during the period January 1, 1999 through March 31, 1999, for a subset of thirty stocks from the NASDAQ 100 Index. Our results indicate that the GARCH(1,1) model best describes the volatility of intraday returns. Current volatility can be explained by past volatility that tends to persist over time. These results are consistent with those of Akgiray (1989) who estimates volatility using the various ARCH and GARCH specifications and finds the GARCH(1,1) model performs the best. We add volume as an additional explanatory variable in the GARCH model to examine if volume can capture the GARCH effects. Consistent with results of Najand and Yung (1991) and Foster (1995) and contrary to those of Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990), our results show that the persistence in volatility remains in intraday return series even after volume is included in the model as an explanatory variable. We then substitute bid-ask spread for volume in the conditional volatility equation to examine if the latter can capture the GARCH effects. The results show that the GARCH effects remain strongly significant for many of the securities after the introduction of bid-ask spread. Consistent with results of Antoniou, Homes and Priestley (1998), intraday returns also exhibit significant asymmetric responses of volatility to flow of information into the market.  相似文献   

Entry, exit, market makers, and the bid-ask spread   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The probability of entry and exit of dealers on the NASDAQ NationalMarket (NNM) is significantly affected by trading intensity,volatility and the quoted bid-ask spread. Entry and exit ofmarket makers is a pervasive phenomenon. Large-scale entry (exit)is associated with substantial declines (increases) in quotedend-of-day inside spreads, even after controlling for the effectsof changes in volume and volatility. The spread changes arelarger in magnitude for issues with few market makers; however,even for issues with a large number of market makers, substantialchanges in quoted spreads take place. The results are consistentwith the competitive model of dealer pricing.  相似文献   

We examine the role of market structure in identifying microstructure features of the NYSE.Euronext-LIFFE STIR futures market by comparing the ability of two bid-ask spread component models to explain bid-ask spreads. These two models differ only in their assumptions about whether or not market makers are present. The period we analyze includes data from pit-based trading alongside electronic market data. We explore how market structure affects the way private information influences bid-ask spreads and return volatility. A second part of our study employs intraday correlation to investigate these links in greater depth, while a third part looks at how private information and trading noise contribute to price evolution.  相似文献   

We study a sample of NYSE stocks that experienced a large one-day price change during 1992 and were reported as daily largest percentage gainers and largest percentage losers in the Wall Street Journal. The sample indicates significant reversals during the immediate post-announcement period. We test for market efficiency by using bid-ask spreads obtained from the transactions data for the days immediately after the announcement. The overall results indicate that the returns during the reversal period are less than the average bid-ask spread during the same time. We also find that major losers, firms with ?20 percent to ?50 percent event-date abnormal returns, experience price reversals generating returns that are significantly greater than the average bid-ask spread during that period. We interpret this result as consistent with the overreaction hypothesis. A test of a trading rule to exploit this overreaction is not profitable, providing support for weak-form market efficiency.  相似文献   

We examine high-frequency market reactions to an intraday stock-specific news flow. Using unique pre-processed data from an automated news analytics tool based on linguistic pattern recognition we exploit information on the indicated relevance, novelty and direction of company-specific news. Employing a high-frequency VAR model based on 20 s data of a cross-section of stocks traded at the London Stock Exchange we find distinct responses in returns, volatility, trading volumes and bid-ask spreads due to news arrivals. We show that a classification of news according to indicated relevance is crucial to filter out noise and to identify significant effects. Moreover, sentiment indicators have predictability for future price trends though the profitability of news-implied trading is deteriorated by increased bid-ask spreads.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the market microstructure of the European Climate Exchange, the largest EU ETS trading venue. The ECX captures 2/3 of the screen traded market in EUA and more than 90% in CER. Volume growth has averaged 277% in EUA between 2005 and 2009 and 724% in CER since 2007. Spreads range from €0.0188 to €0.0406 for EUA and €0.0276 to €0.0796 for CER. The median proportion of the spread due to adverse selection reaches 76% for EUA and 75% for CER. Realized volatility, bid-ask spreads and adverse selection costs decline with verified emission releases. Market impact estimates imply that an average trade will move the EUA market by 1.06 euro centimes and the CER market 1.45. The ECX is providing between 75% and 88% of price discovery for EUA trading and between 64% and 72% for CER. We find imbalances in the order book help predict returns for up to three days. A simple trading strategy that enters the market long or short when the order imbalance is strong is profitable even after accounting for spreads and market impact.  相似文献   

