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This study examines to what extent degrees of nudity presented in advertising differ across five countries (Brazil, China, South Korea, Thailand, and the U.S.). Content is examined by media type (TV vs. magazine) and product category (congruent vs. others). Results show that Thai and U.S. ads employ the highest degrees of nudity, whereas Chinese ads present the lowest degrees. Across all the countries, magazine ads and congruent-product ads employ higher degrees of nudity than TV ads and non-congruent product ads. The effect of product type on degrees of nudity is stronger in TV ads than in magazine ads and the interaction effect between media type and product type also varies across the countries. Our study provides richer and more specific implications for global advertising strategy with respect to representation of models and use of sex appeals.  相似文献   


In 2002, Yukos was the ideal investor for Slovak Transpetrol, as Yukos was one of the Russia's largest oil producers, and hence had enough oil to fill Transpetrol's pipelines. Just as important, Yukos was the standard-bearer for Russia's more transparent, well-managed oil sector. Unlike some Russian energy companies, Yukos' conduct never raised suspicions that it was acting as an agent for the Russian State in its former empire. Nevertheless, the situation at the beginning of 2005 is different from 2002. Yukos' forthcoming bankruptcy negates all those advantages because of which Yukos was welcomed as the strategic investor and leaves the Slovak Government with a lot of additional problems. For any decision that the Slovak Government would like to undertake, the agreement of the Russian side is necessary. No swift resolution is likely. Important decisions about the future of the respective oil industry may be made in Moscow rather than in Bratislava.  相似文献   

China will gradually boost overseas participation in its financial industry and move to more flexible systems of interest rates and foreign exchange in the next five years. The country is scheduled to raise the ratios of stakes foreign and private funds can invest in small- and medium-sized financial companies at a "proper" pace from 2006 to 2010, said Zhou Xiaochuan, China's central bank governor.  相似文献   

In this study the key elements of the WTO Doha Round are simulated and the main implications for international trade and national income are analysed. Based on negotiation information, three scenarios are designed. All scenarios encompass goods, services and agricultural liberalisation as well as trade facilitation. For goods liberalisation, a so‐called Swiss formula is used to cut bound tariff rates. Agricultural tariffs are cut according to a tiered linear formula. Attention has been given to the modelling of trade facilitation. Indirect as well as direct trade transaction costs are modelled. For simulation of the services liberalisation quantitative estimates of indirect trade barriers are used. The simulation results show that all regions in the aggregation gain in the simulated Doha scenarios, with a particularly strong result for developing countries. A conservative estimate is that global income increases with 0.2–0.7 per cent of initial GDP, depending on the level of liberalisation. Trade facilitation contributes the most to these results, with increased market access for non‐agricultural goods coming in second place. Overall, simulations indicate the importance of countries’ own liberalisation for their national income gains, and the importance of a broad‐based round.  相似文献   

网络环境下集团企业财务管理模式发生重大变化,财务结算速度提高、控制变得更加有力,但同时也带来了新的财务风险。针对集团企业管理链条长、监督环节不当、信息共享性差、资金周转不畅、母子公司目标不一等问题,网络环境下的集团企业对资金和会计人员都应实行统一管理;要加强预算管理,对企业经济活动实施实时控制;要加强投资管理,使投资带给企业利润最大化;要努力提高财务人员网络环境下的实际操作能力。  相似文献   

采用HNO3-H2O2消化样品,用氢化物发生原子荧光光谱法测定彩妆类化妆品中汞的含量。当汞的浓度处于0-10μg/L时,其浓度与原子荧光强度呈良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.9997。回收率为90.65%-98.92%。该方法简便快速,稳定性好,灵敏度高,可广泛应用于彩妆类化妆品中汞的测定。  相似文献   

羟丙基三甲基氯化铵壳聚糖在化妆品中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用2,3-环氧丙基三甲基氯化铵对壳聚糖进行改性,采用不同反应条件制备了一系列不同取代度的羟丙基三甲基氯化铵壳聚糖(HACC)。通过红外光谱、核磁共振谱对结构进行表征,IR谱图分析证实以N上取代为主。研究了产物的取代度、吸湿保湿性、抗菌性、pH稳定性、与表面活性剂的配伍性。  相似文献   