We show that after controlling for the effects of bid-ask spreads and trading volume the conditional future volatility of equity returns is negatively related to the level of stock price. This “leverage effect” is stronger for small, as compared to large, firms. We also document that while the essential characteristics of the relations between stock price dynamics and firm size are stable, the strengths of the relationships appear to change over time.  相似文献   

The arrival of public information in the U.S. Treasury market sets off a two-stage adjustment process for prices, trading volume, and bid-ask spreads. In a brief first stage, the release of a major macroeconomic announcement induces a sharp and nearly instantaneous price change with a reduction in trading volume, demonstrating that price reactions to public information do not require trading. The spread widens dramatically at announcement, evidently driven by inventory control concerns. In a prolonged second stage, trading volume surges, price volatility persists, and spreads remain moderately wide as investors trade to reconcile residual differences in their private views.  相似文献   

This paper explores seasonality in the UK stock market. It examines the impact of alternative company year-ends on returns as well as seasonality in bid-ask spreads and trading activity variables including volume, number and size of trades. Consistent with the evidence elsewhere, seasonal variation in stock returns and trading activity is established although there is little evidence of a seasonal pattern in relative bid-ask spreads. Trading rules based on the seasonal patterns do not suggest that seasonality can be exploited to earn excess profits.  相似文献   

最小价格变化单位是买卖价差的底线,设置过高会人为地提高买卖价差的水平,增加交易费用;过低又会降低市场深度,增加交易谈判成本,影响交易效率。对最优价格升降档位的设定,要综合考虑精度要求、合约乘数、交易谈判成本和实际买卖价差水平等因素;而以实际买卖价差的底线作为最小价格升降档位,能较好地避免人为抬高买卖价差的情况出现。  相似文献   

The post-split increase in daily returns volatility is less for AMEX stocks than for NYSE stocks. The exchange trading location is a significant factor in explaining the volatility shift even after stock price and firm size are considered. Furthermore, when measured on a weekly basis, there is no increase in AMEX stocks' returns volatility. These results suggest that measurement errors created by bid-ask spreads and the 1/8 effect, and also one or more of the elements that make the NYSE different from the AMEX, explain why the estimated volatility of daily stock returns increases after the ex split date.  相似文献   

The well-documented volatility smile phenomenon in the US options market has affected the option settlement practices of other markets. To settle Hang Seng Index (HSI) options, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange artificially builds in a piecewise linear “smile” or “sneer” volatility function, which is determined daily by market makers rather than directly by market forces. In this study, we investigate the time-varying settlement function and find the following economic determinants of the volatility function: lag parameters, current-day HSI returns, the distribution of HSI returns, transaction costs as proxied by the bid-ask spread, and the “Monday effect”. For evaluation purposes, we use as a benchmark the estimated piecewise linear volatility function as directly driven by market forces. The comparison analyses show that base volatilities set by market makers run somewhat high, while downside slopes are not steep enough. This results in the overpricing of the lion’s share of traded options. An economic determinants analysis of market-force-driven parameters reveals that market makers can better align artificial volatility parameters both by reducing reliance on the function parameters of prior days and by more precisely accounting for current-day HSI returns, option time-to-maturity, bid-ask spreads and buying pressure.  相似文献   