简要介绍了纳米技术在食品和化妆品中的应用,重点介绍了部分国际组织、国家或地区在食品和化妆品纳米材料标签标识方面的法规要求,尝试为我国食品和化妆品中纳米材料标签标识方面法规标准的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅猛发展,网络虚拟社会已经渗透到现实社会的各个角落。因此,虚拟社会管理越来越受到重视。在虚拟关系管理中,大学生网络舆情的监控与引导是一个重要方面。大学生网络舆情除了具有一般网络舆情的基本特征外,还具有影响广、情绪化、突发性等独特特征。对大学生网络舆情进行监控与引导,需要收集舆情信息并进行分析研判,了解舆情的产生及演化机制并进行安全预警与引导。  相似文献   


This research explores how a multiple intelligences approach can be used to build a global mindset among students in online international management courses. It draws upon research in the areas of global mindset, education, cognition and learning, and neuroscience to discuss how pedagogical tools and strategies relevant to each specific intelligence can contribute to cognitive complexity and cosmopolitanism. Suggestions are offered for online teaching methods that can incorporate the multiple intelligences in international management courses.  相似文献   

陈滢 《江苏商论》2012,(6):51-54
团购模式既填补了传统网络购物中美容、餐饮、娱乐等服务性消费较少的空白,也以其价格低廉的特点吸引了更多买家的加入。但由于缺少行业标准,缺乏规范管理,团购过程中出现了许多损害消费者利益的问题。因此建议通过建立团购市场行业标准,信用评价体系、保障金制度等方式,规范化管理网络团购市场。  相似文献   

化妆品中重金属的检测方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,化妆品俨然成了很多女性生活中的必需品,而很多生产商为了增强化妆品的功效,最大限度创造经济利益,在化妆品中有意或者无意地添加了铅、砷等重金属物质。因此,对化妆品中重金属的检测是非常有必要的。本文将通过对化妆品中重金属来源的分析,以及常见的检测方法的介绍,为后续科学研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

根据JJF1059-1999《测量不确定度评价与表示》对建立液相色谱-质谱测定方法的不确定度评定方式,对糖皮质激素的测定进行不确定度分析。通过对地塞米松测定过程建立数学模型,包括对称重、溶液配制等方面,其中在方法的不确定度评定过程中,应主要考虑不确定度贡献较大的分量,从而简化实验操作步骤,提高工作效率。通过对标准曲线、称量、标准溶液配制、实验人员、环境等因素引入的不确定度进行分析,置信区间为95%时,k=2,得出不确定度结果为UC=31.40mg/mL,地塞米松含量c=(397.45±32.66)mg/mL。  相似文献   

建立全自动测汞仪法检测食品、化妆品中汞含量。通过优化实验条件提高方法灵敏度、准确度和精密度。方法检出限为0.0803ng,加标回收率为89%~104%,RSD值在2.2%~4.5%之间。本方法操作简便,具有高灵敏度、准确度和精密度,可满足口岸快速通关检测要求。  相似文献   

We review the literature on bargaining and distribution experiments to investigate whether changes in stake size have significant effects on behaviour in laboratory/field settings. We conclude that experiments in this field do not lead to clear/common results. The joint presence of opposing factors (e.g., increasing relative risk aversion and increasing cost of fairness) might be one reason contributing to this. Moreover, we argue that variables such as subjects’ financial conditions, cognitive abilities, risk attitudes, loss-aversion, justice orientations, and relevant personality characteristics should be controlled in laboratory experiments to understand the effect of stake size on behaviour, more clearly. Finally, quasi-experiments using data from (very) high-stake games/events and meta-analysis studies should complement (individual) controlled experiments.  相似文献   

Ci Ci 《市场研究》2007,(6):21-23
<正>在线调研又称网上调研,网络调研,是一种利用网络来收集数据的方式,用于区别传统的电话访问、街头拦截等访问方式。  相似文献   

消费者民族中心主义问题是最近国内外学者比较关注的一个课题。本研究在前人研究的基础上,对我国化妆品消费者民族中心主义存在性问题进行实证研究。经分析,发现了我国化妆品消费者民族中心主义的存在性,并根据这些发现,对企业提出相关的营销策略建议。  相似文献   

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