FX spreads and dealer competition across the 24-hour trading day   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the impact of competition on bid-ask spreadsin the spot foreign exchange market. We measure competitionprimarily by the number of dealers active in the market andfind that bid-ask spreads decrease with an increase in competition,even after controlling for the effects of volatility. The expectedlevel of competition is time varying, highly predictable, anddisplays a strong seasonal component that in part is inducedby geographic concentration of business activity over the 24-hourtrading day. Our estimates show that the expected addition ofone more competing dealer lowers the average quoted spread by1.7%  相似文献   

This study examines the price behaviour, trading volume and liquidity of stocks in the Canadian market at the time of options listing. Unlike some studies examining similar effects in the United States, the present one finds no evidence to indicate that either daily return volatility or trading volume is affected by the listing. Similarly, liquidity, as measured by the bid-ask spread, is unaffected. At the same time, cross-sectional tests indicate an inverse relationship between before-to-after trading volume and the before-to-after bid-ask spread.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 21 emerging and developed country currencies, we evaluate the impact of the Asian crisis on bid-ask spreads. While the crisis had widespread and uniform volatility effects, the spread effects were not uniform across emerging and developed country currencies. For Asian emerging markets, spreads widened and spread volatility increased significantly during the crisis, while developed markets spreads narrowed and spread volatility decreased significantly. We investigate the impact of more flexible and less flexible exchange rate regimes on bid-ask spreads using panel data. In general, countries with tightly-managed regimes have significantly lower spreads than countries with more freely-floating regimes, while controlling for the influence of other factors such as volatility. Asian developing market spreads are higher than spreads of the other countries, again, after controlling for the influence of other factors.  相似文献   

The bid-ask spread of stock prices is examined for a sample of dividend initiating firms. The average percentage and dollar bid-ask spreads increase significantly on the day preceding the Wall Street Journal Index announcement date, possibly reflecting, on average, the market maker's anticipatory uncertainty. The day -1 increase in spread is inversely associated with firm size, an information environment proxy, after considering the simultaneous effects of dividend yield, returns variance, dollar trading volume and share price. The average percentage spread declines significantly on day 0 from its day -1 level and remains lower, on average, over a 365 day post-announcement period than 90 day pre-announcement levels. Similar results are obtained for dollar spread averages. The post-announcement percentage spread decline suggests a resolution of uncertainty, and is positively associated with the dividend yield. Dividend initiation announcements appear to reduce informational asymmetry.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the impact of earnings announcements on implied volatility, trading volume, open interest and spreads in the stock options market. We find that implied volatility increases before announcement days and drops afterwards. Also option trading volume is higher around announcement days. During the days before the announcement open interest tends to increase, while it returns to regular levels afterwards. Changes in the quoted spread largely respond to higher trading volume and changes in implied volatility. The effective spread increases on the event day and on the first two days following the earnings announcement.  相似文献   

We examine the CBOE option market depth and bid-ask spreads. Absence of price effects surrounding large option trades suggests excellent market depth. However, bid-ask spreads for the CBOE options and the NYSE stocks are nearly equal, even though an average option is equivalent to less than half a stock plus borrowing. We explain this tradeoff between market depth and bid-ask spreads on the CBOE and the NYSE by differences in market mechanisms. We also show that the adverse-selection component of the option spread, which measures the extent of information-related trading on the CBOE, is very small.  相似文献   

Theories show that liquidity provision implies negative contemporaneous correlation between trades and returns. Dealers on the Taiwan Stock Exchange are granted typical dealer trading advantages without obligations to provide liquidity and, thus, are ideal to test whether these advantages lead to voluntary liquidity provision (earning bid-ask spreads) or information trading (trading in the direction of the market). We find a strong positive correlation in aggregate, implying that these unrestricted dealers prefer information trading. We also find that smaller dealers are more likely to provide liquidity and that small-cap stocks (with larger bid-ask spreads) are more profitable for liquidity provision.  相似文献   

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